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31 Aug 2013

Several juvenile Long-tailed Tits were exploring a group of trees for food. These nervous birds always seem to manage to get some bit of foliage between them and the camera!

Ref: A77_20130711_1458_024 Long-tailed Tit juvenile in Hawthorn (crop).jpg

Several juvenile Long-tailed Tits were exploring a group of trees for food. These nervous birds always seem to manage to get some bit of foliage between them and the camera!

Ref: A77_20130711_1502_062 Long-tailed Tit juvenile gazing upwards in Willow (crop).jpg

30 Aug 2013

The juveniles from different robin families show us the development of the red breast.
This bird has just a hint of a single red feather.

Ref: D5C_20130718_0536_073_FB2 Robin Juvenile with start of 1 red feather.jpg

The juveniles from different robin families show us the development of the red breast.
This bird has 4 red feathers scattered over it's breast.

Ref: D50_20130713_1727_116_FB1 Robin juvenile with at least 4 red breast feathers.jpg

The juveniles from different robin families show us the development of the red breast.
Here there are so many feathers turned red you can't count them any more.

Ref: D5C_20130712_0715_028_FB2 Robin juvenile with about a third of breast red feathers.jpg

29 Aug 2013

"Heatwave Heron"
This Heron quietly flew past beak wide open and tongue lolling from side to side. We guess the bird was HOT!

Ref: DF1_20130713_1754_180+194 Heron in flight with tongue lolling from open beak in heatwave (selected) 1+2 of 3 (montage).jpg

28 Aug 2013

The original frame included a female chaffinch with back to camera threatening all and sundry, but the most satisfying crop shows just this Great Tit about to brave the Chaffinch's ire.

Ref: E60_20130706_0746_110_FB3 Great Tit in flight (crop 2).jpg

The pecking order!
2 Great Tit adults (far right) and 3 juveniles make the solitary juvenile bluetit on the left wait until they have had their fill.

Ref: E60_20130709_0708_077_FB3 1 Bluetit juvenile waiting for 5 Great Tits (mixed adult & juveniles) to depart.jpg

27 Aug 2013

LOTS of fox visits this week, and lots of fox poo over the site mostly filled with cherry stones. Opportunist feeders!

Ref: D5C_20130708_2340_023_FB2 Young fox staring at camera.jpg

26 Aug 2013

"Look at me - I've got 2 red feathers"
Actually the bird probably can't see them, but this is how we always see them arriving in an apparently random pattern over the breast.

Ref: D50_20130709_1708_071_FB1 Juvenile Robin with first 2 red breast feathers.jpg

"Are you here with food?
This was after our last walk round the field so we don't really know what was going on, but we often see this sort of 'hopeful' look from Robins as we walk by.

Ref: D5C_20130704_1927_030_FB2 Robin with quizzical look.jpg

25 Aug 2013

This Grey Squirrel spent about 25 minutes on the stump apparently working its way through this carrot. Carrots tend to get left until last (as here) so the squirrel must have been really hungry to eat it all at one sitting. Hope it didn't end up with tummy ache!

Ref: D36_20130710_0732_122+0740_123+0756_124_FB4 Grey Squirrel eating remains of carrot over 24 minutes 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg

24 Aug 2013

Early on Sunday morning we often see Hares around the usually busy track down to the local Farm/Business centre. On this misty and dewy morning we left them in peace and took a different path.

Ref: DF1_20130707_0700_144 2 Hares on grass verge of track to farm (crop).jpg

23 Aug 2013

This 3 cm long male Common Blue Damselfly is photographed soon after emergence from a nearby pond. It will change colour as it matures.

Ref: DF1_20130706_1505_129 Common Blue Damselfly male imm (crop).jpg

22 Aug 2013

The Banded Demoiselle Damselfly also is about 50% bigger than typical Damselflies, but much more noticeable. The bands are only seen on the male as here. The iridescent green thorax and blue abdomen are in their original jewel like colours and visible whatever the lighting.

Ref: DA1_20130709_1334_070+1342_093_FT1 Banded Demoiselle male in flight with Hawthorn twig (montage).jpg

21 Aug 2013

The Ringlet butterfly is an attractive brown butterfly.

Ref: DA1_20130709_1314_031+20130707_1331_084_FT1 Ringlet Butterfly in flight with Thistle Flower (montage).jpg

20 Aug 2013

By any standard Privet Hawk-Moths are impressive insects with a body length of about 6cm (2.5 inches). This is a portrait hanging from hawthorn, although caterpillars feed on Privet and Lilac of which we have both.

Ref: DA1_20130707_1449_375_FT1 Privet Hawk-Moth fluttering wings on Hawthorn twig 12 of 14 (crop).jpg

This is the Privet Hawk-Moth in flight, showing the small rear wings.

Ref: DA1_20130707_1453_400+1437_304_FT1 Privet Hawk-Moth in Flight with grass head (montage 2).jpg

19 Aug 2013

After a night in the moth trap Moths often need to warm their flight muscles before take-off. This was the moment of lift-off from a hawthorn twig, the downstroke bending the right rear wing as it catches on a leaf.

Ref: DA1_20130707_1407_231_FT1 Light Emerald Moth flying from Hawthorn leaf 10 of 11 (crop).jpg

This delightful moth always appears very 2-dimensional when spread out at rest, but when active you can appreciate the creature rather better. Here it is in free flight.

Ref: DA1_20130707_1405_218_FT1 Light Emerald Moth in Flight (crop).jpg

18 Aug 2013

Of the 3 speckled wood butterflies we tried to photograph in flight, only this slightly damaged (possibly bird pecked) individual was a really cooperative flyer.

Ref: DA1_20130707_1307_022+1332_088_FT1 Speckled Wood Butterfly in flight with thistle flower (montage).jpg

17 Aug 2013

The Cinnabar Moth is a daytime flyer and quite common as a startling red fluttering in the air. The eggs are laid on the foliage of the poisonous ragwort plant, whose flowers are seen here, with a vividly (warning) marked poisonous caterpillar.

Ref: DA1_20130707_1320_065+1329_068_FT1 Cinnabar Moth in Flight with Ragwort flowers (montage 1).jpg

16 Aug 2013

Caught in our moth trap (along with about 300 other moths) this Peppered Moth wouldn't fly down our photographic flyway, so we contented ourselves with portrait on a hawthorn twig.
Males have these 'feathery' antennae with which to pick up (it is said) single molecules of the females pheromones

Ref: DA1_20130707_1402_197_FT1 Peppered Moth on underside of Hawthorn twig (crop).jpg

15 Aug 2013

This Stock Dove looks so relaxed as it preens itself by the log, probably after collecting 'supper'.

Ref: D5C_20130630_1854_127_FB2 Stock Dove Preening.jpg

14 Aug 2013

The parent jackdaw on the right collected a large lump of peanut butter and corn mix from the side of the post, and spent several seconds sticking into the craw of this ever demanding youngster.

Ref: D01_20130701_1822_108 Jackdaw feeding youngster on meadow post top 37 of 46 (crop).jpg

13 Aug 2013

This moderately distant buzzard made a steep turn against the strong wind providing us with this unusual sequence of the TOP of the bird while turning. NOT accurately spaced (no background to align against).

Ref: A77_20130703_1531_047-052 Buzzard banking showing top of wings 1-6 of 6 (arb montage @ 4 fps).jpg

12 Aug 2013

Slightly blurred by the birds speed, the Sparrowhawk makes many attacks on the small birds on (and even in caged type) peanut feeders. This time the attack failed, but fortunately triggered the camera.

Ref: E60_20130629_0813_099_FB3 Sparrowhawk flying by peanut feeder (crop).jpg

11 Aug 2013

Robins are breeding all over the plot - we haven't looked for the nests but see all the activity we expect.
Any volunteers to be a little green grub - the favourite pick by the parents to feed to the nestlings.

Ref: D5C_20130628_1503_034_FB2 Robin on log with caterpillar in beak.jpg

At this site the robins have fledged. This young Robin has found it's own titbit.

Ref: D50_20130629_0354_188_FB1 Young robin with small worm (q) in beak.jpg

The red breast develops as they mature.

Ref: D50_20130628_1230_053_FB1 Young robin.jpg

Notice the shadow cast by this juvenile robin on the pine cone & ground

Ref: D50_20130703_0359_206_FB1 Young robin flying over stone with whole shadow.jpg

10 Aug 2013

A young fox with the right instincts.
There are several instances around our site of bird kills we attribute to foxes. The remains on or near grass paths indicate mainly pigeon, with a great tit and a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Ref: D5C_20130701_0356_137_FB2 Fox staring to side of camera.jpg

09 Aug 2013

A 'brand new' Jackdaw with yellow beak edge and some downy feathers.
Can even a young Jackdaw be 'sweet' - we think this one gets as close as you can get!

Ref: E60_20130626_1345_139_FB3 Young Jackdaw.jpg

08 Aug 2013

This is a pair of Large Red Damselflies, coupled for mating, alternately warmed themselves in the sun and then went off to lay some more eggs beneath the water

Ref: DF1_20130625_1459_274 Large Red Damselflies egg laying (crop).jpg

This is a pair of Large Red Damselflies, coupled for mating, alternately warmed themselves in the sun and then went off to lay some more eggs beneath the water

Ref: DF1_20130625_1459_279 Large Red Damselflies egg laying (crop).jpg

07 Aug 2013

The Great Spotted Woodpecker youngster spend hours a day demanding to be fed. You can see the mother (lower bird) with beak inside the ever hungry youngster's unfillable chasm!

Ref: DC1_20130625_1656_044 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile (left) being fed peanut chips by parent (discontinuous) 08 of 13 (crop).jpg

3 days later Father Great Spotted Woodpecker was still shovelling in the grub.
3 more days saw the youngsters extracting peanut fragments for themselves. Hopefully the parents are finding them better food for them - insects of all kinds.

Ref: A77_20130628_1111_094 Great Spotted Woodpecker male feeding juvenile in rain.jpg

06 Aug 2013

A bit of confusion here - The arriving juvenile Magpie doesn't realise that the bird at the feeder is probably it's sibling and they are begging from each other.

Ref: E60_20130624_0512_188_FB3 2 Magpie juveniles begging from each other (crop).jpg

05 Aug 2013

Rather handsome Magpie takes it's portrait.

Ref: D50_20130623_1741_249_FB1 Magpie (crop 2).jpg

04 Aug 2013

An early Sunday morning walk was rewarded by seeing some hares on the local farms track. This one was facing into a blustery east wind, and we presume the flat ears were more comfortable

Ref: A77_20130623_0656_049 Hare by side of farm track bend (discontinuous) 5 of 9 crouching into strong wind (crop).jpg

We finally tried the Hares patience, and it bounded away. This (to us anyway) bizarre frame tells us that hares can indeed see behind them!

Ref: A77_20130623_0657_058 Hare by side of farm track bend (discontinuous) 9 of 9 with both eyes visible from the rear (crop).jpg

03 Aug 2013

The robins 'owning' the area around this site have photographed themselves several times with these tiny caterpillars in their beaks. We don't provide Robin nestboxes - they prefer the extensive hedging.

Ref: D50_20130622_1716_162_FB1 Robin landing with caterpillar in beak (crop).jpg

02 Aug 2013

In January 2013 we put up this Barn owl box and as we rather expected Jackdaws decided it was 'perfect' and a pair have raised 2 chicks in it.
What we didn't expect was for a 6 month old box to be badly de-laminating. On top of that the inadequate side panel fixing failed and this panel fell off. We decided not to try and re-fix it, took this pic of the chicks and will sort it out when they have fledged. Needless to say the parents find it much easier to get in and out!

Ref: P10_20130616_1657_735 2 Young Jackdaws in disintegrated barn owl box (processed full frame).jpg

01 Aug 2013

A fine young Dunnock flapping his wings like mad to develop the muscles.

Ref: D50_20130620_0530_250_FB1 Dunnock youngster on stone flapping wings (crop).jpg

Near the house this Dunnock watched the cameraman through the grill of the conservatory door security gate.

Ref: DF1_20130619_0727_008 Dunnock in top of 3 metre conifer (crop).jpg



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