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31 Aug 2010

This hobby did a nice flyover and circle. The first shot (poor quality not shown) suggest that it had just caught a dragonfly and transferred it from talon to beak, and was circling for a minute to see if there were any more.

Ref: DF1_20100717_0908_070 Hobby in flight (crop).jpg

30 Aug 2010

This Female Banded Demoiselle (females do not have the wing bands) was our guest for a few pics. The first is a 'head and wing' view of the underneath of the insect flying nearly straight upwards. The twist of their wings in flight is very evident as are the green eyes.

Ref: DA1_20100719_1500_009_FT1 Banded Demoiselle damselfly female in flight viewed from underneath (crop).jpg

And how she might appear in flight if your eyes could capture an image at the approximately 0.03 mS flash duration.

Ref: DA1_20100719_1501_012+1552_107_FT1 Banded Demoiselle damselfly female in flight with Hawthorn twig (montage).jpg

29 Aug 2010

This Migrant Hawker Dragonfly, an immature female, was the first of the year reported in this area.

Ref: DA1_20100719_1512_061+1553_115_FT1 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly imm female in flight caught 20100718 with Hawthorn (montage).jpg

28 Aug 2010

Apparently Great tits and Bluetits occasionally produce a second brood.. Maybe all the peanut feeders & other food offerings we provide speed up raising the first brood, because we are seeing multiple batches of new young tits at the kitchen window feeders, and here 50m away at the tree stump they photograph themselves. This is a montage of a young Bluetit and young Great Tit photographed about an hour apart but in their actual positions.

Ref: D35_20100724_1032_042+1139_047_FB4 Young Bluetit landing + Young Great tit standing on tree stump (montage).jpg

27 Aug 2010

Lifting a sheet of corrugated iron at the side of the meadow area revealed this somnolent grass snake. Only visible from the other side is a 'mouse size' bulge in the body and we assume it was quietly digesting a meal before being so rudely disturbed.

Ref: P02_20100724_1025_217 Coiled grass snake digesting meal (under corrugated iron).jpg

26 Aug 2010

Swallows remain a rarity this year, seen as the odd bird perhaps a few times a week. This one chose an overcast day to go chasing after an (invisible) insect overhead. The bland sky doesn't provide the reference points to montage accurately, so we sort of guess/try and make it look nice. We expect reality would spread them out more horizontally but you get a feel for the twisting & turning. The tail and the 'pins' are spread much wider than we normally see.

Ref: DF1_20100712_1753_006-0011 Swallow in flight hunting overhead 1-6 of 7 (arbitrary montage at about 7fps)).jpg

25 Aug 2010

A female Banded Demoiselle damselfly decorating the blackthorn hedge at our North east boundary.

Ref: DF1_20100714_1747_222 Banded Demoiselle damselfly female on Blackthorn hedge (crop).jpg

24 Aug 2010

A Large Red Damselfly but as yet without the typically red eyes. Many odonata vary hugely in colour as they age.

Ref: DA1_20100710_1519_048+1635_190_FT1 Large Red Damselfly male in flight with hop sedge (montage).jpg

23 Aug 2010

Unable to choose between the various images we took of this individual, here is a montage as they actually appeared in their frames over about 2 minutes. An unusually obliging flyer.

Ref: DA1_20100710_1536_104+1537_113+1538_122_FT1 Comma Butterfly in Flight (artistic montage).jpg

22 Aug 2010

Small Tortoiseshell butterflies used to be abundant here, but we now see 'a few'. The underwing is a completely different dark brown.

Ref: DA1_20100710_1557_163+1636_204_FT1 Small Tortoiseshell butterfly in flight with Thistle flower heads (montage).jpg

21 Aug 2010

A 'Ruddy Darter' dragonfly caught over the sedge at Duck pond who we 'invited' in for a few minutes for some photos in flight.

Ref: DA1_20100710_1559_175+1635_192_FT1 Ruddy Darter Dragonfly mature male in Flight with Hop sedge (montage).jpg

20 Aug 2010

Continuing images from yesterdays female Sparrowhawk ...
"I see you!"

Ref: DC1_20100712_1611_050 Sparrowhawk female on Horizontal River Birch branch staring at camera (crop).jpg

A very relaxed hunt mostly spent with one foot drawn up into the feathers, she was keeping her eye on something to the right she finally quietly put both feet down and suddenly plunged to the right. Left hand image is 9 minutes before the right pair, which is an accurately positioned montage perhaps a second apart.

Ref: DC1_20100712_1606_013+1615_077+1616_078 Sparrowhawk female hunting from Horizontal River Birch branch (montage).jpg

19 Aug 2010

This female Sparrowhawk spent about 15 minutes standing on a 4m high branch about 15m from the house.

Ref: DC1_20100712_1607_028 Sparrowhawk female on Horizontal River Birch branch (crop).jpg

Scatching with that talon looks nearly as dangerous as a cut-throat razor!

Ref: DC1_20100712_1609_042 Sparrowhawk female on Horizontal River Birch branch scratching face with talon (crop @576).jpg

18 Aug 2010

On a patch of desiccated grass in the back garden, this grasshopper obligingly allowed us a few images before hopping off. We think it is a Lesser Marsh Grasshopper but we are not knowledgeable enough to be sure. Note the stunning and colour match with dead grass (like it is at the bottom of rank grass) even though produced by different materials.

Ref: DF1_20100711_1228_096 (prob) Lesser Marsh grasshopper (crop).jpg

17 Aug 2010

We thought the spread tail and generally perky look made an unusual view of this Juvenile Great spotted woodpecker.

Ref: D3B_20100704_1746_026_FB3 Great Spotted woodpecker Juvenile.jpg

16 Aug 2010

This Broad bodied Chaser is one of the unmistakable dragonflies. Only the male of this species has the blue pruinescence - a powdery blue coating that gets patchy over the weeks that the insect lives.

Ref: DF1_20100705_1119_014 Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly male on desiccated stem (crop).jpg

15 Aug 2010

The return of the high resolution & richly coloured (not enhanced) fox.

Ref: D3A_20100708_2212_057_FB2 Fox showing claws with good colour and about 12 burrs.jpg

3 days earlier at the same site - a badger made a long awaited reappearance at this high resolution camera site.

Ref: D3A_20100705_2323_022_FB2 Badger.jpg

14 Aug 2010

An adult moorhen in a typical stance creeping along the pond margin, big feet spread to support the birds weight on the submerged vegetation.

Ref: DC1_20100704_1301_048 Moorhen adult stepping over iris fronds with duckweed (crop).jpg

The moorhen on the main pond have produced 7 young for their second brood, so with the 2 juveniles still about we sometimes have 11 of the birds on the water. This juvenile was clambering over the foliage full of 'joie de vivre'

Ref: DC1_20100705_1219_001 Moorhen Juvenile scrambling over water level iris fronds.jpg

Probably Mum with the two she is looking after, while the Father as usual finished the incubation and looks after 'the rest'. Its an effective strategy that helps the odds against predators and food supply.

Ref: DC1_20100706_1129_013 Moorhen (prob female) with first 2 chicks of second brood.jpg

13 Aug 2010

A beautiful Emperor dragonfly female depositing eggs. The only image we got before she flew off for no obvious reason - this was taken from at least 5 meters away - it's possible to get much closer when there isn't water in the way!

Ref: DF1_20100709_1758_014 Emperor Dragonfly female laying into Duck Pond (crop).jpg

12 Aug 2010

We had a photograph of a Whitethroat with caterpillar on 26 May 2010, so this one a month later must be another family.

Ref: D45_20100625_1956_037_FB1 Lesser Whitethroat (Q) with caterpillar in beak (crop).jpg

11 Aug 2010

Most moths are little brown or grey creatures ... but this psychedelic beastie is called an Elephant Hawk Moth. They love honeysuckle but we decided to show this moth unadorned.

Ref: DA1_20100627_1434_038_FT1 Elephant Hawk Moth in Flight (crop).jpg

The range of yellow underwing moths are always startling as they change from a drab brown into a brilliant yellow-orange display that frightens off many potential predators.

Ref: DA1_20100627_1429_019+1522_208_FT1 Yellow Underwing Moth in Flight with Hawthorn twig (montage).jpg

10 Aug 2010

The Buff tip moth has an incredible camouflage when on wood - it looks like a broken twig end. Doesn't work so well on this leaf but you get to see it's intricacy.

Ref: DA1_20100627_1453_104_FT1 Buff-tip moth hanging from Hawthorn leaf (crop).jpg

Here in flight.

Ref: DA1_20100627_1444_076+1523_218_FT1 Buff-Tip Moth in Flight with Hawthorn twig (montage).jpg

And finally from 11 years ago we had completely forgotten finding this pair mating on grass stems taken with an early digital camera working at less than 1 M pixel and writing the results to a floppy disc!

Ref: MVC_19990707_0546_545 Moth Buff-Tip Pair Mating (crop).JPG

09 Aug 2010

The damselflies are busy mating and laying. Mating couples often get harassed by other males wanting (and sometimes managing to get) the female for themselves.

Ref: DF1_20100627_1125_118 Mating azure damselflies with another male trying to interfere (crop).jpg

08 Aug 2010

Single frame of some sort of Great Spotted woodpecker family squabble

Ref: D3B_20100626_0616_037_FB3 2 Great spotted woodpecker juveniles squabbling & adult female (left) (crop).jpg

07 Aug 2010

Ringlet Butterflies are new to us here in the last few years and this year are in good numbers. This is the insect in flight with the low clover flowers they tend to flitter between.

Ref: DA1_20100627_1630_289+1642_328_FT1 Ringlet Butterfly in flight with Clover flowers (montage).jpg

And here against a Hawthorn hedge backdrop where we also see them.

Ref: DA1_20100702_1243_053_FT1 Ringlet butterfly in flight against Hawthorn foliage (crop).jpg

06 Aug 2010

The Sparrowhawk usually goes for birds IN the hedge rather than on the feeders, so we were lucky to get this image of one coming in to spend about a minute on the perch by one of the nut feeders.

Ref: D3B_20100629_1757_003_FB3 Sparrowhawk female (crop).jpg

05 Aug 2010

We have been seeing male Banded demoiselles damselflies fluttering around the sunlit hedges for a few days. Here is one brought in for a little photo session.

Ref: DA1_20100630_1417_001+1444_036_FT1 Banded Demoiselle Damselfly male in flight with blackthorn twig (montage).jpg

A few days later we got our first sight of the year of the ladies, this one photographed at rest in the sunshine, catching the light unusually well.

Ref: DF1_20100703_1152_024 Banded Demoiselle Damselfly female on blackthorn hedge in sunlight (crop).jpg

04 Aug 2010

The adult female Green Woodpecker likes our meadow post and we rather like this take off sequence when she left. The birds at the left are about 130mS apart

Ref: D01_20100627_1857_041-43 Green woodpecker female & and leaving meadow post (positionally accurate montage).jpg

03 Aug 2010

Dragonflies end their 2 or 3 year life as predatory aquatic larvae by crawling up a plant stem and emerging from a pupal case (Exuvia) to expand into the flying insect. This image shows the intricacy of the case including transparent eyes and the strands which are insides of the breathing spiracles. The insect exited out of the upper back. Thanks for Rory for the gift of the Exuvia from his garden pond.
If you are interested in more detail we photographed an exit sequence of a different dragonfly species in 1999 (with far inferior equipment) which you can see at Dragonfly Emergence sequence

Ref: D12_20100624_1228_008 Southern Hawker Dragonfly Exuvia side (@ Rory Morrisey) (RGB) (crop).jpg

02 Aug 2010

Our first definite Emperor Dragonfly at our site. This is the glorious male on Hop sedge on the island of Duck Pond.

Ref: DF1_20100625_1637_108 Emperor Dragonfly male (crop).jpg

01 Aug 2010

A juvenile Great Tit out of the nest for a week or two now looks so sweet.

Ref: D35_20100619_2002_009_FB4 Juvenile Great Tit.jpg

Meanwhile this Dunnock adult is obviously still hard at work collecting food for his chicks somewhere nearby.

Ref: D35_20100624_1336_028_FB4 Dunnock carrying insect or spider in beak.jpg



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