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31 Dec 2005

A very cold and snowy (light so far) spell brings out the birds looking for accessible food. Here we start with a male blackbird.

Ref: d3c_26586 fb2 Blackbird male on snowy log 2005dec28_07-30-10.jpg

30 Dec 2005

One of the pheasant hens that habituate the plot. The other is much lighter so we call them the blond and the brunette, and often see them together. The male is about but never where we can get a photo.

Ref: d3e_28429 fb1 Pheasant female 2005dec25_08-53-08.jpg

29 Dec 2005

A pair of moorhen. The lack of colour in the left birds beak indicates it is not yet in full breeding colour. This is the pair from the main pond.

Ref: d3c_26564 fb2 Moohen Pair 2005dec24_16-13-16.jpg

28 Dec 2005

The Robin found his Christmas day afternoon snack by way of this unlucky worm. We really don't know how they find worms in the impacted sanded soil at the main feeding station, but we see a robin with a worm here a couple of times a year.

Ref: d3e_28439 fb1 Robin with worm on Xmas day 2005dec25_16-37-30.jpg

27 Dec 2005

Taken an hour after 'yesterdays' image there is still plenty on the table/log. For scale the log is about 8cm high at this point and the mouse can barely see over it.

Ref: d3c_26599 fb2 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) 2005dec23_23-09-12.jpg

26 Dec 2005

A fieldmouse (wood mouse) sized Boxing day supper. Even has blackberries out of the freezer for desert.

Ref: d3c_26588 fb2 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) 2005dec23_22-07-34.jpg

25 Dec 2005

LEFT: 2005 was the year of the Muntjac Deer. A fawn was raised in our 2 acres and we watched it grow up. This is Doe and Fawn in mid April in the garden backed by a carpet of forget-me-nots. The adolescent male fawn visits occasionally, but a similar age female visits almost every night & we have seen them together. RIGHT: These 2 robins have to be courting - the only time Robins tolerate each other let alone nuzzle each other. We have a number of pairs of robins nesting each year in the hedges (open boxes are a waste of time here) and they did well.

Ref: Xmas Card 2005 (web version).jpg

24 Dec 2005

The moorhen pair from the main pond, still wet and spattered with duckweed, are probably disappointed not to find any more food yet.

Ref: d3e_28408 fb1 Moorhen Pair 2005dec21_08-30-52.jpg

23 Dec 2005

This portrait of one of our moorhen shows the wonderfully sleek plumage of a moorhen in top condition ready for the onslaught of winter.

Ref: d3c_26558 fb2 Moorhen portrait 2005dec20_15-26-02.jpg

22 Dec 2005

A muntjac doe photographed just after dark at the weekend without the disturbance of the roofing works.

Ref: d3c_26574 fb2 Muntjac Deer Female 2005dec18_16-13-54.jpg

21 Dec 2005

The Round pond and its surroundings now bare of most leaves. The buddleia on the left of the island and others around the plot have not dropped their leaves despite some hard frosts - the brown seed-heads have been left for the birds. Interesting to compare with the image for 22 Sep 2005 in full leaf (still in the archive for a few weeks).

Ref: p20_1040549 Round pond seq 2005dec12_12-14-52.jpg

20 Dec 2005

A robin flying over the feeding area carrying a wisp of dried grass or similar, possibly to line a roosting nestbox or natural shelter.

Ref: d3c_26566 fb2 Robin in flight 2005dec16_16-39-26.jpg

19 Dec 2005

A pair of blackbirds are regular visitors. This is the female.

Ref: d3c_26621 fb2 Blackbird female 2005dec17_16-19-52.jpg

18 Dec 2005

The main photo kit is under a field maple tree. It was breezy this night and here a falling leaf has taken its own picture along with it's shadow from the flashgun. Leaves fall even in the darkness of 3 a.m.

Ref: d3e_28356 fb1 Falling Maple leaf with shadow 2005dec16_02-58-22.jpg

17 Dec 2005

The fieldmice (wood mice) are back at the main feeding station, here carrying off potato peel.

Ref: d3e_28310 fb1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) carrying potato peel 2005dec14_05-14-34.jpg

16 Dec 2005

A couple of rabbits nibbling the offerings. Typically half of our exposures include rabbits.

Ref: d3e_28292 fb1 2 Rabbits 2005dec13_19-31-12.jpg

15 Dec 2005

A robin inspecting a hole in the log for insects or spilled grain. Remember they don't have binocular vision but get the best view to the side.

Ref: d3c_26554 fb Robin (retouched) 2005dec12_16-30-12.jpg

14 Dec 2005

Carrion crows still around and sometimes looking over last years nesting tree, so have hopes for the next season.

Ref: d3e_28315 fb1 Carrion Crow 2005dec11_08-52-52.jpg

13 Dec 2005

This image from February shows what we see now through the scaffolding at the end of the day when there is no light to photograph them. We let the Teasels run wild in patches and many finches spend hour on them picking out the seeds.

Ref: d30_04600 Goldfinch on Teasel 2005feb09_13-04-12.jpg

12 Dec 2005

On the other hand nothing seems to perturb the Robins.

Ref: d3c_26550 fb2 Robin with wings open 2005dec07_07-07-40.jpg

11 Dec 2005

While the Muntjac Doe keeps appearing we are happy to see her. She is turning up regularly in dark despite the day being full of disturbances while we are having the roof reslated.

Ref: d3c_26537 fb2 Muntjac Deer Female 2005dec05_18-15-40.jpg

10 Dec 2005

Robin appearing to fly straight at the camera. Imagine being that size and seeing that coming at you.

Ref: d3e_28053 fb1 Robin in Flight 2005dec01_16-24-10.jpg

09 Dec 2005

Female Blackbird perched on the feeding station log.

Ref: d3c_26516 fb2 Blackbird female 2005nov30_07-13-20.jpg

08 Dec 2005

Yuletide log?

Ref: d3c_26427 fb2 Robin 2005nov28_16-22-48.jpg

07 Dec 2005

First proper photo of the Muntjac Doe at the feeding site near the house.

Ref: d3e_27889 fb1 Muntjac Deer Female 2005nov28_17-58-12.jpg

06 Dec 2005

Our pair of moorhen are seeing off all-comers on the main pond. Here in a more tranquil moment looking for breakfast

Ref: d3e_27925 fb1 2 moorhen 2005nov29_07-31-00.jpg

05 Dec 2005

The Muntjac deer female looking for food covered by the leaf litter.

Ref: d3c_26431 fb2 Muntjac Deer Female in leaf litter 2005nov26_04-13-00.jpg

04 Dec 2005

One of dozens of nice portraits of robins among the fallen leaves.

Ref: d3c_26399 fb2 Robin in Leaf Litter (crop) 2005nov25_15-29-30.jpg

03 Dec 2005

A Dunnock among the autumn leaf litter.

Ref: d3c_26351 fb2 Dunnock 2005nov22_12-27-26.jpg

02 Dec 2005

After a day with the flash not firing, the Muntjac Doe again graces us with her presence.

Ref: d3c_26308 fb2 Muntac Deer Female 2005nov22_02-04-06.jpg

01 Dec 2005

The goldfinches arrived mid November and made straight for the teasel seed heads. On a still but frosty morning this little creature looked so alone high up in our tallest tree. You can see the normal sleek look is replaced by plumped out feathers.

Ref: d60_05870 Goldfinch high in frosty black poplar 2005nov20_10-03-16.jpg



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