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31 Jul 2016

A sudden eruption of self-set Orange Hawkweed (commonly called Fox-and-Cubs) has lit up a strip near the front of the house. Here the gradually increasing number of Bees is visiting one.

Ref: DF3_20160615_1114_024 Bee on Orange Hawkweed (aka Fox-and-Cubs) flower.jpg

30 Jul 2016

We have come to think of our Oxeye Daisies as having limited value as a food source, so were pleasantly surprised to see that Holly Blue Butterfly actively feeding on a flower head.

Ref: DF3_20160615_1108_018 Holly Blue butterfly female feeding of oxeye daisy (crop).jpg

The Holly Blue Butterfly flew up into the adjacent Oak tree to sun itself, surprisingly well camouflaged - we saw it land and still had trouble finding it.

Ref: DF3_20160615_1109_022 Holly Blue Butterfly female in Oak leaves.jpg

29 Jul 2016

A Green Woodpecker youngster chose the side of the meadow post to await Mum and Dad's deliveries of food.

Ref: DF2_20160613_1758_009 Green Woodpecker juvenile on side of meadow post.jpg

Finally the Green Woodpecker got tired of waiting (or maybe was called by a parent we couldn't hear though double glazing) and flew off. To enjoy a better view of the bird we have contracted the montage - we have an accurate timed and spaced montage if you ask for it.

Ref: DF2_20160613_1802_043-048 Green Woodpecker juvenile flying from side of meadow post 1-6 of 6 (impression montage).jpg

28 Jul 2016

We usually see a 'few' Bullfinches a year. Here this male chooses the hedge outside the Living room window for a brief perch.

Ref: DF1_20160615_0612_010 Bullfinch male on hedge top (crop).jpg

"An interesting mix for breakfast".
A scattering of 'Bird seed mix' provides this Robin with an unusually exciting selection for breakfast.

Ref: D36_20160613_0748_001_FB4 Robin landing by sprinkling of corn.jpg

27 Jul 2016

Father Great Spotted Woodpecker searching an Ash tree for food for his every-hungry youngster(s).

Ref: D5C_20160615_0704_022 Great Spotted Woodpecker male in Ash tree.jpg

We are sure that birds have to be careful using those sharp claws to preen the bits the beak can't reach. As this juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker is waiting for Dad to bring in some food you can see fragments of dislodged down drifting away to the right.

Ref: DF1_20160615_0707_040 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile on Bird feeder post scratching chin with claw.jpg

26 Jul 2016

An impression of a 5 minute Tawny owl visit to the meadow post.

Ref: D01_20160614_0031_002-0035_007_FB6 Tawny Owl 5 minute visit (selected) 1-4 of 4 (montage).jpg

25 Jul 2016

The Red-headed Cardinal Beetle is a quite startling insect even though only about 1.5cm long. It wasn't keen on the photographer's approach and was opening the wing cases to release the wings even as this frame was taken. The never-to-be-answered question is 'where did it go?'.

Ref: DF3_20160611_1253_258 Red-headed Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa Serraticornis).jpg

24 Jul 2016

Our first flush of Wild Roses are always white petalled. The scent is incredibly strong even metres away from a few flowers.

Ref: DF3_20160604_1633_050 Wild Rose in East hedge (1st flower of the year).jpg

A week after the initial flourish of white wild rose, we get the more conventional pink flowers with much less perfume - even a whole bush with 100 flowers produces less perfume than a handful of white flowers in the hedge. The Honey Bee is making the most of the pollen.

Ref: DF3_20160610_1622_203 Wild Rose (pink petals) with Bee collecting pollen.jpg

23 Jul 2016

Our early Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly is apparently the first report this year in Buckinghamshire. An unusual feature of this species in the white speck near the top tip of all 4 wings. Here they are nicely lined up to make a bright patch as the sun catches them.

Ref: DF3_20160610_1447_183 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly immature male with clearly white pseudo-pterostigma (crop).jpg

A Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly sunning himself on a nettle leaf.
No chance of getting stung when you have an exo-skeleton!

Ref: DF3_20160614_1543_007 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly immature male on nettle leaf.jpg

22 Jul 2016

Bluetits from the nearest nest box make a visit every minute or two until the peanut butter (saltless variety) has gone.

Ref: DF3_20160609_1801_051+052+054 Bluetit landing on meadow post 1+2+4 of 5 (accurate montage).jpg

Bluetits from the nearest nest box make a visit every minute or two until the peanut butter (saltless variety) has gone.

Ref: DF3_20160609_1801_080-082 Bluetit flying from meadow post 1+2+3 of 3 (approx montage).jpg

21 Jul 2016

A full grown fox with a just wonderfully dark brown coat.

Ref: E63_20160603_2228_115_FB1 Fox with deep brown fur.jpg

We have started seeing Fieldmice (Wood Mice) more regularly again at this site, and couldn't resist this little montage over 2 days, all photographed after midnight.

Ref: E63_20160607_0048_071+20160609_0213_181+20160607_0204_087+0123_079_FB1 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) (montage).jpg

20 Jul 2016

A male Brimstone Butterfly sips a late lunch from a Red Campion flower.

Ref: DF3_20160607_1432_069 Brimstone Butterfly male feeding on Red Campion flower (crop 2).jpg

A rather faded Peacock Butterfly (that will have overwintered) nevertheless makes a beautiful splash of colour with the delicate blue of Green Alkanet flowers.

Ref: DF3_20160605_1552_086 Peacock Butterfly with worn wings on Green Alkanet.jpg

19 Jul 2016

In the conservatory we saw this bee (upper left) get caught in one spiders web, escape, but a minute later falling into a similar trap where the spider rushes out to secure the catch. In the process the Bee manages to remove a leg of the spider. Apparently the legs will re-grow at the next spider moult - spiders sometimes self-amputate legs to escape and this may well be what happened here, although in the end the spider 'won'.

Ref: DF3_20160607_1206_057+1206_062+063 Bee caught in spiders web attacked by spider who loses leg 1+3+4 of 4 (montage).jpg

18 Jul 2016

Red Kites here don't seem to be any more welcomed by Corvids than the Buzzards. We saw this one flying in from the distance and vanished into some trees near the horizon. A minute or two later it emerged from the trees carrying what looks like twig and being hotly pursued by a pair of Carrion Crows for several hundred metres in our general direction. Here is about half a second of action.

Ref: DF3_20160605_1639_199-202 Red Kite carrying twig harassed by 2 Carrion Crows 1-4 of 4 (accurate montage 2).jpg

17 Jul 2016

A pair of Azure damselflies mating on a Hop Sedge leaf at the duck shaped pond. The male is blue. Odonata mating is interesting and worth looking up on the WWW.

Ref: DF3_20160607_1438_079 Azure Damselfly pair mating in wheel position on Hop Sedge leaf (crop).jpg

Our first sighting of a Demoiselle Damselfly this year was this immature male 'Beautiful'. Seen a few days later at the more usual north boundary hedge.

Ref: DF3_20160605_1633_165 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly immature male (crop).jpg

Guarding his shadow seen through the leaf, this pristine Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly looks down at us from a high leaf.

Ref: DF3_20160605_1635_177 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly immature male with shadow through leaf (crop).jpg

16 Jul 2016

For a day we were privileged to watch a pair of Wrens hunting in the hedge outside the living room window and taking the food to a couple of fledglings we could see and probably others out of view.

Ref: DF1_20160603_1253_013-015 Wren flying from vertical branch 1-2 of 3 (approx montage).jpg

A youngster waiting impatiently for his turn.

Ref: DF1_20160603_1330_053 Wren youngster waiting for feed near bottom of hedge.jpg

A parent Wren flying between branches inside the hedge in their hurry to find food for the youngsters.

Ref: DF1_20160603_1333_096-098 Wren flying between branches within hedge 1-3 of 5 (montage).jpg

Most of the feeds took place in positions impossible to photograph or so deep in the hedge there was 'no' light. But this chick obligingly begged in the top of then hedge and Mum or Dad came along with a little green 'bug' to cram into the ever-open maw.

Ref: DF1_20160603_1335_122+123+126 Wren youngster in top of hedge being fed green grub by parent 05+06+09 of 10 (montage).jpg

15 Jul 2016

An elegant landing by an unexpectedly pristine female Chaffinch

Ref: D36_20160607_1752_053_FB4 Chaffinch female about to land on tree-stump.jpg

We normally see a Blackcap only a handful of times a year. This is the male in a bush by the main pond.

Ref: DF1_20160603_1255_018 Blackcap male.jpg

14 Jul 2016

One visit from the Tawny owl this week and that a single frame of a landing, not that the image isn't rather fun.

Ref: D01_20160603_2305_003_FB6 Tawny owl landing (crop).jpg

Two male Blackbird having a 'Ding-dong' at - wait for it - 04:30 a.m. Never too early for a good squabble with the neighbours!

Ref: D01_20160608_0428_018_FB6 2 Blackbird males squabbling over meadow post top (crop).jpg

13 Jul 2016

A Fox cub is hunting out in the meadow grass.

Ref: E62_20160530_0401_178_FB5 Fox cub (crop).jpg

Fox cub on the hunt well into the night as you can see from the fully opened Irises.

Ref: E62_20160530_2230_033_FB5 Fox Cub (crop).jpg

This fox cub appears 'immune' to camera noise and flash - this is the same individual just 3 minutes later, more interested in the food than disturbed by the camera.

Ref: E62_20160530_2233_034_FB5 Fox Cub (crop).jpg

We don't know how many Fox cubs pad through our plot, but several appearances indicate that this one is tolerant of the camera clicks and flash. The endless rain has washed a lot of the May blossom from the Hawthorn hedges and trees to carpet some areas with the white petals. This little cuddly bundle (NOT) has picked up a few on the paw it is raising over the stone shows us.

Ref: E63_20160531_0046_046_FB1 Fox Cub with May blossom stuck to bottom of left front paw (crop).jpg

12 Jul 2016

A Skylark doing a sort of 'mini-Lark Ascending' reaches a few metres above the hedge he launched from before diving back. The misty weather might have led him to conclude he should stay in the hedge. He didn't sing through this minor excursion.
The image spacing greatly reduced so you can see the bird properly!

Ref: DF3_20160528_0805_428-434 Lark ascending a few metres before returning to hedge 1-7 of 7 (impression montage).jpg

11 Jul 2016

A scrum of small birds were rolling up to feed at the just re-stocked post top.
Genuine single frame.

Ref: DF3_20160527_1810_305 Chaffinch female + Robin + 2 Bluetits around top of meadow post.jpg

The two Robin images on then right side are accurately positioned about150mS apart.

Ref: DF3_20160527_1810_339-342 Robin (with 2 Bluetits) picking up Peanut butter and flying off with it 2-5 of 5 (montage).jpg

10 Jul 2016

In the evening sunshine we sat on a bench facing the meadow pole top and watched/photographed the comings and going as the small birds beat the more nervous Corvids to a stream of peanut butter smeared goodies. This Bluetit managed to kick off more than he took away. The uneven spacing is real - the acceleration must be huge!

Ref: DF3_20160527_1809_264-266 Bluetit flying from Meadow post with beakful of peanut butter 1-3 of 3 (accurate montage @ 6fps).jpg

A male Chaffinch making a near vertical lift-off.

Ref: DF3_20160527_1809_271+272 Chaffinch male making near vertical takeoff from meadow post 1+2 of 2 (accurate montage).jpg

09 Jul 2016

The Oak tree has been full of Bluetits and Great Tits clambering all over the canopy looking for food. Here this Bluetit has found something somewhat too large so grips it with left claws (our right) to bite off a piece. The final frame (bottom right) the remains have been picked up from the claw and the bird flew off almost immediately.

Ref: DF3_20160526_1555_091+093+095+096 Bluetit breaking off piece of food held by claw 2+3+5+6 of 6 (montage).jpg

A Bluetit skimming over the sodden grass and buttercups. The bright colours suggest that this is a male.

Ref: E62_20160601_1501_097_FB5 Bluetit flying over grass and Buttercups (crop).jpg

08 Jul 2016

In a sunlit evening patch along our access track, this male Brimstone Butterfly collects nectar from one of many Ground Ivy Flowers ...

Ref: DF3_20160526_1821_131 Brimstone Butterfly male feeding on Ground Ivy flower (crop 1).jpg

A male Orange-tip butterfly just suns himself on some sunshine catching fresh Blackberry leaves.

Ref: DF3_20160526_1822_145 Orange-tip Butterfly male on Blackberry leaves.jpg

A 10 metres stretch of 'Green Alkanet' (which has Blue flowers!) attracts more bees than any other single feature. But bee numbers so far have been terrible - this one of about 10 Bumble Bees feeding - we couldn't see a single Honey Bee on the blooms. The same goes for the Oil-seed rape crop (now at last starting to relent it's endless yellow domination) where all we see is a handful of white butterflies.

Ref: DF3_20160527_1236_162 Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) feeding on Green Alkanet flower.jpg

07 Jul 2016

On our 240V electrical feed this male Blackbird is filling the air with his song as the afternoon rain finally cleared.

Ref: DF3_20160526_1805_121 Blackbird male singing from electricity cable.jpg

Several days with no sign of the sun and endless rain and drizzle doesn't seem to have been enjoyed any more by the wildlife than by us. This drenched Blackbird had arrived too early for the hoped for offering.

Ref: D36_20160531_1312_027_FB4 Blackbird male bedraggled in rain.jpg

"No, I haven't just had a bath - it's raining and the 'children' are still demanding food!"

Ref: E64_20160601_1749_184_FB2 Robin with drenched plumage.jpg

06 Jul 2016

This Tawny owl visit shows the remarkable blue tinge on the eyelids as the bird lands. We have examined the colour carefully in the camera original and it is quite definitely blue - not an illusion created by grey surrounded by brown!

Ref: D01_20160530_0001_019_FB6 Tawny Owl 4min visit to meadow post 1 of 5 (crop).jpg

05 Jul 2016

We often hear that Swifts spend their entire lives in flight expect when breeding, and even then have to choose high places where they can 'drop down' from to gain flight speed.
We understand that a Swift on the ground can not take off without help.
We had never really thought about what constant flight means, but it must include still having to maintain your feathers. Here over about 2 seconds the bird twists to access one of it's flight feathers, and drops a good distance in the process.

Ref: df3_20160524_1230_070-079 swift preening in flight 01+02+04+07+10 of 10 (selected montage over about 2 seconds).jpg

04 Jul 2016

Magnolia bushes planted some 25 year now make an untidy but exuberant show of flowers.

Ref: DF3_20160524_1516_199 Magnolia tree in bloom 1 of 2 (crop).jpg

03 Jul 2016

There is a rabbit burrow entered from under the lower slab, and the Fox at the top seems to be waiting hopefully for a incautious Rabbit to appear.
15 minutes later we are surprised to see a Fox 'Cub' in a similar position.
90 minutes later, as the day gets lighter, a baby Rabbit ventures out - now in comparative safety.

Ref: BU1_20160526_0446_228+0459_229+0623_305 Fox at Rabbit hole then Fox Cub then young Rabbit 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg

02 Jul 2016

The hedges seem to be having wonderful Hawthorn blossom this year.

Ref: DF3_20160523_0718_128 Hawthorn Blossom (detail crop).jpg

The hedges seem to be having wonderful Hawthorn blossom this year.

Ref: DF3_20160523_0718_128 Hawthorn Blossom (orig).jpg

Hawthorn Trees are also smothered with snowy blossom, but we really only see our own Hawthorn tree blossom from outside our patch as shown here. We walk UNDER these trees within our own patch and really can't appreciate the effect.

Ref: DF3_20160524_0842_043 Our east boundary from track - hawthorn blossom detail (orig).jpg

01 Jul 2016

A Kestrel male in a partial hover against the wind.

Ref: DF3_20160520_1444_020+022+023+027 Kestrel male in slow flight 2-5 of 8 (montage impression).jpg



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