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31 Jul 2012

3 Adult Jackdaws doing we know not what.
Enjoy that glorious plumage.

Ref: D5C_20120615_1751_053_FB2 3 Jackdaws confronting each other.jpg

The jackdaws have done very well this year. Although we do see large numbers together, the 'family group' of 3 to 5 birds is more typical - mum + dad + sprogs.

Ref: DF1_20120624_1758_193 Family group of 4 Jackdaws.jpg

30 Jul 2012

Within the same 30 minutes this Chaffinch male got photographed at 3 stages in his landing approach. Horizontally stretched spacings.

Ref: D35_20120623_1810_101+1806_100+1644_073_FB4 Chaffinch male landing on tree-stump (horizontally stretched montage of 3).jpg

Male chaffinch flying off with another mouthful of food.

Ref: D45_20120626_1637_052_FB1 Chaffinch male taking-off (crop).jpg

29 Jul 2012

The pattern on the breast seems more broken than the usual horizontal bars, so we assume that this is a young Sparrowhawk. It is perched on a long-dead branch of a 90 year old apple tree photographed through the conservatory window.

Ref: DF1_20120627_1735_006 Sparrowhawk on dead branch in orchard (crop).jpg

This Buzzard seems to be carrying the remains of some sort of bird. It is obviously taking it back to youngsters - at other times of year they consume the whole item near to where they catch it.

Ref: DF1_20120623_1614_054 Buzzard carrying bird prey (crop).jpg

28 Jul 2012

A male chaffinch being watched, we only noticed later, by the female on the right peeping over the stone.

Ref: D45_20120620_1857_122_FB1 Chaffinch male flies by watching female.jpg

Possibly the same male landing in a flurry of wings on the top of a fir cone.

Ref: D45_20120615_1934_098_FB1 Chaffinch male landing on fallen fir cone (crop).jpg

A male Chaffinch attacking a female from another pair?

Ref: D3B_20120620_1424_146_FB3 Chaffinch male in flight attacking (q) female on perch (crop).jpg

27 Jul 2012

On the hedge outside the living room, a Bluetit collects insects to feed this chick.

Ref: DF1_20120617_1110_005-007 Bluetit feeding chick in hedge top 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg

A closer look at another mouthful.

Ref: DF1_20120617_1110_016 Bluetit feeding chick in hedge top 2 of 8 (crop).jpg

The ever gaping maw of the Bluetit chick in the background, demanding that tiny grub.

Ref: DF1_20120617_1110_027 Bluetit parent collecting food for begging chick in background (crop).jpg

Would butter melt in this Bluetit chick's beak?

Ref: DF1_20120617_1111_034 Bluetit chick with parent in foreground (crop).jpg

26 Jul 2012

Read this sequence top left to top right, bottom left to bottom right, as a Red Kite fancied the prey the Buzzard (top) was carrying but didn't get any. The prey is probably a rabbit.

Ref: DF1_20120617_1455_077-082 Buzzard carrying prey in claws harassed by Red Kite (below) 09-14 of 18 (montage @ 7fps).jpg

25 Jul 2012

The first Bee-swarm we have seen here in our 20 years here.
We shut all the windows 'just in case' - a house full of bees didn't appeal. This is the swarm shortly after being noticed outside the conservatory. There were clearly many thousands of bees, but not making as much 'buzz' as we expected from experience with small numbers.

Ref: P10_20120619_1216_657 Bee swarm outside conservatory forming cluster in bush before departing 2 of 9 (crop).jpg

Over 20 minutes the thousands of bees formed a cluster in a bush about 10 metres from the conservatory. They were behaving so quietly we went out for a careful look. This image is of most of the bush using flash so you can see the cluster in the shade. You could walk by and not notice.

Ref: P10_20120619_1240_678 Bee swarm outside conservatory forming cluster in bush before departing 8 of 9 (crop).jpg

Detail of the bottom of the cluster in natural light.

Ref: P10_20120619_1230_676 Bee swarm outside conservatory forming cluster in bush before departing 7 of 9 (crop).jpg

All gone 3 Hours later - we missed the departure. If we hadn't seen the swarm in flight from the conservatory we would almost certainly not have known anything had happened.

Ref: DF1_20120619_1547_130 Bee swarm outside conservatory forming cluster in bush before departing 9 of 9 (crop).jpg

24 Jul 2012

Instead of the Moon watching Hare, how about A stargazing Jackdaw?

Ref: D5C_20120620_1829_073_FB2 Jackdaw perched on displaced log (crop).jpg

A different Jackdaw stomping across the site

Ref: D5C_20120620_1846_074_FB2 Jackdaw striding across site.jpg

On the perch by the peanut feeder this young jackdaw is undoubtedly waiting to be fed, but they quickly learn how to peck out the food!

Ref: D3B_20120618_1446_017_FB3 Young Jackdaw.jpg

23 Jul 2012

A juvenile Wren searching the hedge for insects.

Ref: DF1_20120620_0632_158 Young wren in hedge top (crop).jpg

22 Jul 2012

A female Four-Spotted chaser dragonfly was laying eggs in the Duck-shaped pond and then stopped for a rest. We hadn't seen one since the sequence in May 1999 (see Dragonfly Emergence) and a male in 2009.

Ref: DF1_20120620_1502_231 Four-spotted chaser dragonfly female (crop).jpg

Here the female Four-Spotted chaser is perched on a Dogwood stem.

Ref: DF1_20120620_1502_243 Four-spotted chaser dragonfly female (crop 1).jpg

Detail of the head and legs of the female Four-Spotted chaser perched on a Dogwood stem.

Ref: DF1_20120620_1502_243 Four-spotted chaser dragonfly female (crop 2).jpg

21 Jul 2012

Leopard Slug mucus for the Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) to lick!

Ref: D5C_20120610_0037_172_FB2 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) inspecting Leopard Slug.jpg

20 Jul 2012

We like these corn-on-the-cob sections, and the Grey squirrel here likes them as well. These two images 5 minutes apart.

Ref: D5C_20120610_1634_212+1639_213_FB2 Grey Squirrel eating corns from cooked cob 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg

19 Jul 2012

A really busy male Kestrel (not the atypically barred-tail individual seen in the winter) hunting the pasture to our west from the 11kV power cables.

Ref: DF1_20120610_0801_065 Kestrel male on high voltage cables.jpg

The male kestrel seemed to move to a new position at least once a minute - here he is in amongst a complicated 'T'-junction of cables on the 11kV power system.

Ref: DF1_20120610_0801_070 Kestrel moving about at 11kV T-junction (crop).jpg

18 Jul 2012

A pair of Large Red Damselflies taking a rest from laying. The male is on the left clasping the female with the special claspers on his tail tip that only lock onto the correct species female.

Ref: DF1_20120610_1233_222 Pair of large Red Damselflies coupled on leaf (crop).jpg

17 Jul 2012

Over 15 minutes this Grey Squirrel guarded the slice of apple while it gobbled down the corn and other high protein stuff, before carrying the apple away with it

Ref: D35_20120612_1644_042+1703_046_FB4 Grey Squirrel guarding apple segment while it eats corn mix 1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg

Next day this Bluetit arrived first at the freshly replenished site.

Ref: D35_20120613_1746_083_FB4 Bluetit arrives at freshly baited tree-stump top.jpg

16 Jul 2012

No idea what was going on here.

Ref: D5C_20120611_1757_006_FB2 Chaffinch male turning in flight over Grey Squirrel (crop).jpg

The Squirrel looks fine with this picture either way up, even if the peanut feeder doesn't. This is the reality!

Ref: D3B_20120612_1839_070_FB3 Grey Squirrel hanging from perch.jpg

15 Jul 2012

This pristine young Robin will have to wait to get his red breast.

Ref: D45_20120612_0748_077_FB1 Young Robin.jpg

14 Jul 2012

A male Chaffinch flying into the site giving an early Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) a fright.

Ref: D45_20120612_1851_117_FB1 Chaffinch male flying over fleeing Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) (crop).jpg

13 Jul 2012

One Great Spotted Woodpecker chick has been fed peanut fragments (along with more natural insects and grubs) by its Dad for hours on end at this feeder. Here is a typical encounter.

Ref: DF1_20120613_0959_102+1000_106+114 Great Spotted Woodpecker male feeding juvenile on perch 03+07+15 of 16 (montage).jpg

2 hour later the juvenile flew straight at the kitchen window and landed stunned on the grass a few feet from the wall. Here it is having a rest for a few minutes before flying off while we watched out for cats etc. It did the same again next day, but a much lighter impact allowed it to fly away without stopping.

Ref: DF1_20120613_1236_340 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile after flying into window after being fed (crop).jpg

Next day we enjoyed this 'hang by one foot' technique by the adult to feed the juvenile waiting impatiently on the post !

Ref: DF1_20120614_0708_441 Great Spotted Woodpecker male feeding juvenile 02 of 10 (crop).jpg

12 Jul 2012

Some Bluetit chicks are now being fed peanuts at the feeder.

Ref: DF1_20120613_1238_361 Bluetit extracting peanut fragment for chick hanging from edge of table (crop).jpg

Another Bluetit chick begging for food.

Ref: DF1_20120613_1240_372 Bluetit youngster begging (crop).jpg

11 Jul 2012

Great Tit in possession of the tree-stump top making it very clear to the Bluetit that it is not welcome.

Ref: D35_20120604_1815_037_FB4 Great Tit on Tree-stump top threatening Bluetit clinging to side.jpg

10 Jul 2012

We know Wood Pigeons can be a menace for farmers (and indeed our own vegetable bed), but pigeons are wonderful birds, great flyers, look lovely and produce a variety of re-assuring 'coos'.

Ref: D45_20120604_1939_057_FB1 Wood Pigeon.jpg

This pair of Wood Pigeons are often around the house in treetops, post tops etc. Here they are mutually preening on the back of a seat.

Ref: DF1_20120605_1017_175+185+196+207 Wood pigeon pair mutual preening on seat back 2-5 of 5 (montage).jpg

09 Jul 2012

As summer approaches male Mallard ducks start shedding their glorious mating colours and moult into 'Eclipse'. He will grow his wonderful new set come Autumn. Summer visitors to parks never see them in their glory.

Ref: D45_20120604_1843_041_FB1 Mallard duck male moulting to eclipse.jpg

08 Jul 2012

We have seen Grey Partridge about the farmland, but this one came through and was seen for a couple of days at this site. We can't see the distinguishing marks to tell us which sex.

Ref: D45_20120607_0704_219_FB1 Grey Partridge (crop).jpg

Next day another sighting, possibly of the same individual Grey Partridge, but we can see the large dark patch on the belly indicating that this is a male.

Ref: D45_20120608_1609_080_FB1 Grey Partridge male.jpg

07 Jul 2012

Lots of rain has produced some interesting raindrop patterns, including this delightful Wild Rose flower. No fiddling - this is how we found it.

Ref: P10_20120602_1231_620 Wild rose flower covered in raindrops (crop).jpg

06 Jul 2012

Half an hour after the Spring dawn these two Grey Squirrels seem to be starting their day with a 'quickie'.

Ref: D5C_20120604_0536_278_FB2 Grey squirrels mating (q) (crop).jpg

05 Jul 2012

The skin of the piece of apple will get eaten by something, but this squirrel prefers the soft flesh. Reminds us of finishing a Mango!

Ref: D5C_20120525_1855_086_FB2 Grey Squirrel nibbling apple flesh from peel (crop).jpg

A moment from one of the seemingly endless skirmishes and chases between the (at least) 4 squirrels on the site.

Ref: D5C_20120526_1857_145_FB2 Grey Squirrel leaping towards camera (crop).jpg

04 Jul 2012

3 little innocents - taking a break from ripping the bark off trees or chasing each other madly in circles!

Ref: D5C_20120522_1833_076_FB2 3 Grey Squirrels (crop).jpg

What's under here?

Ref: D5C_20120522_1904_081_FB2 Grey Squirrel rolling away the log.jpg

A week later trying a different techniques with the log laying the opposite way round.

Ref: D5C_20120529_1926_083_FB2 Grey Squirrel rolling the log.jpg

03 Jul 2012

A Male pheasant showering himself with dusty soil from the end of the early potato row. Oh well - all of the pheasants pick this one place near the house, so the damage is limited. We also see plumes of ash from the middle of the meadow when they bath in the remains of the bonfire ash.

Ref: D01_20120528_1222_036 Pheasant male dust bathing (crop).jpg

02 Jul 2012

One of the female Great Spotted Woodpeckers stops by the tree-stump for a nice portrait.

Ref: D35_20120524_1633_017_FB4 Great Spotted Woodpecker female on tree-stump (close crop).jpg

Look at the wear on the tail feathers - just what you would expect from a bird that uses it's tail tip as a 'third leg' when climbing up and down the side of trees.

Ref: D3B_20120530_1706_036_FB3 Great Spotted Woodpecker female with worn tail feathers.jpg

01 Jul 2012

A tiny Menagerie on the top of the stone. This is the ONLY mouse image we got this week.

Ref: D45_20120528_2200_039_FB1 Earwig + tiny snail (q) + tiny slug + Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse).jpg

20 minutes after the mouse we got our first sighting of this young fox. It was 1 minute before this image, but all we got was it's rear! At least it is not fazed by the camera flash.

Ref: D45_20120528_2222_041_FB1 head of young Fox (crop).jpg



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