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Date: 13 Mar 2025
View: E60_20250204_1916_039_FB3 Barn Owl landing on Kitchen Perch.jpg
Description: The end of the 'photo-week' brought this single image that seems to capture the essence
of this night hunter.
Date: 12 Mar 2025
View: R70_20250205_0930_014 +024_025 Rook flying past perched Rook momentarily aborts takeoff 1(top)+2-3 of 3 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The Rook at the top was about to launch when another Rook flew by.
The cameraman naturally followed the bird in flight so missed the actual
launch of the original subject.
View: R70_20250205_0930_014 Rook momentarily aborts takeoff 1 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: More detail of the upper bird.
Date: 11 Mar 2025
View: D71_20250203_1222_006-009 Magpie near vertical takeoff from hedge south of blocked gate (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: A pair of Magpies can often be seen perched about 70m along the Farm hedge to our south.
They reliably depart when we appear, in this case almost vertically
View: E6C_20250203_0908_001_FB4 Magpie about to land on tree-stump.jpg
Description: Landing imminent.
The top edge of the wing glows with blue iridescence.
Date: 10 Mar 2025
View: BUA_20250201_2045_165_SC8 Badger sitting near east hedge gap.jpg
Description: One of the large Badgers sits down near the east hedge gap.
It's noticeable that only older badgers stop to sit down - we hope
they don't suffer some sort of joint or muscle distress.
View: E63_20250204_0447_026_FB1 Fox at Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: One of the Fox visitors slinking their way through the Hedge bottom.
The right edge of this crop is as much as we have.
Badgers & Foxes show intense but guarded aggression if they meet on their nighttime hunts.
Date: 09 Mar 2025
View: BU7_20250130_1606_103+105 Pheasant male arrives through south hedge gap (montage)jpg.jpg
Description: A male Pheasant enters across the ditch (thus a montage) - dark plumage and dark & flat top of head.
View: BU7_20250131_0716_112 Weasel by flooded south ditch.jpg
Description: At first light the next day we get this single sighting of a Weasel by the
same flooded ditch near the south hedge gap.
View: BU7_20250131_0959_118 Muntjac Reeves Deer male climbing out of ditch at South hedge gap.jpg
Description: 3 hours later this male Reeves' Muntjac Deer paddles through the muddy water
Date: 08 Mar 2025
View: E63_20250129_1338_003_FB1 Great Tit at hedge bottom with reflection in flooded path.jpg
Description: There seems to be no end to the laying water.
Makes for some atypical reflections though.
View: E6C_20250130_1045_008_FB4 Rook landing on Tree-stump.jpg
Description: Rook lands on the woodland Tree-stump.
Date: 07 Mar 2025
View: E6A_20250127_1013_025_FB5 Song Thrush.jpg
Description: An assortment of medium sized birds passed by for portraits:-
A Song Thrush.
View: E6A_20250127_1313_060_FB5 Redwing.jpg
Description: An assortment of medium sized birds passed by for portraits:-
A Redwing, with a Blackbird recessive at the left side.
View: E63_20250128_1645_042_FB1 Redwing at hedge bottom with reflection (expanded crop).jpg
Description: Next day possibly the same Redwing is at the Hedge Bottom showing us their reflection.
View: PK1_20250125_1537_801+820 Long-tailed Tits on Kitchen Peanut feeder (montage).jpg
Description: Our Skittish Long-tailed Tit family make a bee-line for the peanut feeders but
never stay very long. Here the two were both inside the feeder, while the bird
on the screw thread of the G-Cramp is from a frame seconds later still awaiting
their turn on the nuts.
Date: 06 Mar 2025
View: E60_20250127_1605_008_FB3 Sparrowhawk.jpg
Description: Its just getting dark - time for the Sparrowhawk to make a last check on the
Kitchen bird perch & feeder complex to catch some unwary late visitor
Date: 05 Mar 2025
View: D01_20250126_2047_121-2050_127_FB6+E60_2103_044_FB3 Barn Owl 5+ min visit to Meadow Post lands on Kitchen Perch (montage).jpg
Description: This Barn Owl graced our patch, first at the Meadow post for several minutes, and
then at the Kitchen Perch (right image)
Date: 04 Mar 2025
View: BU8_20250125_1432_125+126+1433_127 Fox hunting at Duck Pond (montage right to left).jpg
Description: An early afternoon Fox wanders around the edge of Duck Pond.
View: BU8_20250125_1433_127 Fox turning in hunt at Duck Pond.jpg
Description: More detail of the image at the left.
View: BU5_20250123_1923_063_SC1 Fox at Round Pond staring at camera.jpg
Description: This Fox has obviously spotted the dull red infrared glow of this
trail-cam and gives it a good stare.
View: BU8_20250126_0630_130 Fox pair at Duck Pond.jpg
Description: Its time of year for Fox love-ins - this may be one but they were gone
a few seconds later.
Date: 03 Mar 2025
View: DF3_20250124_1104_007 Grey Squirrel nibbling corn on edge of access track backlit.jpg
Description: Walking up the Access track from the north catches this back-lit Grey Squirrel
enjoying the corn chucked down some 10 minutes earlier.
View: E63_20250127_0922_019_FB1 Grey Squirrel at hedge bottom with reflection in flooded path.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel is searching the mud in the hedge bottom.
The interminable rain has flooded the path by the hedge providing
the reflection of the Squirrel.
View: DF3_20250125_0954_009 Robin in hedge waiting to pick up dropped corn.jpg
Description: All round the periphery of our patch different Robins skulk in the
hedges until they deem it safe to emerge to collect the hand outs.
Date: 02 Mar 2025
View: DF3_20250124_0916_001 Rook pair on 11kV cable both looking back in same direction.jpg
Description: Several metres up on an 11kV cable these two Rooks landed facing into
the west wind (from the left here) but seem more interested in something
to the west - out of our view to the right from our ground level perspective.
View: DF3_20250125_1317_017 24 Rooks (some in pairs) in Black Poplar tree along Access track (orig & final).jpg
Description: All the early prospective nests in the Black Poplars down the access track
have completely vanished in the storms, but intermittently the Rooks are
still staking out their territories. Inside our more protected plot a few
nests have survived and are the subject of squabbling and stealing of sticks.
View: D01_20250125_1335_085+086_FB6 Rook lands on Meadow Post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: A Rook touches down on the Meadow Post flying from the South.
View: D01_20250125_1338_087+088_FB6 Jackdaw lands momentarily on Meadow Post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: 3 minutes later a Jackdaw arrives from the North.
There must have been negligeable wind for birds to land both ways through
Date: 01 Mar 2025
View: E6A_20250123_1315_068_FB5 Magpie at Meadow site.jpg
Description: A 'smart' magpie - visually and mentally.
View: E64_20250124_0901_041+0828_040+0826_039_FB2 Pheasant female 35m visit to Woodland site as sky lightens (montage).jpg
Description: This single female Pheasant spends over half-an-hour rooting around the
woodland site as night turns into day (right to left).
Pheasants are attractive birds, but not very 'bright'.
Date: 28 Feb 2025
View: E60_20250120_2118_019_FB3 Tawny Owl visits Kitchen perch & 5 mins later Meadow Post 1 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl plonks down on the Kitchen Perch (visit duration unknown) ...
View: E60_20250120_2118_019_FB3+D01_20250120_2142_033+2143_035_FB6 Tawny Owl visits Kitchen perch then Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: ... and 20 minutes later arrives at the Meadow Post in almost identical fashion.
Date: 27 Feb 2025
View: E60_20250119_0116_026_FB3 Barn Owl landing on Kitchen perch back to camera (crop).jpg
Description: An hour after midnight this beautiful Barn Own is first sighted making this
back-to-camera landing on the Kitchen Perch ...
View: D01_20250119_0122_149-124_153_FB6 Barn Owl on Meadow Post for 4 minute visit 1+3+4 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: .... but a few minutes later they land on the Meadow post for a few minutes ...
View: D01_20250119_0130_157-0131_160_FB6 Barn Owl on Meadow Post for 2 minute visit 4-1of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: ... before returning after another few minutes later for a short stop
View: D01_20250119_0130_157+0131_149_FB6 Barn Owl on Meadow Post for 2 minute visit 1+3 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: A different montage of the same event to provide more Owl detail.
Date: 26 Feb 2025
View: E6A_20250118_1306_116_FB5 Wood Pigeon landing at Meadow site.jpg
Description: A Wood Pigeon lands at the Meadow Site at rather higher speed than we suspect
the bird intended. Add your own imaginary 'Go Faster' stripes.
View: E60_20250120_1123_009_FB3 Wood Pigeon about to land beside mate.jpg
Description: One of the 'Kitchen Pigeons' placidly awaits the arrival of their mate, trusting
that there will not be any sort of collision. The static bird's head is nicely
shadowed on the breast of the arrival.
Date: 25 Feb 2025
View: BU2_20250117_1237_175_SC7 Pheasant male on Round Mound walking past sprouting daffodils.jpg
Description: One of several male Pheasants picks his way over the Round Mound.
The top of this one's head is rather flat and a dull grey.
View: E63_20250119_1622_014_FB1 Pheasant male at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: What seems to be a different male Pheasant takes this selfie.
This individual has a noticeably dark variation of plumage.
Date: 24 Feb 2025
View: E6A_20250116_0918_004_FB5 Rook at Meadow site.jpg
Description: A very elegant Rook doesn't look quite so refined once you
notice that they are standing in a puddle of mud.
View: BU7_20250119_1305_004 Rooks and Jackdaws near south hedge gap.jpg
Description: There seem to be a group of about 10 mixed Rooks and Jackdaws that arrive at
certain sites for a joint feed, possibly following the humans doling out
food at the photo sites and elsewhere.
View: E63_20250121_1221_041_FB1 Rook at Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: At midday this Rook arrives to check out the Hedge Bottom.
Date: 23 Feb 2025
View: BU7_20250116_1303_022 Muntjac Reeves Deer male crossed ditch from south hedge gap.jpg
Description: No serious rain for days but the ditches are still awash from agricultural
run-off and all the paths are slippery enough to need care. This male Reeves'
Muntjac Deer may have stopped at the water for a drink.
View: BU7_20250116_1722_050+051 Muntjac Reeves Deer male scent marking the ground by south hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac deer is rubbing the ground with the scent
glands hidden on the front of his face.
View: E6A_20250122_0009_090_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer at Meadow Site with another on path behind.jpg
Description: 2 Reeves' Muntjac Deer here, one obvious in the foreground while another
is on the path a few metres behind. It is very difficult to judge the relative sizes,
and we don't see any tell-tale antlers, so the mostly hidden Deer MIGHT by a
juvenile still following Mum around.
Date: 22 Feb 2025
View: D01_20250116_1524_039_FB6 Green Woodpecker female perched on side of Meadow Post.jpg
Description: We are seeing both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers at the moment.
Here is a female Green Woodpecker in their characteristic position hanging
on to the side of a post or tree trunk.
View: D01_20250121_1221_062_FB6 Green Woodpecker female on side of Meadow Post.jpg
Description: This female Green Woodpecker likes the edge of the Meadow Post.
View: E63_20250121_1455_052_FB1 Jay at Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: The best pic this year of a Jay, atypically at the hedge bottom.
Date: 21 Feb 2025
View: E63_20250108_1531_006-1542_011_FB1 Grey Squirrel spending 11 minutes feeding at flooded hedge bottom (montage).jpg
Description: A rather silly montage of this Grey Squirrel spending 11 minutes working their way
along the stone picking up corn. We haven't even tried to hide the joins.
View: DF5_20250107_1233_009 Grey Squirrel on top of young weeping birch surrounded by Birch catkins of mature tree.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel, surrounded by nutritious Catkins, is dozing as they digest their prize,
ready to cram in some more..
Date: 20 Feb 2025
View: E6C_20250113_1623_019_FB4 Robin on Tree-stump top with feet at different levels.jpg
Description: The falling tree now forming the tree-stump was rather inexpertly felled by
yours truly, leaving this uneven surface. We don't often see birds choosing to perch
with their legs at different heights .
View: E6C_20250110_0728_024+0756_026+0818_027_FB4 Robin land and launch at Tree-stump (impression montage).jpg
Description: 3 images of (we think the same) Robin over 50 minutes montaged into the impression of a
land - pause - depart sequence.
Date: 19 Feb 2025
View: D01_20250114_2329_057+058_FB3+E60_2331_025_FB6 Barn Owl visits Meadow Post & Kitchen perch within 2 mins 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Barn Owl visits are infrequent, but here we get landings at the Meadow Post and
the Kitchen perch inside about 2 minutes.
View: E60_20250114_2331_025_FB3 Barn Owl visits Meadow Post & Kitchen perch within 2 minutes 3 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: Here is more detail of the landing in front of the kitchen window.
This Barn Owl has been ringed, but we can't quite read enough of it to be useful.
Date: 18 Feb 2025
View: R70_20250109_1316_011 Rook about to launch from Black Poplar twig (crop 2).jpg
Description: Time to go
View: D72_20250114_1245_031-038 Rook flying up to land on 11kV cable 04-11 of 11 (spread montage @8fps).jpg
Description: This single Rook makes an elegant rise and landing onto an 11kV cable
View: D72_20250114_1245_039+041-043+046 Rook flying up to join another on 11kV cable 1+3-5+8 of 10 (impression montage).jpg
Description: We can't remember whether the Rook already on the cable is the previous arrival, but
another Rook flies in to perch beside the already perched bird and seems to be making some sort
of greeting dip of the head.
Date: 17 Feb 2025
View: BU2_20250112_1651_086_SC7 Fox on Round Mound (crop - repaired camera new position).jpg
Description: Trying out new positions for the repaired camera 'watching' this mound produced
this evocative study of a Fox quartering the south slope.
View: BU5_20250112_1145_295_SC1+BUA_20250112_1151_136+137_SC8 Fox at Round pond leaves at East hedge 6 minutes later (montage).jpg
Description: Fox activity at mid-day - quietly hunting at the bank of Round Pond and
about 6 minutes later departing at the east hedge gap.
Date: 16 Feb 2025
View: E60_20250110_1423_038_FB3 Wood Pigeon aerobraking to land on kitchen perch.jpg
Description: This elegant Wood Pigeon makes their landing approach.
View: E6A_20250112_1408_215_FB5 Wood Pigeon lands at Meadow site.jpg
Description: We know that Pigeons are a pest in both cities and on crops,
but here in limited numbers they really are a delight.
View: E60_20250114_1109_013_FB3 Wood Pigeon about to land of Kitchen perch.jpg
Description: We seem to be celebrating landing Wood Pigeons this week!
View: E60_20250109_1144_011_FB3 Wood Pigeon pair on kitchen bird table & perch.jpg
Description: This pair of Wood Pigeons on the kitchen bird table/perch have appeared as
an obviously mated pair for the last 3 years. They often feed together, and
trust each other over close spaced landings. They build a nest about 5m
from the house but just out of line-of-sight from the kitchen window.
Todays image (view it Here)
Date: 15 Feb 2025
View: D01_20250106_1251_027_FB6 Magpie landed on Meadow Post with circular steam & moss in beak.jpg
Description: No, the thieving Magpie has not stolen a ladies engagement ring,
but some sort of circular stem encrusted with moss.
View: E6C_20250108_1517_003_FB4 Magpie makes awkward landing on tree-stump.jpg
Description: Grab the food even if you have barely landed.
Perhaps the corn always moves in the down draft from the bird's aerobraking
and their mental equipment says 'grab it before it gets away'.
View: E6C_20250113_1336_014_FB4 Magpie lands on Tree-stump & picks up corn while still balancing.jpg
Description: Another well judged landing ...
View: E6C_20250111_1355_051_FB4 Magpie makes very bad landing on Tree-stump.jpg
Description: ... but landings don't always go as intended.
Image Archive arch 2025 feb.htm (view it Here)
Date: 14 Feb 2025
View: E60_20250106_1606_045_FB3 Sparrowhawk landing on Kitchen perch (crop 2).jpg
Description: Possibly the last visit to the Kitchen Perch on this day for this Sparrowhawk.
Date: 13 Feb 2025
View: BU5_20250104_2300_227_SC1 Fox hunting at edge of Round Rond as snow streaks past camera (orig & final).jpg
Description: A comparatively light snow on Saturday-Sunday 4-5 Jan 2015 created the
usual opportunity for some pics.
Snow streaks past the camera as a Fox continues their hunt.
View: E6A_20250105_0838_142_FB5 Wood Pigeon in drifted snow at Meadow Site.jpg
Description: The overall snow cover was only a few centimetres, but this exposed
site got some extra drifted snow.
View: E6A_20250105_1026_144_FB5 Grey Squirrel bounding through snow covered Meadow site.jpg
Description: To paraphrase one of our old nature books:-
In winter Grey Squirrels only come out to feed on warm days.
Date: 12 Feb 2025
View: E63_20250104_0843_090_FB1 Fox at Hedge Bottom (crop 1).jpg
Description: By quarter to nine the day has started, but this Fox is still out on the hunt.
View: BU7_20250104_1102_070-072 Fox jumps to far side of flooded ditch then turns to drink (spread montage over a few seconds).jpg
Description: In mid-morning the trail cam watching the south hedge gap sees this Fox (left) jumping over
the flooded ditch. But the Fox doesn't continue through the hedge gap but circles back
for a drink from the muddy water in the ditch.
View: BU9_20250104_1138_052_SC2 Fox at end of Orchard.jpg
Description: Half and hour later this Fox takes his selfie walking through the orchard back towards
the ditch.
Date: 11 Feb 2025
View: E63_20250103_1412_076_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer female reaches through to hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A female Reeves' Muntjac Deer reached through from the path behind and takes a selfie.
The pattern of marks inside the ear (the auricle) probably uniquely identifies the individuals.
View: E63_20250106_0858_001+0900_002_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer female then male at flooded hedge 1+2 of 2 (montage 002=Full frame).jpg
Description: Female (left) and Male Reeves' Muntjac Deer visit the hedge bottom for a hopeful
snack and a drink from the mini-river running down the south inner path.
The image on the right is the full frame - not quite the perfect fit!
Date: 10 Feb 2025
View: D72_20250103_1347_054-061 Rook in flight behind trees (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: This Rook flew past us behind a couple of the Farm's Lombardy Poplars.
View: R70_20250107_1045_001 Rook perched on 11kV structure.jpg
Description: Convenient perching places - so long as you don't touch another one.
View: D01_20250107_1324_068+069+1325_070 (Rook 2 minute visit to Meadow Post (montage at 500mS & 1m)_FB6.jpg
Description: A really dull mid-day doesn't stop this Rook doing some landing acrobatics.
View: D01_20250106_1431_043+044_FB6 Green Woodpecker flying from Meadow Post 1+2 of 2 (accurate montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: A Green Woodpecker makes a departure from the Meadow Post
without first triggering the camera on their arrival
Date: 09 Feb 2025
View: D72_20250103_1059_007 Kestrel flying from spoil heap 1 of 10 (crop).jpg
Description: A surprise arrival of this Kestrel saw them land in some of the now 3m high
spoil heaps some 50m away from the camera. But the bird spotted the
humans and decided not to stay.
View: D72_20250103_1059_007-016 Kestrel flying from spoil heap 01-10 of 10 (accurate flight montage @8fps).jpg
Description: The camera caught some of the departure flight.
View: D72_20250103_1059_008-011 Kestrel flying from spoil heap 02-05 of 10 (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: Detail from the above.
View: D72_20250103_1059_028-035 Kestrel in flight from spoil heap 1-8 of 8 (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: Final departure.
Date: 08 Feb 2025
View: E6C_20250102_1433_019+1212_016_FB4 Robin visits to tree-stump (accurate montage).jpg
Description: What appears to be two different Robin visits to the Tree-stump 2 hours apart.
View: E63_20250104_1535_110_FB1 Robin on hedge bottom stone.jpg
Description: A pristine Robin.
Keeping reasonably warm in the freezing nights needs every bit of insulation
they can find.
View: E6A_20250106_1506_059_FB5 Great Tit and Robin together on Meadow site.jpg
Description: A Great Tit and robin in this single frame provide an unexpected size comparison.
View: E63_20250107_0755_045_FB1 Robin at Hedge Bottom with reflection on flooded path.jpg
Description: This Robin is an early visitor to the hedge bottom.
'The early bird catches the (drowned?) worm."
Date: 07 Feb 2025
View: E64_20250102_1121_013_FB2 Grey Squirrel attacking another.jpg
Description: Grey Squirrels are very much getting 'in the mood', with the males
unfortunately getting very territorial.
View: E6A_20250103_1359_074_FB5 2 Grey Squirrels feeding at Meadow site in heavy frost.jpg
Description: This 'friendly pair' of Grey Squirrels are sharing the frosted Meadow site.
The last couple of years has seen these two all over the site in quiet companionship -
we suspect that they are sibling females
View: DF5_20250103_1156_002+1200_008 Grey Squirrels sunbathing in close by but different trees (montage).jpg
Description: From the north side of the house we see a panorama of trees all facing south.
It's mainly Squirrels that we see taking advantage of such sunny patches.
This is a montage of different Squirrels at the same time but about 10 metres
apart in Willow (left) and Silver Birch trees.
View: E63_20250107_1248_077_FB1 Grey Squirrel at Hedge Bottom with reflection in flooded path.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel is out looking for lunch - who nicked all the goodies
out here earlier this morning?
Date: 06 Feb 2025
View: E60_20241231_0235_009_FB3 Tawny Owl on Kitchen perch (lands on Meadow Post 9 minutes later) (crop).jpg
Description: In the early hours this Owl lands on the Kitchen perch.
9 minutes later they land on the Meadow post for an at least 5 minute
stay entirely back to camera (not shown)!
View: E60_20241231_0235_009_FB3 Tawny Owl on Kitchen perch (lands on Meadow Post 9 minutes later) (close crop).jpg
Date: 05 Feb 2025
View: BUA_20241230_1900_056_SC8 Badger rooting through leaf fall.jpg
Description: An adult Badger lumbers over the east hedge gap area, snout under
the leaves in search of, most probably, worms.
View: D72_20250102_1433_009 Badger leaving front claw prints in muddy path.jpg
Description: A few days later in the mud along a field margin, we spot this deep
paw print of the front foot of a large badger.
Date: 04 Feb 2025
View: DF3_20241230_1240_001-006 Red Kite in flight @7fps 1+2+4+6 of 6 (montage @8fps).jpg
Description: A rather dull day saw this Red Kite passing to our south.
The plumage is particularly well coloured without enhancement.
View: DF3_20241230_1241_046 Red Kite in flight (crop).jpg
Description: A closer looks at this Red Kite a few seconds later.
Date: 03 Feb 2025
View: BU8_20241229_1745_160 Fox watching Muntjac Reeves Deer arrive at Duck Pond.jpg
Description: Carnivore vs. Herbivore.
The Fox (left) is really not equipped to tackle prey larger than itself, and
both creatures know it. They spent several minutes together at the site
both carefully staying away from one another.
View: BU8_20241230_0414_179+182 Fox walks up to edge of Duck Pond and stared at island (montage).jpg
Description: Near the end of the same night a Fox stops at the edge of Duck Pond and looks
across at the island it could reach if they didn't mind getting muddy and wet.
View: D72_20250102_1449_015 Fox kill leaving scatter of bitten white feathers.jpg
Description: 2 days later just east of the hedge-bottom site, we find evidence of a Fox
attack on what is probably the remains of a Pigeon.
Feathers Bitten off and scattered (as here) - mostly likely a Fox.
Feathers plucked in a circle - most likely Sparrowhawk.
View: E63_20241231_1039_050+1033_049_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer female & Grey Squirrel feed within 6 mins of each other (montage).jpg
Description: This is most definitely a MONTAGE!
The original two images were taken only 6 minutes apart, and
provide a visual emphasis on how small Reeves' Muntjac Deer really are
Date: 02 Feb 2025
View: E6A_20241229_1014_147_FB5 Grey Squirrel carrying away food item - probably Horse Chestnut dug up from cache.jpg
Description: We think that this Grey Squirrel has dug up one of this years conkers from their cache.
View: E63_20241229_1146_106+1218_110_FB1 Grey Squirrel feeds for 20m before allowing Wood Pigeon to feed (montage).jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel spent about 20 minutes stuffing themselves on the latest
food offering. Eventually the Wood Pigeon was allowed a turn at the largess.
View: E64_20241230_0913_011_FB2 Grey Squirrel quietly eating from paws.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel looks demure as they feed from corn at the woodland site.
View: E64_20241230_1113_028_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying dry leaves to Drey.jpg
Description: More bedding for the Drey - just like humans as the weather gets colder.
Date: 01 Feb 2025
View: D72_20241228_1350_023+24 Rook flies past another perched on tip of twig (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: In a quite strong wind these Rooks make unexpected movements in the sky.
Here the upper bird (seen here twice about 125mS apart) passes the basically
stationary perched bird.
View: D72_20241228_1350_031+041+050+057 Rook lands on vertical twig that bends through 90 degrees (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: The flying bird went on and perched on a different twig, but the twig was not quite as
strong as the Rook expected and over about 4 seconds the twig gradually bent under
the birds weight until horizontal. The bird didn't mind, changing claw positions to match,
and stayed on the now horizontal perch, gently bouncing up and down in the blustery wind.
View: DF3_20241230_1248_050 Rook in tree-top with feathers ruffled by wind from behind.jpg
Description: Birds normally perch with head into the wind, but this one just ignores their
feathers being blown about - for the moment anyway.
Image Archive arch 2025 jan.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Jan 2025
View: E60_20241227_1218_016_FB3 Sparrowhawk female (crop 1).jpg
Description: The female Sparrowhawk pays a brief visit to the Kitchen perch.
View: E60_20241227_1218_016_FB3 Sparrowhawk female (crop 3).jpg
View: E60_20241230_1426_006_FB3 Sparrowhawk flying by Kitchen perch.jpg
Description: A few 'sightings' most days as a Sparrowhawk rockets past a window.
Here one not spotted 'by eye' catches the bird flashing past the kitchen
window triggering the automatic camera.
Both movement and distance blurred and partially corrected in the
photo-editor, but we hope that you get the idea.
Date: 30 Jan 2025
View: E60_20241229_0239_031_FB3 Barn Owl launching from kitchen perch (crop).jpg
Description: This Barn Owl has here triggered the Kitchen Window camera as they departed ...
View: D01_20241229_0239_075+2040_077_FB6 Barn Owl 2 minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: ... and made a bee-line for the Meadow Post where they spent a couple of minutes.
Date: 29 Jan 2025
View: E63_20241226_0850_002_FB1 Robin on muddy hedge bottom.jpg
Description: Where there's Mud there's Grub.
A take on 'Where there's muck there's brass'.
View: E6C_20241228_1112_038_FB4 Jackdaw on tree-stump.jpg
Description: A Jackdaw just landing on the tree stump.
Jackdaws used to be the main Corvid visitors here, a slot now filled by Rooks.
View: E63_20241228_1113_067_FB1 Wood Pigeon at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: Wood Pigeon takes his portrait.
Date: 28 Jan 2025
View: E63_20241223_0918_003_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male head portrait.jpg
Description: This male Reeves's Muntjac Deer was at the top left of the photo frame,
so making this portrait was the best way to enjoy this creature.
Now we know that there are scent glands on the front of the face between
the eyes, its easy to see the dark edges of the sealing lips.
View: BU7_20241223_2022_193+195 Badger walking through flooded ditch at South hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: Badgers are just not disappearing from the scene in a state of "Winter Lethargy" or Torpor
so far this winter. Badgers are heavy animals, and not given to leaping over the flooded
ditch like many Foxes and Deer, but instead just slog through the water and mud.
Date: 27 Jan 2025
View: R70_20241225_1251_054-063 Kestrel on 11kV cable aborts dive & 1 minute later dives down 01-10 of 17 (spread montage @8fps).jpg
Description: Our arrival at the blocked gate was greeted by this Kestrel hunting from an
11kV cable about 50m away. Aiming the camera waiting for them to pounce on
prey or fly off, instead we saw and caught on camera the moment when the
Kestrel made an obvious start to pounce, but changed their mind and just
managed not to fall off the perch. With virtually no wind it is not a gust
disturbing the perching bird. This is the first time we remember having seen
this aborted launch. Read this stretched sequence bottom left upwards.
View: R70_20241225_1251_064+12522_065-070 Kestrel on 11kV cable aborts dive & 1 min later dives 11-17 of 17 (acc montage @8fps).jpg
Description: About a minute later the time was right for the attack.
For us the bird vanished behind the hedge under the power cable and we
didn't see the Kestrel again.
The bird on the cable was during the stare downwards, but the birds descent
is accurately montaged at about 8 frames per second.
View: R70_20241225_1251_054-1252_065 Kestrel on 11kV cable aborts dive & 1 minute later dives 01+02+09+12 of 17 (compact montage).jpg
Description: Accurately spaced montages often have to discard detail in favour of representing action.
So here is a 4 image compacted montage extracted from the events shown above.
View: DF5_20241222_1214_037+1211_019 Kestrel hunting from favourite tree branch (montage).jpg
Description: Probably just this one Kestrel has in the last few weeks taken a
shine to this branch tip about 40m from the house. For once a bit
of sunshine illuminates the bird as they hunt the meadow below.
Date: 26 Jan 2025
View: BUA_20241221_2024_143_SC8+BU5_20241221_2052_084_SC1 Badger seen at East hedge gap arrives at Round pond 30m later (montage).jpg
Description: This has been a sort of 'Week of the Badger' - only on the Trail Cams but something
like about 40 pics of various Badgers going about their night-time world.
Here this one spent half-an-hour rooting through the leaf litter while making
the 50m trip from the East hedge gap to the edge of Round Pond.
View: BU5_20241221_2226_094_SC1 Badger reaching into Round Pond for a drink.jpg
Description: Our leaking Round Pond has filled itself from the ground water and rain to reach only
about 30cm from the top edge. Convenient for this Badger to get a drink.
View: BU2_20241222_0224_041_SC7+BU5_20241222_0225_110+0226_113_SC1 Badger visits Round Mound & Pond at 1 min intervals (montage).jpg
Description: Just after 2 a.m. we see this Badger 3 times in the same minute moving from
the Round Mound to the pond that was dug out in creating it.
View: BU5_20241223_0159_163+165+167_SC1 Badger brief visit to front of Round Pond (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Another brief 'walk by' by this Badger - the whole visit lasting less than a minute.
Date: 25 Jan 2025
View: PK1_20241219_1414_654 Grey Squirrel raiding compost bin.jpg
Description: This compost maker must be about 40 years old and still works fine.
The lid got lost during our move here 35 years ago, so it gets ad-hoc tops
none as heavy as the original, so the Squirrel can push them aside and
descend to pick out their favourite kitchen scraps.
View: E6A_20241220_1044_040_FB5 Grey Squirrel with folded tail.jpg
Description: Grey Squirrels have amazing control over their tails.
View: E64_20241222_1422_092_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying dried leaf bedding to Drey.jpg
Description: Every few days at the moment we see this Grey Squirrel collecting dry
leaves to warm up the drey. As usual they are making their way to
the trunk of a huge conifer to the left of the camera where they have
successfully hidden their Drey from our human prying eyes
Date: 24 Jan 2025
View: E60_20241216_2116_013+-2117_014_FB3 Tawny Owl short visit to Kitchen Perch - lands & departs 1+2 of 2 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl spent just a minute or two on the perch outside the kitchen.
View: D01_20241216_2128_013+014_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2 of 2 (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: 10 minutes later most likely the same Tawny Owl lands on the Meadow post where they
stayed for at least another 5 minutes - entirely back to camera except for the pic on the right
half-a-second after landing.
View: E60_20241216_2116_013_FB3 Tawny Owl 1 minute visit to Kitchen Perch - landing and departure (crop) 1 of 2.jpg
Description: A closer look at that lovely Tawny Owl outside the Kitchen Window.
Date: 23 Jan 2025
View: R70_20241216_1055_001+1056_004-008 Pheasant male flying from field to south (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: One of the male Pheasants was walking quietly over the recent;y seeded field
to our south (bottom pic).
The Pheasant decided to fly off and the camera 'found' the bird as it appeared
from behind the now 4 metres high mound of spoil outside our south boundary.
These pics are naturally spaced at about 8 fps
View: R70_20241216_1056_004-007 Pheasant male in flight (close spaced montage @8fps).jpg
Description: The first 4 of the flight images compacted for a little more detail.
We rarely see Pheasants in flight - we disturb them inside our Woodland
and 'Can't see the Pheasant for the Trees'.
Date: 22 Jan 2025
View: DF3_20241215_1618_043 Sunset.jpg
Description: A sunset and the following morning sunrise features clouds that made for some interesting effects.
First 2 sunsets
View: R70_20241215_1621_007+004 Sunset (montage for width).jpg
View: D71_20241216_0813_001 Sunrise (orig & final).jpg
Description: Next morning a somewhat threatening Sunrise.
Date: 21 Jan 2025
View: BU5_20241215_0928_152_SC1 7 Pheasant females + 1 male at Round Pond.jpg
Description: From a normally simple '1 male and a few female Pheasants' we have
completely lost track of the numbers and grouping of this years Pheasants.
In previous weeks we have seen 3 males and a few females.
Here we see 1 male and 7 females ...
View: BU2_20241215_0929_109_SC7 2 Pheasant males on Round Mound.jpg
Description: ... while a minute later we see 2 males still on the Round Mound.
View: E63_20241215_0943_091_FB1 Pheasant female.jpg
Description: A quarter-of-an-hour later one of the females takes her selfie at
the hedge bottom perhaps 50 metres from the pond.
Date: 20 Jan 2025
View: DF3_20241214_1344_025+028+032 Red Kite flying over Rook Nests far to West (accurate montage).jpg
Description: We disturbed this Red Kite from somewhere near the front of the house.
The Kite circled about before flying off West towards the gradually
increasing number of nests in the distant Rookery.
Only a few of the nests had a current occupant, so the Kite got away
with his flyover without being mobbed by several territorial Rooks.
Date: 19 Jan 2025
View: DF3_20241214_1058_012 Grey Squirrel on top of power distribution box by Tree Stump FB4 in shaft of sunlight.jpg
Description: In the depth of the woodland a shaft of sunlight illuminates the power
distribution box for the camera equipment to the north sites, complete
with this Grey Squirrel enjoying a few minutes of 'sunbathing'
How does wildlife know it needs Vitamin D, and humans don't?
View: E63_20241214_1341_072_FB1 Grey Squirrel running past stone using it as step on their left side.jpg
Description: Grey Squirrels are lively inhabitants, here scampering across the hedge bottom
using the stone as a transient stepping stone.
Date: 18 Jan 2025
View: BU8_20241210_0052_031-033 Fox hunting along bank of Duck Pond (montage).jpg
Description: One of two Foxes, seen together 6 minutes before, quietly slinks their
way to the bank of Duck Pond in the hope of catching some unfortunate creature unawares.
View: BU2_20241210_0106_059+0105_057_SC7 Fox 2 minute visit to Round Mound (montage).jpg
Description: 14 minutes onward sees what looks like the same Fox arriving at the Round Mound
some 80 metres away.
View: BU2_20241210_0115_061-0116_069_SC7 Badger 2 minute visit to Round Mound (montage).jpg
Description: Another 9 minutes on sees the arrival of a Badger at the same Mound.
The Fox has disappeared - Foxes and Badgers mostly really dislike each other.
The Fox did reappear on the mound another 10 minutes on, as a glimpse
of their tail disappearing out of frame (not shown)!
Date: 17 Jan 2025
View: BU7_20241210_1549_067 Badger in flooded ditch near south hedge gap.jpg
Description: This Badger seems to be walking down the flooded ditch and turned
towards the camera for this portrait.
View: E6A_20241210_1647_092_FB5 Badger walking towards camera at Meadow Site (crop 2).jpg
Description: An hour later probably the same Badger ambled through the high resolution
camera in the meadow, providing this 'Prey's eye view'
Date: 16 Jan 2025
View: E64_20241207_2303_268_FB2 Fox passing through woodland site.jpg
Description: This Fox moves with a purpose across the Woodland Site.
View: BU8_20241207_1935_113 Fox on bank of Duck Pond looking at the island.jpg
Description: The Fox checks out the island at Duck Pond.<
Is it worth the cold swim to check it out more thoroughly?
View: BUA_20241206_2238_085_SC8 Fox looks at cameras dark red IR illuminator.jpg
Description: This Fox is already staring at the camera Dark Red illuminator as they enter the frame.
Date: 15 Jan 2025
View: E63_20241207_1221_123_FB1 Grey Squirrel on stone at flooded Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: The stone provides this Grey Squirrel with a way to keep their feet out of the mud!
View: E64_20241209_1156_027_FB2 Grey Squirrel collecting dry leaves for Drey.jpg
Description: With the temperature stuck at 5C and 6C over several days and nights it
is cold enough to need to supplement the bedding in the Drey.
View: BU9_20241205_0957_010_SC2 Pheasant male walking over colour matching fallen leaves.jpg
Description: One of the at least 3 male Pheasants stomps through the dead leaves at
the end of the 'orchard'. Note the match of colour of the bird and the leaves.
Date: 14 Jan 2025
View: E64_20241207_0144_135_FB2+E60_0440_029_FB3+D01_0452_071_FB6 Tawny Owl appearances over 3 Hrs (montage).jpg
Description: One or more Tawny Owls visited 3 different photo-sites in 3 hours after midnight.
An attack at the Woodland site - no way of knowing if the bird succeeded.
A fly-by or otherwise unrecorded visit to the Kitchen Perch.
A landing for a few minutes stay at the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20241210_0456_061+0500_069_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: One of the several Tawny Owl visits over a week.
View: D01_20241211_1940_089-1943_095_FB6 Tawny Owl 4 minute visit to Meadow Post 1-4 of 4 (montage - 1st pair 500mS apart).jpg
Description: A few minutes of a Tawny Owl visit.
The left and next are just half-a second apart - straight to the hunt then.
View: E60_20241211_2112_033_FB3 Tawny Owl approaching Kitchen perch back to camera.jpg
Description: One and a half Hours later this Tawny Owl probably landed on the Kitchen Perch.
Date: 13 Jan 2025
View: BU5_20241206_1147_104_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer female grooming at Round Pond (crop).jpg
Description: This female Reeves' Muntjac Deer looks a bit awkward as she scratches
her fur behind her head with a rear hoof.
You can see how developing upright posture and hands gave humans
such an advantage.
View: E64_20241207_0055_133_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer female at Woodland site (crop).jpg
Description: A female Reeves' Muntjac Deer portrait an hour after midnight.
View: BU8_20241210_0620_059 Muntjac Reeves Deer pair by Duck pond - female showing possible hoof mark on flank.jpg
Description: A pair of Reeves' Muntjac Deer visited the edge of Duck Pond.
The male is behind the female while female has a light patch on her flank that
suggests that the male has recently mounted her.
Date: 12 Jan 2025
View: E6A_20241206_0614_050+0715_051_FB5 Rabbit visits to Meadow site (montage).jpg
Description: 2 Rabbits visit the Meadow site shortly before 'sunrise' - or what
would be sunrise if the weather wasn't an almost continuous overcast.
View: BU5_20241209_0716_245_SC1 Rabbit with long healed torn ear (ID only).jpg
Description: Its a shame that animals are most remembered and identified by their physical defects.
But is nice to catch up with this old 'friend' that we call Three-ears after an accident of
some sort several years ago almost completely split one ear.
View: E6A_20241210_0633_056+0737_057_FB5 2 different Rabbits visit Meadow site (montage).jpg
Description: 2 different Rabbits visiting the Meadow site about an hour apart a bit
before 'sunrise'. The one on the left looks like our venerable 'Three Ears'.
View: R70_20241202_0754_005-007 Sunrise lit cloud to South 1-3 of 3 (accurate montage for width).jpg
Description: Almost every actual sunrise for weeks has been obscured by overcast skies.
On this morning partial cloud cover provided this view of the sun below horizon
illuminating this stream of clouds.
3 horizontally accurately montaged pics to get the width.
Date: 11 Jan 2025
View: D01_20241205_1133_013-1144_016_FB6 Kestrel visits Meadow Post twice in 12 minutes 1+3+4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: What we assume is a juvenile male Kestrel visits the Meadow post twice in 12 minutes
View: D01_20241209_0959_023-1000_025_FB6 Kestrel 2 minute visit to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: The 'current' Kestrel makes a short stay on the Meadow Post.
Date: 10 Jan 2025
View: D72_20241206_0944_011-013 Buzzard flying from Lombardy Poplar along Farm Road (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: The Buzzard doesn't seem bothered by 10 ton lorries driving beneath them when
perched on the Lombardy Poplars along the east section of the Farm Road,
but a pair of humans 100m away is 'too much' and off they go.
Climbing away we catch these first 3 frames accurately montaged at 8 f.p.s.
View: D72_20241206_0944_045 Buzzard flying from Lombardy Poplar along Farm Road checks that humans are not following (q).jpg
Description: About 4 seconds later the bird takes a look back to be sure that we haven't taken off after them?
Date: 09 Jan 2025
View: BU7_20241127_0709_088 Muntjac Reeves Deer male looking back while licking face.jpg
Description: A male Reeves Muntjac Deer stops near the flooded south ditch,
looking back at the camera while licking his muzzle with that formidable
All 4 scent glands on his face are back to the normal closed position.
View: BU7_20241203_0319_082 Muntjac Reeves Deer female enters through south hedge gap.jpg
Description: The female Reeves' Muntjac Deer comes in over the south ditch.
Date: 08 Jan 2025
View: E60_20241202_1218_012_FB3 Dunnock defending from in-flight Robin.jpg
Description: The ever-territorial Robin has decided they can't share the bird table
with the already resident Dunnock.
View: E6A_20241125_1755_068_FB5 Rat.jpg
Description: We are unfortunately seeing the rat regularly despite trying to ensure that no
food waste is left at this site overnight.
We have to admit that this one looks almost 'twee'?
Date: 07 Jan 2025
View: DF5_20241202_1145_046-1146_058 Jay in pollarded Willow N of main pond 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Across the Pond as viewed from inside the house, this Jay spends a couple
of minutes scampering about the trees before disappearing into the conifer behind.
View: R70_20241202_1036_008 Rooks lined up along top of Farm railings (orig & final).jpg
Description: Rooks seem to like lining up along the rails of the few months old railings.
Its unfortunate that they look a bit like the targets at fairground shooting stalls.
Date: 06 Jan 2025
View: DF5_20241202_1142_012 Grey Squirrel on Wild Rose stem (through Laurel) eating Hips.jpg
Description: A vigorous Rose grows up inside our one Laurel tree.
Both produce fruits at the same time, and the Squirrel seems to enjoy them both.
View: DF5_20241202_1142_031+34+35 Grey Squirrel walking down Laurel and Rose tree (approx montage).jpg
Description: Enough Rose Hips for now!
It seems weird to watch any creature 'walking down' head first however many
times we have seen it! Squirrel have rotatable rear claws that allow them to
perform the feat.
Date: 05 Jan 2025
View: E64_20241129_1040_047_FB2 2 Magpies squabbling at Woodland site (crop).jpg
Description: A bit of a barney between these two Magpies.
The near bird has their beak wide open - a little disguised by the background.
View: D01_20241128_0854_003+004_FB6 Magpie landing on frost covered Meadow Post (accurate montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: The Meadow Post is smothered in frost which doesn't seem to bother the Magpie at all
Date: 04 Jan 2025
View: E63_20241128_0953_019_FB1 2 Wood Pigeon interactive at Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: Bill and Coo, or a less friendly interaction?
View: E60_20241203_0954_014_FB3 Wood Pigeon lands next to a trusting partner.jpg
Description: This must be a loving pair of Wood Pigeons for the already perched
bird to trust the landing bird not to collide.
View: E60_20241129_0757_016_FB3 Wood Pigeon Aerobraking over Kitchen Perch.jpg
Description: A Wood Pigeon conducting the Wind?
Certainly MAKING some wind ahead of the landing.
View: D01_20241204_0904_077+078_FB6 Wood Pigeon landing on Meadow Post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: These two pics half a second apart of this Wood Pigeon is landing on the Meadow Post.
Date: 03 Jan 2025
View: BUA_20241127_2336_191_SC8 Fox passes another walking to east hedge gap 1 of 5 (crop).jpg
Description: A nicely poised Fox near the East Hedge Gap.
View: BUA_20241127_2336_192-195_SC8 Fox passes another walking to east hedge gap 2-5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: What happened next (skipping 1 of 5 shown individually) was
2 of 5 The Fox obviously knows that 'someone' is coming.
3 of 5 The arrival turns out to be another Fox who it seems walks straight by.
4 of 5 The arriving Fox goes straight towards the east hedge gap.
5 of 5 The remaining Fox turns to watch the passer-by leave.
Date: 02 Jan 2025
View: BUA_20241126_1724_142-144_SC8 Tawny Owl on ground near East Hedge gap 1-3 of 3 (right to left montage of stationary Owl).jpg
Description: Owl visits to the ground must be mostly Rodent attacks, and mostly occur away from
the cameras. Here a Tawny Owl landed and spent a few seconds on the patch
of path near the East hedge Gap. The Owl was stationary for the few seconds
covering these images, so we have spread them right to left.
View: D01_20241203_2106_063+2110_071_FB6 Tawny Owl 6+ minute visits to Meadow Post 1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: A couple of moments from this Tawny Owl's visit on the Meadow Post.
Date: 01 Jan 2025
View: E60_20241126_0959_015_FB3 Sparrowhawk female landed on Kitchen perch.jpg
Description: The female Sparrowhawk makes a flying (how else?) visit to the kitchen perch.
View: E60_20241121_1529_011_FB3 Sparrowhawk landing on Kitchen perch (crop).jpg
Description: A previous visit by the female Sparrowhawk giving a good view
of the feather patterns on the top of the bird.
Image Archive arch 2024 dec.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Dec 2024
View: E6C_20241125_1247_017_FB4 Magpie picks up single corn grain as they land.jpg
Description: What looks like an ill-judged landing doesn't stop the Magpie grabbing
this corn grain in the tip of the beak.
Perhaps corn really will 'run away' in the draught from their wings.
View: D01_20241126_1325_037_FB6 Magpie landing on Meadow Post facing camera.jpg
Description: Touchdown!
View: E64_20241126_0919_052_FB2 Magpie in morning sunlight.jpg
Description: Morning sunlight streaks across the woodland partly illuminating this magnificent Magpie.
Date: 30 Dec 2024
View: E63_20241122_0805_067_FB1 Pheasant male.jpg
Description: This Pheasant male, one of at least 3 currently visiting our site, knows
that the morning sometimes brings left-over food at this hedge bottom.
View: E63_20241124_1033_123_FB1 Chaffinch female flying into flooded hedge bottom.jpg
Description: In the overcast mid-morning this female Chaffinch aerobrakes to land
at the hedge bottom.
View: E63_20241122_1431_102_FB1 Robin perched on stone with Dunnock behind outlining Robins head.jpg
Description: A Robin visits the hedge bottom. The strange black 'anti-halo' looks on first
glance like a fallen leaf, but closer inspection shows a Dunnock lurking in the background.
View: E63_20241127_1019_077+1030_080+102_078_FB1 Robin visit to hedge bottom over 12mins with reflections (montage).jpg
Description: While the southern inner path was flooded, Robins made several visits
that brought their reflection with them. We couldn't resist this montage.
Date: 29 Dec 2024
View: E6A_20241120_2211_020+2235_021_FB5 Stoat catching Short-tailed Field Vole at Meadow site 1+2 of 2 (contracted montage).jpg
Description: A few hours after dark the camera catches this stoat catching a short-tailed Field vole.
Don't misread this as an action pic - the Stoat without the vole
was taken 24 minutes earlier.
View: E6A_20241120_2235_021_FB5 Stoat catching Short-tailed Field Vole at Meadow site 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: A better look at the capture of the vole with Rodent's neck in the mouth of the Stoat.
View: BU7_20241125_0340_091+092 Fox carrying Rabbit or Hare towards South hedge gap 1+2 of 2 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: In the small hours we get this glimpse of a Fox exiting the site with
what is most probably a Rabbit in their mouth.
View: BU7_20241125_1932_049+050 Fox carrying prey through south hedge gap 1 of 2 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The evening of the same day sees an amazingly similar event.
This time it is much less obvious what the prey item is.
Date: 28 Dec 2024
View: E60_20241120_2346_005_FB3+D01_20241120_2346_005_FB6 Tawny Owl visits Kitchen perch quickly flies to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: Just before midnight this Tawny Owl is out and about.
We know that the view on the left predates the one on the right (even through they
have the same timestamp) because more images follow the bird on the Meadow Post
to the right.
View: D01_20241122_0622_023-0625_029_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to icy Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: The moderate snowfall has here iced over - this Tawny Owl doesn't seem
bothered by the slippery surface.
View: D01_20241125_2204_013+2209_015+2213_023_FB6 Tawny Owl 1min & 5+mins visits to meadow post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Two visits by (probably the same) Tawny Owl 5 minutes apart: the first very brief (we show
just the landing) and the second lasting at least 5 minutes.
Date: 27 Dec 2024
View: DF5_20241120_1215_003 Grey Squirrel selecting willow buds to eat.jpg
Description: Yummy fresh willow buds just there for the taking.
View: D72_20241121_1255_010 Grey Squirrel walking down Ivy covered tree-trunk.jpg
Description: Done with collecting food in the treetops, this Grey Squirrel walks nonchalantly
head-first down this tree-trunk, gripping the wood with those swivelling rear feet.
Date: 26 Dec 2024
View: E6A_20241119_0840_066_FB5 Grey Squirrel in first snow of winter.jpg
Description: Then the first snow of this season arrived as the temperature dropped to about -3C
View: D01_20241119_0946_030_FB6 Wood Pigeon hunkered down on snow covered Meadow Post.jpg
Description: One of the many Wood Pigeons hunkering down on the top of the meadow post.
Not a place a human would choose, but the Pigeon has lots of more sheltered places
they could perch and this is the one they picked.
Date: 25 Dec 2024
View: D01_20241120_0342_039+040+0343_041_FB6 Barn Owl 2 minute visit to meadow post 1-3 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: This is a 2 minute visit by the beautiful Barn Owl.
View: D01_20241115_0440_015+0441+017_FB6 Tawny Owl 2 minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: Well into the second half of the night the Tawny Owl makes an attractive landing
and is obviously very much on-the-hunt to leave a minute or two later.
Date: 24 Dec 2024
View: E6A_20241118_1157_024_FB5 Dunnock looking back at camera from wet grass.jpg
Description: A rather endearing Dunnock looks back at the camera.
View: E6A_20241118_1227_028+1231_032_FB5 Great Tit visits to Meadow site (montage).jpg
Description: A couple of Great Tits take selfies at the Meadow site.
Great Tits bred quite well here this year, but Blue Tits are in very meagre numbers.
View: E63_20241118_1413_057_FB1 Chaffinch female with seed in peak casting shadow on stone.jpg
Description: A female Chaffinch at the hedge bottom, complete with shadow of her head and beak.
Date: 23 Dec 2024
View: BUA_20241117_1652_238-240_SC8 Hare approaching East hedge gap (spread montage).jpg
Description: The freshly sown fields (Wheat - judging by the 1 metre cube sacks stacked up) doesn't
leave much cover for Hares. Welcome to the local refuge ...
View: BU5_20241117_2101_157-159_SC1 Fox prowls past Round Pond and spots something - maybe the camera (stretched montage).jpg
Description: ... but keep an eye open for the hunting Fox.
Date: 22 Dec 2024
View: BU7_20241117_0728_267 Muntjac Reeves Deer male showing front facial glands open & licking muzzle (crop).jpg
Description: This image of a male Reeves' Muntjac Deer came as a bit of a shock - the pair of
light vertical lenticular patches on the face was something we didn't remember ever
having seen before.
A scan through the last 3 years of Muntjac images in our archive (about 600) didn't show it either,
but with the advantage of hindsight a few images show minor discontinuities at the same place.
It seems that they are called the 'Front Facial Glands' or 'Pre-orbital Glands'.
Like those below the eyes, they are usually closed.
We occasionally see Muntjac pushing the front of their faces on tree trunks and they are probably scent
marking them. The tongue you see partially extended here is used to clean the scent cavities, and it is
suggested that they 'learn' their own scent this way.
A couple of possibly useful videos and texts
View: E63_20241117_1548_159_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male showing front facial glands open (crop).jpg
Description: Many hours later at the hedge bottom, we pick up a closer view of the
Front Facial Glands.
View: BU7_20241218_0703_164 Muntjac Reeves Deer male rubbing front scent glands on foliage.jpg
Description: The scent glands on the front of the face explain what this male Reeves' Muntjac Deer
is doing - scent marking the grass and weeds.
Date: 21 Dec 2024
View: D72_20241116_1039_062 140 Starlings just landed in broken Ash tree to south.jpg
Description: This is the biggest group of Starlings we have seen this year, all landing in
quite a spectacular moment (unfortunately not captured on camera) descending
on this 'broken' ash tree about 100m south of our south hedge.
View: D72_20241115_1008_039 70 Wood Pigeons launch from Black Poplar trees near edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: Our patch seems to be a favourite roost for Wood Pigeons, but, the moment we
become visible, they depart.
Date: 20 Dec 2024
View: BU7_20241116_0203_249 Fox pauses after crossing south ditch.jpg
Description: "I'm watching you!"
View: BU7_20241115_0015_208+210 Fox enters at south hedge gap and looks about (montage).jpg
Description: The lengthening night increase the number of Foxes caught on night time cameras.
This one was crossing the ditch after entering at the south hedge gap.
View: BU5_20241115_0031_067-069_SC1 Fox walks to edge of Round Pond (montage).jpg
Description: Here a Fox visits the Round Pond just after midnight.
View: BU7_20241118_2354_022+023 Fox enters at South hedge gap and walks west down ditch (montage).jpg
Description: This Fox has just entered the site at the south hedge gap, and stopped in
the muddy ditch before setting off purposefully to the west, but it only a
few metres to the fence at the edge of the access track.
The facial and ear characteristics suggest that this may be a youngster.
Date: 19 Dec 2024
View: SP1_20241119_1508_168+1505_153+1508_169_SP1 Great Spotted Woodpecker male extracts peanut and breaks it on post (montage).jpg
Description: This male Great Spotted Woodpecker illustrates the method used by Great Spotted woodpeckers
to steal peanuts from squirrel resistant caged feeders.
Extract a nut from the caged bird feeder using the long beak & tongue.
Carry it in the beak tip to the gouge in a post.
Hammer it down into Woodpecker preferred size pieces.
A female visitor follows exactly the same pattern, and we remember instances
from decades ago where the Great Spotted Woodpecker used a hollow in
the post for a weather vane.
View: E64_20241114_1044_018_FB2+E6A_20241117_1128_152+20241114_0902_014_FB5 Grey Squirrels collecting conkers & apples (montage).jpg
Description: Grey Squirrels seem never to cease the transport of food to their 'safe place' -
except perhaps when they eat them on the spot.
View: SP1_20241115_1024_285+1228_310+20241117_1352_544_SP1 Grey Squirrel visits to Study Bird table (montage).jpg
Description: Here a Grey Squirrel makes multiple visits to the top of the bird table,
but was always frustrated in attempts to purloin a peanut.
Date: 18 Dec 2024
View: D01_20241113_0458_042+0459_044_FB6 Barn Owl 2 minute visit to Meadow Post 2+4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: This Barn Owl made a short stop of the Meadow Post.
View: E60_20241113_0502_027_FB3 Barn Owl landing on Kitchen perch (crop with reconstructed left wing tip).jpg
Description: A minute or two later we get this lovely head-on landing through the kitchen window.
Date: 17 Dec 2024
View: D72_20241112_0955_041+043 Long-tailed Tit flying from top of top of Horse Chestnut branch (montage over 250mS).jpg
Description: Another brief visit by a few Long-tailed Tits.
Here is a montage of two frames of one leaving the tip of a Horse Chestnut tree.
View: D72_20241112_0955_041 Long-tailed Tit flying from top of top of Horse Chestnut branch (crop).jpg
Description: The spread wings against the sky seem to us an absolute delight ...
View: D72_20241112_0955_041 Long-tailed Tit flying from top of top of Horse Chestnut branch (negative crop).jpg
Description: ... that looks even better as a negative
Date: 16 Dec 2024
View: BUA_20241108_0923_113_SC8 4 Pheasant females probably just entered at East hedge gap.jpg
Description: These 4 female Pheasants seem to have just entered through the
east hedge gap in the fencing.
View: BU8_20241110_1327_089 3 Pheasant females at Duck Pond accompanied by male furthest from camera.jpg
Description: 2 days later we see 3 female Pheasants (one or more other may be out of frame)
along with his lordship the male as the most distant bird.
View: E64_20241113_0833_093_FB2 Pheasant female.jpg
Description: A female Pheasant visiting the woodland site.
Others may be out of the camera's view
View: BU7_20241113_0859_249 3 Pheasant males.jpg
Description: We were surprised to find this single frame showing 3 male Pheasants sharing
this patch of leaf strewn grass near the south hedge gap without a hint of animosity - yet.
Date: 15 Dec 2024
View: E60_20241110_1518_027_FB3 Sparrowhawk landing on Kitchen perch back to camera (ID only).jpg
Description: A Sparrowhawk lands on the Kitchen perch back to camera
View: SP1_20241110_1518_665-668_SP1 Sparrowhawk landing on Kitchen perch 1-4 of 4 (montage @3 sec intervals 1+2 accurate).jpg
Description: The same event is caught by the temporary Trail cam from slightly earlier
and continues for another 9 seconds.
Date: 14 Dec 2024
View: SP1_20241108_0205_218-20241109_2021_480_SP1 Tawny Owl visits to Kitchen perch 2 nights apart 2+5+6+8 of 8 (montage).jpg
Description: The temporary trail cam aimed at the kitchen Bird table / perch here picks up an Owl
visit that manages to evade the IR sense beam.
View: E60_20241109_2021_022_FB3 Tawny Owl landing on Kitchen perch (crop).jpg
Description: Next day this Tawny Owl lands on the Kitchen perch.
View: E60_20241109_2021_022_FB3+SP1_20241109_2021_477_SP1 Tawny Owl landing on Kitchen perch (montage).jpg
Description: Same moment on the Kitchen camera, caught slightly later by the trail cam
watching the same perch.
View: D01_20241112_0137_011+0141_019_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: A Tawny Owl visit to the Meadow post.
Date: 13 Dec 2024
View: E6A_20241107_1351_064_FB5 2 Grey Squirrels skirmishing (dark obstruction probably a fallen leaf).jpg
Description: The Grey Squirrels are again practising the 'nothing allowed near me' strategy.
The dark area at the bottom is probably a fallen leaf.
View: E63_20241109_1033_082_FB1 Grey Squirrel chases away Dunnock.jpg
Description: MY hedge bottom.
View: E6A_20241109_1041_142_FB5 Grey Squirrel chasing away Magpie.jpg
Description: MY MY Meadow site.
View: E60_20241109_1100_013_FB3 Grey Squirrel resting on bird table.jpg
Description: Aren't I twee?
What do you mean 'bully'.
Date: 12 Dec 2024
View: E63_20241107_0512_023_FB1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) on stone at Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: Fieldmice (Wood Mice) in the right place are really adorable.
View: E63_20241107_1611_048-1639_050_FB1 Robin visits to Hedge Bottom over 30 minutes (spread montage).jpg
Description: 3 Robin visits to the hedge bottom in a 30 minute period.
The 'two' on the right are obviously the same individual - not sure about the one on the left.
View: E64_20241108_1633_079_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying partly eaten small apple across woodland site.jpg
Description: A small apple (maybe half an apple) purloined by this Grey Squirrel.
Date: 11 Dec 2024
View: D01_20241104_2043_063+064_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ min visit possibly displaced by Barn Owl visit 4+5 of 5 (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: This Barn Owl arrives on the Meadow just vacated by a Tawny Owl.
Did the Barn Owl shoo away the Tawny Owl?
View: D01_20241104_2043_064_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit possibly displaced by brief Barn Owl visit 5 of 5 (crop).jpg
Description: Gorgeous bird!
View: E60_20241108_0206_020_FB3 Tawny Owl visits to Meadow Post & Kitchen Perch over 90m 4 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: 4 nights later our more regular Owl visitor lands outside the kitchen window.
Date: 10 Dec 2024
View: E63_20241102_0653_155_FB1 Robin on autumn leaf litter.jpg
Description: A perky Robin greets the dawn.
View: D72_20241105_1253_016 Robin on Lichen covered twig.jpg
Description: Robins seem to be more numerous than of late.
View: E63_20241105_1629_139_FB1 Robin on hedge bottom stone.jpg
Description: Robins seem to be more numerous than of late.
Date: 09 Dec 2024
View: E60_20241102_0428_035_FB3 Barn Owl at Kitchen perch 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: Barn Owls are currently irregular visitors, so this pre-dawn appearance is a pleasant surprise.
View: E60_20241102_0428_035+0431_036_FB3 Barn Owl at Kitchen perch 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: The Barn owl stayed for about 3 minutes before departing.
Although flying in the general direction of the Meadow post, they didn't land on it,
Date: 08 Dec 2024
View: R70_20241029_0940_039 Birch Shieldbug (Elasmostethus interstinctus) near top edge of clear plastic rain gauge.jpg
Description: The plastic rain gauge not only provided a water reading, but also a picture
of this Birch Shieldbug - our first record of this species here.
Facing upwards in case the strange shape of Shieldbugs confuses you.
View: D72_20241101_1255_043+049 Lichen & Fungus on long dead Elm tree trunk (montage with insert).jpg
Description: Unless they are cut as part of a hedge, Elm trees here succumb to Dutch Elm disease.
Nevertheless (and before we knew what would happen) we moved an elm tree blocking
the south ditch to make a feature among the sea of plastic tree shelters early in the
evolution of the site.
The elm has produced a sequence of suckers which in their turn grow up and die after
producing their own suckers. We think that we are now on the 4th generation.
Meanwhile the rotting trunks produce an interesting selection of Lichen and Fungi.
Date: 07 Dec 2024
View: D01_20241031_1336_010_FB6 Sparrowhawk on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: The local female Sparrowhawk glares at the camera/flash.
She didn't stay.
View: R70_20241103_1036_005-1037_034 Kestrel flies to disused telephone pole to eat prey 1+2+4+5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: Walking along the 'disused track' south of our patch we pass 3 poles, including this
disused telephone pole we always check for a perched bird. On this pass there was nothing.
100m further along our walk movement catches the eye at one of the poles, and
backtracking a little to find a viewpoint through the nearer trees, we see
that this post top has since been occupied by a Kestrel dismembering some prey item.
Date: 06 Dec 2024
View: E63_20241031_0751_009_FB1 Grey Squirrel holding Catkin in paws.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel looks about to nibble a catkin.
Birds regularly feed on these little bundles of nourishment, but we don't remember
seeing a Squirrel with one before. They probably normally eat them 'off the tree'.
View: SP1_20241104_1258_153+155_SP1 Grey Squirrel climbs up to Kitchen bird table with Teasel in mouth (montage in few seconds).jpg
Description: This Tree Rat Grey Squirrel brings
a small Teasel head up to the Bird-table top to devour it.
Date: 05 Dec 2024
View: E63_20241031_0356_256+0219_255_FB1 Fox seeming to hunt Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) at Hedge Bottom on Halloween (montage 2Hrs apart).jpg
Description: It was Halloween on the night of these two montaged images which by happen stance
arrived as sequential pics. We couldn't resist having this bit of gallows humour.
This is an accurate montage, but two hours separate the visits.
View: BU8_20241025_2117_025-027 Fox walking past Duck Pond suddenly notices dull red camera flash (spread montage).jpg
Description: This Fox walks quietly up to and then along the edge of Duck Pond
before noticing the dull glow of the trail-cams IR illuminator.
View: BU7_20241030_0128_205-207 Fox crossing ditch after entering at south hedge gap (impression montage).jpg
Description: A bit spread for effect, a Fox has entered through the south hedge gap
and is setting off for the post-midnight part of their hunt.
Date: 04 Dec 2024
View: E63_20241028_0854_096_FB1 Jay at hedge bottom (crop).jpg
Description: This must rank as our best portrait of the Jay.
Jays are mainly known for collecting acorns, but this year we are severely
'acorn deprived' and don't know what the Jay is finding.
View: E63_20241030_1626_252_FB1 Song Thrush on stone at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A Song Thrush visits the hedge bottom as the daylight starts to fade.
View: E63_20241028_1044_111+1104_117_FB1 Chaffinch male (left & female in winter plumage (montage).jpg
Description: Chaffinches are now in winter colours.
On the left a male, and on the right 20 minutes later a female.
At this time of year we will NOT actually see them together without them squabbling.
Date: 03 Dec 2024
View: D01_20241028_0459_029+0500+031_FB6 Tawny Owl makes 2 short visits to Meadow post 3+4 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: A few Tawny Owl visits this week.
View: E6A_20241026_1128_113_FB5 Robin pouncing on food at Meadow site in rain.jpg
Description: Grab it before it escapes - whatever 'it' might be.
View: E63_20241028_1425_148_FB1 Dunnock at base of stone looking back towards camera.jpg
Description: A slightly quirky Dunnock
Date: 02 Dec 2024
View: E6A_20241025_1627_081_FB5 Grey Squirrel carrying Teasel head across Meadow site.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel now seems to be collecting Teasel heads.
View: E64_20241026_1712_142_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying twig of Sloes (blackthorn fruit) across Woodland site.jpg
Description: Sloe berries (Blackthorn fruit) seems to be a more regular choice.
View: E63_20241027_1449_047_FB1 Grey Squirrel grooming top of head with rear leg.jpg
Description: Can you scratch your head with your foot?
Date: 01 Dec 2024
View: D01_20241025_1244_043+044_FB6 Kestrel landing on Meadow Post (same scale montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: Our confusingly gendered Kestrel lands on the meadow post.
View: D01_20241025_1606_059+060_FB6 Kestrel landing on Meadow Post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: A few hours later another landing by the current regular Kestrel.
The wind direction must have changed to land facing the camera.
View: R70_20241028_1218_010-013 Kestrel landing on mains power pole 1-4 of 4 (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: This Kestrel flew about 15 metres from a disused telephone pole to this post carrying
our mains supply cables.
View: R70_20241028_1218_011 Kestrel landing on mains power pole 2 of 4 (crop).jpg
Description: A closer look at the second moment from the left.
Image Archive arch 2024 nov.htm (view it Here)
Date: 30 Nov 2024
View: BU9_20241027_0850_053_SC2 Magpie surrounded by autumn leaves.jpg
Description: At the end of the orchard a carpet of brown and orange leaves is highlighted
by the visually pure black and white Magpie.
View: BU7_20241024_1801_013 Grey Squirrel carries conker over fallen leaves.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel finds another Conker to 'Squirrel away' probably somewhere
under the growing carpet of fallen leaves.
View: BU5_20241025_1500_114_SC1 Round Pond smothered in fallen leaves + Grey Squirrel.jpg
Description: Round Pond is surrounded by trees all dropping their worn-out
leaves over banks and water surface.
Spot the inevitable Squirrel!
Date: 29 Nov 2024
View: E63_20241024_0940_016_FB1 Pheasant male at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: The arrival of 3 female pheasants heralded the imminent arrival of a male.
View: E64_20241024_1048_021+1039_020_FB2 Pheasant male foraging at Woodland site (montage).jpg
View: E63_20241028_1149_120_FB1 Pheasant male at Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: The male Pheasant struts his stuff at the hedge bottom.
Date: 28 Nov 2024
View: E60_20241021_0940_002_FB3 Grey Squirrel grooming tail.jpg
Description: Grey Squirrels may be hailed as 'Flea Ridden Tree Rats', but they actually
spend quite a lot of effort on personal hygiene.
It's lovely to watch them repeatedly comb through their tail
using their little claws as a comb on either side. Sometimes when
grooming they stop to eat some item they found!
View: E6A_20241021_1809_046_FB5 Rabbit head-on.jpg
Description: A Rabbit at the Meadow site shows us that although Rabbit have good all-round
vision, they can't quite see behind them.
On the other hand Hares CAN see 360 degrees around as you can see in
the second pic at the link 2013 aug.htm#04
View: E64_20241014_0358_028_FB2 Hare at Woodland site.jpg
Description: This Hare lollops their way to the Woodland site.
View: BU9_20241023_0951_062_SC2 Grey Squirrel carrying away half-eaten apple.jpg
Description: Over the attractive mix of shapes and colours on the ground, this Grey Squirrel has
picked up one of many partially eaten apples to carry off.
Over the years we have small Dear, Foxes and Badgers biting off half apples to eat.
Possibly they are a bit bitter and half is enough, or maybe they want more variety.
Date: 27 Nov 2024
View: DF5_20241019_1719_006 Long-tailed Tits outside Living Room window.jpg
Description: Another of occasional sightings of Long-tailed tits was through the living room window.
View: DF5_20241020_0907_060 Long-tailed Tits outside Living Room window.jpg
Date: 26 Nov 2024
View: D01_20241020_1538_049+1545_057+058_FB6 Kestrel prob juve male 2 visits to Meadow post over 11 minutes 1+4+5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: What we think is a first year juvenile male Kestrel.
The head is Grey (male characteristic) but the tail is multi-Barred (female characteristic)
This bird has been the only Kestrel visitor this week - we won't comment on the anomalies again.
View: D01_20241022_1015_031+032+1018_027_FB6 Kestrel prob juve male 4 min visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage 500mS & 3m).jpg
Description: This probable juvenile male Kestrel is the only regular Kestrel visitor to our
photo sites at the moment.
View: D01_20241022_1438_041+042-1440_145_FB6 Kestrel prob juve male 3 minute visit to Meadow Post 1-4 of 4 (montage 500mS+1m+1m).jpg
Date: 25 Nov 2024
View: E6A_20241019_1752_150_FB5 Stoat.jpg
Description: Just this one pic of a Stoat at the Meadow site.
View: BUA_20241019_2020_164_SC8 Badger snuffling through leaf litter.jpg
Description: A Badger ruffling through the leaf fall, fur wet from yet another rainy night.
Date: 24 Nov 2024
View: D01_20241019_0356_013-0358_021_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: 5 images of this Tawny Owl taken at 1 minutes interval might suggest that the
Owl spent 5 minutes turning their head.
We are sure that this genuine naturally sequenced set is just a chance set of samples.
View: E60_20241020_2014_048_FB3 Tawny Owl about to land on Kitchen perch (crop).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl is about to land on the Kitchen perch.
View: D01_20241020_2039_061+2041_065_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+3 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: 15 minutes later undoubtedly the same bird lands on the Meadow Post to continue their hunt.
Date: 23 Nov 2024
View: D72_20241018_1326_048 Pampas Grass flower head.jpg
Description: A clump of Pampas Grass has grown at the east end of the main pond for
decades. The flower heads are wonderfully delicate and a strange pinkish hue.
View: D72_20241018_1330_051 Sycamore tree turning Autumn gold.jpg
Description: A Sycamore tree at the edge of the meadow has this year exploded
in glorious yellow and orange autumn colours
View: D72_20241019_1602_250 Dogwood leaves turning to autumn colours (orig & final.jpg
Description: What we THINK is a stem of Dogwood shows an amazing variety of leaf colours for a single stem.
View: D72_20241024_1027_004 Sow Thistle flower with red outside petal colour.jpg
Description: Some sort of Sow Thistle flower on the soil dumps to our south.
The unopened flower buds are dark red, the remains of which you can see
as red stripes down the outside of the outer petals.
Date: 22 Nov 2024
View: E63_20241013_1710_013_FB1 Chaffinch female with seed in beak.jpg
Description: This seems to be the 'resident' female Chaffinch at the hedge bottom, picking
up a really small seed as the day draws to a close.
View: E63_20241014_1745_071_FB1 Chaffinch female with seed in beak.jpg
Description: Almost exactly a day later we get an almost identical moment from what we are sure is the same bird.
Date: 21 Nov 2024
View: E63_20241011_0927_058_FB1 Blackbird male at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: One of our several male Blackbirds with glowing yellow eye ring and beak.
View: E6A_20241011_1137_083_FB5 Blackbird male with dark beak (1st winter or Scandinavian (q)).jpg
Description: Another male Blackbird, this time landing at the Meadow site.
This one has a dull eye ring and a Black/dull yellow beak.
Opinion seems divided over what these are:-
First year birds
Scandinavian winter migrants (the older explanation).
We have no evidence either way.
Date: 20 Nov 2024
View: D72_20241016_1346_037 Brimstone Butterfly male soon to hibernate.jpg
Description: The 'dog-ends' of the summer insects includes this male Brimstone Butterfly soon to
find a place to sleep away the winter months.
His out-of-sight forewing is already a bit damaged, but he should manage just fine.
View: D72_20241010_1349_062 Common Darter dragonfly female warming on corrugated iron.jpg
Description: A really old female Common Darter is warming herself on the barely warm corrugated iron.
It seems likely that this is the last we will see of her with little but rain and overcast since.
Date: 19 Nov 2024
View: D72_20241010_1110_006-009 Kestrel female flies away from main power pole (montage - flight accurate @8fps).jpg
Description: One or more female Kestrels regularly visit one of two post tops along our
south hedge, but always fly off shortly after we become visible.
Sometimes there is a chance for a departure photo.
View: D72_20241014_1621_010-016 Kestrel female flying from disused telephone pole 4+5+6+8+10 of 21 (montage @ 8fps).jpg
Description: On a hazy afternoon this female Kestrel is, as usual, disturbed from her hunt
by our arrival outside the south hedge. For once pausing a few seconds before flying,
the cameraman could locate the bird and get her in focus ready for her launch.
We have another 1.5 seconds of flight, but it is difficult to follow against the trees.
Date: 18 Nov 2024
View: E63_20241010_0853_007_FB1 Grey Squirrel at hedge bottom reflected in flood water.jpg
Description: The saturated ground means even quite a moderate rainfall creates a 'river'
down our south inner path reflecting the Grey Squirrel on the sodden ground.
The Squirrel is only interested in finding food.
View: E64_20241011_1333_066_FB2 Grey Squirrel female with active teats + another in background.jpg
Description: This obviously female Grey Squirrel already has well developed teats.
All we need - even MORE squirrels :-)
Wildlife information sources vary from the first litter being various pairs of
months from December to April - suggestive that it is environment dependent.
This may be the 'tail end' of her second brood - we just don't know.
View: BU7_20241016_2153_310 Fox stepping out of flooded south ditch.jpg
Description: Rear left leg still in the ditch water, this Fox slinks into the plot for their nightly hunt.
Date: 17 Nov 2024
View: D72_20241007_0901_026 Red Kite flyover.jpg
Description: A busy 1 minute with this Red Kite.
This Red Kite pays a visit, we think giving us a baleful look.
View: D72_20241007_0901_053-056 Red Kite flying across gap in trees @8fps (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The Red Kite sweeps past a gap in the trees (shown accurately at 8 frames per second) ...
View: D72_20241007_0901_067+074+080 Red Kite in flight @8fps (impression montage over 1700mS).jpg
Description: ... before circling round.
This is almost 2 seconds of flight visually compressed.
View: D72_20241007_0901_087+096+107 Red Kite turning in flight @8fps (impression montage over 2 seconds).jpg
Description: The Red Kite continues their circle - again about 2 seconds of flight closely montaged.
Date: 16 Nov 2024
View: D72_20241004_0930_014+0931_019 Sundog on left only of sun from cloud quickly fading as cloud & sun move 1+2 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Walking east through the meadow this intense bright patch appeared through a
gap in the trees. Running to a better viewpoint showed the whole 'Sundog' to the
east (left) of the sun without a trace of one on the right.
The one minute of travel to the east hedge provided a better view of the solitary
cloud producing the effect, but the sun and cloud moving away from the critical
positions means the 'Dog' was already fading.
View: D72_20241005_0943_041 Willow trees to WNW with wind turned over leaves glowing in sunshine (crop).jpg
Description: One of the little delights we have enjoyed for 35 years is that when the wind
blows from the south it sometimes turns over masses of leaves on these distant
willow trees to our WNW and the backs of the leaves shine in any sunshine.
Date: 15 Nov 2024
View: D01_20241009_1525_061-0241011_0834_020_FB6 Squirrel with small Apple + Magpies peck + Owls ignore + hit by Pigeon (montage).jpg
Description: The 3 days of the Apple.
A Grey Squirrel brought this small red apple to the top of the Meadow Post,
ate some of it, and left it there.
That evening, and the following day, several Magpie visits saw the apple
moderately reduce in size.
Over the second night a Tawny Owl landed by it but, as you would expect
from a pure carnivore, completely ignores the fruit.
Next day a Pigeon landing on the post knocks the apple off the top.
A search for the apple on the ground came up empty - Fox and Badger don't
miss such opportunities
All 6 images all at the same scale should you wish to compare creature sizes.
Date: 14 Nov 2024
View: D01_20241004_0139_039_FB6 Tawny Owl visits Meadow post 3 times in 2 hours 01 of 12 (crop).jpg
Description: "Do you like our Owl?"
A quote from the Science Fiction movie 'Blade Runner'.
The Owl in the movie is 'artificial', but we photograph ours with the
most natural behaviour we can get.
We had a busy week of Tawny Owls, mostly on the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20241004_0140_041-0308_061_FB6 Tawny Owl visits Meadow post 3 times in 2 hours 03+07+08+11 of 12 (montage).jpg
View: E60_20241005_1936_057+1942_058+1045_059_FB3 Tawny Owl on Kitchen perch (montage over 10 minutes).jpg
Description: Here the Tawny Owl started his 'on camera' hunt at the Kitchen Windows perch ...
View: D01_20241005_1945_125-20241006_0307_143_FB6 Tawny Owl visits Meadow post 3 times in 8 hours 1+4+8 of 8 (montage).jpg
Description: ... but a few minutes later arrived at the Meadow post to start an extended hunt.
Date: 13 Nov 2024
View: BUA_20241003_1412_024_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer male (part grown antlers) in beam of sunlight (crop 2).jpg
Description: Light finding it's way through the gradually thinning leaf canopy rather
sweetly illuminates this young male Reeves' Muntjac Deer with Antlers
half grown. No little 'tusk' yet.
View: E63_20241004_2006_117+2020_119_FB1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) at hedge bottom over 14 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: Two Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) visits a quarter-of-an-hour apart at the hedge bottom make
an attractive if misleading portrait.
It looks to us like the same mouse each time.
View: D5C_20241005_0833_007 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) nibbling nuts from caged Peanut feeder.jpg
Description: At the peanut feeder where we sometimes see a Vole eating the nuts, we here see a
Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) taking advantage of the same easy-to-find food.
View: E60_20241009_0911_027_FB3 Grey Squirrel climbing down onto Peanut Feeder.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel is ever hopeful of finding a way to get at the nuts from
these Squirrel-proof peanut feeders. Squirrels have had several successful
outcomes over several year with lid locks failing, feeders falling, etc. so
it's always worth them having a look.
Date: 12 Nov 2024
View: E63_20240930_2323_110-20241003_0008_299_FB1 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) leaping at hedge bottom - 5 frames from 20 over 4 days (acc montage).jpg
Description: The Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at the hedge bottom have suddenly returned to the antics of several years
ago, leaping about the site for no obvious reason.
This is a montage made from 5 frames of 20 taken over 4 days. All in their original positions.
View: E63_20241001_1945_195_FB1 3 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) leaping around hedge bottom stone (single frame).jpg
Description: Just one of the frames here (not chosen for the montage), showing that there are at least
3 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at this site.
Date: 11 Nov 2024
View: D72_20240928_0942_038 7-spot Ladybird on Mint seed head.jpg
Description: Ladybirds have been around in much smaller numbers than usual this year.
We normally get an invasion in the house that just hasn't happened this year.
But we are now seeing a few - so far all British 7-spot rather than the invading Harlequins.
View: D72_20240928_1311_084 Cranefly.jpg
Description: A Cranefly (Daddy Long Legs) hanging from a leaf.
On even vaguely warm days walking along a path disturbs at least 1 per metre, so
there must be countless thousands of these over the half acre meadow.
View: D72_20240928_1313_099 Speckled Wood Butterfly perched on caterpillar damaged blackberry leaf.jpg
Description: A late is season Speckled Wood Butterfly perched on a Blackberry leaf that has
been the food source for some sort of caterpillars.
View: D72_20241003_1412_019+1413_027+021 Red Admiral Butterfly opening wings while warming on wood bench armrest (montage).jpg
Description: This Red Admiral Butterfly was sunning themselves on the back rail of a bench at the
edge of the Meadow, periodically opening and closing the wings. The air temperature
was quite low and it took a while before warm enough to flutter away.
Date: 10 Nov 2024
View: E6A_20240926_0701_053_FB5 Rabbit.jpg
Description: A really grumpy looking Rabbit (undoubtedly an anthropomorphic interpretation)
provides a lovely view of their whiskers.
View: BU7_20240928_0636_082 Rabbit on hind legs by flooded ditch at South hedge gap.jpg
Description: This Rabbit sort of 'sits upright" to check over the surroundings as the
first light of the day arrives.
View: SP1_20240929_0627_035+0634_047+049_SP1 Rabbit on Round Mound watched by Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) (montage - Mouse from rightmost Rabbit).jpg
Description: Over 7 minutes this Rabbit worked their way along the log on Round Mound.
The Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) (top left) finally put his head out of the 'mammal hole' as the Rabbit departed.
Date: 09 Nov 2024
View: E60_20240927_0912_032_FB3 Jay landing on Kitchen bird table.jpg
Description: Jays are far from 'common sightings' but our normal 1 or 2 pics a year
is this year replaced by 'several' at various sites.
View: D01_20240929_0946_176_FB6 Wood Pigeon preening on Meadow Post showing flexible neck (12 vertebrae).jpg
Description: This pigeon has their neck almost folded 180 degrees as they preen underneath
the wings. A WWW search of pigeon anatomy suggests that Pigeons have 12 neck
vertebrae (compared to Human's 7) although well short of birds with up to 25.
View: E63_20241001_0839_124+1034_137+1016_134_FB1 Song Thrush visits to Hedge Bottom site over 2 hours (montage).jpg
Description: Over a couple of hours this Song Thrush made 3 visits to the hedge bottom.
View: E63_20241001_1757_189_FB1 Great Tit foraging along stone at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A Great Tit at the hedge bottom - eager little beak open to grab their selection.
Date: 08 Nov 2024
View: BU7_20240925_1947_007+20240926_0003_011 Muntjac Reeves Deer males - part grown antlers & bone antlers (montage over 4 hrs).jpg
Description: Here 4 hours apart we see two males, one with full bone antlers (right) and the
other still growing (about half grown) his set inside his velvet sleeves,
View: E6A_20240929_1818_047_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with bone antler tips protruding from tips of velvet.jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac Deer's antlers have just started to emerge from
the 'velvet' that provides blood with the nutrients to grow them.
View: E6A_20240929_2307_051_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with antler pedicles starting.jpg
Description: We think this is a juvenile male Reeves' Muntjac Deer with the beginning of his
Pedicles swelling to become his first set of antlers.
Date: 07 Nov 2024
View: D72_20240925_1319_004 Fungi on broken wood about 3cm diameter.jpg
Description: Fallen branches litter the woodland area, and some highlight themselves
with fresh Fungi. This piece of branch is about 3cm diameter.
View: D72_20240930_1223_001 Fungi at edge of East inner path 1 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: A patch of 'classic' Fungi lurking at the bottom of the east inner hedge.
The cap of the largest (fallen) fruiting body is about 10cm diameter.
Although this is the classic way of displaying fungi with one fruiting body
lying down to show the gills, we don't push them over and found it like this.
Date: 06 Nov 2024
View: E64_20240925_1223_007_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying mouthful of winged seed pairs (prob Sycamore).jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel is carrying a generous mouthful of probably Sycamore Winged seeds.
The direction of movement suggests that they are being taken to the Drey in the tree
next to this camera for a comfortable munch.
View: E63_20240930_1206_086_FB1 Grey Squirrel carrying fruit (prob Sloe Berry) in mouth.jpg
Description: The size of the black fruit in this Grey Squirrel's mouth suggests that it is a sloe berry
(Blackthorn fruit) of which we have thousands in the hedges.
View: E63_20241001_1523_176_FB1 Grey Squirrel at hedge bottom reflected in flood water.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel, accompanied by his reflection, is investigating some item of food on the stone.
Date: 05 Nov 2024
View: BU7_20240924_2028_059 Muntjac Reeves Deer (prob juvenile male) by suddenly filling south ditch.jpg
Description: We think that this Reeves' Muntjac Deer is male Fawn just starting his first
growth of Antlers. We think he looks and feels rather magnificent.
Muntjac Antlers and Breeding don't follow any calendar pattern.
View: BU7_20240925_0241_071 Muntjac Reeves Deer male (part grown antlers) by suddenly filling south ditch.jpg
Description: This is the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer with partially grown antlers.
Along with the male with 'bone' antlers we now have at least 3 males visiting.
Date: 04 Nov 2024
View: E60_20240920_0829_020_FB3 Sparrowhawk female on edge of Kitchen Bird Table.jpg
Description: This female Sparrowhawk has unusually landed on the Kitchen bird table edge,
providing this 'classic' portrait.
Date: 03 Nov 2024
View: D01_20240919_2128_019+2129_021+2131_025_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Several Owl visits to choose from this week.
View: E60_20240921_0105_032+0110_033+D01_0127_123 Tawny Owl visits to Kitchen perch & Meadow post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: 2 days later this one Tawny Owl alternated between the Meadow Post and the Kitchen
perch over about 20 minutes.
Date: 02 Nov 2024
View: D72_20240913_1044_154 Grey Squirrel outside east hedge with Horse Chestnut Conker kernel in mouth.jpg
Description: Outside our East hedge we catch this Grey Squirrel with yet another Horse Chestnut
conker, only partly stripped of the outer brown coat
View: E64_20240921_0813_061_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying Horse Chestnut Conker in husk.jpg
Description: Rain or shine, the Grey squirrel continue to cache their winter's food supply
View: E64_20240919_1727_030_FB2 Grey Squirrel collecting winged tree seeds.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel is carrying a mouthful of winged weeds - most probably Sycamore.
We don't recollect, and can find no photo evidence of, seeing this behaviour before.
Whether this is fresh bedding or seeds to eat or cache we just don't know, but if this
is the Squirrel that lives in the Conifer over the camera box then it's for caching.
Perhaps Squirrels plant Sycamores like Jays plants Oak trees!
View: E64_20240922_1442_024_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying Horse Chestnut conker in mouth.jpg
Description: Another Conker on the way to the Grey Squirrels Cache.
Date: 01 Nov 2024
View: DF3_20240916_1113_009+016 Kestrel with Rodent in Talons flies by 11kV crossbar (accurate montage lower then upper).jpg
Description: We disturbed this Kestrel from somewhere in the mounds outside our south hedge.
The bird flew the 100m or so down to the power pole at the bottom of the slope,
where the bird made a strange loop and landed on the crossbar on the right side.
The only two clear images we got surprised us by showing that the Kestrel
has a Rodent in their claws.
View: DF3_20240917_0831_058 Rook chasing away Kestrel.jpg
Description: Its only 3 months before the Rooks will be nesting again, so they return to breeding behaviour
of chasing away every possible next raider - here one of the local Kestrels gets the treatment.
Image Archive arch 2024 oct.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Oct 2024
View: DF3_20240916_1111_005 Iris Open seed capsule.jpg
Description: The main pond is totally overrun with Iris plants, some of which have formed seed capsules
that burst open to release the rows of seeds.
They look rather appetising, but the WWW tells us that they taste bitter and are
mildly poisonous to humans and most animals.
View: DF3_20240917_1102_113 7-spot Ladybird on thistle leaves.jpg
Description: Both native and Harlequin Ladybirds have appeared in unusually low numbers
this year. Here this 7-spot Ladybird was one of two on this thistle plant - the first
of any Ladybirds that we have seen for weeks.
View: D72_20240919_1037_004 Patch of Fungi on path by Conifer (orig & final).jpg
Description: In the gloom under a conifer we find several clumps of Fungi.
Date: 30 Oct 2024
View: D01_20240915_0229_139_FB6 Tawny Owl 2 minute visit to Meadow Post 1 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: This one night saw multiple visits to both the Meadow Post and the perch outside
the Kitchen. This seems to be a new visitor since the moult - the Vee shape above
the beak being distinct from the more recent visitor.
View: E60_20240915_0327_086+0337_087+0347_089_FB3 Tawny Owl images at kitchen perch in 20 minutes 1+2+4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: It is very rare to get more than 1 Owl image per visit to the kitchen perch
because the camera controller electronics isn't 'clever' enough. So we guess
that the 4 pics we got, at a spread of times, is actually separate visits
within about 20 minutes. Here are 3 of the images are here montaged along a
ridiculously 'stretched' perch.
Date: 29 Oct 2024
View: DF3_20240914_1347_041 Common Darter Dragonfly female on horizontal armrest of bench.jpg
Description: Transient sightings of Hawker Dragonflies are supplemented by perched Darter
Dragonflies who at least keep still in photographable places.
This is a female Common Darter Dragonfly - long past breeding condition but
still helping keep the midges under control.
View: DF3_20240918_1300_509+510 Common Darter Dragonfly female hunting from Meadow IR sensor beam post to 2+3 of 4 montage @7fps.jpg
Description: The IR sender pole seems to be a favourite hunting perch for what is probably a
regular visitor. These two frames about 140mS apart do portray the delicacy of
this little creature, here landing after a brief hunting excursion.
Date: 28 Oct 2024
View: E64_20240914_0059_151_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male (full antlers) at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: Here is the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer with the full antlers ...
View: BU7_20240915_1414_219 Muntjac Reeves Deer male (antlers in velvet half grown) at south hedge gap.jpg
Description: ... and here is another male Reeves' Muntjac Deer with new Antlers growing in their
'velvet' sleeves.
Date: 27 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240913_1036_100 Moth unident camouflaging with lichen on black telephone insulator.jpg
Description: We haven't managed to ID this Moth, which flew past us, and then upwards to
land on this decades old disused Telephone cable insulator where from the ground
it 'disappeared'. The camera zoom found it - what camouflage!
View: DF3_20240918_1304_518 Green Veined White Butterfly feeding on Ragwort flowers.jpg
Description: A second brood female Green Veined White butterfly has hopefully laid per eggs
to overwinter as Chrysalises for next years emergence.
Meanwhile this adult ends her days feeding on some also 'past it' Ragwort flowers.
View: D72_20240919_1550_011+1551_016 Red Admiral Butterfly on Thistle seed head wings closed and open (montage).jpg
Description: This Red Admiral Butterfly resting quietly on a thistle seed head opened and closed their wings
several times.
View: D72_20240919_1552_019 Comma Butterfly on Blackberry fruits.jpg
Description: At the end of the season several butterfly species feed on the juice
leaking from overripe Blackberry fruits
Date: 26 Oct 2024
View: D01_20240912_1205_011+1204_010-009_FB6 Buzzard 2 minute visit to Meadow Post 3+2+1 of 4 (montage leftwards 500mS + 1min).jpg
Description: Here this Buzzard spends a couple of minutes on the Meadow Post,
photographed automatically without us knowing at the time.
View: D72_20240912_1232_006 Buzzard on wooden power pole 30m after Meadow Post.jpg
Description: Half an hour later stepping out of the house we were not expecting to see
this Buzzard, now perched on the top of the wood power pole about 30m south
of the Meadow Post. The Buzzard wasn't pleased to see us, and quickly vanished.
View: D72_20240912_1607_019 Buzzard disturbed from Lombardy Poplar (crop).jpg
Description: Hours later walking outside the south hedge disturbed this (possible the
same) Buzzard from the young Lombardy Poplars along the Farm Road down to the
buildings. Having got 'caught out' by this happening in past encounters, the
camera was for once ready to catch the departure, clearly giving us a jaundiced eye.
View: DF3_20240918_1740_542+546+549 Buzzard gliding in flight 1+5+8 of 8 (impression montage over 1 second).jpg
Description: These three pics of a Buzzard in flight cover about 1 second, the 'approaching' effect is
real - the bird came quite close to us.
Date: 25 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240909_1536_031+1537_035 Heath Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans) on leg and arm (montage).jpg
Description: This Heath Grasshopper (Crickets sport hugely longer antennae) on the top of his sock..
Trying to sweep the insect in to the long grass resulted in it instead landing on an arm.
View: D72_20240909_1549_052 Heath Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans) on corrugated iron sheet with shadow.jpg
Description: Eventually getting this human tolerant creature onto the corrugated iron sheet, we
caught this dramatic moment.
View: D72_20240909_1551_065 Heath Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans) on corrugated iron sheet with shadow.jpg
Description: Moving round to the sunny side found this more conventional and detailed view.
Date: 24 Oct 2024
View: E64_20240909_1309_042+20240908 019_1716_022_FB2 3 Grey Squirrels carrying conkers (accurate montage over 2 days).jpg
Description: We only see a tiny fraction of the Horse Chestnut Conkers that get cached by these seemingly
inexhaustible Grey Squirrels.
View: D72_20240908_0829_155 Grey Squirrel on Farm railings with partly eaten conker in mouth then buried.jpg
Description: Yet another conker taken by a Grey Squirrel from inside our patch (we have the only
Horse Chestnut trees for about 100 metres around). We watched this Squirrel
take it onto the grass verge some 100m away and bury it.
View: E60_20240905_1642_006_FB3 Grey Squirrel nibbling corn ear.jpg
Description: One of the Grey Squirrels here seems to prefer collecting corn ears from the field
to the west - we expect that different individuals have different food preferences,
just like humans.
View: E64_20240911_1758_177_FB2 Grey Squirrel leaping towards another close to camera.jpg
Description: These two Grey squirrels seem to be having-a-go at each other.
The overall impression reminds us of 'helmet cam' footage now a common
part of motor racing coverage.
Date: 23 Oct 2024
View: D01_20240908_2222_041-FB5_2232_85_FB6 Tawny Owl 4 minute visit to Meadow Post ends in failed attack 2+4+6+1 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: We have 'seen' this Tawny Owl visit the meadow post dozens of times in the last
few weeks, and despite seeing the Owl bringing a Rodent to the post have
not seen any related activity at the nearby Meadow photo site until this sequence.
The Tawny Owl spent about 4 minutes on the post, in the last photo casting
their gaze in the direction of the Meadow Photo site about 10m away to the right.
The camera at that site caught what looks like a passing swoop by the Owl, possibly
touching the ground (low enough anyway to break the photo trigger beam a few
centimetres above the ground) that missed the intended prey.
The Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) is a montaged illustration of a possible target taken a few minutes before the event.
View: D01_20240828_0220_011-0223_017_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3+5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: A single visit by a Tawny Owl to the Meadow Post.
Date: 22 Oct 2024
View: BU7_20240907_2154_156 Fox enters at south hedge gap already stepping stealthily.jpg
Description: Enter the Fox through the south hedge, already in hunting mode.
View: BU8_20240908_0625_094+096+0626_097+099 Fox drinks at Duck Pond (just topped up) then wanders on (montage).jpg
Description: Next morning we think a different Fox stops off for drink at Duck pond before
continuing their stealthy hunt.
View: E63_20240910_2135_107_FB1 Fox exploring Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: In the dark of the night this Fox checks out the stone at the hedge bottom
in a slight confusion of legs, tail and head.
Date: 21 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240906_1240_088+090 Common Darter Dragonfly female hunting on Meadow IR sender pole 05+07 of 12 (approx montage).jpg
Description: For the second time we see the post that mounts the IR trigger beam sender used as
a Darter Dragonfly hunting post.
Here are two 'return to base' moments for the insect to wait for another midge
View: D72_20240906_1241_113+114+116 Common Darter Dragonfly female hunts on IR pole 09+10+12 of 12 of 12 (Approx montage @8fps).jpg
Description: Yes, this insect really did fly backward to judge a good landing!
View: D72_20240909_1531_022 Common Darter Dragonfly female warning on corrugated iron sheet.jpg
Description: This female Common Darter Dragonfly basks in the ever weakening daytime sunshine
on the warmed corrugated iron. An unidentified fly seems to be enjoying the same moment.
Date: 20 Oct 2024
View: E63_20240912_0151_201+0243_202+0318_203_FB1 3 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) + 3 slug visits to hedge bottom over 90m (montage).jpg
Description: A few sightings of Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at the hedge bottom taken over 90 minutes.
We have no idea whether this is the same or different mouse.
We notice 3 slugs on the ground - all from the right hand mouse original.
Over the decades we have seen many direct mouse-on-slug interactions, many of which
seem to be mice licking the apparently sweet (we haven't tried it!) mucus that coats
the slugs. Our best effort at catching this behaviour can be found at 2011 dec.htm#31
Date: 19 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240830_1224_027 Common Darter Dragonfly female perched on tip of broken twig with legs wrapped around the stem.jpg
Description: A Darter Dragonfly perched on the vertical tip of a broken-off Blackberry stem.
Darters normally choose more sloping stick end, so this one has to grip the wood
by wrapping the legs around the twig.
We have watched these lovely little creatures for decades, and never perceived
the legs as being this long!
View: D72_20240830_1551_049 Common Darter Dragonfly male perched on sloping twig.jpg
Description: A few hours later we see a male perched on a stick at a preferred angle.
View: D72_20240901_1558_089 Common Darter Dragonfly male hunting from overhead mains cable.jpg
Description: This male Common Darter Dragonfly caught an eye perched on one of the mains cables on
its final span from concrete pole to house. We don't have any reference to a similar sighting.
The Dragonfly was behaving normally for a Darter - sitting quietly before leaping out to grab
some, to us at the distance of perhaps 6 metres, invisible prey item, before returning
to the same perch. When the perch is a stick or similar you can keep the camera firing
images until the hoped for return, but hundreds of twists of copper wire look the same
to both man and beast, and the Dragonfly never landed in the same place twice!
Date: 18 Oct 2024
View: E60_20240901_0143_035+0057_034_FB3 Tawny Owl visits to Kitchen perch over 1 hour 2+1 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: Suddenly what seems to be this single Tawny Owl is making multiple visits
to the camera sites set up to 'see' their visits.
Here are two visits over one night about an hour apart.
View: E60_20240902_2034_006+2332_007_FB3 Tawny Owl landing on Kitchen perch 3 hrs apart (montage).jpg
Description: Next night are these two visits about 3 hours apart.
This Tawny Owl has brought some sort of rodent to the top of the Meadow Post.
Unfortunately the bird turned their back to camera while consuming his prize.
View: D01_20240903_2341_103+104+2345_111_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute at Meadow Post + prey in Talons 1+2+4 of 4 (montage 500mS & 4m).jpg
Description: Most of the Tawny Owl sighting are at the moment distant Meadow Post
where the camera takes pics for up to 5 minutes. Here the Tawny Owl
brought back some sort of Rodent catch to eat, and then turned back to
camera to eat the unfortunate Rodent.
Date: 17 Oct 2024
View: E63_20240830_0805_055_FB1 Grey Squirrel female (damaged right eye) carrying conker kernel across Hedge Bottom site.jpg
Description: The sequence of Squirrel importing corn ears seems to have stopped, but collecting
the kernels of Conkers (Horse chestnut fruits) as become quite intensive.
View: E64_20240902_0802_008_FB2-E63_20240903_1807_104_FB1 Grey Squirrels collecting Horse Chestnut conkers (montage over 34Hrs)-.jpg
Description: A week ago the Squirrels where mostly collecting Wheat ears from the harvested field to the West.
Now the dominant subject for caching is Horse Chestnut 'Conkers', some transported in
their green outer husks, and some as just the nut kernel.
View: D01_20240904_1706_117_FB6 Grey Squirrel carries conker to top of Meadow Post.jpg
Description: Continuing the theme, this Squirrel has climbed to the top of the Meadow
Post with their latest plunder.
Date: 16 Oct 2024
View: BU7_20240830_0213_022 Fox pauses on entering through south hedge gap.jpg
Description: A slightly unusual looking Fox stops and looks back for a moment after entering
through the south hedge gap.
View: BU7_20240901_0227_047 Fox alert to event to their right.jpg
Description: What's that?
View: SP1_20240901_2113_574_SP1 Fox hunting on Round Mound.jpg
Description: This 'long muzzled' Fox makes a pass over the Mound on the next night of the same day.
English language is very awkward when talking about different days overnight.
Date: 15 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240827_0844_034 Red Kite in flight @8fps 1 of 9 (crop).jpg
Description: This Red Kite graced us with a flyby.
View: D72_20240827_0844_034-042 Red Kite in flight 1+3+5+7+9 of 9 (accurate montage alternate frames).jpg
Description: Starting at the detail frame above, the flight speed and camera speed means we have to
montage alternate images. Here is one set of odd numbers from the sequence ...
View: D72_20240827_0844_035-041 Red Kite in flight 2+4+6+8 (accurate montage alternate frames @8fps).jpg
Description: ... and here the even numbered frames.
View: D72_20240827_0844_054-058 Red Kite in flight (impression montage @8fps).jpg
Description: A bit later on in the flight the magnificent bird starts to turn away.
We don't have an positional references here so the positions are strictly eye-candy.
Date: 14 Oct 2024
View: E64_20240820_1721_052_FB2 Grey Squirrels squabbling catches one in spreadeagled leap.jpg
Description: A fantastical leap by the Squirrel on the left.
What's actually happening is difficult to even guess.
View: E60_20240826_1159_009_FB3 Grey Squirrel jumping down about 150cm.jpg
Description: Committed.
No changing the Squirrels mind about the 1.5m drop now!
View: E6C_20240828_1151_044_FB4 Grey Squirrel leaping up from Tree-stump.jpg
Description: This grey squirrel must be leaping across to the IR sense beam box about 1.5 metres to
the right. No wonder these boxes keep getting knocked out of alignment!
Date: 13 Oct 2024
View: E63_20240816_1829_065_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male visit to Hedge Bottom - traces of velvet on antlers.jpg
Description: The male Reeves' Muntjac Deer appears to have completely shed his Velvet
covering to his right (our left) Antler, but still with fragments of fur stuck to the
'inside' edge of his left antler.
View: E64_20240824_0626_106_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with left Antler still with shreds of velvet.jpg
Description: Here is what seemed to be the (at that time) only male Reeves' Muntjac Deer visiting.
His antlers have mostly shed the velvet that allowed them to grow, but a few bits of
dead skin are still stuck to the far antler.
View: BU7_20240826_1457_019+1458_022 Muntjac Reeves Deer female (right) followed by male 1 minute later (montage).jpg
Description: OK - this sweetie moment is a montage about 1 minute apart - but we
regularly see them side by side in poor photo quality night-time moments.
View: BUA_20240828_2340_211_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer with Antlers in velvet - new individual.jpg
Description: A new adult male Reeves' Muntjac Deer arrives on our site.
This one has antlers in Velvet about half grown.
These deer can apparently mature in 6 to 12 months, so this may be
one of the male Fawns we showed you earlier in the year.
Although from the USA, this fact sheet seems very relevant
The idea that this species has been around for maybe 35 million years gives
us real pause for thought.
Date: 12 Oct 2024
View: E64_20240823_1806_100_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying piece of Conker kernel.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel is carrying part of a Conker to his cache.
How do animals 'know' that they must store food against months of cold to come?
Those that don't have less chance of surviving to pass on their genes next year.
So its 'in the Genes' - but its still an amazing feat.
View: E64_20240825_0711_140+0802_142_FB2 Grey Squirrel collecting corn ears from field to west (montage over 1 Hr).jpg
Description: Two days later the Wheat field to our west has been harvested (the only nearby
source of corn ears), and this Grey Squirrel is picking up some of the crop
that the combine harvester dropped.
View: E64_20240826_0856_011-20240829_0720_114_FB2 Grey Squirrel collecting corn ears (montage over 4 days).jpg
Description: Over 4 days we see 4 passages of Grey Squirrels carrying another Ear of corn from the
field to our west. How many actual passages the Squirrel makes without triggering
the photo evidence is impossible to even guess.
Date: 11 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240825_1020_273 Ruddy Darter Dragonfly male.jpg
Description: A male Ruddy Darter Dragonfly.
View: D72_20240826_1546_004 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female on hedge.jpg
Description: This female Migrant Hawker Dragonfly hangs up in a sun-warmed hedge.
View: D72_20240827_1635_184 Common Darter female on edge of junked satellite dish.jpg
Description: This female Common Darter Dragonfly was perched on the rather unattractive top edge of an old
Satellite dish of pierced grey-finished steel that serves as a safety lid to our incinerator
ring of weldmesh.
Date: 10 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240823_1254_178 Ruddy Darter Dragonfly male.jpg
Description: A male Ruddy Darter Dragonfly perched on the top of a seed head, ready to dart
out and grab some passing midge.
View: D72_20240823_1249_160-162 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female in flight @8fps (approx montage top downwards).jpg
Description: The week brought a flurry of Dragonfly activity.
Here a female Migrant Hawker flew between a couple of twigs.
The order is the slightly counter-intuitive top left to bottom right.
View: D72_20240823_1255_182 Southern Hawker Dragonfly male perched on Lodgepole Pine leaves (crop).jpg
Description: The first male Southern Hawker sighting this year 23 Aug 2024.
Here he is hanging from leaves of the Lodgepole Pine trees facing south.
View: D72_20240823_1302_221 Common Darter Dragonfly female on old wooden bench.jpg
Description: This female Common Darter Dragonfly is perched on the arm rest of an old bench.
Date: 09 Oct 2024
View: E6A_20240822_2052_034_FB5 2 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) mingling whiskers (crop).jpg
Description: A pair of Fieldmice (Wood Mice) mingling their whiskers must be the nearest thing
they can reach to a good snog.
View: E64_20240822_1925_053+1929_054_FB2 (Grey Squirrel possible mating activity (montage over 4 minutes).jpg
Description: It's hardly the Grey Squirrel mating season, but males of most species go on
'having a go' as long as they can.
Date: 08 Oct 2024
View: D01_20240821_1650_104_FB6 Red Kite 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: Imagine our surprise when checking/refocussing the camera that 'watches' the
Meadow post showed us this first ever visit, that we know of, of a Red Kite
visiting the Meadow Post at about 5 p.m.
View: D01_20240821_1650_105_FB6 Red Kite 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 2 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: This about half-a-second after the pic above.
Stopping a bird this big isn't easy.
View: D01_20240821_1651_107-1654-113_FB6 Red Kite 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 4+3+5+6 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: The bird stayed for at least 5 minutes (the camera stops photographing after 5 minutes
of continuous photo-trigger beam break) so we got this little sequence of the bird
sometimes quite intensively studying the ground below.
View: D01_20240821_1653_110_FB6 Red Kite 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 5 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: A detail from the 3rd from the left image in the montage.
Date: 07 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240813_1054_027+1051_022 Oak Galls - Left - Marble Gall aka Oak Nut + Right - Knopper Gall (montage).jpg
Description: We have 3 Oak trees mature enough to produce Acorns, but this year
almost every 'Acorn' has been parasitised to make a Knopper Gall (right).
On the largest tree (35 years old) are also Marble Galls growing from leaves,
another insect parasitisation.
So far we have found just one unspoiled acorn, but these trees are huge and
probably contain many more.
View: D72_20240818_1253_113 Thistle Gall - made by Thistle Gall Fly (Urophora cardui).jpg
Description: Its the time of year for plant Galls.
This one on a Thistle was made by the aptly named 'Thistle Gall Fly'.
Date: 06 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240818_1258_175 Common Darter Dragonfly female flies from perch and returns 1 of 5 (crop).jpg
Description: A Common Darter Dragonfly returns to their previous perch after a hunting excursion
Intermediate in size between Hawker Dragonflies and Damselflies,
Darter Dragonflies hunt by 'Darting' from perches to catch passing Midges,
often returning to the same perch. Very convenient for a photographer!
View: D72_20240818_1259_199-202 Common Darter Dragonfly female flies from perch and returns 2-5 of 5 (montage @7fps).jpg
Description: The return flight from the second excursion is caught on camera.
View: D72_20240818_1230_088 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female on part fallen cut Blackthorn stem.jpg
Description: A Migrant Hawker Dragonfly stops long enough to catch a photo.
View: D72_20240820_1415_069 Southern Hawker Dragonfly female hanging from plant stem.jpg
Description: A female Southern Hawker Dragonfly resting on a vertical stem
Date: 05 Oct 2024
View: D72_20240817_1000_023 Mint Moth (Pyrausta aurata).jpg
Description: We belive that this moth is a Mint Moth (pyrausta aurata).
Originally identified as pyrausta purpuralis (which matches
our ID book photos better than P. Aurata) the ID was corrected by Mike Kelly
of the Seaford Natural History Society (
with the following (paraphrased) explanation:-
The wings are well apart - a spot on the hind wing that would be
present in pyrausta purpuralis is missing - Hence pyrausta aurata.
Thanks Mike.
View: D72_20240819_1017_008 Brown Argus Butterfly (upperside only) - 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: The Brown Argus Butterfly has appeared in most recent years.
The bottom-side of the wing is lighter and differently patterned to the side you see here.
This Butterfly is classed as a 'Blue' despite the dominant colour of brown.
There are a few images of Brown Argus butterflies from previous years, including images
in-flight, starting at
or the pages that follow.
View: D72_20240816_1248_036 Gatekeeper Butterfly.jpg
Description: The two white dots inside the black spot say 'Gatekeeper Butterfly'.
Date: 04 Oct 2024
View: D01_20240816_1708_053+054_FB6 Kestrel female brief visit to Meadow Post 1+2 of 2 (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: A period of very few sightings of Kestrels in the last few weeks is brought to an end by firstly
this immaculate female Kestrel making a short visit to the Meadow Post.
View: D72_20240818_0927_056 Kestrel male on northern 11kV cable.jpg
Description: 2 days later we were delighted to spot this male Kestrel perched on the 11kV power cables
over the bridleway to the north.
Date: 03 Oct 2024
View: DF5_20240816_1405_015+1407_028+036 Fox hunting + sitting drowse + reacting to something off-camera (montage over 3 minutes).jpg
Description: This Fox was wandering about on the grass between the main pond and
the house. From upstairs we watched this apparently sleepy Fox quietly
sit down for a drowse in the sunshine.
View: DF5_20240816_1407_034 Fox awakened from doze in sunshine.jpg
Description: As far as we know we didn't disturb the Fox, but something alerted the fox who looked right
and then quietly got up and walked right until disappearing behind one of our screening hedges.
View: df5_20240816_1411_049 fox walking along grass by main pond @7fps 01-46 of 46 anim.gif
Description: As the Fox began to walk quietly out of view the cameraman followed the Fox with the camera
taking about 7 frames per second for 46 frames - that's about 7 seconds.
This animation is displayed at about the real speed once fully loaded.
Date: 02 Oct 2024
View: BU8_20240815_1401_005 Fox crouching on hunt past Duck Pond.jpg
Description: We wouldn't want to be some small creature with this Fox bearing down on us.
View: E63_20240816_0338_036_FB1 Badger at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: Compared to Foxes, Badgers are blundering creatures, but every creature has to
find their niche. Power is the badger's forte.
Date: 01 Oct 2024
View: E6A_20240815_2108_036-20240816_0400_076_FB5 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) & Vole visits to Meadow overnight (montage selected from 41 frames).jpg
Description: Fieldmice (Wood Mice) have 'invaded' the outdoor sites.
Here is the meadow site montaged from 41 pics over 7 hours, the Fieldmice (Wood Mice) taking
a distinctly different route from Voles across the site who are slightly nearer the camera.
View: E63_20240821_0318_149+20240820_2206_148_FB1 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) before and after midnight (montage).jpg
Description: At the hedge bottom a few nights later more twee Fieldmice (Wood Mice) on either side of midnight.
We judge this as two different individuals.
Image Archive arch 2024 sep.htm (view it Here)
Date: 30 Sep 2024
View: D72_20240813_1056_028 Bee (1 of 2) on Teasel flower-head (crop).jpg
Description: Teasel flowering continues and the few bees have been making the most of the largess.
This is one of two similar bees on the same Teasel Flower-head, both going round the head
in circles.
View: D72_20240813_1056_031 2 Bees on single Teasel flower-head (crop).jpg
Description: The two bees finally met on the camera side of the Teasel, we think touched
antennae, and the upper Bee immediately flew away.
Date: 29 Sep 2024
View: D5C_20240805_0806_002+0807_023 Great Spotted Woodpecker juv takes peanut & jams into pole to peck 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: This juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker takes a new approach for this feeder -
chip out a piece of nut, take it to the splintered area further up the
support pole, jam it in the fibres and hammer it until the pieces are a
suitable size to eat.
View: D5C_20240731_0655_005 Short -tailed Field Vole inside peanut feeder.jpg
Description: One or more Short-tailed Field Voles keep running the peanut stock to near zero on
some nights!
View: E6C_20240811_1856_034_FB4+D72_20240812_0922_010 Grey Squirrel on Tree-stump with Conker + part eaten conker (montage).jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel has already found a Horse Chestnut to open and eat.
When we collected the camera cards next morning we noticed this part eaten
small unripe conker on top of the camera box. Seeing the pic on the left
encouraged an outing to photo the part eaten Conker to include in this montage.
Date: 28 Sep 2024
View: D72_20240813_1238_043 Common Darter Dragonfly alighting on top of stinging nettle (crop 1).jpg
Description: Darter Dragonflies are smaller than the Hawker Dragonflies, and behave
completely differently - perching on stems and dashing out to catch some passing
prey before often flying back to their original perch.
Here we see a Common Darter Dragonfly touchdown on a stinging nettle.
View: D72_20240813_1238_043 Common Darter Dragonfly alighting on top of stinging nettle (crop 2 negative).jpg
Description: The detail is clearer, and its visually interesting, to see a negative of this event.
View: D72_20240813_1240_053 Common Darter Dragonfly female perched on cut hedge twig showing Jewel Wings.jpg
Description: Probably the same individual showing off her beautiful shining wings.
'Jewelwings' is a widely used description for Dragonflies.
Date: 27 Sep 2024
View: D72_20240811_1223_245 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly male perched on dead stem.jpg
Description: The Migrant Hawker Dragonflies are now out and about on any warm
day. This is a male hanging on some dead hedge wood.
Their common choice of dead foliage to rest on probably provides better
camouflage than perching on green leaves
View: D72_20240811_1329_259 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female catching multiple reflections of sunlight on wing (crop + insert).jpg
Description: Here a female Migrant Hawker Dragonfly is mostly in shade, but a tiny shaft of sunlight is
sparkling on her wings like a row of tiny lamps.
View: D72_20240813_1243_064 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female hanging from cut hedge twig.jpg
Description: This is a female Migrant Hawker Dragonfly hanging from a desiccated cut hedge twig.
Dragonflies seem to make 'bee-line' (sorry) for these quite sparsely spaced anomalies.
View: D72_20240813_1244_074 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female hanging stinging nettle.jpg
Description: Possibly the same individual now preferring to hang from the stem of a stinging nettle.
Date: 26 Sep 2024
View: BU5_20240808_0130_097_SC1 Fox hunting by Round Pond with ears aimed downwards.jpg
Description: After midnight this Fox has their ears and eyes intensely aimed at something
on the ground in front of them.
View: E64_20240810_0431_042_FB2 Fox walking into Woodland site.jpg
Description: 2 nights later this young Fox takes his portrait some 25m from the pond
at the high resolution woodland photo site.
View: BUA_20240810_2245_297_SC8 Fox gazes upwards near East hedge gap.jpg
Description: In previous years Foxes show some special interest in something high in the
trees at the East hedge gap. Can it be coincidence that this behaviour
resumes in the same week after 'the return of the Pheasant' who night-time
roost in these trees.
View: BU7_20240815_0007_085+086 Fox entering at South Hedge gap attention drawn to tree above (montage over 2 or 3 seconds).jpg
Description: Don't muddle this with the Fox looking 5 days before - this is about 100m
Just after midnight this elegant (and judging by size of lack of mange) young Fox enters at the
South hedge gap and suddenly (a few seconds) turns to investigate something in the tree/overgrown
hedge to his left. We can only guess what caught their attention - possible some
bird roost or nest.
Date: 25 Sep 2024
View: E64_20240809_2330_040_FB2 Badger at Woodland site.jpg
Description: One of the Badgers get photographed at the woodland high resolution camera site
half an hour before midnight.
View: BU7_20240810_2152_243+244+246 Badger crossed ditch at south and turns east (montage).jpg
Description: An hour after dark this Badger stomps in through the South hedge gap, stops for
a moment before setting off east.
View: BUA_20240814_2145_228+232+2146_235_SC8 Badger with wet fur foraging near East hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: We continue to be mystified as to what so many creatures find it worth
searching this patch of leaf-litter covered soil.
Here a sodden badger spends a couple of minutes nosing over the surface.
Date: 24 Sep 2024
View: BU5_20240809_1728_088-1729_096_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer female foraging along edge of Round Pond (approx montage).jpg
Description: Now that some farm fields provide a feast of food, we see rather less of the various mammals,
but we see most of them once or twice a week.
Here a female Reeves' Muntjac Deer is foraging her way along the edge of the Round Pond.
View: BU5_20240812_1536_049-1539_071_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer pair spend 4 minutes on bank of Round Pond (approx montage).jpg
Description: This pair of Reeves' Muntjac Deer quietly forage together around the Round Pond for a few minutes.
The male is the one with the little Antlers (leftmost, bottommost, rightmost).
View: BU5_20240812_1539_074_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male looking back.jpg
Description: If seems that the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer has shed the velvet from his antlers
without us catching a view of the tatty mess made during removal.
Then again this may be a different male or different pair.
View: BU9_20240814_1158_139+144+146_SC2 Muntjac Reeves Deer foraging quietly at end of Orchard (montage).jpg
Description: A Noon passage of this elegant deer quietly walking through the orchard.
Date: 23 Sep 2024
View: E6A_20240805_1356_026_FB5 Blackbird female with Cranefly in beak.jpg
Description: Blackbird profile has soared in the last couple of weeks as this pair are collecting
food for their latest brood. Here the female has captured a Cranefly (Daddy-long-legs).
View: D01_20240806_1050_029+030_FB6 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile lands and launches from meadow post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: This juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker touches down on the meadow post and in
half a second is already on their way again. Some (animal) visitors really
don't like the photo flash (some 15m away) while others completely ignore it.
We may see this individual again when they realise the flash is completely harmless.
We notice that Owls never react like this - perhaps sweeping
car headlight beams are so much a part of their nightly patrols that it is just
flashes of light are 'nothing unusual'.
Date: 22 Sep 2024
View: R70_20240805_0952_004 Pineham Farm agriculture - mix of flowers in some fields.jpg
Description: Farm fields to our east and south were waterlogged for months, and the late sowing has
provided a lovely tapestry of blue, yellow and white.
View: R70_20240805_0948_001 Badger latrine showing diet of corn from adjacent field.jpg
Description: The field to our west is a crop of less attractive but probably more
productive wheat of some sort. The Badgers have certainly noticed this
bonanza. A badger Latrine near the west edge of our access track shows that
the Badger that produced this has been eating almost nothing else!
Date: 21 Sep 2024
View: BU5_20240804_1803_100-102_SC1 Fox walks quietly past Duckweed covered Round Pond (montage).jpg
Description: This Fox passes the Round pond setting off for a night's hunt.
View: BUA_20240805_0343_282_SC8 Fox near east hedge gap.jpg
Description: Fox in the early hours, apparently oblivious to the dull red IR lamp of the trail-cam.
View: SP1_20240805_1825_017-019_SP1 Fox (13m earlier at Round Pond) walking up Round Mound (accurate montage at 3 sec intervals).jpg
Description: One of the several Foxes walks up the Round Mound.
These 3 pics are at what the camera says are at 3 second intervals.
View: E63_20240807_0736_086_FB1 Fox arriving at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: This pristine fox arrives at the hedge bottom, using his ears and nose to
look for anything of interest.
The roots of the whiskers emerge from an almost geometric pattern of lines.
Date: 20 Sep 2024
View: R70_20240803_1101_056 Peacock Butterfly on Ragwort flowers.jpg
Description: A pristine Peacock Butterfly perched on a spread of Oxford Ragwort flowers.
View: R70_20240803_1058_046 Red Admiral Butterfly feeding on mint flower.jpg
Description: A somewhat worn Painted Lady Butterfly feeding on a mint flower outside the
back of the house.
View: R70_20240803_1102_068 Ringlet Butterfly on Maries hand.jpg
Description: This Ringlet Butterfly on the ground looked in need of rescue.
About 5 seconds after this pic the little delight flew off!
View: D72_20240807_0823_031+026 Large White Butterfly with wings partially open and closed (montage).jpg
Description: In the morning sunshine this Large White Butterfly isn't yet warm enough to take flight.
On the right with wings closed it is surprisingly noticeable with just the white Antennae tips.
A few seconds later the partially open wings makes a quite startling appearance.
Date: 19 Sep 2024
View: DF3_20240727_1308_178 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly female.jpg
Description: This year the Beautiful Demoiselle Damselflies have not appeared in the
same numbers as the last few years, but have stayed around longer.
Their wings are still as pristine as new.
View: R70_20240803_1057_037 Banded Demoiselle Damselfly male perched on fallen grass seed head.jpg
Description: A male Banded Demoiselle Damselfly perched on a fallen grass seed head.
Date: 18 Sep 2024
View: R70_20240803_1054_030 Perennial Flax (q) (Linum perenne) flower.jpg
Description: A beautiful delicate flower
View: E6C_20240806_1827_020_FB4 Wood Pigeon looking down from Tree-stump.jpg
Description: A rather elegant portrait of a Wood Pigeon on the Tree-stump.
Date: 17 Sep 2024
View: BU8_20240801_2010_018-016+2011_022 Muntjac Reeves Deer Mum and Fawn frolicking followed by male (montage).jpg
Description: We take this as The Fawn having a playful (to us anyway, perhaps not to an adolescent
male deer) jump onto Mum. Dad was following along the pair but they had moved out
of frame by the time he arrived.
View: E6A_20240806_1144_042_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with shrinking Antler velvet.jpg
Description: A good look at the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer growing his new Antlers convinces
us that the shafts are thinner than they were. We guess that they are
'allowed' to shrivel and drain of blood before the 'velvet' is discarded.
Date: 16 Sep 2024
View: R70_20240729_0726_011-017 Buzzard flying down from distant 11KV pole to west @8fps 1-7 of 7 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Firing the camera to get an ID still of this Buzzard sitting on the 11kV crossbar
ended up getting this sequence of the bird diving downwards.
Date: 15 Sep 2024
View: BUA_20240731_2317_136+137_SC8 Fox turns to snarl at trail camera IR (dull red) light (montage of successive frames).jpg
Description: An hour before midnight this Fox triggers the trail-cam, and stops to snarl at the
dim red light from the camera IR 'flash'. The lower pic shows the Fox mouth is
showing some of his fearsome teeth.
A little clarification about IR (Infra Red) in photography.-
IR Trail-cam 'flash' in 'near infrared' - only just visible as a dark red glow for humans,
but is more obvious for some animals, and invisible for others.
IR movement sensors (used to trigger Trail-cams and simple security systems) work
at longer wavelengths (lower energy per photon) and are sensing animal body heat
moving across the field it is watching.
IR 'beam break' uses a wavelength between the two - it is completely invisible
but animals breaking the beam trigger the camera - this is the style of sensor
we use on all our high-resolution colour photo sites. Its also a favourite in
'Heist' movies with special gadgets to spot the beams.
View: BU7_20240731_2344_151+153+BUA_20240801_0053_156_SC8 Badger enter at South & 70m later is at East hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: In the hours across midnight as July rolls into August, this badger enters at the
south across the new dry ditch, and 70 minutes later is on their way to depart
through the east hedge. No other sighting 'on the way', but there are far more
routes without a camera than there are with one.
Date: 14 Sep 2024
View: D01_20240731_1536_155_FB6+E6A_20240731_1537_137_FB5 Blackbird male flies from Meadow post to collect invertebrate (montage).jpg
Description: This male Blackbird is first seen briefly on the Meadow post, and a minute later (given
clock settings drift) dives down a few metres to the Meadow site to grab some
unfortunate meal for his chicks - unfortunate for the meal, not the chicks.
View: D01_20240731_1738_170+171+1739_173_FB6 Blackbird male 3 minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Probably the same male Blackbird spends 3 minutes panting in the hot sun
at the top of the Meadow Post.
Date: 13 Sep 2024
View: E6A_20240729_1200_021_FB5 Blackbird male panting in hot sunshine at Meadow site.jpg
Description: Its hot in the noonday sun, and this male Blackbird has spread out his wings and
pants at the same time to control his body temperature while he gets his vitamin D.
View: E6A_20240730_1311_055_FB5 Blackbird female panting in hot sunshine at Meadow site.jpg
Description: Its Hot - what's a elegant female Blackbird to do but pant?
View: E6A_20240730_1845_083_FB5 Blackbird female at Meadow site holding at least 2 caterpillars & other items in beak.jpg
Description: Time to feed the kids. Again, and again ...
Date: 12 Sep 2024
View: R70_20240729_1033_001 Spotted Longhorn Beetle (strangalia maculata) on White flower head.jpg
Description: Some insects are really rather spectacular.
This is a Spotted Longhorn Beetle on some white flower.
View: DF3_20240728_1018_026 Beetle (Pyrrhidium sanguineum) on Bindweed flower petal.jpg
Description: A red Beetle with no common name basking on the edge of a large Bindweed flower.
Date: 11 Sep 2024
View: DF3_20240728_1628_097 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female.jpg
Description: Some of the Migrant Hawker Dragonflies frequent the sun-warmed concrete
access track, and often perch at a convenient human eye height.
This is a female Migrant Hawker Dragonfly.
View: R70_20240729_1053_017 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly male partly in shadow.jpg
Description: And this is a male Migrant Hawker Dragonfly.
View: R70_20240731_1004_038-051 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly flying down side of house @8fps (accurate montage).jpg
Description: This Migrant Hawker Dragonfly seems to like flying on the north side of the house.
The camera exposure rate 'sounded' regular and we assume that the irregular
spacings are due to wind eddies and insect wingbeat patterns.
Date: 10 Sep 2024
View: BU7_20240727_1754_077 Fox poss scent marking near south hedge gap.jpg
Description: This Fox is most likely scent-marking a lump of dead leaves.
View: E63_20240729_0036_111_FB1 Fox juvenile visits Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: One of the juvenile Foxes takes their portrait.
The eye looks a bit cloudy, but we hope that this is just a photo effect.
View: E64_20240731_0457_067_FB2 Fox Cub at Woodland site with strange 3 leg appearance (crop).jpg
Description: One of the Fox cubs visits the Woodland site.
However much we stare at this pic. change the contrast, make it negative, etc.
the leg count just doesn't compute. The 'middle' leg looks like its been 'pasted in',
but this is just the camera original slightly sharpened and exposure corrected as
we normally do. Even the clear shadow doesn't provide any clues.
If we spot a definite 3-legged cub we will let you know!
Date: 09 Sep 2024
View: DF3_20240726_1112_003 Comma Butterfly (both sides of wing visible) feeding on Ragwort flower.jpg
Description: A Comma Butterfly shows us his orange top of wing, and the dark bottom of
wing with the white 'comma' that gives the species it's common name.
View: DF3_20240726_1506_021 Small White Butterfly feeding on Teasel flowers.jpg
Description: A Small White Butterfly on a partially developed Teasel flower.
View: R70_20240730_1256_006 Brimstone Butterfly feeding on Teasel flowers (crop 3).jpg
Description: A few days later, with a more suitable camera, we have a better look at the
eyes, antennae and the probing proboscis.
View: DF3_20240726_1509_023 Peacock Butterfly perched on Hop Sedge frond at Duck Pond.jpg
Description: A Peacock Butterfly perched on a frond of Hop Sedge - the plant that dominates
the Duck Pond.
Date: 08 Sep 2024
View: BU8_20240725_1410_016+017 Fox juvenile walking past Duck Pond (accurate montage).jpg
Description: This young Fox walks at speed past the Duck Pond.
It looks like the individual with the two-tone tail.
View: BU5_20240727_0613_055+056_SC1 Fox at Round Pond stares at Trail Cam at second flash of dark red (montage).jpg
Description: A different fox stops for a moment as the Trail-cam at the Round pond and takes their pic.
For images in the dark and poor light the camera uses a mostly IR (infra-Red) light
that is on for between a quarter and 1 second. The IR looks to the human eye as a
dull red glow, and it seems that the Fox can also see it as it gets this meaningful stare.
Date: 07 Sep 2024
View: R70_20240724_0820_472 Buzzard on 11kV crossbar.jpg
Description: This Buzzard seems to have been making a tour of the area for a ground hunt.
Here far too far away to hope to see any action, is a morning visit to a distant
11kV power pole .
View: BU2_20240724_1748_091-1801_109_SC7 Buzzard makes two visits to hunt at Round Mound 2+4+5+16+17+19 of 19 (montage over 14m).jpg
Description: The evening of the same day sees what may be the same Buzzard spending a quarter of an hour at the
Round Mound hunting at the ex-Badger, now Rabbit, hole. The bird made 3 visits and obviously
caught more than one item, but the resolution of this trail cam is insufficient to see what.
Date: 06 Sep 2024
View: R70_20240723_1733_048+058 Ant Alate top and side views on grass stem (montage).jpg
Description: The idea of a single country-wide 'Ant Alate Day' seems to be nonsense, but we do find
ant nests synchronise their Alate dispersal at different nests near the end of a warmish day.
Outside the Study Window we see these flying ants from the conservatory, and
always dash such out with a camera to catch the few minutes of activity.
Alates seem to climb up any piece of vegetation, and then launch from the highest point.
Here are two views of an Alate climbing a grass stem.
View: R70_20240723_1734_168+187+188 Ant Alate climbs Grass stems and launches (montage right to left).jpg
Description: On reaching the top this Alate circles the top for a moment before launching.
View: R70_20240723_1737_244 100 Ant Alates on shaded west edge of access track.jpg
Description: We already know where another Ant nest may be dispersing, and 3 minutes later find
at least 100 Alates on the previously sun-warmed edge of the concrete track.
View: R70_20240723_1741_274 3 Ant Alates + worker on grass seed head.jpg
Description: These three Alates seemed about to launch from this grass seed cluster, but
never did. The worker ant helps provide an idea of the Alate larger size.
Date: 05 Sep 2024
View: E60_20240723_1410_019_FB3 Sparrowhawk female lands on kitchen bird table.jpg
Description: Just one image captured of this female Sparrowhawk landing on the Kitchen bird
We have regular sightings of this bird flashing past the conservatory window
in the hope of catching some bird (or maybe even a vole) unprotected on
the caged bird feeder.
Caged feeders do not 'protect' birds inside from Sparrowhawks - they
reach between the bars with their talons to pull out their latest catch.
But they DO work to stop Squirrels emptying them in a day!
Date: 04 Sep 2024
View: R70_20240722_1250_008 Moth - poss Garden Grass Venerr (Chrysoteuchia culmella) perched on spider web (crop 1).jpg
Description: We saw this moth (ID uncertain from this perspective) apparently land in
mid-air near a stinging nettle leaf.
We knew that it must have landed on a silk thread, and were concerned
that it might be 'stuck' to it with no spider about to eat it.
View: R70_20240722_1250_008 Moth - poss Garden Grass Venerr (Chrysoteuchia culmella) perched on spider web (crop 2).jpg
Description: In this tighter crop you can see the incredibly fine threads and the unusual
and rather attractive eye of the moth.
Having got the pic we decided to release the Moth from the abandoned
threads, but the Moth flew off without any help as a hand approached.
Date: 03 Sep 2024
View: E64_20240721_2130_217_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with Antlers in velvet.jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac Deer really looking the business.
His antlers are still 'in velvet' but just about fully grown - he wont look
so good when the Antler 'velvet' starts breaking up and falling off!
View: BU7_20240724_2325_181+182+ap2_20240724_2333_078_ap2$003 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn and Mum (montage over 8 minutes).jpg
Description: Here the Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn and Mum enter through the south hedge gap half an hour
before midnight, and over 8 minutes travel the 30 metres to emerge at the front of the house.
Date: 02 Sep 2024
View: D5C_20240721_0737_001 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile.jpg
Description: Outside the study we see this nervous juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker.
As soon as they spotted us they left.
View: D5C_20240721_0837_010+017 Great Spotted Woodpecker female adult on peanut feeder post (montage).jpg
Description: An hour later (to the minute!) this adult Great Spotted Woodpecker arrives
to grab a few bits of peanut. This is a montage of two moments.
Date: 01 Sep 2024
View: D01_20240721_1726_281+282+1727_284_FB6 Green Woodpecker juvenile makes 3 visits to Post in 16 minutes 1-3 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: Over 16 minutes this juvenile Green Woodpecker made at least 3 visits to the meadow
First under an overcast sky ...
View: D01_20240721_1731_289+1741_292_FB6 Green Woodpecker juvenile makes 3 visits to Meadow Post in 16 minutes 4+5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: .. and then in a patch of sunshine.
Image Archive arch 2024 aug.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240721_1525_039 Gatekeeper Butterfly.jpg
Description: The Meadow area is quietly aflutter with a few species of butterfly.
Here is a Gatekeeper Butterfly.
View: R70_20240721_1528_043 Comma Butterfly pristine perched over Duck Pond.jpg
Description: This is a Comma Butterfly - the white 'comma' appears on the other side of the wings.
Our early years here only saw this butterfly in the autumn, feeding on rotting
windfall apples. Delightfully we now spot that unique Scalloped wing edge
at various times throughout the warmer months.
View: R70_20240722_1553_019 Comma Butterfly (abraded left forewing edges) on stinging nettle leaf.jpg
Description: This Comma Butterfly is obviously a new arrival, but has already had a brush
with something sharp all along the edge of the left forewing. Too many and
too small to be bird pecks, we guess a brush against a blackberry or rose stem.
Date: 30 Aug 2024
View: D01_20240721_0913_241_FB6 Wood Pigeon on Meadow Post drops feather.jpg
Description: Oops - dropped something!
View: R70_20240724_1045_505 Pigeon feather dropped from Meadow Post (orig & final).jpg
Description: 3 days later (the same day as first seeing the pic of the above moment), we
find what we assume is the same feather caught in the grass at the bottom of the post.
View: R70_20240721_1534_048 Patch of Lords-and-Ladies berries with opened Pigeon Egg shell (orig & final).jpg
Description: This year blackberry stems completely obstruct paths in only a few days.
While cutting back the northen overgrowth this little site of interest was
noticed for a return visit - a hatched Pigeon egg amid several flattened Lords-and-ladies
plants, allowing imagination to fill in the events.
Date: 29 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240724_1045_508 Red Campion flower.jpg
Description: A second emergence of Red Campion flowers is underway.
View: R70_20240720_1006_002+20240721_1236_024 Bindweed flower fading in one day of sunshine 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: We have commented about Bindweed bleaching very quickly, and here we see the effect
of a whole day of sunshine on this single flower along the side of the Farm Road.
The camera perspectives are different, but it was the only flower along this
excessively mown section of road.
Date: 28 Aug 2024
View: D01_20240718_0712_003_FB6 Rook landing on meadow post backlit with teasels.jpg
Description: A Rook makes an early morning landing on the Meadow Post
silhouetted by dazzling sunlit Teasels.
View: R70_20240724_0828_475 Peacock Butterfly feeding on Teasel flowers.jpg
Description: A well developed Teasel flower head (the rings now almost reached the 'poles')
attracts one of the many pristine Peacock Butterflies currently decorating the patch.
View: R70_20240724_0835_478 Teasel Flower head leaning over before flower rings split.jpg
Description: This is a 'younger' Teasel Flower head with the flowers still all clustered around the 'equator'.
This single ring will split into two new rings which will work their way
toward the top & bottom of the head.
View: R70_20240724_1040_488 Bee smothered in pollen while feeding on Teasel flowers.jpg
Description: Teasels seem to attract any insect that uses flowers for 'fuel'.
Here we see a Bee working their way around the back of the spiky head to emerge
into view covered in Pollen - just what the Teasel needs to pass on their Genes.
Date: 27 Aug 2024
View: D01_20240702_1029_207-1035_213_FB6 Green Woodpecker juvenile visits to Meadow Post 1-3 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: We have mentioned hearing the presence of juvenile Green Woodpeckers,
and at last we get to see one on the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20240714_1003_357+1004+359_FB6 Green Woodpecker juvenile short visit to meadow post (montage).jpg
Description: 12 days later this juvenile Green Woodpecker - we have no idea how many there
are - makes another short visit to the top of the Meadow Post.
Date: 26 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240629_1332_400 Common Blue Damselfly female Blue form.jpg
Description: A female Common Blue Damselfly (blue form) perched on a grass blade.
In flight we find that these insects are almost like 'flying ghosts' with transparent
wings and body easily lost against foliage.
View: R70_20240719_1255_125-1256_130 Brown Hawker Dragonfly (1st of 2024) flying along roof edge + insert (approx montage @8fps).jpg
Description: The first appearance of a Hawker Dragonfly this year.
Our initial ID 'by eye' was for a Brown Hawker Dragonfly, and a few hours
later our waiting about was rewarded by this individual flying along
the top edge of the house walls. This is an accurate montage at about 8 fps.
The insert is a magnified version of the top right image where the diagnostic
brown wings are clearly visible.
Don't worry about the wonky looking roof - the camera tilting while panning and
other effects made exact alignment difficult.
View: R70_20240713_0948_101 Two-banded Wasp Hoverfly (Chrysotoxum bicinctum).jpg
Description: Our first ever sighting (or rather ID of) a Two-banded Wasp Hover-fly (one of
several variations of common names).
Date: 25 Aug 2024
View: BU7_20240716_1600_299+300 Fox arrives from South Hedge Gap & pauses to look around (montage).jpg
Description: This afternoon Fox arrival through the south hedge gap stops for a
look around before deciding where to go now.
View: BU7_20240714_1620_157 Fox youngster at south hedge gap.jpg
Description: The disproportionately large ears, and devoid of the nicks in the edges that
a few months of hunting create, tells us that this is a young Fox out on his own.
Date: 24 Aug 2024
View: D71_20240716_1114_008 White Campion flowers (1st of 2024).jpg
Description: White Campion first appearance this year.
View: R70_20240719_0935_063 Lords-and-Ladies berries in shaft of sunlight.jpg
Description: Deep in the gloom of the woodland a chance beam of sunlight for a minute
or two illuminates the berries of one of hundreds of Lord-and-Ladies plants
scattered all over the site.
The sun moves its diameter in the sky every two minutes (like the moon) -
so the shaft of light correspondingly 'moves on'.
View: R70_20240705_1320_011 Fox-and-cubs clump outside front door.jpg
Description: A more representative attempt to bring you the feel of the floating shine
of the Fox-and-Cubs at the front of the house.
View: R70_20240708_0623_135 Redshank flowers detail.jpg
Description: Even in ID books pictures of flowers clumps rarely capture the feel of
seeing a clump with the eyes - eyes pick up the detail and general form
at the same time much better than a photograph.
So here is the 'detailed look' of this delightful wild plant.
Date: 23 Aug 2024
View: DF3_20240714_0819_037+R70_20240705_1328_017 Lime Tree at north of Meadow + bract detail (montage).jpg
Description: This Lime tree is about 30 years old, and in the last few years has started
to produce flowers and 'bracts' - the light coloured shapes that give the
tree such an unusual appearance. Even 20m downwind you can detect the
wonderful perfume of this tree, which becomes almost overpowering right
underneath - a sweet but not sickly aroma.
The English language seems devoid of descriptions for aromas.
Date: 22 Aug 2024
View: D01_20240713_1704_268-1723_284_FB6 Magpie brings dead Rodent (maybe Shrew) to Meadow Post to eat 1-4 of 4 (montage 20 mins).jpg
Description: This Magpie brought this bedraggled item to the Meadow Post top and
spent 20 minutes gradually pulling it apart and eating it.
The colour and size suggest that it was a shrew - it is furry so it's a Rodent
of some sort at least. Magpies are not equipped with the curved tearing
beak of a Raptor and obviously take quite a while to 'carve up' their prize.
Date: 21 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240712_1643_100 Self Heal (Prunella Vulgaris) flowerhead + Greenbottle.jpg
Description: Self Heal is appearing in and around our patch.
It is amazing how many common names of plants follow supposed (or not) medicinal properties.
View: DF3_20240714_0812_018 Field Scabious flower + Thick Legged Flower Beetle (crop with insert).jpg
Description: Seeing all these wonderful creatures should not let us forget that the basis
of all life (apart from Deep sea vents) is plants.
Here is a little celebration of recently flowering 'weeds' This Field
Scabious is hosting a male Thick-legged Flower Beetle at the lower left.
View: DF3_20240714_0812_022 Meadow Cranes-bill flowers.jpg
Description: A rather tatty with insect damage, but still rather gorgeous,
Meadow Cranesbill flower.
View: DF3_20240714_0813_032 Knapweed flowerhead.jpg
Description: A Knapweed flower.
Date: 20 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240712_1310_086 Gatekeeper Butterfly (1st of 2024).jpg
Description: A few more butterflies are showing themselves.
This one is called a Gatekeeper from their habit (in the past) of flying about in the
weeds near gateposts.
View: R70_20240719_0931_057 Gatekeeper Butterfly perched near centre of white Bindweed flower.jpg
Description: A Gatekeeper Butterfly looks almost surreal on this pristine white Bindweed flower.
View: R70_20240719_1117_068 Gatekeeper Butterfly on Ragwort flower.jpg
Description: Out in the meadow, and along the hedges outside our patch, Ragwort is
flowering in great burning clumps of gold. This gatekeeper Butterfly stops
off for a feed to fuel that endless fluttering search for more food and a
mate. The yellow flowers are a bit washed out here to make the detail of the
darker butterfly clearly visible.
Date: 19 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240712_1640_094 Comma Butterfly pristine perched on plastic sheet.jpg
Description: An immaculate (brand new!) Comma Butterfly.
We might be able to persuade you that the insect is perched on a piece
of shiny marble, but the reality is a pile of polythene covered bricks :-(
View: D71_20240714_1756_014 Red Admiral Butterfly.jpg
Description: The underwing of a Red Admiral Butterfly.
We have heard reports that they are exceptionally abundant this year,
and we are certainly seeing more than usual.
View: R70_20240719_1121_071 Ringlet Butterfly of Blackberry leaf.jpg
Description: The first appearance of the beautiful Ringlet Butterfly this year.
Date: 18 Aug 2024
View: BU8_20240711_2038_164-2040_186 Muntjac Reeves Deer - Mum+Fawn & Mum+Dad & Fawn+Dad (montage).jpg
Description: A Fragmented view of our Reeves' Muntjac Deer 'family' just as it is getting dark.
Left to right we see:-
Mother and Fawn
Mother and Father (assumed)
Fawn and Father (assumed)
View: BU7_20240715_1325_269+271 Muntjac Reeves Deer male (growing Antlers) enters through south hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: The Antlers 'in velvet' must be almost full grown at this length, and
already having the characteristic curve near the tip.
Date: 17 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240711_1322_048+064+0319_020 Leaf-Cutter Bee (Megachile centuncularis) takes cut leaves into broken Birch (montage).jpg
Description: Our first ever sighting of a Leaf-cutter Bee. here enjoying the broken Silver Birch tree trunk
piece we told you about months ago. We left it horizontal on an unused outside bench
near the east wall of the house. First sighting was of as green piece of leaf (about 1 by 2cms)
disappearing into a hole at the top LEFT of this pic. Grabbing a camera saw 2 more trips
with similar sized pieces of leaf, but into the hole on the RIGHT.
The bottom pic is of a pile of sawdust UNDER the tree-trunk that we assume must be related,
but we saw no activity there.
Date: 16 Aug 2024
View: PK1_20240711_1243_556 Grey Squirrel female on top of composter eating potato peel from paws.jpg
Description: This heavily pregnant Grey Squirrel needs all the food that she can find.
She spent several minutes munching through potato peelings in the
compost maker.
The compost maker is at 30 degrees from the vertical and too heavy to push
back before it is ready to be emptied.
View: D5C_20240713_1026_004 Grey Squirrel female pregnant on Study bird table.jpg
Description: 2 days later what could be the same Grey squirrel.
Date: 15 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240709_0942_113 Bark fragment with Lichens (8 cm long) (crop).jpg
Description: On one of our daily walks we found this 8cm long piece of bark lying on the
field margin completely 'out of context' - i.e. we have no idea where it came
from. First the whole piece resting on the bar of one of some farm railings.
View: R70_20240709_0942_113 Bark fragment with Lichens (detail crop).jpg
Description: A detail from near the centre of the above show a plethora of different lichens
in just a couple of centimetres.
Date: 14 Aug 2024
View: D5C_20240708_0903_004 Vole in almost empty peanut feeder cage.jpg
Description: One of our peanut feeders is now regularly visited in the daytime by one, occasionally two,
short-tailed field voles. They probably also visit in the safety of darkness.
Here at 9 a.m. there are only 2 peanuts left and no apparent way to get at them.
When refilling the feeder shortly thereafter there was just one peanut left.
We could stop the voles by moving the position of the further from the post that they
climb up to reach the feeder, but they are hungry, and are not invading the house.
Date: 13 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240705_1329_025+1330_035 Scarlet Tiger Moth showing faded spots only on top of wings (montage of same individual).jpg
Description: Here we see again our newly discovered Scarlet Tiger Moth, this time perched on a hedge.
The coloured spots have all but bleached to white on the top of the wings though
the basic black seems to be a more persistent dye.
The Moth flew across the path to land on a stem on the other side, providing an
unexpected view of the underside - still quite brightly coloured.
As usual we blame the sun bleaching the side most often exposed to the UV.
IGNORE all this 'don't use Sunscreen' trash on social media - excess UV is dangerous.
View: R70_20240706_1242_068+1244_076 Scarlet Tiger Moth with tangled wings on ground rescued and left in hedge (montage).jpg
Description: Next day we find what is probably the same Moth utterly soaked by the rain
lying on the grass path with wings tangled up.
We untangled the wings and left the poor little creature to dry on the sunlit hedge.
Gone next day - whether a rescue or a snack for a bird we don't know.
The orange you don't normally see is a quite common characteristic for moths -
the orange top of the rear wings is normally covered and in flight the orange effect
is a quite startling change from normal appearance. ID books often manage to show
pics of insects called by their underwing colour without a hint of the colour in
the photo or drawing!
The underwing colour shows well in photos taken in-flight - this pic shows the
same moth with both wings closed and in flight at
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing in flight & on Hawthorn twig (montage)
Date: 12 Aug 2024
View: E6A_20240704_1820_030_FB5 Wood Pigeon at Meadow site.jpg
Description: Before the rains an elegant wood Pigeon looks back at the camera.
View: E6A_20240705_0808_040_FB5 Wood Pigeon with soaked breast feathers.jpg
Description: At the start of the rain that beautiful matt grey breast looks very tatty ...
View: E63_20240706_0709_109_FB1 Wood Pigeon drenched by rain visits hedge bottom.jpg
Description: ... but another day of rain this bird really looks quite awful.
We do hope it is not as uncomfortable as it looks.
Date: 11 Aug 2024
View: BU8_20240705_0228_200+204 Fox forages past front of Duck Pond (accurate montage).jpg
Description: A Fox on the prowl past Duck Pond.
The tail looks rather odd - fluffing out at the back half.
View: BU8_20240705_1835_253+255 Fox soaked by rain makes evening visit to Duck Pond (montage).jpg
Description: A drenched Fox walks up to the Duck Pond.
The tail of this one looks normal unlike the night-time IR image - maybe some
lighting effect or a different Fox.
Date: 10 Aug 2024
View: D01_20240627_0728_084_FB6 Wood Pigeon landing on meadow post.jpg
Description: Pigeons love post tops of all types.
This Wood Pigeon lands on the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20240628_1206_256+257_FB6 Wood Pigeon lands on wing of another already on Meadow Post (montage right to left in 500mS).jpg
Description: Pigeons love post tops of all types.
The arriving Wood Pigeon (right pair) makes a clumsy landing on the perched birds right wing.
View: R70_20240704_1039_139-142 Wood Pigeon drops down from Cherry tree stump (montage @ 8fps).jpg
Description: Pigeons love post tops of all types.
Many years ago we had to pollard this Cherry tree at the edge of the access track.
Birds now use it as a look-out post and here we see a Wood Pigeon perched on it
watching us approach with a 'jaundiced' eye before basically falling off the top
to land on the concrete track, possibly associating seeing us with corn grain
magically appearing on the concrete!
Date: 09 Aug 2024
View: BU7_20240701_2109_148-20240703_0129_261 Muntjac Reeves Deer female + Fox + Badger at south hedge (montage in 2 nighttimes).jpg
Description: The camera watching the South hedge gap caught these 3 different species entering
over two nights - 3 actual dates but as always confused by before and after
The symmetry appealed to us.
Date: 08 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240630_1631_439 Grey Squirrel emerges from shaking conifer to grab onto bird table.jpg
Description: Outside the study window this 'miniature' conifer was shaking like mad for no
visible reason. Grabbing a camera caught this Grey Squirrel leap out of the
conifer just managing to catch the edge of the woodwork.
View: E60_20240627_1431_028_FB3 Grey Squirrel drowsing spreadeagled on kitchen bird table.jpg
Description: This is the life!
Date: 07 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240629_0822_126-0823_204 Buzzard in tight circle in thermal over 10 second (selected montage - top clockwise).jpg
Description: No Red Kites over the last few days, but several sightings of Buzzards
climbing in the thermal created by the variation on the land around us. Here
a buzzard making a single circle in an unusually tight circle, though nowhere
near as small a circle as this Montage implies.
View: R70_20240629_0822_123 Buzzard circling in thermal.jpg
Description: A more detailed pic of the buzzard just before the top of the montage.
View: R70_20240629_1313_312-314 Buzzard in flight @8fps (impression montage).jpg
Description: By early afternoon the uneven heating of the morning sunshine gives way to
a more even heating that is not as affective at creating good up-drafts.
A bit of wing flapping is now required to make progress.
Date: 06 Aug 2024
View: BUA_20240629_0246_226_SC8 Fox hunting near East hedge gap.jpg
Description: Its nearly 3 a.m. as the Wily Fox scours the ground for food for their or
their offspring's next meal.
View: BU7_20240703_1716_277+279 Fox entering at south hedge gap (slightly adjusted montage).jpg
Description: A scruffy and wet Fox walks into the site at 'tea-time'.
For us this animal somehow exudes a sense of experienced menace.
Date: 05 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240629_1320_379 Fox-and-Cubs flower head.jpg
Description: Fox-and-Cubs flowers - at twice life size on our PC screen!
View: R70_20240629_1316_367 Perennial Flax (q) (Linum perenne (q)) flower growing from crack in concrete access track.jpg
Description: This beautiful little flower grows from a crack in the concrete track.
We think that it is Perennial Flax
View: R70_20240630_1332_436 Hawkbit (q) flowering in crack in access track.jpg
Description: Another crack loving plant is what we think is a variety of
Our ID book says it takes an expert to tell the Hawkbit Species apart, so
we will be pleased if just 'Hawkbit' is accurate.
Date: 04 Aug 2024
View: D71_20240624_0706_007 Meadow Cranes-bill (Geranium pratense) flower clump of flowers across main road.jpg
Description: Across the main road against the farm fence and Pig-net grows this
glorious patch of Meadow Cranes-bill.
View: R70_20240628_1617_092 Great Willow Herb flower (1st of 2024).jpg
Description: One of what will become a plethora of Great Willow Herb flowers.
Our early wildlife watching was dominated Rosebay Willow Bay plants that like
to grow on ashy soil - it is known in and after WW2 to colonise bomb sites.
We vaguely assumed that it would appear here, but even ash improved clay soil
will not grow the seeds. Instead we see lots of this Great Willow Herb
occupying the similar niche.
Give nature somewhere suitable to live, and it will often find it's own way
Date: 03 Aug 2024
View: E60_20240628_1325_041+1500_042_FB3 Sparrowhawk female 2 visits to Kitchen perch in 95m (stretched montage.jpg
Description: One and a half hours apart sees these two landings of this (presumably the same)
female Sparrowhawk on the Kitchen perch.
View: D01_20240702_0122_155+0158_161_FB6 Tawny Owl landing on meadow post over 30 minutes 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl makes a couple of landings 30 minutes apart, but
apparently wasn't impressed by the number of mice and voles at our 'supermarket'.
Date: 02 Aug 2024
View: R70_20240628_0911_068 Ringlet Butterfly (1st of 2024) (crop).jpg
Description: The first sighting this year of a Ringlet Butterfly.
This spot pattern on the lower surface of the wings is very characteristic.
View: R70_20240628_1615_086 Meadow Brown Butterfly.jpg
Description: One of our reliable butterflies - a Meadow Brown.
View: R70_20240629_1329_394 Meadow Brown Butterfly with wings closed and rear wing covering forewing markings.jpg
Description: Another Meadow Brown Butterfly with wings closed and the rear
wings covering the tell-tale spot on the forewing.
View: R70_20240629_0835_225 Green veined White Butterfly.jpg
Description: A Green veined White butterfly showing that the dark green markings appear
only on the lower surface of the wings.
Date: 01 Aug 2024
View: BU9_20240624_1532_115_SC2 Magpie carrying (poss Pigeon) egg in beak.jpg
Description: EGG THIEF!
Magpies don't carry their own eggs about, and this one looks like a Pigeon's egg.
We don't remember ever having seen this behaviour before, let alone catching it 'on camera'.
View: E63_20240624_1030_029_FB1 Magpie picking up seeds at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A few scattered corn grains seems to be worth the search for this Magpie.
Image Archive arch 2024 jul.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Jul 2024
View: SP1_20240620_2215_122_SP1 Badger peers down holes on south of mound.jpg
Description: This badger on the Round Mound is momentarily IR lit from 2 trail cams at
once creating a much better image than the usual single light source directly
from near the lens.
View: BU7_20240626_2042_228 Badger on edge of south ditch.jpg
Description: A sturdy Badger stops for a moment near the south hedge gap
Date: 30 Jul 2024
View: E6A_20240625_2120_096_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn.jpg
Description: A couple of 'edge of camera frame' portraits of Reeves' Muntjac Deer.
First the still immaculate older Fawn.
View: E6A_20240626_2053_137_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with growing antlers.jpg
Description: Much less immaculate, but very characterful, is our regular male,
with his Antlers growing back apace.
View: E6A_20240627_2129_109_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer fawn at meadow site.jpg
Description: One of the Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawns walks quietly through the Meadow site.
Date: 29 Jul 2024
View: BUA_20240624_1957_040-2001_044 Fox spends 5 minutes near east hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: This Fox spent about 5 minutes wandering around this patch of ground
near the east hedge gap before leaving.
View: BU7_20240625_1942_202 Fox stops momentarily near south hedge gap (crop).jpg
Description: This adult Fox stops momentarily near the south hedge gap for a last look back.
Their slight open mouth shows a couple of the long 'killer' teeth.
Date: 28 Jul 2024
View: DF3_20240626_1054_093 Scarlet Tiger Moth (Callimorpha dominula) on subsidence damaged rendering (1st sighting) (crop).jpg
Description: While walking round the North West corner of the house, we find this startling Moth.
It is perched on the remains of the rendering under a bay window.
This is a Scarlet Tiger Moth that we have never seen before anywhere but ID books.
It is a daytime flying moth so we have never caught one in our night-time moth trap.
View: DF3_20240623_1648_391 Large Skipper Butterfly (1st of 2024).jpg
Description: Our first Large Skipper Butterfly this year.
Date: 27 Jul 2024
View: DF3_20240625_1121_046 Banded Demoiselle male seeing through all 4 wings.jpg
Description: One of are recent arrival male Banded Demoiselle Damselflies perched
on the tips of some leaves, providing a view of the banding through
all four wings at once.
The first sighting this year was on 22 June 2024
View: DF3_20240626_1046_082 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly female.jpg
Description: A delicate female Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly poised for a moment on a leaf.
This and the Banded form of Demoiselle seem to live a a few weeks, but they
never seem to pick up the wing damage that their larger Dragonfly relatives
seem to quickly acquire.
Date: 26 Jul 2024
View: DF3_20240617_1024_012+R70_20240620_0709_074+DF3_20240623_1110_223 Poppy Common Red (Papaver Rhoeas) (montage 3 day gaps).jpg
Description: Various things are growing on the now massive spoil heaps along our south boundary.
The most hilarious is a pretty decent crop of Oil-seed rape.
But this solitary Poppy caught our attention as potential little gem.
These 3 pics each 3 days apart illustrate the super-fast life cycle of what is called
the Common Red Poppy.
View: DF3_20240625_0610_009+D71_20240627_0605_006 Common Poppy flower makes seed capsule 2 days later (montage).jpg
Description: 2 days later the poppy has grown a second stem and flower, turned it to seed in just another 2 days.
Date: 25 Jul 2024
View: E63_20240622_1609_061_FB1 Grey Squirrel at Hedge Bottom with jam making pulp stuck on face and paws.jpg
Description: Jam-making (it must be admitted, from last years frozen Cherries)
always creates a slurry of pips and skins to dispose of.
This Grey squirrel is having a lovely time, face and paws thoroughly
gunged up with the sticky fruit pulp. Yummy!
Date: 24 Jul 2024
View: D01_20240621_1637_137+138_FB6 Rook landing with nictitating membrane closed & half-second later eye open (montage in 500mS).jpg
Description: A Rook landing on the Meadow Post. The eye is clouded over by the precautionary
closing of the nictitating membrane.
Half a second later the already stable bird opens his eye for a clearer check around.
Date: 23 Jul 2024
View: BU7_20240620_2226_016 Muntjac Reeves Fawn & parents.jpg
Description: A Reeves' Muntjac Deer family - this Fawn is much smaller than the Fawn we have
been watching, so Mum at least is not the original Mum.
Dad's antlers look suspiciously like the part grown pair of our normal male
so perhaps he is 'two-timing' her.
Breeding and Antler growing
don't follow any calendar pattern in this species.
View: BU8_20240624_2059_019 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn and mother by Duck Pond (crop).jpg
Description: An affectionate moment between Mum and Fawn Reeves Muntjac Deer as the
day draws to a close. This may be a good place to start the nights forage -
the pond at the right is still comfortably full for a drink.
View: BU8_20240625_2128_066 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother affectionately watches Fawn.jpg
Description: Mum and Fawn Deer in a quiet moment just after dark.
The incidental grass stems and seeds seem to add to the intimacy of the moment.
Date: 22 Jul 2024
View: D01_20240620_1948_082_FB6 Green Woodpecker female on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: An adult female Green Woodpecker on the Meadow Post.
We are aware of juveniles around the site from calls and fleeting glimpses,
but this year Parents and youngsters are extremely human intolerant.
View: DF3_20240623_1250_372-374 Green Woodpecker on disused pole flies off 4-6 of 6 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: We usually see Green Woodpecker on this pole top from inside our patch.
Here, across the tonnes of soil heaps the bird seems unusually tolerant of our
presence - enough time to aim the camera before the bird departed
View: DF3_20240623_1250_373 Green Woodpecker on disused pole flies off 5 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: Camera resolution extract of the middle moment.
View: D01_20240625_1640_116_FB6 Green Woodpecker male on meadow post with beak slightly open.jpg
Description: A gorgeous Green Woodpecker lands on the Meadow Post.
The air temperature and sunshine cause him to pant - the main
way that most birds cool themselves.
Date: 21 Jul 2024
View: E64_20240620_1248_031_FB2 Blackbird male with beak full of invertibrates.jpg
Description: The Blackbirds are obviously rearing a brood.
This male has collected a quite disgusting looking beakful of
invertebrates to stuff into the ever open craws.
View: SP1_20240623_1306_373-376_SP1 Blackbird male carries item in beak along fallen branch 1-4 of 4 (montage at 3 sec intervals).jpg
Description: This blackbird has something in his beak as he walks along this log lying on the Round Mound.
We have to assume that another worm is on their way into a chicks maw.
Date: 20 Jul 2024
View: DF3_20240620_1024_003 Oxeye daisies at north edge of meadow (crop).jpg
Description: The north edge of the meadow - where the land turns to woodland,
produces a great show of Oxeye daisies every year, always all leaning
towards the sunny-side south
View: DF3_20240620_1035_005 Fox and Cubs cluster of flowers.jpg
Description: On a different scale Fox and Cubs make splashes of colour just a few centimetres
across around the south and west of the house..
View: DF3_20240620_1039_013 Flowering nettles stems backlit.jpg
Description: Stinging Nettles can be a real nuisance, but several butterfly species
need them to breed. When these nettles flowers the appearance
can be rather interesting.
View: DF3_20240622_0944_134 Hedge Parsley head in flower and another turned to seed.jpg
Description: A view of Hedge Parsley - the lower head in full flower, and the
upper head turned to seed.
Date: 19 Jul 2024
View: R70_20240618_1611_021 Azure Damselfly male on Hop Sedge leaf.jpg
Description: The Odonata family (damselflies and Dragonflies) seem rather reluctant to
appear this year. But one 10 minute session on a warm afternoon produced
these 3 encounters.
A male Azure Damselfly.
View: R70_20240618_1613_022 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly female.jpg
Description: A female Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly.
View: R70_20240618_1623_035 Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly on top of flowering nettle.jpg
Description: This Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly is perched on the tip of a flowering Nettle
making what we think is a rather interesting contrast.
Date: 18 Jul 2024
View: E64_20240618_0818_124_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn (crop).jpg
Description: The Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn seems to have lost his stripes.
We now know that this is a male - the antler Pedicles are beginning to form.
View: BU7_20240616_0241_187+189 2 Badgers walking side-by-side towards south hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: In the early hours this disparately sized pair of Badgers amble over
the grass towards the south hedge gap.
View: BU5_20240619_0102_108_SC1 2 Badgers paused to forage after entering at South hedge gap.jpg
Description: A pair of Badgers forage over the grass near the south hedge gap.
They look to be similar size and fairly young so probably siblings.
Date: 17 Jul 2024
View: E63_20240617_1551_062_FB1 Grey Squirrel nibbling food from paws.jpg
Description: A bit of a classic pose from this Grey Squirrel nibbling something in their paws.
View: E64_20240617_1613_097_FB2 Rook picking up single corn grain at Woodland site.jpg
Description: A Rook uses their enormous beak to carefully pick up a single grain of corn.
View: D5C_20240615_1017_003 2 Short-tailed Field Voles inside caged peanut feeder.jpg
Description: The Study peanut feeder here sports a pair of Short-tailed Field Voles.
One or two volves inside this feeder is becoming a remarkably regular event
so long as the gap between the cage and the wooden post is no more than a few centimetres.
NOT a montage.
Date: 16 Jul 2024
View: D01_20240616_1107_450_FB6+E6A_1113_239_FB5 Green Woodpecker on Meadow Post flies down to Meadow site (montage).jpg
Description: Within 5 minutes we see the Green Woodpecker on the Meadow Post top and
then getting their beak caked in mud probing the ground at the Meadow site.
View: D01_20240616_1334_466_FB6 Green Woodpecker female 2 minute visit to Meadow Post.jpg
Description: A couple of hours later we see the female Green Woodpecker making a short
visit to the Meadow Post.
View: R70_20240617_0649_045 Green Woodpecker landing on farm railings to east.jpg
Description: Next morning the mile of new railings installed by the Farm provides a
perch for this Green Woodpecker.
Date: 15 Jul 2024
View: D01_20240616_0733_393-0738_404_FB6 Sparrowhawk 6 minute visit to Meadow Post while clouding over 1+3+4+6 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: Sparrowhawks rarely perch on the Meadow post, but this female spends 6 minutes
resting and preening on the Meadow Post. Before the last pic clouds rolled over the
sun producing a dramatic change to the impression.
View: BU8_20240610_1616_105 Fox hunting along edge of Duck Pond.jpg
Description: An afternoon Fox out on the Prowl by the Duck Pond.
Date: 14 Jul 2024
View: D01_20240619_0031_236_FB6 Tawny Owl 3 landings on Meadow post inc one with Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) 2 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: Tawny Owl preference in Rodents is undoubtedly for Voles, but here we
see that an incautious Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) will do just fine. This is at half-past midnight
View: D01_20240619_0311_239_FB6 Tawny Owl 3 landings on Meadow post 5 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: 3 hours later what looks like the same Owl makes another of his three landings on the
meadow post in the same night
View: D01_20240616_0349_389_FB6 Tawny Owl brief visit to meadow post in rain.jpg
Description: Here we catch this slightly awkward position.
Just visible at this size are speckles of rain over the bird's head.
Date: 13 Jul 2024
View: BU7_20240613_0934_028 Wood Pigeon vs Gray Squirrel face-off - the Pigeon walked away.jpg
Description: An interesting stand-off. In previous years we would expect the Pigeon to
launch upwards out of reach of the Squirrel's claws. But this year we have
seen several instances of these confrontations going nowhere.
In this case the Pigeon simply walked quietly to the right.
View: E64_20240617_1340_037_FB2 Grey Squirrels frolicking.jpg
Description: Not sure what is going on here!
View: D01_20240618_1812_215+216_FB6 Wood Pigeon lands on Meadow post & immediately another arrives 1+2 of 2 (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: The lower pic here was taken about half a second after the top one.
We would love to know 'what happens next'.
View: E60_20240619_1328_058_FB3 Wood Pigeon about to land by dozing Grey Squirrel.jpg
Description: What happens next - we don't know.
Date: 12 Jul 2024
View: E63_20240614_1215_087_FB1 Dunnock youngster begging from parent.jpg
Description: FOOD!
Youngsters go on hopefully begging well past there ability to
collect fod for themselves.
View: DF3_20240615_0827_051+055+056 Rook youngster begging from unresponsive parent 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: FOOD!
Mum or Dad really doesn't look the least bit impressed.
Date: 11 Jul 2024
View: E63_20240608_2114_116_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: The Reeves Muntjac Deer Fawn is getting steadily more independent ...
View: BU5_20240608_2144_373_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn nuzzling mother by Round pond.jpg
Description: ... but still has an interest in Mum's milk-bar ...
View: E6A_20240607_0753_073_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother with detail of nipples.jpg
Description: ... seen here as a Fawns eye view of Mum's most interesting bit.
Date: 10 Jul 2024
View: E63_20240611_0116_070-20240613_0058_217_FB1 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) around midnight at hedge bottom (montage of 3).jpg
Description: Suddenly Fieldmice (Wood Mice) are appearing at both the hedge bottom and the Woodland site.
Here at the hedge bottom there are at least 2 individuals - the pair at right are
genuinely fighting or loving photographed over 3 days.
View: E6A_20240613_0039_244-0338_258_FB5 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) (+ vole on left) visits to Meadow over 3 hours (montage).jpg
Description: At the Woodland site this action was limited to just 3 hours.
Date: 09 Jul 2024
View: R70_20240608_1629_217+1630_239 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly male fluttering wings 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: A male Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly flicking his wings.
Some do this and some don't - we haven't worked out any pattern.
Demoiselles are, at their own scale, voracious hunters.
View: E60_20240610_0718_007_FB3 Sparrowhawk landing on Kitchen perch (crop 2).jpg
Description: At a different scale the Sparrowhawk is also a voracious hunter, here making
an early morning stop-off at the Kitchen perch.
Date: 08 Jul 2024
View: R70_20240608_1341_123 Fox causing bird alarm calls flees when human arrives 2 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: Loud bird alarm calls rang out from the east end of the main pond.
Dashing to the pond caught this thoroughly 'guilty' Fox obviously disturbed
from his attack by the arrival of the greatest predator (man).
We stared at each other for a few seconds ...
View: R70_20240608_1341_123 Fox causing bird alarm calls flees when human arrives 2 of 6 (detail).jpg
View: R70_20240608_1341_126+131 Fox causing bird alarm calls flees when human arrives 4+6 of 6 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: ... before the fox turned away left at speed - see the departing Fox near the top of the montage.
View: R70_20240608_1347_137 Fox probably causing bird alarm runs across field to south.jpg
Description: 6 minutes later outside the South hedge a Fox was loping across the harrowed field.
Over 200m away it's difficult to be sure, but the black mouth suggests that the Fox
is carrying his latest catch back to the cubs.
Date: 07 Jul 2024
View: R70_20240608_1330_074 4 Long-tailed Tit juveniles in Dog Rose branches through Laural tree (crop).jpg
Description: In most years we see a family group of Long-tailed Tit flitting high in the
trees, and whether being obviously watched or not, soon move on. For a couple
of minutes we were treated to initially 4 juveniles only a few metres away.
This is the first 'grab-the-moment' shot.
View: R70_20240608_1331_094 2 Long-tailed Tit juveniles in Dog Rose branches through Laural tree (crop).jpg
Description: Two of the juvenile Long-tailed Tits moved out of sight to an adjacent tree,
but these two stayed long enough to get this little portrait of one of them.
Date: 06 Jul 2024
View: D01_20240607_2220_176_FB6 Little Owl 2 minute visit to meadow post 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: This is a Little Owl (actual species name and it fits).
They made 3 visits in the first few days of the week - usually back to camera!
View: D01_20240610_0058_145+0059+0100_149_147_FB6 Tawny Owl 3 minutes visit to meadow post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: The Tawny Owl makes a single appearance at the Meadow post an hour after midnight.
Date: 05 Jul 2024
View: E63_20240605_1507_137_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer female at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A portrait of a female Reeves Muntjac Deer ...
View: E63_20240605_2002_152_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: ... and a few hours later the male - antlers seeming to bulge more at each sighting.
View: BU7_20240606_1815_337 Muntjac Deer family group - male + Fawn + mother.jpg
Description: A little 'family group' of the Reeves' Muntjac Deer, Fawn on the right.
Date: 04 Jul 2024
View: D01_20240603_0925_021-0932_031_FB6 Green Woodpecker male 7 minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2+4+6 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: This male Green Woodpecker spends a very active 7 minutes on the top
of the Meadow Post.
Date: 03 Jul 2024
View: R70_20240604_0943_017 Foxglove flower detail of small insect blocking hairs at side of conservatory door (crop).jpg
Description: The Foxglove at the conservatory door is now taller (about 2m) than we are.
Testing a lens created this closeup image of a single flower
showing a mass of light coloured 'hairs' in apparently random
scatter over the inner surface.
A web search suggests that these are to stop small insects getting inside -
they get tangled in the hairs and leave.
View: DF3_20240607_0936_043 Foxglove at Conservatory security gate showing full height (crop).jpg
Description: Having shown you several details of the only Foxglove on the plot
(that we know of) reaching about 2m high in this protected corner.
View: DF3_20240601_1038_047 Meadow Cranes-bill (Geranium pratense) (crop 1).jpg
Description: In the weeds along the farm fence to the west across the main road we
find a lovely little patch of Meadow Cranes-bill.
View: DF3_20240605_0847_038 Dewdrops smothering underside of flipped leaf (crop + insert).jpg
Description: Many leaves have quite different top and bottoms.
This caught leaf flipped over holds the water crops far better than
the normally oriented leaves.
Water drops make interesting if imperfect 'lenses' as shown in the x3 insert.
Date: 02 Jul 2024
View: D01_20240604_0818_069+0825+071+D01_20240605_1137_204_FB6 Wood Pigeon collecting twigs for nest (montage over 2 mornings).jpg
Description: Who's building a nest then?
View: D01_20240604_0908_073+074_FB6 2 Wood Pigeons landing simultaneously on Meadow Post 1+2 of 2 (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: A most unusual moment to capture is this simultaneous arrival at the Meadow Post
of two Wood Pigeons. Normally one or both birds would veer away to avoid a collision
and come around for another go,
so we expect this is a 'pair' who trust the other bird not to create a
Rather sweet - bird style.
View: D01_20240605_0746_177+178_FB6 Wood Pigeon launching from meadow post (accurate montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: A lucky-to-catch launch.
Date: 01 Jul 2024
View: R70_20240602_1534_056 Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly female 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: The (at least) two immature Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonflies spotted a few days ago
have now matured and we have both males and females. This is a female.
View: R70_20240602_1802_160 Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly male 5 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: This male Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly is about the same size as the female (wingspan about 70mm)
but his abdominal segments are coated with this beautiful blue
We know from experience from handling these insects that the blue power is rather
easy to rub off, and in fact the males gradually get a bit tatty as they brush the blue
powder on vegetation. The pruinescence reflects Ultra-violet (UV) light very well for some reason.
View: R70_20240602_1809_212+213 Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly female hunting from stem in Duck Pond 04+05 of 13 (montage).jpg
Description: So far all the Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonflies have been spotted
well away from water - perfectly normal.
Here this female spends several minutes hunting from this broken off stem
sticking out of the Duck Pond's water.
Read this bottom then top just an eighth of a second apart.
View: R70_20240602_1811_238-241 Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly female hunting from stem in Duck Pond 06- 09 of 13 (imp montage).jpg
Description: Another landing montaged into a single image, in reality taking about half a second.
We believe that the Dragonfly was hunting the cloud of midges low over the water.
Image Archive arch 2024 jun.htm (view it Here)
Date: 30 Jun 2024
View: R70_20240602_1511_006 Peacock Butterfly feeding on Blackberry flower.jpg
Description: A Peacock Butterfly feeding on one of the newly opened Blackberry flowers.
The colourful top of the wing is very obvious.
The bottoms of the other pair of wings appear almost black when top lit,
but here the sun is shining through the wings creating a dark echo of the top of wing's colours.
View: R70_20240602_1539_078 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly male with wings spread.jpg
Description: A male Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly showing us his wings nicely spread.
Damselflies perch with their wings aligned along their abdomens, but some occasionally
flick their wings open and closed while perched.
View: R70_20240602_1758_131 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly female.jpg
Description: A female Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly, here perched on a leaf, is distinct from the male.
There are still more males than females, but in nothing like the
numbers of either from the last few years.
Date: 29 Jun 2024
View: SP1_20240601_2032_397_SP1 Fox inspecting Badger hole in Round Mound (crop).jpg
Description: One of the regular Foxes looks ready to grab anything stupid enough to
stick their head out of the hole.
Unsurprisingly nothing did!
View: BU9_20240602_1924_100-102_SC2 Fox hunting across orchard path (stretched montage).jpg
Description: Busy times for Foxes at the moment - either Mums with milk to make,
or both parents on the endless search for something to satisfy the cubs.
This passage as the day draws to an end.
View: BU5_20240604_0518_049-051_SC1 Fox walking past Round Pond at first light (montage over a few seconds).jpg
Description: The early morning 2 days later sees a similar passage past the Round pond.
Its impossible to be sure, but this is probably the same individual as
photographed the previous evening.
Date: 28 Jun 2024
View: D71_20240531_1555_005 Muntjac Reeves Deer male starting to regrow antlers.jpg
Description: The male Reeves' Muntjac Deer dropped his antlers about 2 weeks ago, and
is re-growing his antlers amazingly quickly.
View: R70_20240602_1542_098 Muntjac Reeves Deer male (antlers swelling) at east end of south inner path (crop).jpg
Description: The male Reeves' Muntjac Deer with his pair of ever larger 'velvet' Antlers
Date: 27 Jun 2024
View: D01_20240601_1218_210-1227_218_FB6 Great Spotted Woodpecker male visits to meadow post over 9 minutes 2-4+6 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: This male Green Woodpecker spent 9 minutes in visits to the
top of the Meadow Post.
Date: 26 Jun 2024
View: BUA_20240531_0318_044_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn (mother following) at east hedge gap.jpg
Description: The Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn is still doing well, but
not now often seen with Mum.
View: E64_20240601_1718_113_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at woodland site.jpg
Description: Here is the Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn in daytime colour at the Woodland site.
View: BU9_20240603_0316_108_SC2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn & mother.jpg
Description: Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn and Mum at the end of the orchard.
We don't catch them both in the same photo-frame much now - this is
the best of the week with both in the same pic.
Date: 25 Jun 2024
View: PK1_20240530_1123_408 Dunnock with several insects in beak.jpg
Description: This dunnock may sometimes stop at the peanut feeder to fill his own little tummy,
but knows that the chicks in the nest need the squidgy caterpillars and the like.
View: DF3_20240530_1348_015+002 Great Spotted Woodpecker feeding at Study peanut feeder 4+1 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: This Great Spotted Woodpecker is now a regular visitor to the peanut feeder
outside the study window. This is a montage 2 moments from a single visit.
View: E60_20240601_1209_049_FB3 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile - very grey breast.jpg
Description: A juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker visits the Kitchen perch - our first
sighting of a juvenile this year.
The breast of this bird seems unusually Grey.
View: D5C_20240602_0709_004 Short-tailed Field vole several minutes circling to nibble peanuts in bird feeder 1 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: A surprise was seeing this short-tail Field Vole inside this peanut feeder.
While we watched the vole circled around the central column at least twice while
obviously looking for the easiest nut to pull through the mesh.
4 days saw later a repeat performance (not shown), so this may be
a daily visit we only sometimes notice.
Date: 24 Jun 2024
View: BU8_20240525_2054_116+117 Fox hesitating while walking towards Duck Pond (adjusted montage).jpg
Description: In the gathering gloom of evening, this Fox stops for a moment,
probably sniffing the air for something to fill the belly or take
back to the hungry cubs.
View: BU7_20240527_2122_104 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn following mother(rear end cropped out).jpg
Description: Here is the Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn after dark near the South hedge gap.
View: BU9_20240529_0324_109_SC2+BUA_0354_151_SC8 Badgers at South and East 30 minutes apart (montage).jpg
Description: 2 very obviously different adult Badgers seen 30 minutes apart - first at the
end of the Orchard and another at the east hedge gap.
View: BUA_20240530_0644_315_SC8 Pheasant pair near East hedge gap (IR monochrome).jpg
Description: A male Pheasant often appears near the East hedge gap, but in IR monochrome
he somehow loses his glory. But here we see a quiet domestic moment, for once
along with one of his 'wives', pecking up breakfast together.
Date: 23 Jun 2024
View: E60_20240526_1656_055+1709_056+1809_058_FB3 Jay makes 3 visits to Kitchen Perch 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: We normally see a Jay once or twice each year, and more usually
at the tree-stump. So 3 visits in about an hour to the Kitchen perch
is a nice bonus this year. The visits are shown in left to right
order, but the overlong perch is an artefact of montaging.
Date: 22 Jun 2024
View: D01_20240526_1433_191-1436_198_FB6 Kestrel female 4m visit to Meadow Post as sun unclouds (montage).jpg
Description: A few in-flight sightings of a female Kestrel are here supplemented by a few minutes visit
to the meadow post. The sun 'came out' during her visit, kyboshing any attempt
at hiding the background joins, so the white bar separates the lighting change.
View: D01_20240526_1433_191_FB6 Kestrel female landing on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: The female Kestrel's landing is enough fun to show it at larger scale.
View: D01_20240526_1435_195_FB6 Kestrel female preening on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: Time for the female Kestrel wash and brush-up
Date: 21 Jun 2024
View: BUA_20240519_1346_146_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with lost left antler.jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac Deer has shed an Antler.
We have noticed in the past that they find the imbalance quite disturbing
and carry their head at an awkward angle
View: DF3_20240524_0714_008 Reeves Muntjac Deer male road kill west of road between House and Farm entrances 1 of 2 (orig).jpg
Description: Wildlife deaths are an ever-present reality, but only a few make a personal
impact that you remember. Here a male Reeves' Muntjac Deer is lying dead on
the verge on the opposite side of the main road to our access track entrance.
We assumed that this was our regular visiting male, but ...
View: BU7_20240525_1506_272 Muntjac Reeves Deer male showing the antler pedicles.jpg
Description: Next day we see the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer with both of his antlers shed.
His head turned so that you can see into the Pedicles (the sort of antler 'root')
of his lost antlers complete with a hole at the centre.
Subsequent sightings of the male accompanying the female persuade us
that the road kill is a male we had not seen recently.
Date: 20 Jun 2024
View: DF3_20240524_1345_005 Thick-legged Flower Beetle in Buttercup flower.jpg
Description: These small green beetles catch the eye with both their iridescent green
and, for the males only, their strange bulging thighs that give them
the name Thick-legged Flower Beetle. This one is on a Buttercup flower.
View: DF3_20240525_1255_025 Round Pond reflection of tree and bank in still water.jpg
Description: On a near windless lunchtime we see this close to perfect reflection
in the water of the Round pond.
Date: 19 Jun 2024
View: PK1_20240523_1240_333-1241_371 Great Spotted Woodpecker male at Kitchen Peanut feeder (montage).jpg
Description: The male Great Spotted Woodpecker has become a regular visitor.
The peanuts in the two main feeders are each being eaten at the rate
of a third to a half feeder tube a day.
View: D5C_20240526_0846_024 Great Spotted Woodpecker male regularly chips wood from Study bird feeder post.jpg
Description: Outside the study window the post that supports a mini-bird table and
this Peanut feeder has becomes a target for both this male Great Spotted Woodpecker
and one or more Grey Squirrels.
The post has got some life left in it for now.
Date: 18 Jun 2024
View: E60_20240529_0822_027_FB3 Wood Pigeon pair feeding together on kitchen bird table.jpg
Description: We are suckers for affectionate Pigeons.
View: D01_20240524_0735_063_FB6 Wood Pigeon lands on Meadow Post with backlit wings outspread.jpg
Description: Morning landings into a west wind lines up this Wood Pigeon for
this attractive back-lit moment.
Date: 17 Jun 2024
View: D01_20240523_1217_022+1218_024_FB6 Green Woodpecker male 2 minutes visit to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: We don't know what attracts this male Green Woodpecker to the post top,
but we are getting a few sightings each week at the moment.
View: D01_20240524_0833_066+E6A_0833_113+D01_0835_068_FB6 Green Woodpecker male visits meadow & return to wipe beak (montage).jpg
Description: This male Green Woodpecker comes down from the Meadow post to peck
over the ground at the meadow site before returning to the post, where
he rubs off the sticky mud from his bill that he picked up probing the ground.
View: D01_20240524_1736_114+1738_115_FB6 Green Woodpecker male climbs meadow post & displaces Wood Pigeon (montage over 2 mins).jpg
Description: Look at the bottom of the post that the Wood Pigeon is occupying,
and you will see the male Green Woodpecker clambering up to
displace the Pigeon and take possession of the post top!
Date: 16 Jun 2024
View: R70_20240519_1245_185 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly male.jpg
Description: The male Beautiful Demoiselle Damselflies are this year substantially
outnumbering the females.
We don't know whether this has any significance.
View: R70_20240519_1753_240 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly female.jpg
Description: This is the only female Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly we have seen before
the weather turned cold and we stopped seeing any at all.
The white spots near the wing tips only appear on the female.
View: DF3_20240520_1556_062-064 Common Blue Damselfly female lands momentarily on blackberry stem 1-3 of 3 (approx montage @7fps).jpg
Description: This female Common Blue Damselfly momentarily touches down on this
dead blackberry stem, but immediately takes off again.
Read this montage bottom upwards.
Date: 15 Jun 2024
View: R70_20240519_0924_006-024 Bumble Bee (prob Buff-tailed) hovering at Foxglove flower folding proboscis (2 second montage).jpg
Description: This 1.5m tall Foxglove is growing up the metalwork of the
conservatory security gate, and is a favourite with the local bees.
This appears to be one of our regular Bumble Bees species - a Buff-tailed.
We had no idea that Bumble Bees could fold back their proboscis in this manner.
View: R70_20240519_0924_040 Bumble Bee (prob Buff-tailed) entering Foxglove flower Spattered with Pollen.jpg
View: R70_20240519_0924_091 Bumble Bee (prob Buff-tailed) entering Foxglove flower Spattered with Pollen.jpg
View: R70_20240519_0925_104+106 Bumble Bee (prob Buff-tailed) visiting Foxglove flower (montage over 250mS.jpg
Description: A montage of the Bumble Bee over about a quarter of a second.
Date: 14 Jun 2024
View: D01_20240517_1839_125-20240518_1703_208_FB6 Woodpeckers - Great Spotted female + male + Green male + GS female (montage).jpg
Description: Woodpeckers have started occasional visits to the Meadow Post.
Here you see 4 separate visits. The species and sexes are listed in the
filename - the noticeably Larger male Green Woodpecker being third from
the left of the otherwise mixed pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers.
Date: 13 Jun 2024
View: E64_20240519_0643_146_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn with mother (crop).jpg
Description: The first really clear portrait of the Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn.
We assume that it is Mum behind.
We see the tiny Hoof-prints in many suitable soft clay paths.
View: DF3_20240517_1250_252+1251_258+268 Muntjac Reeves Deer male walks across end of path 1 of 4 (acc montage over a few secs).jpg
Description: The male Reeves' Muntjac Deer sees us at the other end of this path, but
seems to decide that we are harmless, and quietly walks across the path
that crosses this one until out of sight.
View: BU7_20240519_0713_096 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn clambering out of south ditch.jpg
Description: Mum has stepped out of the south ditch.
The Fawn has to put in a lot more effort!
View: BU9_20240519_0719_106+BU7_0748_106 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother + Fawn at South hedge gap & end of Orchard 1+4 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: The Fawn and Mum appear all over the site, but seem to particularly like the south of the orchard.
Date: 12 Jun 2024
View: DF3_20240517_0907_094-096 Speckled Wood Butterfly pair spiraling in sunbeam (montage @7fps.jpg
Description: Do you ever get to enjoy the sight of pairs Butterflies spiralling upwards
in mating flights? This pair of Speckled Wood butterflies spent a few minutes
in a pool of sunlight entrancing each other, and us.
View: DF3_20240517_0910_235+237 Speckled Wood Butterfly pair spiraling in sunbeam (spread impression montage alt frames @7fps.jpg
Description: The same pair as a montage of two moments.
Date: 11 Jun 2024
View: D01_20240516_1646_055_FB6 Wood Pigeon landing on meadow post.jpg
Description: The beauty and elegance of Wood Pigeons really gets lost when confronted
with a flock of hundreds.
View: E60_20240521_0816_010_FB3 Wood Pigeon aerobraking to land on kitchen perch.jpg
Description: Another Wood Pigeon landing to delight the eye - this time outside the Kitchen.
Date: 10 Jun 2024
View: BUA_20240515_2109_200_SC8 Blackbird in IR light shows unexpectedly bright eyes.jpg
Description: This Blackbird appears for this trail camera near the east hedge gap
a few times a week. The surprise here is that the eyes are so bright
in the IR light. Many night creatures have a Tapetum - a reflective layer
behind the retina to give the retina 'two goes' at picking up the photons,
but our research doesn't indicate that any birds have one except Owls.
If not the Blackbird, why the glow?
View: BUA_20240518_2049_094_SC8 Blackbird male with eye reflecting IR lamp (crop).jpg
Description: Another instance of the glowing Blackbird eye reflecting the IR illuminator.
View: BU5_20240515_2113_133+135_SC1 Fox hunting by Round Pond (montage).jpg
Description: This adult Fox on the hunt by Round Pond definitely has Tapetum to aid
his nighttime hunts.
View: BU7_20240516_0227_095 Fox youngster just arrived through south hedge gap.jpg
Description: A juvenile Fox learning the territory.
Date: 09 Jun 2024
View: DF3_20240512_0854_072+074+076+078 Rook launcher from tip of tree into string wind (approx montage alt frames).jpg
Description: This Rook made a momentary stop on the tree top before continuing his journey.
Most of the Rook nests around are now deserted as the new youngsters and parent
spend most of their time feeding in the surrounding farm fields recently scarified
and then harrowed ready for their delayed crop, exposing lots of yummy worms
and other invertebrates.
View: BU7_20240515_1050_064+066 Hare runs toward south hedge gap but stops (approx montage).jpg
Description: There is nowhere for the Hares to hide in the farm fields now.
Better hide in that strange patch with mostly un-cut grass.
View: BU9_20240516_2319_015_SC2 Chinese Water Deer.jpg
Description: This Chinese Water Deer is feeding on the long grass in the South West
corner of our patch, far from their more regular sightings. We again
suspect this change in behaviour is a result of losing the cover of
weed covered farmland.
Date: 08 Jun 2024
View: DF3_20240515_1609_019 Orange-tip Butterfly female feeding on Herb Robert.jpg
Description: A female Orange-tip Butterfly.
No orange tip like the male, but like the male has that beautiful green and white patterning
on the underwing. This one is feeding on Herb Robert.
View: DF3_20240515_1609_025 Orange-tip Butterfly female feeding on Red Campion (detail).jpg
Description: A different female Orange-tip Butterfly, this one feeding on a Red Campion Flower.
Date: 07 Jun 2024
View: DF3_20240512_1310_094 Micro Moth - last seen 09jun2019.jpg
Description: We last saw this Micro-moth 5 years ago - and we still don't know what it is.
View: DF3_20240512_1324_099 Red-headed Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochropa serraticcornis).jpg
Description: One of the regular Beetle visitors.
View: DF3_20240512_1332_106 Dock Bug on Privet.jpg
Description: In our early years here we just don't remember seeing any of these Shieldbugs.
This brown Dock Bug has become quite a regular.
View: DF3_20240515_1026_012 Micro Moth hiding in rose petals (orig).jpg
Description: Roses of this colour seem to be widely promoted as a hedging plant.
This Micro-moth flew into the flower between the petals, and didn't
flee on gently pulling back the obscuring petal.
Date: 06 Jun 2024
View: D01_20240511_0244_051-0248_059_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post - 1st for weeks 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Tawny Owls are back after many weeks of absence - and making several visits over two days.
View: D01_20240511_0310_061_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post - 2nd this night 1 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: Another Visit 25 minutes later commences with a spectacular landing
View: D01_20240513_0051_141+053_145_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute at Meadow Post catches Rodent & returns with it 2+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: This is a middle and final pic of another Owl visit. Between the previous pic
(not shown) and the image with the Rodent the Owl must have flown down to
pick up the Rodent, and returned to the post top to eat it, all with the one
minute interval between exposures.
Date: 05 Jun 2024
View: BU5_20240513_0925_012_SC1+BUA_0949_077 Muntjac Reeves female leaves Island + 24min later seen with Fawn 2+4 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: Delight of the week is this the appearance of a really young Fawn. We first
sighted Mum (upper left picture apparently leaving the Round pond island. Dad
is on the bank at the left. A female Mallard Duck on the water is just
visible approximately between them. Lower right taken 24 minutes later, some
20m away near the east boundary, shows Mum followed by our new arrival.
View: BUA_20240513_0949_077_SC8 Muntjac Reeves female leaving Island + 24min later mother + Fawn at East hedge 4 of 5 (detail).jpg
Description: Detail of the Reeves' Muntjac Fawn
View: BU7_20240513_2113_023+24 Muntjac Reeves Deer female followed by new Fawn 2+3 of 3 (montage for clarity).jpg
Description: The above sightings were mid-morning.
12 hours later we catch this messy glimpse of the Fawn following Mum
through the south hedge gap at the end of the orchard.
View: BU5_20240512_2248_169_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male sniffing at female tail.jpg
Description: The day before the Fawn sighting a trail cam catches this pair of Reeves'
Muntjac Deer, female to the left with the male sniffing her nether regions to
determine whether she is 'ready' yet. This male's behaviour suggests that she has already
birthed her Fawn - the females become receptive again only a day or two after birth.
Date: 04 Jun 2024
View: BU9_20240511_1241_124_SC2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with scent glands exposed.jpg
Description: This is the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer (only the males have antlers) with the
normally closed scent gland (looking like a human mouth quietly closed, but
vertical and curved) but here wide open to expose the scent gland on this
side. Can they control this separately on either side?
View: BU9_20240513_1308_028_SC2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male licking face.jpg
Description: We think this tongue is cleaning the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer's
scent gland just below his eye.
Date: 03 Jun 2024
View: DF3_20240510_1258_030 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly male - 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: Our first sighting this year of a Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly, this one a male.
View: DF3_20240511_1120_061 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly male with shadow on leaf.jpg
Description: Next day we see another male Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly nicely shadowed on the leaf he is standing on.
Date: 02 Jun 2024
View: R70_20240509_1323_255+1322_246 Lodgepole Pine male (left) and female flowers (montage).jpg
Description: We planted a row of 5 Lodgepole Pine trees to make a windbreak at the east end of
the meadow. Each tree produces both sexes of flowers, but on separate branches.
On the left the male Catkins that release great clouds of yellow pollen at the slightest touch.
On the right the female flowers quietly wait for (they hope) another tree's pollen
before becoming fir cones.
View: R70_20240509_1624_314 Hawthorn Blossom (crop).jpg
Description: The Hedges are erupting with Hawthorn Flowers (aka May Flowers)
View: R70_20240510_1739_013 Burnet Roses.jpg
Description: We don't exactly have a 'riot' of Burnet Roses, but various places
on our patch are saturated with their perfume.
Date: 01 Jun 2024
View: DF3_20240508_0953_455 Mallard Duck pair on main pond.jpg
Description: Our pair of Mallard Duck are not happy to see us arrive close to the edge of the main pond,
and quietly walk away into the cover of the Iris 'forest' using the roots of the Iris yet to grow,
and matted weeds.
View: E6A_20240509_1857_064_FB5 Mallard Duck pair at Meadow site.jpg
Description: A sort of 'Frankenduck' - we have several pics of these two making their way
around our patch over a few days.
View: E6A_20240510_1823_147_FB5 Mallard Duck pair at Meadow site.jpg
Description: This is our favourite 'togetherness' pic.
Image Archive arch 2024 may.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 May 2024
View: DF3_20240507_0855_027 Rook calling in flight 4 of 5.jpg
Description: Rooks get very noisy when they feel that their territory is being invaded.
For some reason us walking 15m beneath their treetops counts as 'invasion'.
Date: 30 May 2024
View: BUA_20240506_0034_215+214_SC8 Fox visits east hedge gap and stares upwards (adjusted montage).jpg
Description: Just after midnight this Fox arrives near the East hedge gap and gazes longingly
up one of the trees. We know that Pheasants roost up trees in the North East quadrant
of our woodland area, and suspect that the Fox knows this only too well, but can't do
a thing to catch the birds unawares.
View: BUA_20240507_0440_016+018_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer male rubbing forehead on ground near East hedge gap (accurate montage).jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac Deer stops on his way to the East Hedge gap to rub his Forehead
on the loose soil. We only ever see males doing this, on any of bare ground or
We assume that is related to irritation from the antlers as they form and eventually
loosen in the animal's cycle. The Deer could be planting scent from the gland below the
eye, but don't think that they would really want all the dirt in the gland opening intended to
scent to end of twigs. It has always seemed hazardous to move a stick this
near the eye, but many Deer use the same scheme - perhaps near the eye means
you can see it well.
View: BU9_20240504_1522_119_SC2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male grooming.jpg
Description: The male Reeves' Muntjac Deer tending his fur.
Date: 29 May 2024
View: R70_20240509_1621_293 Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly immature on desiccated seed head - 1st of 2024 (crop).jpg
Description: Our first sighting of an Odonata (Dragonfly) this year was actually of 2 similar immature
Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonflies basking in the sunshine.
View: R70_20240509_1621_298 Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly immature on desiccated seed head - 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: Our first sighting of an Odonata (Dragonfly) this year was actually of 2 similar immature
Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonflies basking in the sunshine.
Date: 28 May 2024
View: DF3_20240505_1342_144 Burnet Rose flowers - 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: Our first Roses have appeared, but these are NOT the Dog-rose that most people see first,
but the pure white petalled Burnet Rose which here flowers earlier.
Burnett Rose has what we both think is the most glorious perfume - far in
excess in quantity and quality than any other rose. Downwind of even a few
Flowers you catch the aroma from many metres away even if you are not
expecting it.
Sorry - no Smell feature on our Web Site :-)
View: DF3_20240505_1102_101 Groundsel mostly turned to seed.jpg
Description: Groundsel makes seed heads rather like miniature Dandelions.
Date: 27 May 2024
View: DF3_20240505_1333_134 Orange-tip Butterfly male showing both sides of wing feeding on Garlic Mustard flower (crop 2).jpg
Description: Orange-tip butterflies now make a bee-line (sorry for the pun) to flowers of
Garlic Mustard which we have in abundance. The females lay their eggs on this
plant. Only the males have the wonderful Orange tip.
View: DF3_20240508_1244_480 Orange-tip butterfly male feeding with shadow of Blackberry thorns on wings.jpg
Description: A little serendipity as this male Orange-tip Butterfly picks up the shadow
of Blackberry thorn on his wings.
You can clearly see the intricate green and white lower rear wing markings.
View: DF3_20240508_1258_483 Orange-tip butterfly male feeding on Garlic Mustard with various views of wing patterns.jpg
Description: This backlit image of a Orange-tip Butterfly shows the green and white pattern area
directly (lower right of the wings) while the sun shines through the other rear wing
to make a hazy image on the normally white surface.
Date: 26 May 2024
View: SP1_20240507_1103_077+1109_085_SP1 Sparrowhawk flying by Round Mound twice in 6 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: A Sparrowhawk seems to have suddenly taken a 'shine' to our patch.
The first hint was a blurred image of the bird landing (not shown), and two days
later this trail-cam camera watching the new 'Badger Hole' catches these
two speedy flyovers just 6 minutes apart. NOT part of one flight.
View: DF3_20240507_1244_039-1251_302 Sparrowhawk plucks & eats bird on ground N of Meadow 02+05+06+09 of 10 (6 minute montage).jpg
Description: 2 hours after the 2 flyovers, from the path through the meadow we spy the vivid
eye of the Sparrowhawk on the ground at the edge of the meadow perhaps 15m
away, watching us suspiciously. We kept still and took over 300 frames of the
Raptor first plucking feathers from their capture, and then ripping into the meat.
We resisted trying to get a better view - we were obviously right on the edge
of the birds tolerance anyway.
View: DF3_20240507_1251_303 Sparrowhawk plucking then eating prey bird on ground at North of Meadow 10 of 10 (crop).jpg
Description: Here is the last frame that we kept - yummy for the Hawk, not so pleasant for us Vegans,
but that's the way of wildlife.
View: DF3_20240507_1300_433 Sparrowhawk plucking then eating prey bird on ground - ring of plucked feathers (orig & final).jpg
Description: The bird seemed to run out of meat, and flew away into the dark of the
wood to we-know-not-where. We walked to the site of the kill, and here
you see a small ring of plucked feathers, mostly brown.
We suspect that it was Dunnock that met their end :-(
Date: 25 May 2024
View: E64_20240429_1332_045_FB2 Pheasant male picking over ground at Woodland site.jpg
Description: Pheasant are really quite big birds - especially if you count the lovely tail!
View: E64_20240430_1231_074_FB2 Pheasant male with ear tufts raised.jpg
Description: The current male Pheasant presents us a little head and shoulder portrait
with his ear tufts glowing with iridescence.
View: BU9_20240502_1435_034_SC2 Pheasant male calling.jpg
Description: The male Pheasant calling at the end of the Orchard.
Date: 24 May 2024
View: D01_20240430_1451_061+062_FB6 Kestrel short visit to Meadow Post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: This looks like a first year Kestrel landing briefly on the Meadow
At this age the sex is not obvious (to us anyway).
The feathers look too well established for this to be one of this years
View: E63_20240430_0617_099_FB1 Mallard Duck female at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: An apparently unaccompanied female Mallard Duck out looking for breakfast
at the hedge bottom.
Date: 23 May 2024
View: BUA_20240429_0415_165_SC8 Badger.jpg
Description: Near the Easy hedge gap this lovely Badger forages his way across the
camera viewpoint.
View: BU5_20240429_1627_029_SC1 Fox stops momentarily to stare beneath camera (adjusted crop).jpg
Description: Still several hours to go before sunset, this Fox is out hunting with a vengeance,
seen (rather poorly) at several other sites around the plot.
We suspect that this is a very hungry female making milk for a clamouring litter of
Date: 22 May 2024
View: DF3_20240426_1105_028 Rook perched in Silver Birch tree.jpg
Description: A moment of peace away from the kids, looking rather elegant in one
of the couple of dozen silver Birch trees.
View: R70_20240427_1250_009 3 Rook youngsters on looking out of nest.jpg
Description: 'Our' little family of 2 parents and these 3 'chicks' is running to a satisfactory conclusion.
View: DF3_20240429_1605_025 Rooks nest with all 3 fledglings on surrounding branches and one begging from adult at top.jpg
Description: Here are our three Rook fledglings (right and lower left) looked over by
mum or Dad at the top. The nest is deserted for most of the day, but
come the dark the youngsters obviously feel the safety of a familiar
The lower left bird is actually begging from the adult above, but we didn't
see the parent offering any food.
View: DF3_20240430_1241_051 Rook fledgling crashlands on cut willow flapping wildly before fluttering to ground.jpg
Description: A a sort of 'final goodbye' from 'our' Rooks nest as one of the 'learners' loses
control in flight (with barely adequate wing muscles and definitely inadequate tail)
and sort of crash-lands on one of last year cut willow branches.
They flapped like mad for about a minute before pretty much falling off
the twig and making a reasonably soft landing on the grass a few metres behind.
Date: 21 May 2024
View: DF3_20240426_1317_043-1319_170 Muntjac Reeves Deer female browsing on main pond island (montage).jpg
Description: From the kitchen window we watch the female Reeves' Muntjac Deer foraging on
the island of the main pond island, trying the various flavours growing on
this deliberately ill-kempt patch.
View: DF3_20240426_1320_172-187 Muntjac Reeves Deer female exiting pond and moving to under bush (approx montage).jpg
Description: 3 minutes later the floating Iris clumps allow the female Reeves' Muntjac
Deer to just walk off the island. She then walks a few metres along the edge
of the pond before disappearing into a substantial bush at a corner of the pond.
View: E64_20240429_0725_005_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer female at Woodland site.jpg
Description: The female Reeves' Muntjac Deer quietly picks up corn grains not picked
up by last evening and night's visitors.
View: E64_20240430_1334_083_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male at Woodland site.jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac Deer walks slowly across the Woodland site.
Date: 20 May 2024
View: E6A_20240425_0847_006_FB5 Magpie at Meadow Site carrying Willow twig.jpg
Description: A Magpie at the Meadow site carrying a twig that for once is NOT Blackthorn.
View: BU7_20240429_1838_210 2 Magpies near south hedge gap about to return to nest with food for chicks.jpg
Description: The camera catches this (presumably) pair of Magpies both collecting
small items - see the tips of their beaks. The rear bird is obviously starting
to launch into the air - the next frame a few seconds later is 'bird free'.
Date: 19 May 2024
View: E64_20240424_1948_079_FB2 Fox hunting at Woodland site (crop - obstruction on camera window).jpg
Description: At the Woodland site we catch this Fox as a formidable presence.
Unfortunately some debris stuck on the camera window creates a dark
shadow over the head, but even so we feel the sense of menace.
View: BU7_20240420_1539_130 Muntjac Reeves Deer male foraging near south hedge gap.jpg
Description: The male Reeves' Muntjac Deer spends a while foraging the wide assortment of
'weeds' near the south hedge gap.
Date: 18 May 2024
View: DF3_20240421_0855_085+070 Rook feeding 2 Chicks in nest + insert of chick exercising wings (montage).jpg
Description: Our single reasonably visible Rook nest has shown a lot of activity this week.
View: D71_20240422_0722_052 Rook feeding 2 chicks in nest.jpg
Description: Here we see that there are at least 2 chicks in the nest.
View: DF3_20240425_0731_082-149 Rook chick(s) being fed in nest 02+03+06+10+12+15 of16 of 16 (montage).jpg
Description: In this one minute of pics (about 80 original frames) we see Mum or Dad Rook
feeding one of the youngsters two helpings of what horrible slurry of invertebrates
was transported back in the parent's crop.
View: DF3_20240425_0732_163 Rook chick(s) being fed in nest 16 of 16 - 3 chicks (crop).jpg
Description: Here as the parent leaves we see THREE chick beaks reaching up.
Two left and right are obvious, but another eye and juvenile beak is almost
dead centre of this crop against the wing feathers of the departing parent.
Date: 17 May 2024
View: DF3_20240420_0852_024 Dandelion clock looking into already dispersed patch and 2 seeds caught below.jpg
Description: We all take Dandelions for granted, but they (and their relatives) really
are wonderful constructions. Here the camera is looking into a patch
where perhaps 15 seed parachutes have already taken flight leaving the
green 'golf ball' like core visible. A couple of seeds are temporarily caught
at the bottom.
View: DF3_20240419_1248_002 red Campion flowers - 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: Our first sighting of Red Campion flowers this year.
View: DF3_20240417_1637_266 Oak Tree flowers on tree at edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: We have never really thought about how Oak trees 'get together' to make Acorns.
It seems that trees carry both male flowers, the bulk of the items here, and much
smaller and separated female flowers.
View: R70_20240425_1320_013 Lilac multiple flower spikes on horizontal twig (orig & final).jpg
Description: This Lilac is flowering in abundance.
Date: 16 May 2024
View: BU7_20240415_1535_070 Magpie with awkward twig in beak.jpg
Description: Despite their awkward shape and VERY long and sharp thorns, Magpies seem to favour
Blackthorn twigs for nest building.
One of these thorns managed to go right through our car tyre a few months ago
right at the edge of the tread where it isn't safe to repair it - one new tyre required :-(
View: BU7_20240418_0853_010-20240421_1723_170 Magpie collecting Blackthorn twigs over 4 days (montage).jpg
Description: Magpie nest construction is still in full swing a month after we noticed the first Magpies with twigs.
These 8 pics were caught by a single camera over 4 days, each twig being of Blackthorn
which seems to be their preferred construction material.
View: BU7_20240420_0936_100 Magpie with Blackthorn twig (crop).jpg
Description: More detail of the top right in the montage.
View: D01_20240422_1645_021+022_FB6 Magpie makes awkward landing with twig in beak (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: The Magpie nest collecting has quietened down (or maybe they have run out of
old hedge cuttings where there are cameras) but here we see a landing with one
of these awkward and spiky Blackthorn twigs messing up the bird's landing with
all that extra weight at the front.
Date: 15 May 2024
View: PK1_20240422_1427_298+1428_313 Wren on Woodpile outside kitchen window (montage).jpg
Description: From the Kitchen window we see this Wren dashing about the woodpile to the
right of the kitchen window. We suspect that there is a Wren's nest in the
hedge outside the living room window 10m or so along the house from here, and
this frantic behaviour is the urgent search for food for those even smaller chicks.
Date: 14 May 2024
View: BU7_20240409_1916_105 Hare near south hedge gap (crop).jpg
Description: The grass in the fallow fields is now so long there is little hope of spotting even
a Deer, let alone a Hare.
But occasional visits inside our patch continue to delight us.
View: BUA_20240414_1002_239_SC8 Hare looking toward east hedge gap in mid-morning.jpg
Description: A mid-morning Hare - this one at the East hedge gap.
View: BU7_20240414_1552_025+026 Hare on grass near south hedge gap with clear view of whiskers (montage).jpg
Description: An afternoon Hare takes a couple of Selfies near the South hedge gap.
Visually obviously a different individual to the morning Hare.
Date: 13 May 2024
View: DF3_20240417_1023_194+200 2 Rooks chicks being fed at nest then calling for more 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: It obvious that at least some of the Rook Nests now have chicks to be fed.
The only nest that provides a 'good' view of the activities has two hard working
adults feeding two screaming chicks.
The right image we interpret the two chicks as crying MORE!
View: DF3_20240418_1105_016 Rook chick begging from nest.jpg
Description: Our normal view of this nest has been from the south east, but we also get a view
from the south west standing by the main pond. Here is a rather better lit
portrait of one of the chicks while one of the parents is also in the nest.
Date: 12 May 2024
View: SP1_20240414_2254_034+035+036_SP1 Badger enters Badger hole on Round Mound (montage right to left over 6 seconds).jpg
Description: A small hole started in Round Mound by rabbits was then extensively enlarged by a Fox,
only to be further enlarged and taken over by a small Badger.
This is one of a few visits by the Badger caught on a moved Trail cam, which leaves
discarded bedding just below the hole.
Read this montage right to left.
View: SP1_20240417_1409_073_SP1 Rook collecting badger bedding for nest lining (1 of several visits).jpg
Description: For several days we have seen Rooks collecting this bedding for use as nest lining -
a bit of natures recycling in action - discarded Badger bedding has a second 'life'.
View: BUA_20240418_0320_163_SC8 Fox carrying prey in mouth (crop).jpg
Description: At around 3 a.m. we get this single moment of a Fox leaving at the East
hedge gap, carrying what is probably a Rabbit in his killer jaws.
Date: 11 May 2024
View: DF3_20240414_1222_005 Green-veined White Butterfly - 1st of 2024 - on Garlic Mustard flower.jpg
Description: Our first Green-veined white Butterfly this year, feeding from one of the
enormous number of Garlic Mustard flowers. This appears to be a male.
View: DF3_20240416_1055_144 Green-veined white Butterfly feeding of Forget-me-not.jpg
Description: A couple of days on we find this Green-veined White feasting on a
little cluster of Forget-me-not flowers. The spots indicate that this is a female.
Date: 10 May 2024
View: PK1_20240414_1002_142+174+1003_188 Great Spotted Woodpecker male at Kitchen peanut feeder 1-3 of 3 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Over a couple on minutes this striking male Great Spotted Woodpecker makes the left
to right journey you see here to extract peanut fragments from the feeder.
Date: 09 May 2024
View: DF3_20240414_0918_115 Opening daisies & Dandelion left of outside of farm entrance (crop 1).jpg
Description: This year the grass outside the farm entrance got skipped during the first mowing,
so it has retained its flowering plants.
The Red of these opening daisies seemed very striking
View: DF3_20240414_0918_115 Opening daisy left of outside of farm entrance (crop 2).jpg
Description: A more detailed crop of the closed Daisy flower.
View: DF3_20240418_1054_004 Daisies & Dandelion left of outside of farm entrance now fully open (orig & final).jpg
Description: 4 days later a wider view of the same area with flowers fully open in the sunshine.
Date: 08 May 2024
View: DF3_20240411_1620_006 Forget-me-not 40 sq metres under Meadow Oak tree.jpg
Description: An attempt at capturing the 'blue cloud' of Forget-me-not flowers under the Oak at
the edge of the Meadow.
Forget-me-nots and Garlic Mustard have become rampant this year while
Lady's Smock (Cuckoo Flower) (Cuckoo flower) is barely more than a few stems.
View: DF3_20240414_0926_118 Forget-me-nots & Garlic Mustard on bank reflected in Round Pond water (adjusted crop).jpg
Description: Forget-me-nots and Garlic Mustard have gone quite mad this year.
Here a patch of each on the bank of Round Pond reflected in the still water.
Date: 07 May 2024
View: BU8_20240410_1443_160 Moorhen walking along edge of Duck Pond 1+3 of 3 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Wow - the Moorhen web site gets - a Moorhen.
This montage show the bird walking along the edge of Duck Pond (and 1 other photo nearby).
View: BU8_20240411_1103_027 Moorhen walking towards Grey Squirrel by Duck Pond.jpg
Description: Here is 'our' moorhen again, this time wanting to pass the Squirrel on the
way to the hedge bottom.
View: E63_20240411_1107_031+20240412_0910_049+20240411_0848_017_FB1 Moorhen visits to Hedge bottom over 2 days (montage).jpg
Description: The Moorhen arrived at the hedge bottom perhaps 30m away (left pic) about 4 minutes
later. In the middle we see a visit next day, and on the right an earlier visit.
View: SP1_20240412_1020_114_SP1 Moorhen by Badger hole and bedding.jpg
Description: An hour after the middle pic above the camera, temporarily concentrating on what
we are calling the 'badger hole', catches the moorhen looking it over.
Moorhen may nest up trees, but as far as we know don't use holes in the ground.
Date: 06 May 2024
View: E6A_20240408_1358_058_FB5 Rook several years old at Meadow site.jpg
Description: This Rook looks like a venerable individual - the skin around the base of the beak
wrinkles and sags as the years go by.
View: E6A_20240410_0756_117_FB5 Rook on meadow site grass.jpg
Description: One of the younger Rooks with nice tight skin on the beak.
Oh dear - reminds us of humans :-(
Date: 05 May 2024
View: DF3_20240408_1557_021 Dandelions clump in flower on east side of road.jpg
Description: Dandelion flowers have suddenly appeared in glorious profusion, and we think of generally
larger size than on an average year. they must like the sodden soil!
View: DF3_20240410_1101_052 Bluebells at bottom of west of access track - 1st of 2024 (crop).jpg
Description: Bluebells (genuine native variety) are in flower deep in the ditch west of the access track
- 1st sighting of 2024
View: DF3_20240410_1102_061 Hawthorn Blossom (aka May Blossom) - 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: One of several Hawthorn blossoms - 1st sighting of 2024.
"Ne'er Cast a clout until May is out" refers to the flowers, not the month.
But then maybe at one time the months and blossom were in sync.
View: DF3_20240410_1105_076 Crab Apple Blossom - 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: Crab apple blossom is one of our favourites, and now (4 days after this pic)
we have wonderful trees full of the flowers.
Date: 04 May 2024
View: E63_20240408_0940_041_FB1 Grey Squirrel grooming with left rear leg.jpg
Description: It seems to be the week for 'Animal Yoga'.
First this Grey Squirrel caught by the hedge bottom automatic camera.
View: DF3_20240408_1335_007 Muntjac Reeves Deer grooming with head facing back towards camera.jpg
Description: It seems to be the week for 'Animal Yoga'.
Later the same day one of the Reeves' Muntjac Deer tolerating the
Pesky humans taking this pic between the obstructing branches
Date: 03 May 2024
View: E64_20240408_0929_022_FB2 Fox running over Woodland site (crop).jpg
Description: One of our Fox visitors bounds across the Woodland site a couple of hours
after sunrise.
View: BU2_20240408_2243_117+20240409_0115_122-0239_272_SC7 Badger then Fox digs out Round Mound hole for 85m 1-9 of 9 (montage).jpg
Description: We have over 150 pics of activity at the new (original Rabbit) hole in the south of Round Mound.
We are not at all sure what is going on. First a Badger made a short visit.
Then a Fox spent 85 minutes digging out the hole, reaching the point where the Fox could
get into the hole far enough that only the tail is visible. A few minutes later we see
presumably the same Fox departing through the east hedge gap.
View: DF3_20240410_0821_044 Round Mound enlarged hole with scraped out bedding.jpg
Description: Here a couple of days later we discovered the hole with what looks like Badger bedding
dragged out of the hole, but little more activity recorded on the trail cam.
Date: 02 May 2024
View: E6A_20240405_1520_063_FB5 Rook pair at Meadow Site (crop 2).jpg
Description: Rooks can be affectionate creatures.
Here a pair are sharing the Meadow site.
View: BU8_20240401_0955_053-1020_063 Mallard Duck male preening by Duck Pond (montage).jpg
Description: Glowing in a patch of sunshine this male Mallard hardly moves his feet over the
25 minutes the Trail-cam continued to take his photo.
If male Mallard ducks were 'rare' people would travel for hours to see one!
View: BU7_20240409_1726_091 Mallard Duck pair entering at south hedge gap into flooded ditch.jpg
Description: One of our Mallard Duck pairs take a swim along the flooded ditch.
Date: 01 May 2024
View: DF3_20240405_1515_046 Orange-tip Butterfly male feeding on Forget-me-not flower (crop).jpg
Description: This male Orange Tip makes its first appearance of the year, making the most
of the thousands of tiny Forget-me-not flowers. To breed the females (who are
similar but without the glorious orange tips) will need the already growing
Garlic Mustard plants to lay their eggs upon.
View: DF3_20240405_1115_030 Forget-me-not patch about 40 Sq metres under Oak tree.jpg
Description: This patch of Forget-me-nots under the Meadow-side Oak tree covers about
40 square metres.
View: DF3_20240405_1531_066 Peacock Butterfly - 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: Our first definite Peacock Butterfly sighting this year.
Lots of early season insects are attracted to this (sometimes) sun-warmed sheet of corrugated iron.
Image Archive arch 2024 apr.htm (view it Here)
Date: 30 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240404_1411_011 Blue Tit eating Poplar Catkins.jpg
Description: Several Blue Tits are here feasting on Poplar Catkins ...
View: DF3_20240404_1412_015-017 Blue Tit eating tree buds 1-3 of 3 (montage @ 7fps).jpg
Description: ... and opening buds.
Date: 29 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240331_1634_006+1635_013+1636_023 Muntjac Reeves Deer foraging and Grooming on Main Pond island 1+3+6 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: This Reeves' Muntjac Deer spent a few minutes on the main pond island,
apparently unaware of the humans behind the Kitchen window.
View: DF3_20240331_1636_022 Muntjac Reeves Deer foraging and Grooming on Main Pond island 5 of 7 (crop).jpg
Description: This is the frame about 150mS before the right hand pic in the montage where the
long tongue has wrapped itself around the hoof.
Date: 28 Apr 2024
View: BU7_20240403_0844_103+104 Hare approaching South-East hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: Our south ditch (belonging to the Farm) is badly flooding this year.
This Hare finds the flooded ditch a good place to get a drink ...
View: DF3_20240403_0903_117+119+121 Hare fleeing in spray from wet fur after appearance of humans (impression montage).jpg
Description: ... but it seems the Hare then went through the hedge. Our appearance outside the
hedge a quarter of an hour later prompted the Hare to flee.
This is just an impression, but does have the right feel.
Date: 27 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240326_1053_047+1046_038 Brimstone Butterfly female on Laurel flower (montaged insert at 1046 on grass).jpg
Description: Our initial sighting of Brimstone Butterflies was weeks ago, and we have not
noticed any since. This lighter individual is a female, here feeding on Laurel flowers
and probably a different female on straggly grass (the insert)
View: DF3_20240401_1550_072 7-spot Ladybirds - 2 of several - first sighting outdoors in 2024.jpg
Description: Good BRITISH ladybirds - 7-spots - enjoying a patch of stinging nettle.
We don't take any actions against Harlequin ladybirds - they are here to stay.
Date: 26 Apr 2024
View: BU3_20240330_0833_052_SC6 Magpie flying along access track with stick in beak (crop).jpg
Description: A trail cam catches this Magpie transporting yet another stick.
View: D01_20240330_0929_060_FB6 Magpie lands of Meadow Post with twigs in beak.jpg
Description: An hour later - another twig.
View: D01_20240331_1447_010+009_FB6 Magpie landing on Meadow Post with twig in beak (montage right then left 400mS).jpg
Description: A Magpie stops off on the Meadow post with yet another twig.
Read this right then left about half a second apart.
Date: 25 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240322_1042_020 Primrose clump half metre left of main garage door (orig & final).jpg
Description: We walk past this clump of Primroses near to the side of the garage door once or twice
on most days, and each time we return the smiles from this little clump.
View: DF3_20240326_1049_039 Forget-me-not flowers.jpg
Description: The partly shaded patches of our site are covered in self-set Forget-me-not clumps.
View: DF3_20240401_0859_037 Forget-me-not flower carpet (crop).jpg
Description: Several areas are carpeted in the best show of Forget-me-nots we remember anywhere.
View: DF3_20240330_0748_157 Cherry Tree in full blossom over East hedge (orig & final).jpg
Description: Growing from the inner hedge at the East of our patch, this Cherry tree
glows in the morning sunshine.
The blossom on this tree has lasted particularly well.
Date: 24 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240329_0910_088+092-096 Chinese Water Deer disturbed runs along field @7fps 01+05-09 of 10 (slight stretched montage).jpg
Description: On the right we see the first glimpse of a Chinese Water Deer who didn't appreciate us spotting her,
but rather than sprinting away, ran along the line of the railings and off to the north.
An almost accurate montage except for the right head-only moment a few seconds earlier.
View: DF3_20240329_0910_094 Chinese Water Deer disturbed and runs across field 07 of 10 (crop).jpg
Description: Detail of the middle moment.
View: DF3_20240329_0910_096 Chinese Water Deer disturbed and runs across field 09 of 10 (crop).jpg
Description: Detail of the left moment at exactly the same scale as above - how the body flexes & stretches!
The slightly blurred streak vertically through the head a the wildly out of
focus first twig of the Lombardy Poplar that terminated the sequence.
Date: 23 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240329_0557_002 Red Kite in flight.jpg
Description: A Red Kite glides overhead catching the low early morning sunlight.
Thanks to those volunteers who helped this bird's return to our skies.
Date: 22 Apr 2024
View: R70_20240328_0709_050 Chinese Water Deer eating fresh leaves from hedge.jpg
Description: In the now fenced-off field to our south we spot this Chinese Water Deer nibbling
the fresh leaves on the hedge.
View: R70_20240328_0710_085+087+088+099+117 Chinese Water deer leaves field through hedge (approx montage).jpg
Description: After a while, and we think nothing to do with our presence, the Deer wandered off and
finally walked through the 'impenetrable' hedge into the adjacent field.
Date: 21 Apr 2024
View: BU7_20240326_1130_076-078 Magpie carrying Blackthorn twig across grass near south hedge gap (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Magpie(s) have been routinely collecting blackthorn twigs from the south hedge.
View: R70_20240328_1000_056-060 Red Kite gliding overhead @8fps (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Gliding majestically overhead this Red Kite rode the wind making minor adjustments to their
tail orientation. This is an accurate montage at about 8 fps lined up on the cloud
edge, fortunately never quite overlapping
Date: 20 Apr 2024
View: E63_20240323_0753_096_FB1 Great Tit with vivid plumage.jpg
Description: Good grief - how much more vivid can a bird's markings get.
We have not 'wound up' the colours on this Great Tit - flash lit at the hedge bottom.
View: E6C_20240324_0814_043_FB4 Wood Pigeon in Tree-stump.jpg
Description: As the leaves start to unfurl over the woodland area of the 2 acres, the light
changes from almost as well lit as the meadow to an increasingly dark and secretive vista.
This wood pigeon takes a morning selfie on the tree-stump now very loose
in the ground and propped up by lumps of wood.
Date: 19 Apr 2024
View: PK1_20240322_0723_928-0728_014 Great Spotted Woodpecker male intermittently feeds from Kitchen feeder over 5 mins 14+04+13+18 of 22 (montage).jpg
Description: This Great Spotted Woodpecker spends at least 5 minutes on the kitchen bird table peanut
feeder moving backwards and forwards between the post and the peanuts. Here is a 'simplified' sample.
Our theory - the bird has been there much longer and is so full of nuts he has to
wait for them to 'go down' before he can cram in any more!
View: PK1_20240329_0651_110 Great Spotted Woodpecker at peanut feeder.jpg
Description: 7 days later, now bathed in some sunshine, probably the same male Great Spotted Woodpecker
continues to make the most of this 'seemingly endless' supply of rich food.
Date: 18 Apr 2024
View: BU7_20240322_0609_194+BUA_0627_072_SC8+BU7_0629_198 2 Hares at SW and East hedge gaps (montage).jpg
Description: Suddenly, and delightfully, at least two Hares have reappeared on our patch,
here at the south-west and east hedge gaps within a couple of minutes of
each other in the morning.
View: BU7_20240323_1804_278+280+282 Hare sitting on grass swivels 90 degrees (montage).jpg
Description: On the evening of the next day this shaggy Hare turns by the ditch.
View: DF3_20240325_1656_005 Muntjac Reeves Deer female foraging on main pond island.jpg
Description: Some weeks we are lucky enough to spot a Reeves' Muntjac Deer browsing on the
main pond island where we can watch (and photograph) through the Kitchen window.
View: BUA_20240327_0106_252_SC8 Badger sitting quietly near East hedge gap.jpg
Description: Badger near the East hedge gap, lolling sideways in thoroughly relaxed mood.
Date: 17 Apr 2024
View: E64_20240321_0733_002_FB2 Rook picking up food items at Woodland site.jpg
Description: It looks like this Rook likes peanuts - there seem to be very few creatures that don't!
How does this Rook hold all those disparate seeds in their inflexible beak?
That's what tongues are for!
View: E64_20240321_1313_019_FB2 Rook pair at Woodland site.jpg
Description: Looks like 'Mr & Mrs. Rook' are out at their favourite restaurant.
View: DF3_20240323_1233_051+053 Rook with partner moves across to incubate 1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: It's that time of year to see endless changes of incubation duty.
For us it is mainly Rooks inside our patch that we mostly spot.
These change overs are often accompanied by what look to us
like little domestic 'spats' - who wants to spend hours sitting on eggs?
View: DF3_20240327_1019_063 Rook on twig watching photographer.jpg
Description: Rook and Photographer in a state of mutual tolerance.
Date: 16 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240320_1303_059 Snakes head fritillary white flower - first of 2024.jpg
Description: Out first Snakes-head fritillary this year is a white one in shade for most of the day.
The curving leaves are a delicate delight ...
View: DF3_20240320_1304_069 Snakes head fritillary white flower - first of 2024.jpg
Description: ... but so are the delicately mottled flower petals.
View: DF3_20240320_1604_079 Ladys Smock (Cuckoo Flower) (aka Cuckooflower) 1st of 2024.jpg
Description: A very early clump of Cuckoo flowers in the soggy end of the Main pond.
Date: 15 Apr 2024
View: D5C_20240320_1039_003 Sparrowhawk male clutching Blue Tit or Great Tit in claws 1 of 7 (crop).jpg
Description: Eye caught by movement on the bird feeder managed to see a couple of feathers
drifting down.
That's a successful Sparrowhawk attack!
Looking for the perpetrator found the Sparrowhawk on some grass outside the
conservatory, viewed though the glass.
First a bit of context - you can see the yellow breast of either a Blue Tit
or Great Tit underneath the bird.
View: D5C_20240320_1039_005+1040_007+012+017 Sparrowhawk male clutching Blue Tit or Great Tit in claws 2+3+5+7 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: The sad little creature in the talons was obviously not dead yet, and the Sparrowhawk was
waiting for his talons to do their job. After about a minute the prey stopped struggling and
the hawk flew off with it to we know not where.
Date: 14 Apr 2024
View: E6A_20240318_1619_033_FB5 2 Rooks at Meadow site in interesting pose (crop 1).jpg
Description: 2 Rooks in what might be called an "ABBA' moment.
View: E6A_20240318_1619_033_FB5 2 Rooks at Meadow site in interesting pose (crop 2).jpg
Description: Another take on the same photo as a tighter crop of the same original photo.
Date: 13 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240316_1503_140+143+1504_144+150 Chinese Water Deer female in field to east 1-3+5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: A few views of a distant Chinese Water Deer in this still fallow field.
This appears to be a female or immature male judging by the lack of Tusks
and the typical damage to the fur on the back of the neck makes female more likely.
View: E63_20240321_0712_136_FB1 Blackbird female poised over unearthed Earthworm.jpg
Description: This female Blackbird seems to have 'bagged' an earthworm.
This is the only pic the automatic camera got of the events.
Date: 12 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240316_0801_115-121 Mallard Duck male flying from pond @7fps 1-7 of 7 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: All of the Mallard Ducks on the site this year are intolerant of humans, and fly away
as soon as they sight us. This male flew by and the cameraman managed
to keep the bird over the single focal point for about of this 1 second of flight.
By good fortune the incredibly close spacing is absolutely genuine.
The camera decided it needed to re-adjust focus between frames 5 and 6
causing the extra half bird length gap in this accurate montage.
View: DF3_20240316_0801_118 Mallard Duck male flying from pond @7fps 4 of 7 (crop).jpg
Description: Detail of frame 4 as the male Mallard made a typically gentle quack.
We describe females as having 'lungs of brass'.
View: DF3_20240316_0801_121 Mallard Duck male flying from pond @7fps 7 of 7 (crop).jpg
Description: Detail from the last frame as the bird flies into the less cramped sky.
Date: 11 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240316_0754_049 Blackthorn tree north of triumphal arch (orig & final).jpg
Description: As we go through the hedging arch from the original house garden into the
2 acre patch we bought and planted, this glorious blackthorn bush/tree currently
greets us with this wall of blossom.
View: DF3_20240315_1025_004 Marsh Marigold in Main Pond (first flowering of 2024).jpg
Description: This Marsh Marigold has burst into flower protected by the brambles at
the east end of the main pond.
The Deer will soon find the flowers - apparently delicious!
Date: 10 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240316_0738_038 Rook calling from highest tip of tree (crop 1).jpg
Description: If you are going to use your whole body to call out to the world you
might as well choose absolutely the highest tip of the chosen tree.
View: DF3_20240316_0756_059+0757_064-106 Rook pair at nest incubation feeding 1-3+5-7 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: At one of the Rook nests visually accessible within our patch saw this Rook
(we assume the male) arriving at the nest with nothing in his beak.
He descends to the nest sitting female to give what we call an 'Incubation
feed' from his crop (like courtship feeding but carries on during egg laying
and incubation).
Is her final call 'MORE!' or more kindly 'THANKS!'?
View: E64_20240320_1059_069_FB2 2 Rooks squabbling at Woodland site (crop).jpg
Description: Whatever we 'do' to this image we can't make out the details.
There are obviously two Rooks, one facing us and the other facing away.
And they obviously not pleased to see each other!
Date: 09 Apr 2024
View: E64_20240315_0801_089_FB2 Pheasant male stomping across Woodland site (extended crop 2).jpg
Description: At last a decent pic of what seems to be the only male Pheasant currently
around the site.
View: E64_20240315_0801_089_FB2 Pheasant male stomping across Woodland site (detail crop 3).jpg
Description: A crop from the above - aren't I magnificent?
View: DF3_20240316_1507_152-155+157-158 Pheasant male display calling at edge of field to east @7fps 1-4+6-7 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: This male Pheasant walked quietly across the adjacent fallow field and upon
reaching the field margin performed his call - flap - stomp sequence, for
once caught on camera.
Date: 08 Apr 2024
View: BU8_20240313_1333_269 2 Muntjac Reeves Deer sharing grass at front of Duck Pond.jpg
Description: In the early afternoon hazy sunshine what is probably a Reeves' Muntjac Deer mother
and her now well grown Fawn browsing quietly together by the filled-to-the-brim Duck Pond.
View: D71_20240311_1025_027 Muntjac Reeves Deer hiding in brambles near hedge bottom site.jpg
Description: To the west of the hedge bottom site is a (for humans) impenetrable patch of blackberry
dead stems and fresh growth that a Muntjac Deer can walk through without hesitation.
View: D71_20240311_1416_041 Muntjac Reeves Deer by garage Water Butt.jpg
Description: 4 Hours later we see possibly the same Reeves' Muntjac Deer back in the
'secure' area behind the Garage where Mum regularly left her Fawn for the day
when the fawn was young.
Noticing the freckled ears - we suspect we might learn to identify individuals.
Date: 07 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240307_1607_123-128 Mallard Duck pair flying from main pond 01-06 of 14 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Arriving at the main pond startled this pair of Mallard ducks. It appears
that the female (right) took off about a second before the male. Accurately
positioned birds shown in their genuine relative positions during about 1
second of the pairs flight.
View: BU9_20240311_1555_014_SC2 Mallard Duck pair walking down orchard path.jpg
Description: When we first saw the 3 images in this original trail cam sequence (which to be fair was quite
badly underexposed) we thought 'just the male'. After correcting the brightness the female ahead
of the male because just about visible despite her amazing camouflage.
Date: 06 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240307_1310_049+053+055+057 Red Kite turning in gliding flight (montage over about 1 second (impression montage).jpg
Description: A Red Kite wheels overhead, their head and body turn taking just over 1 second.
View: DF3_20240307_1310_067 Red Kite gliding overhead.jpg
Description: Another 1.5 second on the Red Kite is close to above the photographer.
Date: 05 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240307_1303_010-012 Heron in flight 1-3 of 3 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Herons have become only occasional sightings since we lost all our amphibians
(whatever the cause) that they used to hunt. This is an accurate montage at
about 7 frames per second accurately aligned using the blurred tree branches
in the foreground.
View: DF3_20240307_1303_011 Heron if flight 2 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: The middle moment stand-alone
View: DF3_20240307_1304_032-036 Heron if flight 1-5 of 5 (impression montage @7fps).jpg
Description: The tree sweeping through the frame kicked the camera off focus, and here we
pick up the heron a few seconds on into the flight. Here we have no reference
to accurately align then pics, so we just try to make it look attractive.
Date: 04 Apr 2024
View: E63_20240301_1334_081_FB1 Great Tit feeding at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A Great Tit with their shadow.
This year Great Tits substantially outnumber Blue Tits.
View: E63_20240308_0733_056_FB1 Chaffinch male in breeding plumage.jpg
Description: A male Chaffinch looking so proud.
His colouration indicates 'ready to go' - bring on the girls!
View: E63_20240311_1755_038_FB1 Redwing.jpg
Description: We are a still seeing just this one Redwing, usually as here at the hedge bottom.
View: DF3_20240314_1605_006 3 Goldfinches (of about 15) moving tree to tree in Lombardy poplars along Farm Road.jpg
Description: On several days a 'Charm' of about 15 Goldfinches decorate the young Lombardy
poplar trees lining the Farm Road. As we walk along the group migrates to the
next tree further along and so on. Here are three of the lovely little birds.
Date: 03 Apr 2024
View: D5C_20240226_0844_013+006 Long-tail Tit queueing for Peanut feeder (montage).jpg
Description: A small group of Long-tailed Tits spends a couple minutes feeding on peanuts outside the study.
They take it in turns waiting in the bushes a couple of metres away and visiting the feeder.
View: D01_20240306_1532_057_FB6 Green Woodpecker short visit to meadow Post.jpg
Description: The trusty camera focussed on the Meadow Post caught this short visit of a male
Green Woodpecker.
Date: 02 Apr 2024
View: DF3_20240306_1103_069-072 Rook Chasing away Red Kite 1-4 of 4 (impression montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Another Red Kite gets the GO AWAY treatment from a local Rook.
The layout of these 4 pairs of birds probably bears no resemblance to reality -
read bottom right up and left as pairs of birds.
View: DF3_20240306_1103_070 Red Kite looks back at pursuing Rook (crop).jpg
Description: But the relationship between these two is absolutely genuine.
The Red Kite (left) looks back at what they will consider to be the 'annoying pest'
Date: 01 Apr 2024
View: D01_20240305_1408_042_FB6 Magpie stopping at Meadow Post with long twig across beak.jpg
Description: "Do you like my twig?"
We might have rendered this in 'mouth unable to move' speech like dentists can follow with ease,
but the Magpie can't speak human anyway!
Then again, maybe this is the avian version of a 'Handlebar Moustache'.
Image Archive arch 2024 mar.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240304_1444_018+021+024+025 Kestrel female hovers without flapping into strong steady wind (montage over 1 second).jpg
Description: In a strong and steady South East wind we enjoyed this Kestrel apparently just
hanging on the wind without a wing flap in sight.
This 1 second of images show the mass of adjustments the bird makes to her wings,
tail, and maybe even claws, to maintain the almost perfectly stationary head.
Date: 30 Mar 2024
View: BU2_20240303_2150_398+2153_403+404+2216_431_SC7 Badger disturbs Fox at hole in Round Mound (montage).jpg
Description: These 4 pics rather simplify an interaction between Fox and Badger, and the Badger
is obviously the winner of the pecking (or should it be biting) order.
Top Left: The Fox spent a few minutes at a scrape on the Round Mound before suddenly
reacting to the arrival of a Badger coming up the mound.
Top Right: The Fox makes a hurried departure - thats the blur upper middle!
Bottom Left: The Fox watches from a distance as the Badger scrapes at the same place.
Bottom Right: 20 minutes later the Badger has gone and the Fox returns, but is already
reacting to something down the slope.
The target of their scrapes is a new Rabbit hole in this patch of the mound.
Date: 29 Mar 2024
View: R70_20240301_1600_028-030 Rook looks down from high perch (montage).jpg
Description: High in a Black Poplar near the house, this Rook takes a disdainful
look at the ground beneath.
View: R70_20240302_0929_099+100+115 Rook flying off with twigs for nest (impression montage).jpg
Description: Rook nests are in various stages of construction.
Here what looks like two twigs being transported to build the nest ...
View: R70_20240302_0909_056 Rook with beakful of nest lining showing bald patch on back of neck.jpg
Description: ... and here another Rook carrying some nest lining to a more complete build.
View: DF3_20240304_0953_007 Rook looking down from perch high in Black Poplar.jpg
Description: High in a Black Poplar we get the feeling of disdain from this handsome Rook.
Date: 28 Mar 2024
View: D01_20240301_1317_033_FB6 Kestrel female briefly landing on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: The female Kestrels are about, but not visiting the Meadow Post in the
same numbers as the previous few weeks.
View: R70_20240303_1229_135+1228_131+1231_142 Kestrel female spending several minutes munting from 11kV cable (montage).jpg
Description: The 'Blonde' female Kestrel perhaps 50m away across the fields hunting
from one of the 11kV cables.
Date: 27 Mar 2024
View: E6A_20240229_0820_045_FB5 Jackdaw foraging in rain.jpg
Description: If you are hungry it doesn't matter that it is raining.
This is a Jackdaw ...
View: E6A_20240229_1105_052_FB5 Rook at Meadow site.jpg
Description: ... and 3 hours later the rain has stopped for this Rook.
View: D01_20240304_1015_004_FB6 Rook landing on Meadow Post in majestic pose.jpg
Description: This Rook makes a majestic landing on the Meadow Post.
Date: 26 Mar 2024
View: E6A_20240228_1335_024_FB5 Blackbird female with Muddy beak.jpg
Description: Male Blackbirds are spectacular with their black plumage and brilliant yellow
beaks, but the females have a quiet delight of their own.
Who's been probing the mud then!
View: BU7_20240306_1236_055 Pigeon aerobraking to land by flooded ditch.jpg
Description: For a trail cam this is a remarkably good image of a Pigeon in flight.
Date: 25 Mar 2024
View: PK1_20240225_1125_632 Magpie perched on Iris root with reflection in slightly rippled water.jpg
Description: From the kitchen window we see this magpie foraging about around the
newly emerging Irises. The water provides an interesting reflection.
The mild winter has allowed the Irises to reach about 30cm tall and it
is still February.
Date: 24 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240225_1037_113 Large Bumble Bee (prob Bombus Terrestris - Buff Tailed) warming on south facing wall.jpg
Description: Warming itself in the sunshine high on a south facing wall, is this large
Bumble Bee, apparently the same species seen occasionally flying by over the
last few days.
View: DF3_20240226_1237_011 Large Bumble Bee (Bombus Terrestris - Buff Tailed) on grass near back door.jpg
Description: 26 hours later (by chance to the minute) we see a member of the same species,
possibly the same individual, rooting around in the grass outside the back door.
Date: 23 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240224_1307_091 Rook on telephone cables.jpg
Description: A Rook guarding the phone cables?
View: BU5_20240225_1119_304_SC1 Rook landing behind startled Wood Pigeon.jpg
Description: The landing Rook has no bad intentions towards the Pigeon,
who nevertheless 'gets clear of the landing zone'.
View: D01_20240226_1105_013_FB6 Rook on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: This magnificent Rook takes a selfie.
Date: 22 Mar 2024
View: DF5_20240224_1228_052 Grey Squirrel eating Willow Catkins from tree behind main pond 1 of 9 (crop).jpg
Description: A Gourmet Squirrel checks out the Catkins on a Willow tree behind main
"Yes - I can stuff myself on these"
Reminds us of a kid in a sweet shop!
View: DF5_20240224_1228_054-130 Grey Squirrel eating Willow Catkins from tree behind main pond 2-4+6+8+9 of 9 (montage).jpg
Description: The same Squirrel spends several minutes selecting new Catkins and eating the smaller
Catkins directly from the tree, while larger ones are pulled forward with a paw,
bitten or broken off, and then eaten down the length like a Banana.
View: DF5_20240224_1243_143+170 2 Grey Squirrels eating Willow Catkin buds from tree near centre of meadow 2+5 of 8 (montage).jpg
Description: In a more distant Willow tree two Grey Squirrels are quite close together
as they feast on the barely open catkins.
Date: 21 Mar 2024
View: D01_20240224_1215_059+1221_064_FB6 Kestrel female lands on Meadow Post with Vole in beak 5+1 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: This female Kestrel made 2 visits to the Meadow post in 6 minutes, firstly the image on the right
and on the second visit returning with what looks like Short-tail Field Vole in her beak.
She didn't stay to eat it on the top of the post.
View: D01_20240224_1221_063_FB6 Kestrel female lands on Meadow Post with Vole in beak 4 of 5 (crop).jpg
Description: This image of the landing Kestrel was taken about half a second after the image
in the montage. The Kestrel has stopped, so the hanging vole swings forward.
View: D01_20240223_1114_029_FB6 Kestrel making swerved landing on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: This Kestrel makes what looks like a slightly skewed landing in a blustery wind.
View: D01_20240226_1122_023+024+1123_025_FB6 Kestrel lands on Meadow Post (montage over 500mS & 60 secs).jpg
Description: This Kestrel seem to be landing into a strong north wind (from the left).
Read this right to left.
Date: 20 Mar 2024
View: E63_20240223_0800_052_FB1 2 Muntjac Reeves Deer feeding together at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A calm morning moment as this pair of Reeves' Muntjac Deer spend a few
minutes feeding at the hedge bottom. Neither is an adult male, but beyond
that we could only guess.
View: BU8_20240223_1110_160 Muntjac Reeves Deer grazing by Snowdrop clump + Grey Squirrel.jpg
Description: A tranquil moment on the grass beside the Duck Pond - Reeves' Muntjac Deer and
Grey Squirrel quietly feeding among two clumps of Snowdrops.
View: DF3_20240224_1025_049-057 Muntjac Reeves Deer on field paths 1-4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: Moving along the edge of the south ditch inspecting the flooding we cross from
the original third-acre garden and orchard into the 2 acre patch of pasture we planted,
and came face-to-face with this Muntjac Deer. The Deer was momentarily panicked
but quickly seem to decide that we mostly harmless.
The little creature watches us watching them, intermittently nibbling grass while
keeping an eye on the humans. Eventually the Deer walking into the undergrowth
beside the path, and for us 'vanished'
Date: 19 Mar 2024
View: BU2_20240220_0122_103+104_SC7 Fox walking down south side of Round Mound (accurate montage).jpg
Description: One of the nightly Foxes hunting over the Round Mound.
View: SP1_20240220_0201_062+063_SP1 Fox passing over Rabbit hole previously used as Fox Earth (montage).jpg
Description: An hour later this Fox looks like they stumbled at the Rabbit hole.
View: SP1_20240220_1933_413_SP1 Fox looking at camera near Rabbit Hole.jpg
Description: A rather Kooky moment as this Fox glances up at the red glow from the
Trail cam currently watching the Rabbit hole. This camera's IR lamp is
almost invisible, but it is only about 1.5 metres away.
Date: 18 Mar 2024
View: BU7_20240205_0412_157-159 Polecat running along south hedge 1-3 of 3 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: We see a Polecat in some years- usually just a fleeting passage.
Here it looks as if the Polecat has arrived from the left along the dry section of the ditch and
clambered out to carry on the journey without going through the sticky mud where the
ditch is blocked where it goes under the access track on the right.
View: E64_20240219_1406_039_FB2+BU7_20240220_1605_076+PK1_1636_529 Pheasant male new arrival - wide neck ring (montage).jpg
Description: This newly arrived male Pheasant is BIG!
This is the three clearest pics of 7 pics over 3 days as he explores the whole site.
Left: Woodland site; Top right: South West corner ditch;
Bottom right: Back of main pond viewed from kitchen window.
View: DF5_20240220_1145_021 Wren collecting nest lining - tail hidden by bird body.jpg
Description: Right outside the living room window we keep seeing a Wren dashing about
in the scruffy hedge. Here they are collecting moss as bedding for a
We think the nest is about half a metre from the top of the hedge
at the right end of the window, but are reluctant to have a close look
from the outside for fear of triggering a desertion.
Date: 17 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240218_1420_189 Chinese Water Deer 200m away in field to east (crop + insert).jpg
Description: At the moment if we get a sighting of a Chinese Water Deer the view usually
consists of two ear tips sticking above the grass. If you are lucky you might
spot another pair 10 or so metres away.
So this solitary Deer (or at least the only one standing up) was a pleasant
surprise in the distance across the field to the east.
View: DF3_20240220_1347_006 2 Chinese Water Deer resting in fallow field with only ears visible.jpg
Description: Our second sighting this week of Chinese Water Deer are these two pairs
of ears poking above the 'fallow' field, as described earlier!
Date: 16 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240218_1042_179 Snowdrop clump after rain near Duck Pond (crop 2).jpg
Description: A detail from a clump of Snowdrops, showing the raindrops clinging to the petal tips.
At the right edge one drop is shared by 2 petals.
No fiddling with a sprayer - genuine rain!
View: DF3_20240218_1043_185 Rose wild leaf emergence after rain (orig).jpg
Description: An unfurling wild Rose leaf still drenched in morning rain.
Date: 15 Mar 2024
View: BUA_20240201_1735_057-20240204_1744_240_SC8 Hare visits near East hedge gap (montage over 4 days).jpg
Description: A virtual 'down' of Hares.
These images, probably of the same Hare each time, are assembled over 4 days.
Real 'downs' (collective name for Hares) are pretty rare - they are rather solitary creatures.
View: BUA_20240221_0653_149_SC8 Hare crouching near east hedge gap.jpg
Description: Around dawn this Hare stays still long enough for this decent portrait.
We see Hares at this site several times a week - normally lolloping through
making a blurred mess not worth showing.
Date: 14 Mar 2024
View: D01_20240216_2045_057+2044_055_FB6 Tawny Owl 1 minute visit to Meadow Post including launch 3+1 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: A lucky timing as this Tawny Owl launches exactly 1 minute after landing.
The empty post and the bird at the left are accurately positioned.
Date: 13 Mar 2024
View: D01_20240217_1238_074+1239_075+076_FB6 Kestrel female 2 minute visit to Meadow Post 1+3+4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: One of the female Kestrels makes a 2 minutes visit to the Meadow Post.
The final pic on the right looks like she is preparing to depart.
View: D01_20240221_1209_049-1221_064_FB6 Kestrel female making 2 5+ minute visits to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: We DO know how lucky we are to see Kestrels on most days, both in the automatic
cameras and in the trees or in flight as we walk the paths.
View: SP2_20240221_1233_061+1228_060+1227_057 Kestrel 6m visit to Duck Pond Willow pollard (montage intervals 6m + 9secs).jpg
Description: After the above visit to the Meadow Post, she moves to the tall trunk of the pollarded
willow behind the Duck Pond. We only have a trail cam here, so the images are not
prime quality, but it is good to see her making the most of all the hunting posts,
and this camera also more reliably catches moments of departure.
Date: 12 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240218_1039_166+D01_20240215_1440_011_FB6 Great Spotted + Green Woodpeckers on top of posts (montage arbitrary scale).jpg
Description: "What's that small bird on the top of the post?"
Oh - as you were - its the head of a woodpecker - twice.
Different posts - different peckers - same illusion.
View: SP2_20240216_1149_021+023+29+1152_025 Green Woodpecker on Willow Pollard at Duck Pond (approx montage).jpg
Description: Here a green woodpecker spends a few minutes probing the pollarded willow at
the back of Duck Pond before launching back towards the centre of the meadow,
beak tip lost out of frame.
View: PK1_20240221_1233_582 Great Spotted Woodpecker male in willow tree at SW of main pond.jpg
Description: A male Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Kitchen Peanut feeder was disturbed
by movement at the Kitchen Window, and flew to a nearby willow trunk to wait
for the disturbance to end.
Date: 11 Mar 2024
View: E63_20240215_2314_083_FB1 2 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A few Fieldmice (Wood Mice) sightings at the hedge bottom.
Mostly blurred images in rain, this pair (single frame) is by far
the most attractive sighting as they share a midnight feast
View: E64_20240220_2324_087_FB2 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) in mid-leap at Woodland site.jpg
Description: Just this one pic of a mouse at the Woodland site this week,
and its another inexplicable leaping mouse.
Date: 10 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240215_1250_007-1251_014 Kestrel chased from 11kV crossbar by Rook 1+2+4-8 of 8 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Watching this Kestrel hunting on this 11kV crossbar is interrupted by this
Rook arriving to remove this potential danger to their eggs-to-be.
Read top right downwards, then top middle to left (these accurately montaged).
We omitted the Rook flying off after the top centre image to provide clarity.
This lot took over an hour to 'get right' on the screen so we hope you like it!
View: DF3_20240215_1251_011 Kestrel chased from 11kV crossbar by Rook 5 of 8 (crop).jpg
Description: A closer look at the closest approach.
View: DF3_20240215_1251_022-030 Rook landing on 11kV cable (impression montage @7fps.jpg
Description: This is probably the same Rook that has just chased away a Kestrel, landing on
one of the 11kV cables, perhaps with a glow of satisfaction at a successful eviction?
Date: 09 Mar 2024
View: R70_20240214_1025_008 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn foraging in back garden (orig).jpg
Description: Returning from a walk we turn into the apology of a lawn to meet one of
this year Fawn licking their face with their super-long tongue.
If you haven't got hands their long tongue can even wipe over the eyes!
View: R70_20240214_1026_026 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn foraging in back garden (crop).jpg
Description: A few pleasant minutes watching each other, as the Deer chomps away
at some of the more exuberant grass stems.
View: BU7_20240214_0244_080 Muntjac Reeves Deer male rubbing forehead on grass.jpg
Description: Perhaps a 10 or 20 times each year we catch an image of (only) a male
Reeves' Muntjac Deer rubbing his forehead on grass like you see here.
We assume its is something to do with the endless cycle of growth and shedding of
his Antlers needing some help to remove the skin over the new ones, and later
dislodging what are probably irritating end-of-use discards.
Date: 08 Mar 2024
View: E63_20240209_1318_071+1321+072_FB1 Great Tit on stone with Blue Tit below (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Great Tits (above) and Blue Tit match their adjectival names to some extent.
Actually nest box holes for these birds are very precise - 28mm for Blue Tits
is too small for Great Tits that need 32mm, and can shared with Tree Sparrows.
View: E60_20240213_0752_012_FB3 Blue Tit landing on Kitchen perch.jpg
Description: A glowing Blue Tit lands on the kitchen perch
View: E63_20240212_1436_051_FB1 Chaffinch male landing on hedge bottom stone developing blue coating on beak.jpg
Description: This male Chaffinch is already resplendent with his quite positively blue coated beak
ready to start the years breeding.
View: DF3_20240214_1133_034 Long-tailed Tit on blossoming shrub.jpg
Description: A small 'family' of Long-tailed Tits pops up momentarily around the
house, but is intolerant of humans. So after seeing 4 on a peanut feeder
at one though the study window, we catch this queuing bird waiting his turn.
Date: 07 Mar 2024
View: E63_20240127_1810_284_FB1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) eating from paws on hedge bottom stone.jpg
Description: Just a single Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) image at the hedge bottom this whole week, and
it turns out to be this little delight.
View: E6A_20240212_1943_084_FB5 2 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at Meadow site.jpg
Description: This week we see mice at two sites, but only one pic at each.
Here a pair frisking about at the Meadow site ...
View: E64_20240212_2008_052_FB2 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) mid leap at Woodland site.jpg
Description: ... while only 20 minutes later and some 80 metres away we catch this absurd
moment at the Woodland site. The Mouse must have leapt this high - a drop
from above would be vertically blurred and anyway would not yet have
triggered the photo from the pencil-wide IR beam running perhaps 10cm over the
Date: 06 Mar 2024
View: D01_20240210_1337_053+054+1341_061_FB6 Kestrel female 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: The female Kestrels make regular visits to our patch, often to where we have
no camera. Here one makes a spectacular landing on top of the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20240212_1005_003-1234_022_FB6 4 Kestrel female visits to Meadow Post during morning 1+3+4+7 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: During the morning we thought that a single female Kestrel was spending a lot of
time at the Meadow Post. Examining the photos show us that we had several
visits by two different female Kestrels - first the one we have named
'Blondie' & then 'Brunette'.
Date: 05 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240210_1250_109 Rook calling from farm railings along east side.jpg
Description: The new railings along all of the Farm boundaries provides some new
places for wildlife to 'do their thing'.
Here a Rook spent several minutes making sure the whole world knew
of their presence.
The previous farm owners surrounded the land with posts and barbed wire,
and the posts were very 'popular' with both Tawny and Barn Owls who
hunted their way along from post to the next post or two.
Whether this behaviour will return for this wooden style of railings we
have yet to discover.
View: SP2_20240214_0013_026+D01_0434_061+062_FB6 Tawny Owl on Duck Pond pollard + 4hrs later on Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: Owls and many other birds make a bee-line for any post on which
they can land - they get a 360 degree view of land to hunt.
On one night, though 4 hours apart, we see a Tawny Owl on the Pollard
at the back of Duck Pond (the poor monochrome Trail cam image), and then a
visit by probably the same Owl 4 hours later on the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20240214_0434_061_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post.jpg
Description: More detail from the centre image in the montage - not yet quite making full
contact with the Meadow Post
Date: 04 Mar 2024
View: D01_20240206_1222_087_FB6 Wood Pigeon lands on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: A moment of perfect symmetry as this Wood Pigeon touches down.
View: D01_20240210_1115_035_FB6 Wood Pigeon landing on Meadow Post against bonfire smoke.jpg
Description: A rather magnificent Wood Pigeon lands on the meadow post,
not bothered by smoke from a nearby bonfire.
View: E64_20240213_1534_103_FB2 Wood Pigeon aerobraking to land at Woodland site.jpg
Description: A dramatic and rather strange aerobraking Pigeon about to land at the Woodland site.
The Wood Pigeon is 'caught' still a few centimetres from the ground.
Date: 03 Mar 2024
View: E60_20240209_1452_032_FB3 Sparrowhawk landing on Kitchen perch (crop 1).jpg
Description: On most afternoons one window inevitably sees a few passages of a
Sparrowhawk flash past. Occasionally one lands on the Kitchen
perch. This time it appears to be the male, a smaller bird than the more
often glimpsed female. Whether one or both flash past the window
we have no idea.
View: E60_20240209_1452_032_FB3 Sparrowhawk landing on Kitchen perch (crop 2).jpg
Description: A closer view of the male Sparrowhawk
Date: 02 Mar 2024
View: DF3_20240209_1012_007 Snowdrops in flower at base of largest Apple tree.jpg
Description: This year Snowdrops are flowering in abundance in many of their traditional places
These are at the base of the largest (Apple) tree in the orchard.
The clump on the left are every year behind the clump on the right.
Date: 01 Mar 2024
View: E63_20240207_1055_006_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer at flooded hedge bottom (crop 1).jpg
Description: A Reeves' Muntjac Deer visits the Hedge bottom in mid-morning.
View: E63_20240207_1055_006_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer at flooded hedge bottom highlighting whiskers (crop 2).jpg
Description: In the camera version we discover that these Deer actually have
quite long whiskers both above and below the muzzle.
We have photographed these deer for years and never caught the
light just right to see them.
View: E64_20240209_1136_104_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer feeding on sodden woodland site.jpg
Description: At the soggy woodland site this Reeves' Muntjac Deer visits near mid-day
to pick up some of the remaining corn.
Image Archive arch 2024 feb.htm (view it Here)
Date: 29 Feb 2024
View: D01_20240205_1841_029-20240206_0458_077_FB6 Tawny Owl visits over 10 hours over one night 01+07+11+04 of 11 (montage).jpg
Description: On this single night (5th to 6th Feb 2024) a check of the camera watching the Meadow Post
reveals an amazingly 50 frames of continuous Tawny Owl covering the whole night.
Here is a little assortment - they never brought any prey back to the post.
View: D01_20240205_1841_029+2057_051+20240206_0454_069_FB6 Tawny Owl visits over 10 hours over one night 01+05+09 of 11 (montage).jpg
Description: The three most obvious landings look so identical that we have grouped them up
to see the tiny details of each landing
View: E64_20240205_2336_065_FB2 Tawny Owl pouncing at Woodland Site (crop).jpg
Description: In an apparently unrelated moment (we carefully checked the 50 frames and there
were no pics an hour either side of this event) this Tawny Owl appears to have pounced
on something at the Woodland site some 40 metres from the Meadow Post.
As far as we can see the attack was unsuccessful - it is said 90% of predator attacks fail.
Date: 28 Feb 2024
View: DF3_20240203_1339_083 Round Pond reflection of trees in still water.jpg
Description: The clarity of leaf detail is a little reminiscent of prints by the master of illusion M C Escher,
but without the magical ambiguity.
View: DF3_20240203_1339_084 Round Pond reflection of trees in slight rippling water.jpg
Description: The clarity of leaf detail is a little reminiscent of prints by the master of illusion M C Escher,
but without the magical ambiguity.
Date: 27 Feb 2024
View: BU2_20240203_1153_414_SC7 Chinese water deer at Round Mound 3 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: This is a rare glimpse of a Chinese Water Deer inside our patch.
Notice the apparently ruffled fur behind the head.
View: BU2_20240203_1153_412_SC7 Chinese water deer at Round Mound (injury to Buck during Rut) 1 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: We have photos of Chinese Water Deer inside our patch only twice before and in each the deer
had some damage to the fur on the top of the neck. But not as bad as we see here with a whole strip
of skin exposed as well as other damage.
From the interesting site at
we quote the following:-
"It is not uncommon for water deer, particularly bucks, to be missing patches of fur,
particularly on the neck, flanks and rump, as a result of combat during the rut.
In some cases, they present with large areas of fur missing, such as this buck in
Buckinghamshire" ... (with picture on the referenced site) ... Credit: Marc Baldwin.
We are in Buckinghamshire as well, and here is our injured Deer by the Round Mound
photographed by a trail cam.
View: E64_20240204_1332_284_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer female Browsing at Woodland site.jpg
Description: The apparently more placid Reeves' Muntjac Deer don't rut.
This is a female, but the males are equipped with little Antlers and small
'Tusks' which are apparently used when fighting other males.
But we have never seen any Muntjac with more than a few scratches.
Date: 26 Feb 2024
View: D01_20240202_1048_072+073+1052_081_FB6 Kestrel female 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post (montage @500mS &4m).jpg
Description: Female Kestrels are making regular visits to the Meadow Post as well
as the high voltage cables and other perches where the bird sees us before we see them..
View: D01_20240202_1231_084-1233_088_FB6 Kestrel female 13+ minute visit to Meadow Post mainly to preen 01+03+04 of 10 (montage).jpg
Description: This extended visit by a female Kestrel is entirely spent resting without
particular attention to the surroundings, or, as here, having an extensive preen.
View: D01_20240202_1506_121-1509_127_FB6 Kestrel female 4 minute visit to Meadow Post 4+3+5+1 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: Two and a half hours later this 4 minute visit is entirely more purposeful
with intent staring down at the ground below in all directions.
View: D01_20240204_1122_174_FB6 Kestrel 4 minute visit to Meadow Post 2 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: 2 days later this tail-spread landing is captured on the Meadow Post
Date: 25 Feb 2024
View: D01_20240201_1333_029_FB6 Rook landing on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: Rooks are really magnificent birds!
View: D01_20240201_1340_033+034_FB6 Rook flies in to land next to another already on Meadow Post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: 7 minutes later what we assume is their mate comes to join them
on the rather cramped (for two) top of the Meadow Post.
View: E60_20240205_1102_007_FB3 Wood Pigeon lands next to another catching perched bird shadow (crop 1).jpg
Description: A serendipitous moment as this obviously paired Wood Pigeon lands
to share the Kitchen Bird table and perch
View: E60_20240205_1102_007_FB3 Wood Pigeon lands next to another catching perched bird shadow (crop 2).jpg
Description: A serendipitous moment as this obviously paired Wood Pigeon lands
to share the Kitchen Bird table and perch
Date: 24 Feb 2024
View: DF3_20240131_1320_053 Bracket fungus on broken Silver Birch tree trunk about 150cm from ground - camera at west.jpg
Description: Catching a view of this bracket Fungus in the 'Copse' (Copse is our name for a same species group of 19 trees
we used in our original planting plan) we took this photo of a single Bracket Fungus growing from one of the
'less vigorous' trees.
View: D71_20240201_1046_006 Silver birch trunk broken as 3 pieces with 1m section hollowed out by woodpecker 1 of 3.jpg
Description: Closer inspection makes 'less vigorous' seem more like 'probably dead' :-(
The tree has broken off at about 3.5 metres high, and the upper section is in 2 parts -
the upper sloping section in this pic, and a piece originally between them about 1 metre
long here propped up by us against the base of the lower trunk still in the ground, with
a 70mm hole in the side. Its turns out it is upside down in the photo :-(
View: D71_20240201_1047_015 Silver birch trunk broken as 3 pieces with 1m section hollowed out by woodpecker 2 of 3.jpg
Description: Here is the hole in the 1 metre section we find this interesting hole in the lower half.
Visually aligning the broken pieces (without transporting a ladder to get to the top
of the standing piece) suggests that the hole faced approximately north.
View: D71_20240201_1048_018 Silver birch trunk broken as 3 pieces with 1m section hollowed out by woodpecker 3 of 3.jpg
Description: Inside the short section we find the trunk hollowed out to right up to
the bark, suggesting that, unnoticed at the time, a Woodpecker chiselled
out a nest hole in this inadequately sized tree. The tree then broke at the
weakened section. It would seem the events are not recent -
the white coating of Fungi inside the hole is quite thick.
Yes - we have searched all of the other birches but can't find any other
signs of hole nesting birds using them.
Date: 23 Feb 2024
View: E63_20240131_0326_502_FB1 Fox hunting at Hedge Bottom.jpg
Description: Eyes fully dilated in the small hours of the morning, one of our visiting
Foxes has eyes and ears focussed on 'something'.
View: BU9_20240131_2318_085-087_SC2 Fox approaching another at end orchard welcomed with baring of teeth 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: A bit before midnight, the orchard trail cam catches these 3 images taken at a few second intervals.
The approaching fox does not seem the least deterred by the open mouthed Fox in the foreground.
Whether a Fight or affectionate encounter follows we will never know.
View: E6A_20240202_2023_149_FB5 Fox hunting at Meadow Site.jpg
Description: Several sightings of Foxes include this moment of intense focus.
View: BU8_20240205_2142_063 Fox sniffing ground at edge of Duck Pond.jpg
Description: "What's this here?"
Date: 22 Feb 2024
View: D01_20240122_1344_041+042+1345_044_FB6 Kestrel female 2 minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Just a short visit by a female Kestrel.
Read right to left.
View: D01_20240131_1102_120+1103_122-123_FB6 Kestrel female lands on Meadow Post leaves 1m later 1+3-4 of 4 (montage 3-4 @ 500mS).jpg
Description: 1 Week later this female Kestrel lands on the Meadow post, and exactly 1 minute
later launches downwards.
The camera controller takes 5 pairs of pics at exactly 1 minute intervals while the IR beam
is 'blocked' and doesn't react to departures, so we know the exact interval for this
luckily timed departure.
View: D01_20240131_1103_122_FB6 Kestrel female lands on Meadow Post and departs 1 minute later 3 of 4 (crop).jpg
Description: A closer view of the just launched Kestrel.
Date: 21 Feb 2024
View: E6A_20240125_1936_086_FB5+D01_1921_039_FB6 Tawny Owl pouncing from Meadow Post to Meadow site (montage).jpg
Description: The image of the left is 15 minutes after the one on the right, but is obviously the same
Tawny Owl waiting on the post with more patience than we built into the camera watching the pole.
The Tawny Owl didn't seem to catch anything.
View: E6A_20240125_1936_086_FB5 Tawny Owl pouncing at Meadow site (crop 1).jpg
View: E6A_20240125_1936_086_FB5 Tawny Owl pouncing at Meadow site (crop 2).jpg
Date: 20 Feb 2024
View: E64_20240122_1950_119_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer pair at Woodland site during visits over 4 hours.jpg
Description: Over about 4 night-time hours there are numerous visits by both sexes of
adult Reeves' Muntjac Deer. Just this one frame catches them together.
The male is closest to camera, with antlers and tiny tusk.
View: E64_20240123_0948_159_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer at Woodland site.jpg
Description: An adult female Reeves' Muntjac Deer stops by the Woodland site.
There is undoubtedly some corn left buried in the leaf litter, and the nutritional
value is worth the search.
View: E6A_20240124_1423_010_FB5 Muntjac Reeves Deer male feeding at meadow site (crop).jpg
Description: A study of the male Deer feeding at the Meadow site.
Date: 19 Feb 2024
View: D01_20240124_1059_131+1048_122+1046_118_FB6 Kestrel female visits to Meadow Post over 12 mins (montage).jpg
Description: Several visits to the meadow post by the female Kestrel over 12 minutes.
Read right to left.
View: D01_20240124_1217_132+133+1218_134_FB6 Kestrel female 3 minute visit to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: Looks like a visit from our 'Blonde' female Kestrel.
Left to right.
Date: 18 Feb 2024
View: df3_20240125_1244_054-059 Kestrel female launches from Telephone pole across track 7fps 1-6 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: Exiting the house at the rear caught a glimpse of this female Kestrel on the
telephone pole at the front. Making progress towards the access track eventually
persuaded the Kestrel to depart.
Obviously a spread out montage, but all in about two-thirds of a second.
View: DF3_20240125_1244_056 Kestrel female launches from Telephone pole across track 7fps 3 of 7 (crop).jpg
Description: Here we catch the moment as the Kestrel's left foot slipped off the post top.
Date: 17 Feb 2024
View: E63_20240122_0902_026_FB1 Robin down from hedge bottom stone.jpg
Description: A Robin and his shadow jump down from the bare stone to more interesting
things on the ground beneath.
View: E63_20240122_0920_030_FB1 Blackbird male at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A lively male Blackbird takes his selfie.
The bright yellow beak matches the resident male who has not apparently
lost his territory to the influx of immigrant Blackbirds.
View: E63_20240122_1409_100_FB1 Great Tit on hedge bottom stone.jpg
Description: A perky Great Tit pauses on the hedge bottom stone.
View: DF3_20240127_1303_031 Blue Tit eating Willow Buds.jpg
Description: There suddenly seem to be Blue Tits and Great Tits all over the site, feasting
on the emerging buds. This one was perhaps 6 metres up a willow tree.
Date: 16 Feb 2024
View: DF3_20240119_1315_147 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn resting and feeding at edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: The male Reeves' Muntjac Fawn has finally stood up to search for more food.
View: DF3_20240119_1318_152 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn resting and feeding at edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: The Deer selects bits of vegetation that take his fancy.
We have many times observed that these Deer select just small amounts of a wide range
of different 'weeds' - they don't just eat grass.
View: DF3_20240119_1319_171 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn resting and feeding at edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: After 15 minutes we quietly left the now not-so-little fellow to his own devices.
View: E64_20240119_1545_103_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn resting and feeding at edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: 2 and a half hours later he arrives at the automatic camera at the woodland site
to continue his endless quest for food in the freezing weather.
Date: 15 Feb 2024
View: DF3_20240119_1304_043 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn resting and feeding at edge of Meadow (crop 2).jpg
Description: We came across this Fawn sitting in the sunshine at the woodland/meadow edge.
A close study of several pics suggests that the Antler bases are just starting to bulge,
indicating this is a male. Maintaining a closest approach of about 20 metres
away we managed a nearly complete circle of this lovely creature, at first just sitting in the
sunshine, then sampling the weeds he could reach with moving, and finally getting up
to feed on some thicker vegetation.
View: DF3_20240119_1305_054 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn resting and feeding at edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: The Deer Fawn having a nibble of whatever foliage he can reach.
View: DF3_20240119_1310_099 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn resting and feeding at edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: So relaxed he nodded off for a minute or two.
View: DF3_20240119_1312_128 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn resting and feeding at edge of Meadow.jpg
Description: "I'm going to have to get up if I want more food."
Date: 14 Feb 2024
View: E64_20240119_1422_099_FB2 Grey Squirrel collecting bedding for Drey.jpg
Description: As this extremely cold day wears on, this Squirrel decides to lay in
some extra bedding. Same as for us then!
View: BU8_20240119_2230_093+20240120_0053_101 Fox visits to hunt over frozen Duck Pond (montage).jpg
Description: The night shift searches the still frozen pond.
The montage shows two separate visits hours apart, but looks natural.
View: BU8_20240120_1220_160 +162 Green Woodpecker brief visit to grass by Duck Pond (montage).jpg
Description: Next day the frost is gone and this Green Woodpecker is again able
to probe open ground.
Date: 13 Feb 2024
View: E6C_20240118_1608_016_FB4 Robin on Tree-stump at sunset.jpg
Description: The Robin 'owner' of this part of our patch stops by the Tree-stump as the sun
starts to set.
View: DF3_20240119_1054_012 Robin on cut and fallen twig in hedge.jpg
Description: The sun-warmed hedge has already thawed as this little bundle of Joy glows in the sunshine.
View: E6C_20240119_1430_043_FB4 Robin maneuvering to land in Tree-stump.jpg
Description: This Robin is doing the endless rounds in the quest for food - their primary defence
against the cold.
Date: 12 Feb 2024
View: BU7_20240118_1742_121+122 Tawny Owl landing in south ditch 1+2 of 3 (spread montage).jpg
Description: Owl sightings other than at selected posts and perches are unusual, but
we see a few each year. Here this Tawny Owl lands in the currently dry ditch
but doesn't stay.
The static bird (left) hasn't actually moved from their landing position on the right.
View: D01_20240122_0552_119_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to meadow post (1st frame).jpg
Description: Near the end of the night this Tawny Owl stops by.
View: D01_20240124_0327_082+0332_092+0345_114_FB6 Tawny Owl visits over 18 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: One of the Tawny owls spends 18 minutes hunting from the Meadow Post.
View: DF3_20240119_1041_002 Buzzard on Power Pole near Field House in extensive frost (orig & final).jpg
Description: Part way through the morning where the temperature reached -8.8C the previous
night and is still -0.2C at 10:40 (figures captured in retrospect from our Ecowitt records).
Looking south over the neighbouring fields the frost is so heavy you might think that this
was light snow if we couldn't assure you that this is 'just' frost.
That little speck on the post is definitely a Buzzard.
Date: 11 Feb 2024
View: BU8_20240118_0839_430 Pheasant male visits morning Duck Pond in hard frost.jpg
Description: A dominant male Pheasant inspects the frozen Duck Pond as the
rising sun illuminated the woodland edge to the north.
View: D01_20240118_1036_001_FB6 Jackdaw lands on frosty Meadow Post.jpg
Description: A Jackdaw lands on the frost covered Meadow Post top.
View: E6A_20240118_1044_009_FB5 Rook + Jackdaw + Wood Pigeon at frosted Meadow site.jpg
Description: A Rook and a Jackdaw (with a Wood Pigeon bringing up the rear) share the
recently delivery of grain and scraps.
Date: 10 Feb 2024
View: BU2_20240117_1735_246_SC7 Fox hunting on Round Mound with ears focussed on ground in front.jpg
Description: Just after dark we catch this Fox intensely watching this bit of ground.
And not just watching - look at the two ears swivelled and forwards to catch
the slightest sound from where the eyes are focussed.
View: D01_20240117_1726_117+1728_121_FB6 Tawny Owl 3 minute visit to meadow post 1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: We are not seeing mice or voles at the meadow site, but that isn't where the
Owls attention is focussed - it is peering into the rough grass around the post.
The facial disc of Owls is part of their hearing system - face your area of interest
and the sound is aligned.
View: D01_20240116_1914_071+1916_075+1918_079_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to meadow post 1+3+4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl is very active on the top of the Meadow Post.
Undoubtedly they are very keen to catch a nice warm rodent to fight off the cold.
Date: 09 Feb 2024
View: E6C_20240116_1545_045_FB4 Robin on Tree-stump near sunset.jpg
Description: Only a few minutes before sunset, The Robin makes a final check that
food hasn't miraculously appeared on the tree stump.
View: E60_20240115_1031_007_FB3 Blackbird male landing on Kitchen perch.jpg
Description: The last week of freeze-up has seen a huge increase in the number of Blackbirds
seen over the site.
View: DF3_20240115_1453_002 Blackbird female in Hawthorn Tree with 2 berries visible.jpg
Description: Here a female Blackbird was searching inside this Hawthorn tree, undoubtedly
looking for berries. In this pic we can see two Haws top and bottom left.
Date: 08 Feb 2024
View: D01_20240115_1156_023+024_FB6 Kestrel female landing on Meadow Post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: One of the female Kestrels makes a landing on the post.
These 2 pics are only half a second apart - its remarkable how the slight change
of position relative to the sun completely changes the bird appearance.
We guess that the sunlight would be 'dappled' if seen against a solid background.
View: DF3_20240118_0943_044 Kestrel female on Black Poplar tree by meadow.jpg
Description: A shaft of morning sunlight enriches the colours of one of our female Kestrels.
Date: 07 Feb 2024
View: SP2_20240112_1944_068+1952_072+1052_015 Little Owl 10min on tree-stump at Duck pond 2+3 of 3 + Squirrel size ref (montage).jpg
Description: The trail-cam moved to the back of Duck Pond to watch the pollarded Willow top
has come good by revealing a visit by a Little Owl (actual species name) shortly
after dark. We hadn't seen one since July 2021. The Squirrel is shown at exactly
the same crop to provide an indication of size.
View: D01_20240114_1827_001+1833_013_FB6+SP2_1848_028 Tawny Owl 7+ minute visit to meadow post then Duck Pond 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Two days later we see another Owl visiting the same Pollarded Willow, this time
a Tawny Owl seen at the Meadow Post a few minutes earlier.
We have to assume that its is the same individual.
Scale from the 2 very different cameras is here not controlled.
Date: 06 Feb 2024
View: E63_20240112_1306_053_FB1 Magpie collecting peanuts.jpg
Description: "What - no juicy mouse for lunch?"
Peanuts will have to do.
View: D01_20240116_0321_056+1324_057+1324_058_FB6 Magpie landings on Meadow post over 7 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: This Magpie spends about 7 minutes on and around the Meadow Post.
Date: 05 Feb 2024
View: DF3_20240106_1314_131+1317_138+1318_146 Kestrel female disturbed by local helicopter unexpectedly flies back (montage).jpg
Description: The Saga of the female Kestrel Part 2 of 2
The whole sequence lasts about 20 minutes.
From feeding on the soils heap she flies the 100 metres along our East hedge to the NE
corner of our hedge surround.
We decided that we had disturbed her 'enough' and started walking back when
a neighbour flew over her as he departed in his Helicopter, and the bird decides
to fly back in our direction and land on the top of our electricity power pole.
View: DF3_20240106_1320_152 Kestrel female in branches of tree in South Hedge.jpg
Description: She stayed there for another 6 minutes before flying along the hedge onto a branch
of this Ash tree growing out of the south hedge.
View: DF3_20240106_1320_171 Kestrel female initial landing on conifer branch.jpg
Description: She then flies around the SE corner of our patch and lands in one of the conifers
inside our patch, viewed from the outside.
View: DF3_20240106_1320_179+1325_191 Kestrel female on bouncing conifer branch varies stature to keeps eyes steady (montage)jpg.jpg
Description: Conifer branches tends to be rather flexible and the slightest wind will cause to sway
up, down around. Like Kestrels in flight keeping the head still in order to detect the movement of prey,
here you see how she changes her whole body stance to maintain her eye position on the bobbing branch.
Date: 04 Feb 2024
View: DF3_20240106_1301_039+1308_059 Kestrel female on Disused Telephone pole views from NW & SW (montage).jpg
Description: The Saga of the female Kestrel Part 1 of 2
The whole sequence lasts about 20 minutes.
The female Kestrel was first
spotted from inside our patch on the top of the disused and leaning
telephone pole with back to camera busily hunting the 'land' outside our patch.
7 minutes later we arrived at the other side of the pole where she was still
hunting but now properly lit by the hazy sunshine.
View: DF3_20240106_1309_066+068-070 Kestrel female diving on prey from top of telephone pole (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: After a couple of minutes she suddenly dives down to the top of one of the
monstrous piles of mud and clay on the farm side of the hedge. She is now
hidden from us by the pile nearest us from some 30m along the track.
View: DF3_20240106_1310_094+097+101 Kestrel female swallowing probable Rodent prey (spread montage).jpg
Description: Jogging down the track we find her on the linear heap along the ditch (about 1.5 metres high) with
some sort of Rodent in her left claw which she is busy eating. In the middle pic she has her
beak filled with the meat.
She was almost stationary on the mud - the pics are spread for clarity only.
View: DF3_20240106_1310_106+114+115 Kestrel female launching from top of soil dump (impression montage).jpg
Description: Once consumed she decides to take off.
Not quite the vertical launch it looks like here, but a pretty good rise out of nothing.
Date: 03 Feb 2024
View: DF5_20240109_1140_031 Grey Squirrel hanging from Laurel tree eating Rose Hip.jpg
Description: The Laurel bush starts shaking about, and it turns out to be a Squirrel
hanging down from a Laural branch with their rear legs to leave their front
paws free to pick and consume Rose hips that grow freely from the rose much entwining the Laurel.
View: DF3_20240109_1335_045 Grey Squirrel hanging down on bark of tree a few cm from ground (orig & final).jpg
Description: Some 40m away this Squirrel 'freezes on their way down the Oak tree by
the Meadow. You can see the rear claws swivelled round to enable them
to hang comfortably, and even 'walk down' the tree-bark.
Date: 02 Feb 2024
View: BU8_20240110_0121_067+068 Fox pauses by Duck Pond to look over at island (impression montage).jpg
Description: "Anything juicy or crunchy worth a swim to the Island?"
View: BU7_20240108_2153_076-078 Fox crosses south ditch by walking through the flooded ditch (near accurate montage).jpg
Description: The Fox just walks through the muddy flooded ditch.
Maybe the fox is so wet they can't get any wetter!
View: BUA_20240108_0103_028_SC8 Fox carrying dead Rabbit toward east hedge gap (crop only).jpg
Description: Here a Fox shows us why they visit our patch on most nights - here leaving
at the east hedge gap, complete with a good sized Rabbit clamped in their jaws.
Date: 01 Feb 2024
View: BUA_20240105_2027_097_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother licking Fawn.jpg
Description: This Reeves' Muntjac Mum tends to her fawn near the Eastern hedge gap.
Of the 3 Fawn + mother combinations we see, this is the most advanced
pair. These Deer don't have any sort of 'Rut' or breeding season, but
breed all year, you get Fawns of all ages and sizes.
View: DF3_20240108_0918_014 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother and Fawn behind garage.jpg
Description: We don't remember previously seeing two Muntjac Deer at the same time in the area
behind the garage. Mum is the larger Deer with the nicked right ear
(our left) with the fawn behind. They quietly wandered away to the left and
we thought that they had disappeared ...
View: DF3_20240108_0930_037 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn returns alone within 10 minutes.jpg
Description: ... but returning anyway 10 minutes later we find the Fawn has returned.
Image Archive arch 2024 jan.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Jan 2024
View: E64_20240107_0247_073_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer female at Woodland site (crop 2).jpg
Description: One of the larger Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawns prowls across the
woodland site in the wee small hours.
View: BU7_20240107_1053_013-1056_030 Muntjac Reeves Deer female spends 4 mins feeding near South hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: One of the Reeves' Muntjac Deer females spend 4 minutes quietly feeding
near the South hedge gap.
View: E64_20240109_2157_086_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn walking through woodland site (crop).jpg
Description: In the hours before midnight this growing Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn walks
quietly across the Woodland site.
Date: 30 Jan 2024
View: E63_20240103_1321_236_FB1 Great Tit jumping down from hedge bottom rock.jpg
Description: We seem to have lots of Great Tits at the moment - far more than Blue Tits.
This one is jumping down off the stone.
View: E63_20240103_1423_253_FB1 Redwing at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: This sighting of a Redwing at the hedge bottom is only the second sighting this season.
No sightings of Fieldfares yet, but they tend to go around in flocks
with a handful of Redwings mixed in.
Date: 29 Jan 2024
View: D01_20240101_0906_133+0907_135+0908_138_FB6 Buzzard 6+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+3+5 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: The Meadow Post has been really busy - here a Buzzard makes a nice entrance for
a few minutes visit.
Date: 28 Jan 2024
View: DF3_20231230_1009_037 Muntjac Reeves Deer fawn behind garage.jpg
Description: A walk past the end of the garage revealed Reeves' Muntjac Deer watching
us from behind the garage.
The Green bar on the right is the garage water butt. Seemed a good 'eco' buy
decades ago to buy several recycled fruit juice barrels painted green with a
polystyrene tap. This one in the shade is the only one still usable - it is in the
shade of the garage. All the others succumbed to the destructive effects of
being in sunshine - first the taps completely disintegrated, and a few years
on the whole barrels collapsed!
View: BU7_20240101_0448_054-058 Muntjac Reeves Deer jumps over flooded ditch (slightly adjusted montage).jpg
Description: This looks like the female Reeves' Muntjac Deer jumping over the flooded southern ditch.
The 4th image (right to left) shows the awkward landing with left rear legs possibly
slipping on the edge of the ditch.
Date: 27 Jan 2024
View: D01_20240101_0318_121+0319_123+0322_129_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Tawny Owls have also been visiting.
View: D01_20240102_0603_177+0606_183+0608_190_FB6 Tawny Owl 11+ minute visit to meadow post seeing cameraman 1-3 of 4 (montage).jpg
View: D01_20240102_0608_190_FB6 Tawny Owl 11+ minute visit to meadow post inc seeing cameraman 3 of 4 (crop).jpg
Description: More detail from the rightmost image above.
Turning on the house lights attracts the attention of the Tawny Owl but
the bird seems to think
"Only one of the lights at the house - harmless".
The Tawny Owl turned round - possibly so as not to interfere with his eyes' dark
adaptation - and spends a few more minutes back to camera before departing.
Date: 26 Jan 2024
View: D01_20231230_1047_049+050+1048_051_FB6 Kestrel female 3 minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: Kestrels have been regular visitors over the past week.
View: D01_20240102_1308_021+1312_029_FB6 Kestrel male 5+ minute visit to meadow post in heavy rain (montage).jpg
Description: In pouring rain we get this visit from a MALE Kestrel to the meadow post.
It would seem to us that this exposed pole is almost the worst place to pick
in a storm, but he stayed for at least 5 minutes, obviously getting his feathers soaked.
Perhaps he didn't think he could get any wetter!
View: DF5_20240105_1003_030-033 Kestrel female departs from willow tree (approx montage).jpg
Description: A sighting of a Kestrel in the top of this Willow tree through a window some 50m away
isn't ideal for a long focus lens, but we managed to catch the bird's departure,
unfortunately to a conifer and mostly obscured.
We know of at least 6 places where Kestrels like to hunt around our patch.
Date: 25 Jan 2024
View: D01_20231228_1106_091+092+1121_106+1107_093_FB6 Kestrel female visiting Meadow Post over 23 minutes 1+2+7+3 of 8 (montage).jpg
Description: This female Kestrel visits again, this time spending 23 minutes on or around the post.
View: D01_20231228_1516_133+1517_135+1519_139_FB6 Kestrel female 4 minute visit to Meadow Post 1+3+4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: Another shorter female Kestrel visit 4 hours later.
View: D01_20231228_1516_134_FB6 Kestrel female 4 minute visit to Meadow Post 2 of 4 (crop).jpg
Description: The landing bird deserves more detail.
Date: 24 Jan 2024
View: DF3_20231226_1029_047 4 Chinese Water Deer in Fallow field to East 1 of 8 (crop).jpg
Description: The comparative quiet over Christmas has meant that sightings of Chinese
Water Deer have delightfully escalated. Here we spotted one in the rank grass
that is the 'fallow field' to our east.
View: DF3_20231226_1029_073-075 4 Chinese Water Deer in Fallow field to East - male with tusk 2-4 of 8 (stretch montage 2 @7fps).jpg
Description: This Deer took fright and another, previously invisible, popped up and they left together.
The Tusks on this one indicate 'male'.
View: DF3_20231226_1029_079-081 4 Chinese Water Deer in Fallow field to East 5-7 of 8 (montage @7fps).jpg
Description: This pair of Chinese Water Deer seem to disagree over where to go!
View: DF3_20231226_1031_122 4 Chinese Water Deer in Fallow field to East - 2 more deer 8 of 8 (naturally spaced crop).jpg
Description: Continuing our walk down the Farm Road suddenly came across another pair of
Chinese Water Deer a bit further away but the original pair had already disappeared over the
slope of the hill. This pair didn't react to us, and we left them like this.
Date: 23 Jan 2024
View: BU8_20231224_0753_085+087+0754_088+090 Fox pauses by Duck Pond while hunting 1-4 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: A Fox quietly passes the Duck Pond with eyes and ears intensively exploring the surroundings.
This Fox isn't 'evil' - just hungry.
But 'Wily old Fox' does seem to fit the bill.
View: BU5_20231223_0415_067-069_SC1 Fox hunting at Round Pond spots dim red IR lamp on Trail Cam (montage).jpg
Description: "What's that red glow blinking on and off?"
View: BUA_20231223_0702_130_SC8 Fox near East Hedge gap.jpg
Description: This Fox has more interesting things to look at than red glowing Trail-cams around the sites.
Date: 22 Jan 2024
View: BU8_20231222_1725_051 Muntjac Reeves Deer female and Fawn (right) feeding together by Duck pond.jpg
Description: Reeves' Muntjac Deer Mum and Fawn quietly feeding together.
View: BUA_20231224_1936_315_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother and young Fawn (ID only).jpg
Description: Following an uncertain sighting the previous week of a much smaller Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn,
here we have a direct comparison of that Fawn with Mum - obviously nowhere near adult
size as we now struggle to tell apart from the months old Fawn.
View: BU7_20231225_0233_062 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother and young Fawn entering at south hedge gap (ID only).jpg
Date: 21 Jan 2024
View: D01_20231224_1504_057+058+1516_080_FB6 Buzzard 13+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2+8 of 8 (montage intervals 500mS & 12min).jpg
Description: A Buzzard is seen once or twice a week hunting from the same post.
View: D01_20231223_1326_035+036_FB6 Jackdaw lands on Meadow Post 1+2 of 2 (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: This Jackdaw makes a neat landing on the Meadow Post.
Jackdaws 'disappeared' through most of last year, and we are relieved to see them back.
View: D01_20231222_1221_008+07+1234_009_FB6 Magpie landing and launching from meadow post (montage).jpg
Description: An impression of a Magpie landing on the Meadow Post and launching back into the air.
View: D01_20231224_1006_045-047_FB6 Kestrel female 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 4 (montage @500mS & 1 min intervals).jpg
Description: One or more female Kestrels have started occasional hunting from the Meadow Post.
Date: 20 Jan 2024
View: DF3_20231221_1025_030-036 Chinese Water Deer fleeing across fallow field (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: The Chinese Water Deer was visiting the farm field to our south as we arrived
and the Deer, as always, took fright.
This is accurately montaged at about 7 fps accurately montaged, so 1 second
of the departure captured here, picking up speed as they go.
View: DF3_20231221_1025_033-035 Chinese Water Deer fleeing across fallow field (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: More detail from the above action of this incredibly athletic creature.
Date: 19 Jan 2024
View: E6A_20231217_1842_204_FB5 Tawny Owl pouncing on Rodent leaping partly out of frame at top (crop inc whole height).jpg
Description: Shortly after dark, with no sighting on any other camera that night, we twice catch this
Tawny owl pouncing on the ground at the Meadow camera site. The first pic was barely
the edge of the feathers at the right edge, but here the whole bird appears.
The Owl does not seem to have made a kill.
The intended prey seems to us to be in an incredibly unexpected place half off the
top of the frame as they leap for their life.
Predators act for the sake of ONE meal,
Prey leap for their ONLY life.
View: D01_20231220_1951_039+1752_041+042_FB6 Tawny Owl visit to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: A Tawny Owl spends a couple of minutes on the Meadow post.
View: D01_20231221_2056_001+2103_013+20231222_0414_015_FB6 Tawny Owl makes 3 visits to meadow post in 6 Hrs 1+4+5 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: Over a single night the Meadow Post has 3 visits from Tawny Owls.
We don't have enough detail to determine whether the visitor is
the same bird each time.
Date: 18 Jan 2024
View: D01_20231216_1603_057_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to meadow post 1 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: The Buzzard visiting the Meadow Post has become a regular (perhaps once a week) event.
View: D01_20231216_1606_063+1605_061+1604_059_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to meadow post 5+4+3 of 6 (montage).jpg
Date: 17 Jan 2024
View: E64_20231210_0733_170_FB2 Hare behind woodland site (crop).jpg
Description: A badly underexposed and out of focus effort of this Hare has been rescued
with the paint package to show the statuesque poise as they look at the camera.
View: BU7_20231221_1038_100 Hare sprinting to leap over flooded ditch.jpg
Description: The movement blurring of the crossed-over legs tell that we caught this
Hare moving at high speed to jump over the flooded ditch.
View: E64_20231215_1614_083_FB2 Rabbit youngster at woodland site.jpg
Description: This young Rabbit takes his selfie at the woodland site.
Date: 16 Jan 2024
View: BU8_20231213_1814_005 Fox stops by edge of Duck Pond.jpg
Description: Shortly after nightfall, this regular visiting Fox (with wonderful bushy tail) stops on
their regular passage past the Duck Pond.
View: BU5_20231219_2119_067_SC1 Fox Cub by Round Pond.jpg
Description: This Fox is too small to be anything other than a fairly young Cub.
So it has to be visiting from being raised in an Earth we know nothing about.
View: BUA_20231219_2309_074_SC8 Fox near East Hedge Gap.jpg
Description: 2 hours later we see this adult Fox near the East hedge gap.
View: SP1_2023122x_xxxx_156_SP1 Fox inspecting Rabbit hole on Round Mound.jpg
Description: Is this adult Fox starting to think about evicting the Rabbits out of their
burrow as one Vixen did last year?
Date: 15 Jan 2024
View: E63_20231213_1513_013_FB1 Wood Pigeon stomping over hedge bottom.jpg
Description: To us Pigeons don't 'walk', they 'stomp'.
They are quite heavy birds for their comparatively small feet.
View: E63_20231219_1315_069_FB1 Wood Pigeon caught mid-step in awkward position.jpg
Description: 6 days later in the rain we see what is possibly the same Pigeon in
a slightly quirky position.
Date: 14 Jan 2024
View: D01_20231213_1814_007+20231214_0304_-10_FB6 2 Tawny Owls (different birds) visit to meadow post in one night (montage).jpg
Description: 2 pics of Tawny Owls at the start and end of the same night.
Studying the bird plumage colour and pattern concludes that these
are different individuals visiting the same hunting perch.
The camera white balance is locked and the frames processed as a pair -
the colour difference is real.
View: D01_20231214_0304_018_FB6 Tawny Owl short visit to meadow post 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: The landing of the right hand bird.
Date: 13 Jan 2024
View: D01_20231210_1033_005+006_FB6 Magpie launching from Meadow Post (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: Birds use different techniques to launch into the air.
This Magpie takes a sort of running jump.
Small birds mostly 'leap' into the air, but its not only about size -
Herons use the 'leap to launch' technique as well.
The most spectacular are mute swans who have to build up speed
running over the water to get airborne. None of our patches of water
are long enough for this, so they have the sense not to land here :-(
View: E6C_20231210_1211_017_FB4 Magpie on Tree-stump in rain (crop).jpg
Description: Its raining - and it has been doing so most days for a fortnight.
Date: 12 Jan 2024
View: E63_20231208_0851_021_FB1 Dunnock.jpg
Description: Dunnocks are one of the birds we see so often that its easy to ignore them.
So when we get a neat pic we like to share it.
Tree Sparrows were for a while 'common as muck' here but have sadly
completely disappeared from our site,and it seems many other places.
View: E63_20231211_1231_057_FB1 Dunnock flying over Hedge bottom stone.jpg
Description: A Dunnock in vigorous powered flight over the Hedge bottom stone - they
have probably just taken off from behind the stone.
Date: 11 Jan 2024
View: R70_20231208_0922_008-0924_012 Kestrel male on 11kV post & crossbar (montage).jpg
Description: We don't often see the male Kestrel, but here he is on a distant 11kV power pole.
View: R70_20231212_1059_004 Kestrel female on 11kV cable.jpg
Description: Here is the female Kestrel perched quietly on an 11kV cable over the
bridleway to our north quite close to where we show the male.
Date: 10 Jan 2024
View: SP1_20231206_1752_090-1801_120_SP1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) or Fieldmice (Wood Mice) around Rabbit hole (approx montage over 9 mins).jpg
Description: We don't understand why we see these mouse jamborees for short periods at most
every few days, and this one is the first at the Rabbit (hopefully soon Fox Earth) hole.
This camera is set to take 4 pics per trigger, so this is about a quarter of the mouse
appearances - apparently a single mouse - there are no frames with two sets of eyes!
All in 9 minutes!
View: BU2_20231210_0358_243_SC7+SP1_20231210_0359_681+682+684_SP1 Fox visit to Round Mound (montage).jpg
Description: Four days after the Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) Jamboree we see a Fox making passage across
the hole, twisting to look back. Shortly afterwards another Trail cam (left
pic) catches the Fox progressing along the front of the mound before
disappearing from our cameras for the rest of the night.
View: BU7_20231210_2334_013+2335_016 Fox changes direction to avoid flooded ditch (montage).jpg
Description: At the end of the orchard this Fox decides that avoiding wet legs and tummy
in the flooded ditch are worth a 15 metres detour off to the right along the
concrete access track.
Date: 09 Jan 2024
View: D01_20231130_1701_019_FB6 Tawny Owl brief visit.jpg
Description: As the cold whether becomes more insistent there are several Tawny Owl visits this week.
View: D01_20231202_1709_066+065+1712_071_FB6 Tawny Owl 4 minute visit to Meadow Post 2+1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
View: D01_20231205_1718_047+20231206_0628_059+0631_065_FB6 Tawny Owl two 5+ minute visits evening & morning 1+3+5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: Here we blend two Tawny Owl visits, both of at least 5 minutes, at the start
and end of the same night.
On the left just the Owl landing at about 5.15 p.m. - the bird then turned their back to the
camera for all of the following frames
Centre is the arrival at 06.30 a.m. + a moment hunting the ground below a few minutes later.
Date: 08 Jan 2024
View: DF3_20231201_0934_055 Chinese Water Deer in field to East sprints away 01 of 20 (crop).jpg
Description: From perhaps 250m away we spot this Chinese Water Deer relaxing in the
Farmer's fallow land.
View: DF3_20231201_0936_057-071 Chinese Water Deer in field to East sprints away 03-17 (alt frames) of 20 (acc montage @7fps).jpg
Description: We continued our walk which took us to about 100 metres of the Deer, at which point
this one decided to depart, bounding away over the empty field.
View: DF3_20231201_0936_096-110 Chinese Water Deer in field to east appears after 1st had gone 1-5 of 5 (acc montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Just after the first Chinese Water Deer vanished over the rolling land, we were surprised by another
of the same species suddenly streaking across a similar route across the field.
We never cease to be amazed at how limber even these small deer are.
Date: 07 Jan 2024
View: DF5_20231206_1117_005 Grey Squirrel warming in fork of tree on far side of main pond.jpg
Description: Grey Squirrels seem to be like Cats - they always take over the most comfortable
and warm place in the area.
View: DF3_20231130_1249_015 Grey Squirrel on sun-warmed slate roof of utility room.jpg
Description: Grey Squirrels seem to be like Cats - they always take over the most comfortable
and warm place in the area.
Date: 06 Jan 2024
View: DF3_20231130_1321_047 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn under bush behind garage (orig & final).jpg
Description: The Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn watches us from one of her favourite
daytime hiding places behind the garage.
View: E63_20231206_0550_071_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at hedge bottom (crop 1).jpg
Description: 'Our' Fawn is now a really good size, here visiting the hedge bottom.
View: E63_20231206_0550_071_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at hedge bottom (crop 2).jpg
Description: More detail of this currently pristine beauty.
Reeves Muntjac Deer seems to have much more sturdy legs than we see on Roe Deer,
or for that matter Sheep.
Date: 05 Jan 2024
View: E64_20231123_1620_047+1605_041+1553_037_FB2 Grey Squirrel foraging at woodland site (montage over 25m).jpg
Description: What looks like the same squirrel spends 25 minutes feeding at the Woodland site
just as it is getting dark.
View: E63_20231123_1816_083_FB1 2 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: Two Fieldmice (Wood Mice) apparently enjoying each other's company at the hedge bottom
Date: 04 Jan 2024
View: DF3_20231122_0911_052 Moth trapped in surface tension of Round Pond making concentric ripples with insert.jpg
Description: Another Moth trapped in the water of Round Pond makes some fantastic ripples, but ...
View: BU5_20231122_0911_088_SC1 Roy fetching long stick to rescue Moth caught in surface tension.jpg
Description: ... soon to be rescued across several metres of deep water using this long
thin branch extracted from one of the dozens of woodpiles around the sites.
View: DF3_20231125_1105_058-061 Gull (poss Lesser Black-backed) juvenile flyby @7fps (accurate montage).jpg
Description: We are fairly useless at IDs for Gulls, but the mottled plumage tells
us that this is a juvenile.
Our best guess is a Juvenile Lesser Black-backed Gull.
Date: 03 Jan 2024
View: DF3_20231128_1238_004 60 Rooks + 120 Starlings on adjacent spans of 11kV cables.jpg
Description: At the end of our access track we find the 11kV power cables to our north smothered in birds.
Nearest us are about 60 Rooks, on the further span about 120 Starlings - the first Starlings in
any numbers since last year.
View: DF3_20231128_1238_007 120 Starlings on 11kV cables + 1 Carrion Crow.jpg
Description: From a bit closer here are the starlings, accompanied by one of the two local Carrion Crows.
View: DF3_20231128_1239_009 80 Starlings in flight.jpg
Description: The Starlings were not a single group - this flock of about 80 seemed to appear
out of nowhere, only slightly depleting the number on the wires.
View: DF3_20231128_1239_008 9 Starlings in flight part of flock of about 80.jpg
Description: From another frame of the flock of 80 Starlings, here is an extraction of 9 for more detail.
Date: 02 Jan 2024
View: D71_20231123_0721_086 Sunrise in chaotic sky 05 of 15 (orig & final).jpg
Description: What started as a remarkable mottled grey morning sky (never satisfactorily
photographed) developed into a 15 minute visual delight. While we watched two
separate cars came up from the main road to stop and take pics with their
cellphones - most unusual.
View: D71_20231123_0727_118 Sunrise in chaotic sky 09 of 15 (orig & final).jpg
View: D71_20231123_0727_129 2 Mute Swans fly across sunrise in chaotic sky 2 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: As the light show continued a pair of Mute swans winged quietly across the sky.
View: D71_20231123_0729_158 Sunrise in chaotic sky 13 of 15 (orig & final).jpg
Description: The crescendo of the overhead blanket of illuminated clouds, before
descending into a rather dull morning
Date: 01 Jan 2024
View: D01_20231124_2103_029_FB6 Tawny Owl on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: The neatest of one of several Tawny Owl visits this week.
View: D01_20231121_2108_047+2109_049+20231122_0518_057_FB6 Tawny Owl visits to Meadow post each end of night (montage).jpg
Description: What looks like the same Tawny Owl visited the Meadow post a few hours after dark and
then a couple of hours before dawn of the same night.
View: D01_20231129_2330_001+20231130_0112_003_FB6 Tawny Owl short visits either side of midnight (montage).jpg
Description: What looks suspiciously like 2 different Tawny Owls make brief stops on
the top of the Meadow post over a couple of hours on either side of midnight.
Image Archive arch 2023 dec.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Dec 2023
View: E64_20231121_1828_103_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at Woodland site.jpg
Description: We THINK this is the Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn (as opposed to 'Mum" - based
mainly on the perfect ears - its seems that all moderate sized mammals quickly
get nicks and tears to their ears as the years roll by.
We hardly doubt that somebody has created a research report on determining
the age of mammals by ear damage!
View: E64_20231120_2350_058_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at Woodland site.jpg
View: E63_20231121_0541_058_FB1 Rabbit juvenile at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A juvenile Rabbit with the usual immaculate ears of young mammals.
Date: 30 Dec 2023
View: E64_20231116_1002_040_FB2 Grey Squirrel feeding among autumn leaves.jpg
Description: Grey Squirrel etiquette varies from carefully nibble a single
corn grain ...
View: E6A_20231120_1421_061_FB5 Grey Squirrel carrying Teasel head.jpg
Description: ... to here carrying away a whole Teasel head.
We assume that it will get ripped to bits to get out the seeds, rather than
the delicate plucking out of the seeds by birds.
Date: 29 Dec 2023
View: BU8_20231118_2324_064+066 Fox walks past Duck Pond (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Quite close to Midnight this Fox walks past the Duck Pond
View: BU8_20231119_1425_079+081 Fox stops to look over Duck Pond (montage).jpg
Description: Next afternoon this Foxes stops for a moment.
"Anything to eat here?"
View: BU7_20231116_0232_044+045 Fox crossing ditch at south hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: Foxes are nightly visitors - this Fox is here entering by the
hedge gap at the south west corner, showing their wonderfully luxurious tail.
Date: 28 Dec 2023
View: D01_20231117_1143_066+1139_057_FB6 Buzzard makes 3 visits to meadow post in 3 Hrs 01+06 of 11 (montage).jpg
Description: This Buzzard makes 3 visits to the Meadow Post in 3 hours.
View: D01_20231117_1143_066_FB6 Buzzard makes 3 visits to meadow post in 3 Hrs 06 of 11 (crop 1).jpg
View: D01_20231117_1423_071+072+1424_074_FB6 Buzzard 3 visits to meadow post in 3 Hrs 08+09+11 of 11 (montage 500mS + 1 min).jpg
Date: 27 Dec 2023
View: D01_20231115_1828_009+1829_011+1832_017_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl makes a welcome visit.
View: BU5_20231116_0542_040_SC1 Owl eye reflection from high in tree at Round Pond 2 of 3 (crop + insert).jpg
Description: A surprise just in the Trail Cams field of view is undoubtedly some species
of Owl high in a tree by Round Pond. The insert shows an enlargement of the
two specks top left.
There are hundreds of places around the 2 acres for Owls to hunt - just because
there are no visits to the Meadow Post doesn't mean nobody visited!
View: D01_20231117_0122_035+036+0125_041_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-2 of 3 (montage over 500mS & 3 mins).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl made a nice landing, but then turned their back to camera
for the next 4 minutes of pics.
Date: 26 Dec 2023
View: E60_20231115_1501_001_FB3 Robin in flight threatening Great Tit on Bird Table.jpg
Description: A Robin twists in flight to try to remove the Great Tit already on the
Kitchen Bird table. It looks like the Tit is altogether ready to defend their position.
View: E63_20231116_1627_103+1628_104+1626_102_FB1 Robin by hedge bottom stone over 3 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: The Hedge Bottom Robin takes a few selfies.
View: E63_20231120_1526_049+0750_007+0747_006_FB1 Great Tit(s) visiting hedge bottom over one day (montage).jpg
Description: Great Tit(s) visiting the hedge bottom over one day.
View: E63_20231119_0914_268_FB1 2 Blue Tits at hedge bottom (adjusted crop).jpg
Description: A couple of Blue Tit visiting the Hedge Bottom.
We have massaged the pic to get them closer together, but this is from a single frame.
Date: 25 Dec 2023
View: DF3_20231107_1003_016 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn under bush behind garage (crop 1).jpg
Description: We are suckers for this Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn.
One of their (or perhaps their mother's) favourite safe daytime hiding places is
under a bush behind the garage. We see an occupant perhaps 2 or 3 times a
week as we walk quietly by.
Here we watch each other for a moment - we are the ones that 'blinked first'
and left the youngster in peace.
View: DF3_20231107_1003_016 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn under bush behind garage (crop 2).jpg
Description: Admire my eyelashes in this close-up!
Date: 24 Dec 2023
View: BU7_20231114_1210_031-033 Muntjac Reeves Deer male crossing ditch into orchard (montage).jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac Deer crosses the ditch to enter our patch.
View: BU7_20231110_1350_046+047 Muntjac Reeves Deer female climbing out of ditch to south (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Lunchtime sees this female Reeves' Muntjac Deer crossing the again
dry ditch on their way to gracing our patch.
View: BU7_20231111_1722_091 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother in ditch accompanied by Fawn on near edge.jpg
Description: A rather nicely aligned 'mother and growing Fawn' moment at the end of the orchard.
Mum, slightly ahead behind, is in the ditch, while the Fawn is on the edge providing an eye
confusing size comparison.
Date: 23 Dec 2023
View: E63_20231113_1309_076_FB1 Grey Squirrel female pregnant clasping breast with nipples developing.jpg
Description: This is the time of year for Grey Squirrels to breed.
This female looks almost like a pregnant Mum-to-be protecting her 'bump'
with her paws. You can see the nipples developing but not yet the
mess they become once the youngsters start using them.
View: E64_20231110_1426_106_FB2 2 Grey Squirrels squabbling.jpg
Description: 2 Grey Squirrels in a tumble of fur.
View: DF5_20231110_1438_001 Grey Squirrel brings apple to Hedge top outside Kitchen to eat more of it.jpg
Description: In the top of the hedge outside the Kitchen window there suddenly
appears this apple being nibbled by a Grey Squirrel. The apple has since
remained there for 7 days but we haven't spotted anything else taking a bite.
Date: 22 Dec 2023
View: D01_20231113_1142_049_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post for 10 minutes including (out of frame) Kestrel swoops 14 of 23 (crop 1).jpg
Description: This was the Buzzard's reaction to another Kestrel flyovers.
View: D01_20231113_1142_049_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post for 10 minutes including (out of frame) Kestrel swoops 14 of 23 (crop 2).jpg
View: D01_20231113_1145_076_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post for 10 minutes 20 of 23 (crop).jpg
Description: The Kestrel now given up the unequal confrontation, the Buzzard gives themselves a pedicure.
Difficult to make out? The birds head is tilted horizontal to the viewers right
with the lifted claw just below the beak.
View: D01_20231113_1147_080+081_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post for 10 minutes - departure 22+23 of 23 (montage).jpg
Description: After 10 minutes the Buzzard suddenly dives down out of site from the house.
A couple of minutes waiting was NOT rewarded with a return to the post.
Date: 21 Dec 2023
View: D01_20231113_1138_013+014+1139_016_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post for 10 minutes 01-03 of 23 (montage).jpg
Description: This magnificent Buzzard spent 10 minutes on the Meadow Post.
Initially caught by the camera's beam break, the sequence was continued
by manually firing the same camera.
View: D01_20231113_1141_037_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post for 10 minutes 07 of 23 (crop 1).jpg
Description: 'What's that flash - oh - nothing to bother about"
View: D01_20231113_1141_037_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post for 10 minutes 07 of 23 (crop 2).jpg
View: D01_20231113_1141_038+040+041_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post for 10 mins - out of frame Kestrel swoops 8+10+11 of 23 (montage).jpg
Description: A Kestrel suddenly appears over the meadow and makes a few threatening passes above the Buzzard,
never getting quite close enough to appear in the fixed camera's frame.
Here the Buzzard is following the bird across the sky.
Date: 20 Dec 2023
View: DF3_20231111_1002_094+099+1003_104+108 Red Kite turning in flight 1-4 of 4 (close spaced montage @7fps).jpg
Description: A Red Kite spent a couple of minutes flying around to our west ...
View: DF3_20231111_1003_118+119+121 Red Kite landing in tree by Brook 1+2+4 of 4 (approx montage @7fps).jpg
Description: ... before flying north to land in a tree at the brook.
Date: 19 Dec 2023
View: DF3_20231111_0956_053-0959_069 Heron hunting near Brook to north 1+4+7+8 of 8 (spread montage).jpg
Description: Some 100m north of the farm entrance, at the Brook this Heron was hunting along the bank of
the brook behind.
Not the first sighting of a Heron down here, but quite unusual to spot.
Date: 18 Dec 2023
View: DF3_20231109_1333_003-006 Kestrel flies over 11kV cables (slightly stretched montage @7fps).jpg
Description: A Kestrel flies over the 11kV cables.
Slightly stretched positions to avoid overlaps.
View: DF3_20231109_1333_011-14 Kestrel turning in flight @7fps (accurate montage).jpg
Description: A contracted montage of the Kestrel turning away in flight.
She didn't seem in the slightest bit bothered by the humans stuck on the ground below.
Date: 17 Dec 2023
View: D73_20231101_1324_045-049 Carrion Crow in flight (close spaced montage 2 as silhouette).jpg
Description: We watched this Carrion Crow for a couple of minutes, first in the distance gradually
moving closer until passing us perhaps 20 metres away. The black bird against blank
clouds both prevent an 'accurate' montage, and make seeing detail in the feathers
seemingly impossible. So here we go the other way as a Silhouette.
View: PK1_20231108_1341_219 Great Spotted Woodpecker male on Kitchen peanut feeder.jpg
Description: Great Spotted Woodpeckers have returned for the easy largess of the
peanut feeders. This is a male (the red patch behind the head is the
easiest indicator) on the Kitchen feeder (north side of the house) while
the female (not shown here) seems to prefer the feeder on the south side.
Date: 16 Dec 2023
View: E60_20231106_1601_013_FB3 Sparrowhawk male on Kitchen perch.jpg
Description: The Daytime Hunter: In the late afternoon, now mostly lit by the camera
flash, the male Sparrowhawk makes a short stop on the Kitchen perch.
View: E6A_20231106_1816_075_FB5 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at Meadow Site.jpg
Description: The Nighttime Prey: Two Fieldmice (Wood Mice) frolic in front of the Meadow
NOT a montage.
View: E6A_20231106_1820_076_FB5 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) in wet grass.jpg
Description: The Nighttime Prey: Here a Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) looks up into the
At this moment all is clear.
View: D01_20231106_1900_013+014+E6A_1902_080_FB5 Tawny Owl 3 min visit to Meadow Post then ground attack 1-3 of 3 (2 min montage).jpg
Description: The Nightime Hunter:40 minutes later Winged death in the form of a Tawny Owl lands
on the Meadow Post a few metres away and scans the ground for a meal.
2 minutes later the Owl dives onto the ground where the mice were.
Whether the Owl caught one, or something else, we will never
The owl's body looks a bit odd but that is what the camera original is like.
Date: 15 Dec 2023
View: E60_20231106_1429_012_FB3 Buzzard lands on Kitchen Bird table (crop 2).jpg
Description: The Buzzard is landing right outside the kitchen window.
View: D01_20231106_1446_004+003_FB6 Buzzard makes 2 visits to Meadow post in 6+ minutes 2+1 of 6 (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: A Quarter of an hour later the Buzzard arrives at the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20231106_1449_008+1447_006_FB6 Buzzard makes 2 visits to Meadow post in 6+ minutes 5+4 of 6 (montage over 2 minutes).jpg
Description: The Buzzard didn't stay long, but comes back just 3 minutes later for another dramatic landing.
Date: 14 Dec 2023
View: E64_20231101_1557_029_FB2 Grey Squirrel making racing turn with Pine Cone in mouth.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel makes a racing turn to leave the site,
complete with a Pine cone they have collected, undoubtedly to be added
the hundreds of Conkers this creature has already buried as winter food.
View: E64_20231103_1258_091_FB2 Grey Squirrel nibbling food from paws.jpg
Description: Doesn't the Squirrel tail look like a lovely warm Duvet / Eiderdown (depending
on your age). In the Drey it probably forms a major element in the Squirrel
armoury against the cold.
View: E63_20231106_0843_005_FB1 Grey Squirrel nibbling single corn grain.jpg
Description: A single corn seed gets the Grey Squirrel nibble.
View: D01_20231107_0856_024_FB6 Grey Squirrel on Meadow Post top in morning sunshine.jpg
Description: Morning sunshine glances off the tail and whiskers of this Grey Squirrel.
Date: 13 Dec 2023
View: BU8_20231104_1324_043+045 Fox walks past Duck pond 1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: We have been experimenting with changing the viewpoint of this trail-cam
at Duck Pond, and were pleased to get this passing moment of a Fox walking
by in the early afternoon.
View: BU5_20231103_0220_090_SC1+BUA_20231103_0256_091+092_SC8 Badger touring site over 25 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: A Badger on one of their night time rambles over our patch.
View: BUA_20231106_0403_566_SC8 Hare moving toward East hedge gap.jpg
Description: This Hare is, for now, a regular visitor. This moment before sitting down
really highlights the unequal length of the front and rear legs that gives
Hares their characteristic gait.
Date: 12 Dec 2023
View: BU7_20231102_0644_030+031+033 Muntjac Reeves Deer female stops on finding water in ditch 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: A half day of heavy downpour has brought up the level of water in the
western end of the south ditch. On arrival this female Reeves' Muntjac Deer
seems a bit taken aback, not having seen water here for many months,
and turns back to find another route onto our patch.
View: BU7_20231103_0448_081 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother leads Fawn across muddy ditch.jpg
Description: 2 days later the water level in the ditch falls quickly when the
ground is not yet saturated, and Mum is now happy to lead her Fawn across
Date: 11 Dec 2023
View: E63_20231101_1105_004_FB1 Robin at Hedge bottom.jpg
Description: This same Robin takes several selfies at the hedge bottom - here is our favourite.
View: E63_20231106_1329_041_FB1 Robin aerial attack on just landing Great Tit.jpg
Description: The Great Tit (bottom left) is barely landing and already the Robin
is launching a territorial attack
Date: 10 Dec 2023
View: BUA_20231029_1857_082_SC8 Fox near East hedge gap.jpg
Description: Now that the South boundary is largely blocked by hundreds of tonnes of soil and
hardcore left by Farm works, more entrances and exits take place at the East
hedge gap. Reeves' Muntjac deer appear a few days earlier, and here are some
of the other visitors.
One of the Red Foxes enters the site to continue his nights prol.
View: BUA_20231030_1726_174_SC8 Hare near East hedge gap.jpg
Description: The 'Eastern Hare' continues to appear.
View: BUA_20231030_2159_203_SC8 Badger near East hedge gap in rain.jpg
Description: One of the bigger Badgers out for a night-time 'trundle'.
Date: 09 Dec 2023
View: DF2_20231029_1352_024-030 Kestrel female on telephone pole top disturbed by overflying Rook 1+2+5-7 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: This female Kestrel seems to be very relaxed while perched on the top of the
Telephone pole. But very soon a Rook arrives in the air above and she quickly
takes exception to the interruption and launches in what in retrospect is more
like a beak open response rather than fleeing.
A week ago we watch a female Kestrel just ignoring a Rook nearby on powerlines,
and here we have one actively chasing an interfering Rook. For us this is a new
form of behaviour. Whether the Kestrel will be able to sustain this when
it has several Rooks ganging up on her remains to be seen.
View: DF2_20231029_1352_028+030 Kestrel female on telephone pole top disturbed by overflying Rook 5+7 of 7 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: A closer look at the Kestrel's Launch, beak open and probably calling
that we can't hear through the double glazing with our 76 year old ears.
Date: 08 Dec 2023
View: DF4_20231028_1501_001 Kestrel female in main pond island Ash tree 1 of 9 (crop).jpg
Description: Investigating a flash of brown whizzing by the window finds this female Kestrel
perching in the Ash tree growing on the main pond island.
View: DF4_20231028_1502_003 Kestrel female in main pond island Ash tree 2 of 9 (crop).jpg
View: DF4_20231028_1502_026+028+030 Kestrel female in main pond island Ash tree 4+6+8 of 9 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The female Kestrel disappeared into the trees behind the pond where we
left her in peace.
Date: 07 Dec 2023
View: D01_20231026_1735_027+028+1737_031_FB6 Buzzard makes 2 off 3 minute visits to Meadow Post 1-3 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: This Buzzard seems to have taken a liking to hunting from the Meadow Post.
In 20 minutes this bird makes 2 visits each about 3 minutes long.
View: D01_20231026_1752_033+1755_039_FB6 Buzzard makes 2 off 3 minute visits to Meadow Post 4+6 of 6 (montage).jpg
View: D01_20231029_0807_069+070_FB6 Kestrel female lands on Meadow Post in rain (montage over 400mS).jpg
Description: One of the female Kestrels made a landing on the Meadow Post, but didn't stay.
View: D01_20231026_1755_039+_20231029_0807_070_FB6 Buzzard & Kestrel female on Meadow post at identical scale (montage).jpg
Description: One of the eternal problem with optical instruments and photographs is judging
the size of subjects without accompanying references. Here is the stark contrast
of size between a Buzzard and a female Kestrel that surprised even us.
Date: 06 Dec 2023
View: BUA_20231026_0036_055+0044_069_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer female + Fawn (montage).jpg
Description: The Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn has now mostly lost their juvenile spots.
Here 8 minutes apart we see Mum and her youngster.
View: BUA_20231026_0045_076_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn reaching toward mothers teats.jpg
Description: The spots may be gone but 10 minutes later it looks like the youngster still wants a feed
from Mum's milk bar. How long she will be able to oblige remains to be seen.
View: BU7_20231029_1702_016 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother leaves ditch as Fawn follows enters it.jpg
Description: 3 days later we see the Mother and Fawn Pair entering the site 100m away
at the south hedge gap. Mum is climbing out of the nearside of ditch as
the Fawn climbs down the back side to follow her.
Date: 05 Dec 2023
View: DF3_20231023_1025_002+007+009 Rook caller from 11kV cable (montage).jpg
Description: Images of one Rook 'spread' along the power cable showing him calling.
These calls are 'whole body' affairs with the bird bending and spreading feathers.
View: E63_20231023_0938_020-0948_022 FB1 3 Robin visits to hedge bottom in 10 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: Possibly the same Robin makes 3 visits to the hedge bottom in 10 minutes.
View: E63_20231024_1212_121+1232_122_FB1 2 Great Tit visits to Hedge bottom in 20 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: Most likely the same Great Tit visits the hedge bottom twice in 20 minutes.
Date: 04 Dec 2023
View: D71_20231022_0836_021 Rose hips on bush growing through Lodgepole pine tree.jpg
Description: A vigorous Rose Bush has for several year grown through and is supported by
the Lodgepole Pine at the end of the row. The Rose Hips glow in the sunshine.
This patch happens to be right above fungi above - a busy little patch.
View: D71_20231022_0834_010 Fungi extending over several square metres under lodgepole pine.jpg
Description: The drenched carpet of Lodgepole Pine needles several square metres
is now decorated with hundred of these fungi perhaps average of 2cm across.
This patch happens to be right under the Rose hips in the previous image.
View: D71_20231022_1052_030 Fungus on long ago felled branch (orig & final).jpg
Description: Behind the 'Round Mound', these long felled branches have produced
some mahogany coloured fungus bodies perhaps 15 cm across.
Date: 03 Dec 2023
View: DF3_20231019_1055_002 Buzzard on small post at centre of Duck Pond island 01 of 14 (crop).jpg
Description: The Buzzard doesn't fly away as we expect, but flies about 50 metres away from the house
to land on a quite flimsy 'post' on Duck Pond's tiny island.
This pic was taken with a hand-held camera from outside the house, largely
obscured by a piece of non-boundary hedge. Original is badly underexposed.
View: DF3_20231019_1055_006+008+010 Buzzard on small post at centre of Duck Pond island 03+05+07 of 14 (impression montage).jpg
Description: The Buzzard now quickly spotted the humans and made their departure to the South ...
View: DF3_20231019_1058_038-040 Buzzard in flight 1-3 of 3 (approx montage @7fpsg).jpg
Description: ... but immediately another Buzzard appears from somewhere in the woodland trees
adjacent to the south. They circled the site and this is the second flyby 3 minutes later.
View: D01_20231021_1147_200+201+1152_210_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2+5 of 5 (montage right to left).jpg
Description: 2 days after the Rodent kill, there is a single visit by what appears to be the
same Buzzard. Read right to left.
Date: 02 Dec 2023
View: D01_20231019_0954_069_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post dives on Rodent & returns to eat 28 of 46 (crop).jpg
Description: After the success catching a Rodent on the ground below, the Buzzard resumes his
intense hunt, but another hour of intermittent searching doesn't catch anything else.
View: D01_20231019_1006_105_FB6 Buzzard lands on Meadow Post + dives on Rodent & returns to eat 38 of 46 - watching crows (crop).jpg
Description: About 15 minutes later Rooks seem to have spotted this (to them)
unwelcome visitor and the Buzzard keeps an eye on the swooping Rooks.
View: D01_20231019_1042_135+146+1050_159+160_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post dives on Rodent & returns to eat 43-46 of 46 (montage).jpg
Description: The bird stops for a bit of a preen before defecating. The cameraman expected
the bird to launch (they often defecate immediately prior to take-off) but the
eventual launch occurred about 8 minutes later.
Date: 01 Dec 2023
View: D01_20231019_0939_001+002+0950_013_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post dives on Rodent & returns to eat 01+02+04 of 46 (montage).jpg
Description: This Buzzard spends over an hour on our patch, mostly hunting from the Meadow
Post on which we have a tripod mounted high resolution camera. First we see them
landing (right), stabilising (0.4 seconds later) and 11 minutes later intensely
hunting the rough cut meadow below from the post top.
View: D01_20231019_0951_022&025_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post dives on Rodent & returns to eat 05+08 of 46 (montage).jpg
Description: A minute after diving out of frame (and vision from the house) to the left of the post the
Buzzard unexpectedly returns with this Rodent in their beak.
View: D01_20231019_0952_034-0953_050_FB6 Buzzard on Meadow Post dives on Rodent & returns to eat 11+14+18+22 of 46 (montage).jpg
Description: Over the next couple of minutes the Buzzard first seems to attempt to swallow the Rodent
whole, but then bites off the head to swallow before ripping the little body into further
'bite size' pieces.
Image Archive arch 2023 nov.htm (view it Here)
Date: 30 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20231016_1317_046-048 Kestrel female in flight (close spaced montage @7fps).jpg
Description: One of the female Kestrels spends a few minutes hunting the area using the usual
fly along a bit and then hover for a few seconds.
Spacing is closer than reality.
View: DF3_20231016_1318_068 Kestrel female hovering in strong wind.jpg
Description: One of the more interesting moments in one of the Kestrel's hovers.
Kestrels always face into the wind when they hover and apparently can not
hover in still air. A well established common name is the 'Windhover'.
View: DF3_20231016_1318_069-073 Kestrel female in flight (accurate montage @7fps)jpg.jpg
Description: Away the female Kestrel goes - this one accurately spaced using the foliage for
reference - a bit over half a second of flight.
Date: 29 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20231016_0923_008-017 Buzzard in flight @7fps 01-10 of 23 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Starting at our South west and disappearing at our South East, this Buzzard wings their way
through the sky.
All of these montages are accurately positioned at about 7 frames per second.
View: DF3_20231016_0923_018-027 Buzzard in flight @7fps 11-20 of 23 (accurate montage).jpg
View: DF3_20231016_0923_008-010 Buzzard in flight @7fps 01-3 of 23 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: A closer look at the first three moments
Date: 28 Nov 2023
View: BU7_20231011_1024_125 Hare by south hedge gap in mid-morning.jpg
Description: After the farm Harvest dropped corn bonanza there is not much to feed on
in the fields where there is no quick access to safety cover.
So at least this Hare is enjoying the sanctuary of our little 2 acres
View: BU7_20231015_1730_070+072+073 Hare pauses on way toward south hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: 2 weeks later this Hare seems to be almost 'resident' at this South West corner.
View: BUA_20231017_1812_315_SC8 Hare near east hedge gap.jpg
Description: 2 days later an obviously different Hare makes one of their regular visits to
the East hedge gap about 150 metres from the hedge gap above.
Date: 27 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20231015_1232_208 Muntjac Reeves deer Fawn alone by NW corner of garage 1 of 3.jpg
Description: At the North East corner of the Garage, behind a bramble hedge, the Reeves' Muntjac Fawn
and we appraise each other.
View: DF3_20231015_1232_212 Muntjac Reeves deer Fawn alone by NW corner of garage 2 of 3.jpg
Description: The Fawn isn't panicked, and quietly moves to the back of the garage out of sight.
View: E64_20231017_1829_113_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at Woodland site (crop).jpg
Description: The Reeves' Muntjac Fawn is growing well.
An interesting 'gait' - opposing corner legs raised simultaneously.
View: E63_20231015_1742_056_FB1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: The hedge behind the photo 'stage' at the hedge bottom is now completely
devoid of hedging stems through years of attrition by the many wild visitors.
So this male Reeves' Muntjac Deer can just walk through from the path behind.
But right at the left edge of the camera frame as seems inevitable.
Date: 26 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20231015_1218_019+024+029+034 Red Kite turning in Thermal (close spaced montage @ 7fps).jpg
Description: After the Buzzard on the meadow post, the next day brought a series of Red Kite
fly-overs and circles in Thermals.
View: DF3_20231015_1218_058-115 Red Kite circling in thermal (selected montage from top-right over 8 seconds).jpg
Description: A genuine close-spaced selection of a single circle of this Red Kite climbing in a Thermal.
The sequence starts top right and ends middle right where the bird is a
bit higher and appears a bit smaller.
View: DF3_20231015_1218_058 Red Kite circling in Thermal.jpg
Description: More detail of the top-right image - the photographer feels 'spotted'.
View: DF3_20231015_1221_154+161+168+175+179 Red Kite turning in thermal (close spaced montage @7fps).jpg
Date: 25 Nov 2023
View: D01_20231013_0929_045+46+0932_051+0933_054_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2+5+7 of 7 (montage).jpg
Description: A busy couple of days for Buzzard(s) visiting the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20231013_0929_046_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 2 of 7 (crop 1).jpg
View: D01_20231013_0929_046_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 2 of 7 (crop 2).jpg
View: D01_20231014_0851_059+060+0855_067_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2+5 of 5 (montage 500ms+4mins).jpg
Date: 24 Nov 2023
View: E60_20231012_1607_018_FB3 Grey Squirrel on Kitchen bird table eating nut (possibly a conker).jpg
Description: On the bird table outside the kitchen window we see this Grey Squirrel doing what
they do best - eating.
View: E6A_20231012_1640_081_FB5 Grey Squirrel carrying Pink Fir Apple potato peel.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel has raided the compost bin to carry away a piece of
cooked Pink Fir Apple potato peel.
View: DF3_20231016_1312_033 Grey Squirrel digging up food by Silver birch at NE corner of garage.jpg
Description: We have watched Grey Squirrels burying freshly fallen (and we are sure 'helped down') conkers.
Here we see a Squirrel digging up something to eat.
Despite taking dozens of frames during several excavations we still don't have a
clear pic of the item unearthed - but it is probably a conker!
View: E63_20231017_1607_182_FB1 Grey Squirrel holding food in right paw.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel at the hedge bottom is holding some sort of nut -
possibly a Hazelnut from a nearby tree.
Date: 23 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20231009_1209_007 Small White Butterfly feeding on late blooming Dandelion.jpg
Description: In some fitful sunshine this slightly tatty Small White butterfly sips nectar
from an equally late arrived Dandelion growing from one of the hundreds
of tons of stripped soil dumped outside our south hedge.
View: DF3_20231009_1518_018 2 Harlequin Ladybird from group of about 50 on south wall of house.jpg
Description: After a summer of very few Ladybird sightings, but almost all of them as
native 7-spot, we can't decide whether to be pleased or sorry to find about 50
of the invasive Harlequin Ladybirds on the south wall of the house.
Here are a couple of them along the edge of the 'Patio Doors'.
Unlike the UK varieties, Harlequin individuals vary enormously in appearance.
View: DF3_20231009_1215_010 Fungi on western base of Duck Mound.jpg
Description: Fungi are fascinating (and VERY important members of the wildlife community)
but we have no expertise in identifying them.
Date: 22 Nov 2023
View: BU7_20231009_1201_062 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn near south hedge gap.jpg
Description: The Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn is gradually becoming more precocious.
Here we see them at the end of the Orchard, unfortunately awkwardly lit.
View: E64_20231009_1831_062_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at Woodland site investigating Fir cone (crop 1).jpg
Description: 6 hours later the Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn finally make a visit to a high
resolution camera site.
View: E64_20231009_1831_062_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer Fawn at Woodland site investigating Fir cone (crop 2).jpg
Description: The Fawn is now ready for a close-up.
A detail from the same original frame.
Date: 21 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20231007_0917_157+0918_175 Kestrel female disturbed by 3 Magpies in Conifer at SE corner (montage).jpg
Description: We came across this female Kestrel surrounded by at times up to 4 Magpies (never
all on camera at once) scattered in the branches around her. They were not
really making an effort to mob her, but she wasn't at all pleased with the
interruption to her hunt. These two images taken from slightly different viewpoints.
View: DF3_20231007_0920_197+205 Kestrel female keeping head still in swaying conifer (montage over 1 second).jpg
Description: The Kestrel stayed on as we walked round the corner of our patch were she was
clinging to a branch of this swaying conifer. Maintaining a stationary eye
position in flight is carried to a similar behaviour when perched on moving
perches. Here the perch is swaying left and right, and the body and neck
compensates to keep the eyes still and focussed on their target.
Date: 20 Nov 2023
View: D01_20231004_1558_053-056_FB6 Kestrel female arrives and departs Meadow Post in 1 min 1-4 of 4 (montage 500mS+60s+500mS).jpg
Description: One of the female Kestrels stopped for almost exactly a minute (the repeat rate
of the camera auto-watching the post) so we could build this rather attractive
montage of this lovely bird.
View: DF3_20231005_1037_007 Kestrel female on 11kV cable at North bridleway.jpg
Description: A portrait of one of the female Kestrels standing on one foot on the gently swaying
11kV power cable over the Northern Bridleway. She watches us go by before continuing her hunt.
View: DF3_20231005_1609_039+1610_047+048 Kestrel female launches from pile of rubble (montage).jpg
Description: We do loathe having the outside of our south boundary being turned into a
building yard, but every cloud may have a silver lining if you look hard enough.
This Kestrel uses the top of the heaps of broken concrete as a convenient hunting perch.
Date: 19 Nov 2023
View: D01_20231004_1147_031_FB6 Buzzard makes 2 off 5+ minute visits to Meadow Post over 15 minutes 01 of 13 (crop).jpg
Description: Over a quarter of an hour, this Buzzard made two landings of the Meadow Post,
each including an at least 5 minute stay.
View: D01_20231004_1147_032_FB6 Buzzard makes 2 off 5+ minute visits to Meadow Post over 15 minutes 02 of 13 (crop).jpg
Description: This is half a second after the first image.
View: D01_20231004_1158_041+042_FB6 Buzzard 2 off 5+ min visits to Meadow Post in 15 mins 08+09 of 13 (montage rt to lt 500mS).jpg
Description: The second landing (right) along with the regaining of balance half a second later (right then left).
View: D01_20231004_1159_043+1202_049_FB6 Buzzard 2 off 5+ min visits to Meadow Post in 15 mins 10+13 of 13 (montage over 3 mins).jpg
Description: A couple of more 'static' moments of the Buzzards visits
Date: 18 Nov 2023
View: D71_20231004_0829_052+054+057+0830_058 Kestrel female perched in conifer at SE corner (multi-view montage).jpg
Description: Are you familiar with those 'rotating around the action' sequences in SF movies
(e.g. The Matrix), made by firing off dozens of SLR cameras in sequence?
Well here is our walking pace version of the same thing, travelling almost 180 degrees
around this very tolerant female Kestrel perched on a conifer inside the SE corner of our patch.
She is about 5m up the tree, far from the top, photograph from the outside.
View: DF3_20231004_1001_024-1004_040 Kestrel female on Footrest flies south to 11kV crossbar 3-10 of 10 (flight accurate montage).jpg
Description: 90 minutes later found this female Kestrel using the footrests of the disused
Telephone pole for a hunt. We have seen this behaviour before, but for some
reason not last year. We know that we have at least 2 female Kestrels hunting
around the area, and think that this is the 'other' one to the tolerant
individual. She flew off across the adjacent field and landed on an 11kV
crossbar to the south.
View: DF3_20231004_1002_026 Kestrel female on Footrest of disused telephone pole flies to south to 11kV crossbar 04 of 10 (crop).jpg
Description: Here is a more detailed pic of this female Kestrel just before launch.
View: DF3_20231004_1009_046+048+050050 Kestrel female (2nd bird) on Rubble pile pounces onto hardcore ground 1+3+4 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: A glimpse of a bird on the top of one of the rubble piles now 'gracing' the
outside of our south boundary turns out to be another female Kestrel, our first
positive ID that there are two female Kestrels. She dived to the unpromising
ground (basically tractor flattened hardcore) but she didn't seem to catch anything.
Date: 17 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20230929_1603_079-1604_135 Buzzard at Dead Rabbit fails trying to fly off with it 02+006+010+012 of 12 (montage).jpg
Description: A glance from the SE corner at the field margin to our east show this Buzzard on
(what turned out to be) a dead Rabbit from which the bird has already taken some
lumps of meat. He spotted the humans and tried to take off with the prize, but
it was obvious over a couple of tries that it was too heavy for the bird.
View: DF3_20230929_1604_117 Buzzard at Dead Rabbit fails trying to fly off with it 10 of 12 (crop).jpg
View: DF3_20230930_0850_155-161 Red Kite launching from dead Rabbit carrying a small piece (approx montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Next morning we spied this Red Kite on the same kill. The Kite grabs a lump of
meat and powers their way away. The shadowed area is from the hedge just out of crop.
View: DF3_20230930_0850_181-184 Red Kite in Flight with piece of Rabbit in claw (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Meat still clamped in one of the talons, the Red Kite makes their exit.
Date: 16 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20230929_0844_061 Kestrel female in conifer at SE corner flies off 1 of 5 (crop).jpg
Description: This female Kestrel and we stood watching each other, when suddenly a
beam of sunshine lit her for a few seconds.
View: DF3_20230929_0845_062-065 Kestrel female in conifer at SE corner flies off 2-5 of 5 (acc montage - perch springs up @7fps).jpg
Description: A minute later she decided to depart.
The montage is accurate, but the branch she was perched on sprung back up
as she left - the white bar is to excuse the end of the branch 'being in the wrong place'.
Date: 15 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20230810_1045_008 Cloud in shape of airliner (orig & final).jpg
Description: A ghostly airliner haunts the sky.
View: DF3_20230922_1017_007 Spiders web covered in dew (orig & final).jpg
Description: A humid morning outlines this, among many, spiders webs.
View: DF3_20230930_0903_191 Spiders Web soaked in dew (orig & final).jpg
Description: A large (about 30cm across) and finely spaced Spiders web.
View: D71_20230929_0900_004 Bracket fungus inside decades old broken branch hollow.jpg
Description: While picking up some wind-blown rubbish Marie spotted this fungus glowing INSIDE
a cavity in a many decades old apple tree.
Date: 14 Nov 2023
View: E64_20230915_0851_033_FB2 Wood Pigeon shaking out feathers.jpg
Description: A good shake-out of the feathers probably settles them comfortably.
View: E64_20230926_0901_027_FB2 Wood Pigeon wet from bathing.jpg
Description: The wet breast tells us that this Wood Pigeon is 'shaking out' after a morning bathe.
Date: 13 Nov 2023
View: D01_20230925_0838_001+002+0841_007_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2+5 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: An early morning visit by this Buzzard to the meadow Post lasts at least 5 minutes.
Left and centre are about half a second apart, and the bird hunting on the right 3 minutes later.
At this time we had started clearing the Meadow back from scrub to rank grass - starting at the
base of this post, so it is probably now a become more productive place to hunt.
View: D01_20230925_0838_002_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 2 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: The middle pic in a more glorious crop.
View: D01_20230925_0840_005_FB6 Buzzard 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 4 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: Another moment from the same visit.
Date: 12 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20230922_1315_021 Common Darter Dragonfly female over mature perched on break of week stem.jpg
Description: Its not been warm enough in the last few days to tempt out even the
Migrant Hawker Dragonflies, who seem to fly at lower temperatures than
our other regulars, but there are several Common Darter Dragonflies of
both sexes making the most of their final weeks.
View: DF3_20230926_1540_063 Common Hawker Dragonfly female on sun warmed corrugated iron.jpg
Description: One of several Common Hawker Dragonflies that spend time on this
corrugated iron sheet, this female gives a double dose of her lovely
wings - the real wings echoed in the shadow on the iron.
View: DF3_20230926_1544_069 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly male resting on twig.jpg
Description: This male Migrant Hawker warms on a twig in the fitful sunshine.
The beautiful vivid Blue/Cyan colour is the real appearance.
Date: 11 Nov 2023
View: E64_20230921_1641_016_FB2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male at woodland site.jpg
Description: Our current male Reeves' Muntjac Deer takes his portrait at the
Woodland site. The 'lips' below his eye in this pic is his scent gland
he uses to 'perfume' tips of sticks and similar.
It always seems a dangerous place to aim for stick so close to then eye,
but many deer use the same arrangement so it must have advantages.
View: BU5_20230922_0034_046-048_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer mother and Fawn walk by Round Pond (montage).jpg
Description: Just after midnight Mum and Fawn have a moment of 'gentle contact' as they
amble past the Round Pond.
View: BU7_20230924_1836_334 Muntjac Reeves Deer family returning at South hedge - Male + Fawn + Mother.jpg
Description: A couple of minutes after passing through the south hedge into the area the farm
owner has turned into a builder's yard including about (500 tones of earth and
numerous heaps of hardcore and sand) our little family
returns - we suspect that they decided it was better 'inside'.
View: BUA_20230925_0259_261+BU8_0323_146+BUA_0341_276 Muntjac family over 40 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: After midnight the little family (Fawn + Doe + Buck) wandered about the
east side of our patch.
Date: 10 Nov 2023
View: E64_20230921_0628_097_FB2 Hare bounding across Woodland site (crop 2).jpg
Description: Walks around the patch just don't get to see Hares in the fields, now stripped of the
growing wheat they can use as a refuge. A few seem instead to be making the
most of the comparative cover and largess of our little patch.
We particularly like this portrait at the Woodland site.
View: BU5_20230916_1543_209_SC1 Hare by Round Pond.jpg
Description: Round pond is currently dry, and we are seeing Hares, Squirrel
and Deer visiting the water trough. No way near enough rain yet
to raise the water table to re-fill the pond.
Date: 09 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20230921_1251_080+1350_076 Common Darter Dragonfly male perched on wooden bench eating midge 2+1 of 2 (montage+insert).jpg
Description: This male Common Darter dragonfly perched on an old wood bench
is busy sucking the juices from some unfortunate midge.
View: DF3_20230914_1035_069 7-spot Ladybird on fresh stinging nettle leaf.jpg
Description: A really poor year for Ladybirds here this year -
this is the first we have noticed for weeks.
It's a 7-spot Ladybird - a common UK species rather than the almost absent Harlequins.
Date: 08 Nov 2023
View: D01_20230917_0949_191+0950_193+1029_195_FB6 Green Woodpecker male visits to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: This looks like the juvenile male Green Woodpecker has almost transitioned to adulthood.
This is two visits - on the left sequential frames a minute apart, and the right hand landing
40 minutes later, now looking much sleeker but many details indicate the same bird.
View: D01_20230918_1704_004-1707_039_FB6 Green Woodpecker male pecking at top of Meadow Post 1+2+6+7 of 8 (montage).jpg
Description: A male Green Woodpecker (possibly one of this years sprogs) seems intent
on pecking at the now badly split top of the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20230918_1708_042_FB6 Green Woodpecker male pecking at top of Meadow Post 8 of 8 (crop).jpg
Date: 07 Nov 2023
View: BU7_20230916_1251_115+120 Muntjac Reeves Deer female & Fawn entering at south hedge gap 2+7 of 7 (accurate montage + bar).jpg
Description: The Fawn is Back!
On the left the Fawn is following Mum from the 'building site' outside
through the hedge gap to follow her over the dry ditch.
On the right of the white bar (included in this accurate montage so as not to
imply that the Fawn is looking back at Mum) we get a view of the Fawn looking
at nothing we can see in the original pic.
View: BUA_20230916_1305_155_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer female & Fawn near east hedge gap.jpg
Description: 15 minutes later the camera at the east hedge gap catches the Reeves's Muntjac
Mother and Fawn moving past the camera at enough speed to blur the image.
View: BU7_20230915_1856_093 Muntjac Reeves Deer male grooming with tongue out and tusk exposed.jpg
Description: As the daylight dwindles, 'our' male Reeves' Muntjac Deer stops for a groom
on the grass patch near the south hedge gap. His enormous tongue is
deployed to groom his face, and the small tusk shows up rather well.
Date: 06 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20230915_1546_219-223 Kestrel female on disused Telephone pole then flying off 4-9 of 8 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: The (new) local female Kestrel sometimes perches on the top of this disused
telephone pole. She ignored us for a couple of minutes before quietly 'moving on'
to a new hunting perch - see where in a moment.
This is accurately spaced at 7 fps except for the bird on the pole.
View: DF3_20230915_1551_240 Kestrel female on 11kV crossbar with Jackdaw on cable above.jpg
Description: 5 minutes later we see her on the 11kV cross bar some 300m north.
Rooks habitually chase off any Kestrel they see, but the Jackdaw (above)
chose to co-exist without a hassle.
View: DF3_20230915_1552_259-262 Kestrel female in flight @7fps 1 to 4 of 4 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: We didn't get any closer, but the female Kestrel decided to move on, flying
past us at full flying speed, again accurately montaged at 7 fps.
View: DF3_20230917_1045_357 Kestrel female flying overhead.jpg
Description: Two days later we see the female Kestrel again. She seems to be getting used
to us being 'mostly harmless'.
Date: 05 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20230914_1038_078 2 Comma Butterflies facing each other on Black fruit clump with Proboscises partly unfurled (crop 1).jpg
Description: These two Comma Butterflies almost seem to be having a little battle.
The insect on the right clearly shows his proboscis only partly furled or unfurled.
View: DF3_20230914_1038_079 Comma Butterfly feeding on Blackberry fruit with incidental insect flyby.jpg
Description: The Comma Butterfly on the left 'won' the encounter and quickly got back to feeding.
An inadvertent fly didn't disturb the Butterfly.
View: DF3_20230914_1034_066 Red admiral Butterfly feeding on Blackberry fruit.jpg
Description: The previously generation of Red admiral Butterflies enjoyed feeding on the
Blackberry flowers, and may even have fertilised the fruit from which this
one is taking their fill.
View: DF3_20230914_1041_085 Red admiral Butterfly showing proboscis in Blackberry fruit.jpg
Description: A close look at a Red Admiral Butterfly with his figure-of-eight cross section
proboscis deep between Blackberry druplets.
Blackberries are actually known as an 'aggregate fruit 'composed of small druplets.
Date: 04 Nov 2023
View: E64_20230912_1601_043-20230913_1428_072_FB2 Grey Squirrel carries Horse Chestnut conkers across site over 1 day (montage).jpg
Description: In just one day (including a night) we see this Grey Squirrel make 6 almost identical
passages across the Woodland photo site, each time carrying a conker.
The Squirrel may have taken dozens more by a different route.
There are a Red and normal Horse-Chestnut trees a few metres from this site -
a search found no signs of any conkers on the surround woodland floor - the
Squirrel is doing a thorough job!
View: E64_20230913_1316_071_FB2 Grey Squirrel carries 2 Cherries across site.jpg
Description: Just these two cherries make for a bit of variety.
But the Conkers will store much better and provide more nutrition - the
Squirrel will be pleased he made the effort in the privations of Winter.
Date: 03 Nov 2023
View: D71_20230819_0918_033 Fungi in shade SW of Duck Mound.jpg
Description: One of about 4 groups of similar fungi fruiting bodies in a few square metres.
View: DF3_20230912_0904_009+011 Fungi (different species) on felled & fallen branches North of Round Mound (montage).jpg
Description: A couple of fallen branches (one probably cut to release it from other branches)
only a few metres apart are of the same wood but an obviously a different
species of bracket fungus.
Date: 02 Nov 2023
View: DF3_20230910_1005_066-070 Hawker Dragonfly looping round in flight @7fps 1-5 of 5 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: A Hawker Dragonfly does a hairpin turn in about half a second.
View: DF3_20230910_1208_086 Mallow flowers + Green Shieldbug + fly (crop with insert).jpg
Description: Mallow flowers grow in convenient cracks along the edge of the access track.
While photographing this pair of open and opening flowers we didn't even notice
that there was a Green Shieldbug perched on the group of buds. Good Camouflage.
View: D71_20230911_0715_034 Comma Butterfly perched on BU2 Trail cam overnight.jpg
Description: While touring the cameras to exchange photo-cards we came across this Comma
Butterfly perched on the camera that 'watches' the Round Mound. On this cold
morning the insect is torpid, and we managed to open the camera door it is
perched on, exchange the photo card, and close up again without obviously
disturbing the creature. It was gone later in the warmer day.
Date: 01 Nov 2023
View: BUA_20230909_1310_059_SC8 Muntjac Deer adult + Fawn - detail 2 of 3 (crop with processing).jpg
Description: Our first (and so far only) sighting of a Reeves' Muntjac Deer Fawn, here
near the east hedge gap. We have seen neither in the following weeks and assume
that they are just elsewhere.
View: BU7_20230910_0433_089+SP1_0449_053+BUA_0614_080 Muntjac Reeves Deer male visits over 2Hrs (montage).jpg
Description: On the morning after the above pic, the male spends a couple of hours
wandering around the 2 acres. It is likely that this is the Fawn's father
who is imaged by one or more cameras on most nights at the moment.
View: BU7_20230913_1028_044 Muntjac Reeves Deer male staring at camera from ditch.jpg
Description: This Reeves' Muntjac Deer wins the staring contest.
Image Archive arch 2023 oct.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Oct 2023
View: D71_20230908_1101_020+021 Shepherd in field far to north in Land Rover + 2 dogs 2+3 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: Shepherding - 21c Style!
The main picture shows the van at the far hedge to bring back 4 sheep along the
hedge, but they have already started moving - possibly the dogs did the trick.
The insert taken a few seconds later shows the van returning to the main flock -
you can see his two dogs as well as 2 sheep.
View: D71_20230908_1104_023 Shepherd in field far to north in Land Rover + 2 dogs 4 of 4 (orig).jpg
View: DF3_20230904_1553_014 Wheatear perched on top of distant straw bale.jpg
Description: About 100 Straw bales 'litter' the crop fields, and on one perhaps 50m away
this Wheatear didn't take flight.
We rather like the idea of a Wheatear on Wheat bales
Date: 30 Oct 2023
View: D01_20230908_0836_007+008_FB6 Kestrel female 2 minute visit to Meadow Post 1+2 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: This female Kestrel is becoming a regular visitor around the area, but
so far not often at this post.
View: DF3_20230909_1046_037-041 Kestrel female in flight @7fps 4-8 of 8 (approx montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Next day the female Kestrel makes a fly-by.
View: DF3_20230914_1032_045+048+050 Red Kite flying overhead 1-3 of 3 (close spaced montage).jpg
Description: A Red Kite flyover- quartering the land to his right and then left.
About 1 second of flight here - tightly montaged for effect.
Date: 29 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230904_1606_021 Comma Butterfly perched on Blackberry leaf - wings slightly open showing underwing comma marking.jpg
Description: We used only to see Comma Butterflies in the autumn feeding on rotting
windfall apples. Now we see them intermittently through the year as they
produce a mid-year brood before the autumn brood which over-winters
to breed in the Spring.
This one has their wings open a little, so you get a good view of the
underwings including the white marking that gives the insect their
name, plus a strip of the orange along the top of the wings.
The scalloped edge of the wings is an amazing camouflage.
View: DF3_20230903_1257_109 Common Darter Dragonfly female perched on seed head.jpg
Description: A female Common Darter Dragonfly perches on the seed head.
View: DF3_20230904_1550_007 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female perched on dead blackthorn twig.jpg
Description: Migrant Hawker Dragonflies have this year outnumbered all of the
other species combined.
Date: 28 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230901_1614_002 Buzzard on 11kV crossbar over bridleway to north.jpg
Description: Most years one or more Buzzards decides that the crossbars for the 11kV power
cables make good hunting perches.
Only young birds perch on the wires - the wider angle iron section is presumably easier
on the feet for the full weight bird. And it doesn't sway in even light winds.
View: DF3_20230902_1602_055 Red Kite in flight.jpg
Description: A Red Kite flies by.
Date: 27 Oct 2023
View: E63_20230831_1953_096+1935_095_FB1 Robin juvenile and adult on hedge bottom stone (montage).jpg
Description: On the left a juvenile Robin starting to develop their red breast.
On the right an adult - Robins are very territorial so most likely Mum or Dad.
View: E6A_20230904_1036_025_FB5 Blackbird juvenile at Meadow Site.jpg
Description: A juvenile Blackbird stops off at the Meadow site.
Date: 26 Oct 2023
View: D01_20230901_1446_062+1445_060+1442_058_FB6 Green Woodpecker male juvenile spends 5 minutes on Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: A juvenile male Green Woodpecker spends a few minutes on the meadow post.
View: D01_20230906_0954_034+0953_032_FB6 Green Woodpecker male young adult on Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: We seem to be rather fond of our skittish Green Woodpeckers - more usually heard
(fleeing away and calling) than seen. This is a adult male showing front and back.
Date: 25 Oct 2023
View: BU3_20230831_0322_142+144+0323_147+148_SC6 Muntjac Reeves Deer pair foraging on access track (montage).jpg
Description: In the small hours a pair of Reeves' Muntjac Deer quietly forage along the concrete
access track.
View: DF3_20230828_0706_009+004+0707_019 Muntjac Reeves Deer male browsing newly harvested crop (accurate montage).jpg
Description: While the Wheat crop is standing tall (actually much shorter nowadays than
the crops of our Childhoods) a Muntjac Deer could be making this journey
and we would never know. To the saying
"As clear as Bird nests in Winter"
we would like to add
"As clear as a Muntjacs after Harvest".
Date: 24 Oct 2023
View: E63_20230828_2139_018_FB1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: The Fieldmice (Wood Mice) are back at the Hedge Bottom. On this night just the single visit
View: E63_20230830_2155_134-20230831_0457_143_FB1 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at Hedge bottom over one night (approx montage).jpg
Description: Two night after the solitary Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) sighting we captured over a dozen
moments of single and pairs of Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at the hedge bottom over one night.
We had a little fun montaging some of them.
Date: 23 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230827_1307_288 Holly Blue Butterfly feeding on mint flower along with large fly.jpg
Description: Holly Blue Butterflies appear in cycles as they produce new
generations through the year. This one is enjoying a feed from a mint flower.
View: D71_20230827_1316_035 Dock Bug (Coreus marginatus) about 14mm long in bowl of Blackberries.jpg
Description: Shieldbugs and Squashbugs are interesting visitors.
Here the larger and sharp insect is a Dock Bug just over half-an-inch long we found
in a bowl of just picked Blackberries - actually our most productive wild harvest.
View: D71_20230827_1315_016 Woundwort Shieldbug (Eysarcoris fabricii) about 6mm long in blackberry pot (ID only).jpg
Description: In the same bowl of blackberries were several Woundwort Shieldbugs, only
about a quarter of an inch long.
Bowls of fruits and other harvests are spread out on a tray for a day to let
any animate life escape the washing and cooking.
Date: 22 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230826_0949_058-060+066-069 Red Kite in flight @7fps 1-3+4-7 (discontinuous) of 7 (2 accurate montages).jpg
Description: This Red Kite fly-by turns into a glide ...
View: DF3_20230826_0950_139-142 Red Kite in flight harassed by Rook @7fps 2-5 of 7 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: ... until a local Rook takes exception.
View: DF3_20230826_0950_140 Red Kite in flight harassed by Rook @7fps 3 of 7 (adjusted crop).jpg
Description: More detail of the above with the obvious choice of Red Kite, along with the
accompanying Rook shown a little closer than reality for clarity.
Date: 21 Oct 2023
View: D01_20230825_1825_069_FB6 Green Woodpecker juvenile male lands on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: We are currently seeing male and female adults and juvenile Green Woodpeckers,
so our 'local' pair must have had a successful summer's nesting of at least 2 youngsters.
View: D01_20230825_1857_071_FB6 Green Woodpecker just juvenile female lands on Meadow Post.jpg
View: D01_20230826_0843_084_FB6 Green Woodpecker juvenile male pecking top of Meadow Post.jpg
View: DF3_20230827_0934_201 Green Woodpecker hiding behind 11kV power pole.jpg
Description: As we approach the south field we often disturb a Green Woodpecker
that has been probing the soil, flying either into our patch or away across
the field. This one flew behind this 11kV power pole and didn't appear on
the other side. Waiting a minute or two was rewarded by this beak tip
peering around the lower left of the pole.
What a mix of brutalic human and elegant nature.
Date: 20 Oct 2023
View: BU9_20230824_2352_022_SC2 Fox leaving orchard.jpg
Description: An atmospheric Fox stalking through the orchard just before midnight.
View: BUA_20230826_1524_048_SC8 Fox nearly full grown near east hedge gap.jpg
Description: What looks like a nearly full grown 'perfect' young Fox takes his selfie.
This may be one of the cubs raised in the earth of 'Round Mound' earlier this year.
Date: 19 Oct 2023
View: E6A_20230819_0735_107_FB5 Hare youngster passing through meadow site.jpg
Description: A young hare bounding through the meadow site.
View: DF3_20230822_0751_072+073 Hare running from field margin past soil dump into our patch (accurate montage).jpg
Description: We startled the regular Hare in this area, but only managed these
two pics as they ran behind the ever growing mound of farm top soil.
View: BU7_20230823_1850_096+1846_092 Hare pauses at end of orchard before departing through south hedge gap (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The Hare, with particularly dark ears, seems to frequent the end of the orchard
and area immediately outside despite it now being more like a building site.
Date: 18 Oct 2023
View: E6A_20230823_1429_189+1438_191+_FB5 Green woodpecker male juvenile 10 minute visit to meadow site (montage).jpg
Description: Photographed about 10 minutes apart we twice see this juvenile Green Woodpecker
picking over the meadow site.
View: E6A_20230823_1429_189_FB5 Green woodpecker male juvenile 10 minute visit to meadow site (head detail).jpg
Description: A Detail from the above.
We really can believe that birds descended from Dinosaurs!
Date: 17 Oct 2023
View: E63_20230821_0415_182_FB1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) at Hedge bottom (1st for many weeks).jpg
Description: This is the first (and so far only) sighting of a Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) for weeks - fortunately
a rather delightful effort.
View: E63_20230820_0936_124_FB1 Grey Squirrel male upright on hedge bottom stone.jpg
Description: On the same hedge-bottom stone but at rather different scale, this rather obviously
male Grey Squirrel gazes at the automatic camera.
View: DF3_20230822_0754_078+090 Grey Squirrel spots humans on Farm Road (montage).jpg
Description: Here out on the Farm Road it is a human behind the lens.
Why hope for a human hand-out - there's 100 acres of corn 'fresh on the stalk' all around.
Date: 16 Oct 2023
View: BU2_20230817_1624_015_SC7 Roy Photographing dead Rabbit on Round Mound (orig & final).jpg
Description: Here is the start of a little story that we only know in parts. Here Roy is
photographing something originally intended for the archive, having spotted
a dead young Rabbit on the edge of one of the many holes in this mound.
View: BU2_20230819_1433_081+1417_077+076_SC7 Buzzard visits Round Mound to pick up dead Rabbit 07+03+02 of 13 (montage 2+3 acc).jpg
Description: 2 days later the trail cam watching the mound catches this Buzzard landing right over the
dead Rabbit (right image), now to be found about 3 metres from our original sighting without
any indication in the 2 days of photos of what moved it.
Later we get to see the Rabbit in the bird's talons (middle image) and then perched on the
fallen branch (centre) and 15 minutes later a much reduced carcass in the talons on the
top of the fallen branch.
View: BU2_20230819_1742_089+1735_085_SC7 Buzzard visits Round Mound again 12(IR)+08 of 13 (montage).jpg
Description: 3 hours later we catch the Buzzard on the mound again, possibly as two visits but
more likely a single visit. Accurately montaged, even though the camera flipped to IR
lighting between the two moments. No sign of any Rabbit remains.
Date: 15 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230816_1252_032 Green-veined White Butterfly.jpg
Description: A pristine Green-veined white - at this time of year it must be the second of the years two broods.
View: D71_20230819_1227_043 Holly Blue Butterfly on Ivy leaf.jpg
Description: A Holly Blue Butterfly perched on the edge of an Ivy leaf.
Date: 14 Oct 2023
View: D71_20230819_0910_019 Snails mating on field margin.jpg
Description: A moment of snail passion - we left them in peace on their carpet of slime.
Snails are Hermaphrodites - both sexes at the same time.
View: D71_20230819_0911_026 7-spot ladybird with silhouette of photographer reflected on carapace.jpg
Description: A major dearth of ladybirds this year, and so far all are original UK species.
The shiny carapace shows a reflection of the photographer outlined by the sky.
Date: 13 Oct 2023
View: D01_20230817_0701_001_FB6 Sparrowhawk prob Juvenile landing on meadow post 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: This Sparrowhawk made a short visit to the Meadow Post an hour or so after sunrise.
This looks like a female, but more probably a new juvenile, sussing out the area.
View: DF3_20230819_1554_060+070 Red Kite hunting in slow glide overhead (impression montage over 1300mS).jpg
Description: This Red Kite, flying into a moderate breeze, glided slowly overhead with
attention clearly scanning the surrounding area. Humans aren't edible for a
Kite so of no interest!
View: DF3_20230822_1213_088-092 Red Kite gliding overhead in crosswind (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: A Red Kite gliding by in a strong cross-wind.
Accurate positioned at about 7 fps.
Date: 12 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230811_1315_095 Scarlet Pimpernel clump.jpg
Description: Scarlet Pimpernel is mainly found here growing over disused concrete tracks
View: DF3_20230811_1316_101 Scarlet Pimpernel detail + insert.jpg
Description: To really appreciate the tiny flowers you have to get really close.
Date: 11 Oct 2023
View: E63_20230813_0941_197-1004_202_FB1 Grey Squirrel at hedge bottom over 20 minutes (approx montage).jpg
Description: 20 minutes of Grey Squirrel's activity at the hedge bottom.
View: E60_20230815_1638_024+022+025_FB3 Grey Squirrel grooming on Kitchen bird table post top (montage).jpg
Description: It may be more difficult to balance on the limited area of the bird table mount
with the table detached, but this squirrel stops for a good scratch on it anyway.
Date: 10 Oct 2023
View: D71_20230810_0712_007 Wood Pigeon catching sunlight in conifer by garage.jpg
Description: Exiting the house this Wood Pigeon caught the eye as if 'in the spotlight'.
View: D71_20230814_1214_013 Pigeon youngster on blackberry hedge at front of house.jpg
Description: It looks like this juvenile Wood Pigeon is fresh out of a nearby nest and has crash
landed in the hedge at the front of the house. He seems to instinctively 'know'
that the best way of avoiding detection is to keep perfectly still.
We almost missed spotting them.
Date: 09 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230812_1006_128 Common Darter Dragonfly female perched on corrugated iron sheet.jpg
Description: Lots of invertebrates like to use this corrugated iron sheet to get warmed
up from the sun-warmed metal. This is a female Common Darter Dragonfly.
View: DF3_20230812_1252_166 Common Darter Dragonfly male on tip of cut blackberry stem.jpg
Description: A male Common Darter Dragonfly on the cut tip of a Blackberry stem.
Darter Dragonflies are intermediate in size between Damselflies and Hawker Dragonflies
and hunt in a different style to both.
Date: 08 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230816_1303_042-047 2 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly females in flight over wheat to Nth 1-6 of 6 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Over the Wheat crop in the field north of our patch several Migrant Hawker
Dragonflies swoop and swerve in the search of midges. These two were
close enough for the photographer to get both flights in frame at the same time.
View: DF3_20230816_1303_044-046 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly in flight carrying prey in mouth 3-5 of 6 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: At the time we couldn't see that the Dragonfly at the top left was busy
carrying a midge, undoubtedly sucking it dry for the nutritional fluid.
Here are 3 of the pics from the montage in more detail.
View: DF3_20230811_1307_079 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female.jpg
Description: Its easier to see the detail of a Migrant Hawker Dragonfly when perched in a hedge.
View: DF3_20230813_1218_196 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female.jpg
Description: This time we find a female Migrant Hawker Dragonfly awaiting her Portrait.
Date: 07 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230817_1039_006 Muntjac Reeves Deer male in woodland (crop).jpg
Description: A mid-morning encounter between us and the current male Reeves Muntjac Deer.
He wasn't pleased to see us, but not panicky enough for a high speed departure.
Perhaps we are considered 'Mostly Harmless'.
View: DF3_20230817_1039_006 Muntjac Reeves Deer male in woodland (head detail).jpg
View: DF3_20230817_1039_007 Muntjac Reeves Deer male in woodland (crop).jpg
View: DF3_20230817_1039_007 Muntjac Reeves Deer male in woodland (head detail).jpg
Date: 06 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230807_1437_013 Fungus carpet around base of dead tree.jpg
Description: In one walkabout of our 2 acre patch we find two dead trees attracting
a carpet of fungus growing from the roots.
View: DF3_20230811_0850_043 Fungi in shade south of Duck Mound.jpg
Description: Its not really autumn yet but various Fungi have been appearing in many shady corners.
Date: 05 Oct 2023
View: E63_20230811_0103_059_FB1 Yellow Slug climbing stone at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: This Yellow Slug climbs over the stone.
View: DF3_20230813_0858_182 Slug 11cm long crossing Farm Road before moving to hedge.jpg
Description: A couple of days later we find this similar sized slug struggling across the dry and
dusty concrete farm road. We took his picture (also with a size reference not shown)
before picking them up and moving to safety of a hedge.
Date: 04 Oct 2023
View: E60_20230810_2348_010_FB3 Tawny Owl visits to crossbar of fallen Kitchen feeder 3 of 8 (crop).jpg
Description: The fall of the Kitchen Bird table resulted in 3 visits on the same night by this Tawny Owl.
View: E60_20230811_0052_013_FB3 Tawny Owl visits to crossbar of fallen Kitchen feeder 6 of 8 (crop).jpg
View: E60_20230811_0055_014_FB3 Tawny Owl visits to crossbar of fallen Kitchen feeder 7 of 8 (crop).jpg
View: D01_20230817_0121_128+129+0125_136_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to meadow post 1+2+5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: We left the feeder 'broken' for a week in the hope of a similar flurry of visits
but we were disappointed. But in the following week there were 3 Tawny Owl visits to
the Meadow Post, each for 5 or more minutes.
Date: 03 Oct 2023
View: DF3_20230810_1515_025-033 Southern Hawker Dragonfly male flies low hovers & swerves @7fps 1+2+4+7-9 of 9 (approx montage).jpg
Description: This male Southern Hawker was dashing around over the (rather low) surface
of the main pond. Here is just over a second of flight, including a pause for
4 frames (at top right - only one shown) before dashing off in the reverse direction.
The rightmost image shows his blurred head turning in preparation for the banking.
View: DF3_20230810_1515_030 Southern Hawker Dragonfly male flying low over main pond and swerving 6 of 9 (crop).jpg
Description: Another moment during the 4 frame hover (not included in the montage).
Date: 02 Oct 2023
View: D01_20230810_1302_015_FB6 Green Woodpecker male launching from Meadow Post.jpg
Description: We hear Green Woodpeckers more often than we see them.
Here is a rather dynamic moment of a male launching from the Meadow Post.
View: E63_20230810_0811_003+20230813_0611_180_FB1 Robin juvenile(s) on stone at hedge bottom 3 days apart (montage).jpg
Description: It seems that we have another brood of Robin around the hedge bottom.
The ID book suggests that pairs may have three broods.
Poor Mum!
Date: 01 Oct 2023
View: BUA_20230724_0039_028-030_SC8 Fox probably hears prey and turns to investigate (montage).jpg
Description: Shortly after midnight the entering Fox suddenly detects (most likely with those wonderful ears)
some unfortunate creature, and swings round for a proper look.
In the soil it could be a beetle, worm or whatever - the Fox isn't fussy.
View: BUA_20230810_0006_116_SC8 Badger near East hedge gap lounging on ground.jpg
Description: Rather than squatting or sitting, this good sized Badger is what we have to describe
as 'lounging' near the east hedge gap.
View: SP1_20230810_0458_153_SP1 Muntjac Reeves Deer female eating blackberry leaves.jpg
Description: At the back of the main pond this female Reeves' Muntjac Deer is chomping
away of blackberry leaves.
Presumably not Ouch if you are a Deer
Image Archive arch 2023 sep.htm (view it Here)
Date: 30 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230809_1543_051 Ant Alates on weeds at bottom of shrub pot.jpg
Description: Outside the front door this pot plant is smothered in Ant Alates.
We normally only see them here emerging from cracks in sun-warmed concrete tracks.
View: DF3_20230809_1543_064 Ant Alates on weeds at bottom of shrub pot.jpg
Description: More detail of Ants and their alates.
Date: 29 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230809_1245_037 Holly Blue butterfly male 2nd brood on Ivy leaf.jpg
Description: The second brood of Holly Blue Butterflies are out and about.
This is a male nicely lit on an Ivy plant.
View: DF3_20230809_1247_044 Holly Blue butterfly male 2nd brood disguised on leaf.jpg
Description: Here is the same individual showing that the wing shape and even colour don't do
a bad job of camouflage when perched. In flight their path is so erratic it will
evade a lot of predators - it certainly evades this cameraman - though probably
not the agile Dragonflies.
View: DF3_20230809_1552_085-089 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly in flight @7fps (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The dominant Dragonfly here at the moment (and most years) is the Migrant Hawker.
There are sometimes 5 or more in flight over the meadow.
The style of annal appendage tells us that this is a female - missing from the filename.
View: D71_20230807_1102_010 Common Darter Dragonfly female (1st of 2023).jpg
Description: Our first photo of a Darter Dragonfly this year - a female Common Darter.
Date: 28 Sep 2023
View: D01_20230807_2037_027_FB6 Merlin male short visit to Meadow Post when almost dark 1 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: A male Merlin unexpectedly spends a couple of minutes on the meadow post.
We have only ID'd Merlins twice before, both times in flight you can see at
Sep 2008 and
May 2010
View: D01_20230808_0211_031+032+0223_033+034_FB6 Tawny Owl 2 short visits to Meadow Post 1-4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: After some weeks of absence, this Tawny Owl twice lands of the Meadow Post
about 15 minutes apart.
Date: 27 Sep 2023
View: BU7_20230809_0808_010+009+0809_011 Hare arrives near south hedge gap and scans surroundings 2+1+3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: This Hare ran up (centre) and stopped on the grass near the south hedge gap.
Look left. Look Right. All clear to stay for a moment.
Sounds like the 'Kerb Drill' 'drilled' into us 65 years ago - well it must have
View: D01_20230806_0756_176_FB6 Wood Pigeon landing on meadow post back to camera backlit by morning sun.jpg
Description: Morning light produced some interesting effects.
Date: 26 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230809_0804_022 Teasel head smothered in dew drenched Spider silk (crop).jpg
Description: Dewy mornings can create some attractive effects when backlit by the low morning
First a well 'encrusted' Teasel.
View: DF3_20230809_0804_025 Teasel head on leaning stem smothered in dew drenched Spider silk (orig).jpg
Description: A differently 'dressed' Teasel.
The picture isn't 90 degrees off - some teasels fall over and then
start to grow upwards at the tip.
View: DF3_20230809_0805_034 Spider web drenched with dew.jpg
Description: The more conventional 'spider's web'
View: DF3_20230806_0718_003 Spider web pulling grass stem into semi circle.jpg
Description: A single grass seed head bent over by this the tiny spider's web. The long
strand from the tip of the grass back out of from on the right looks like some
sort of structural entity - that minute speck of a creature know how to do
structural engineering!
Date: 25 Sep 2023
View: D01_20230805_1528_122_FB6 Magpie lands on Meadow post holding large birds foot in beak 2 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: Ugh!
This it second of two pics of this Magpie landing on the Meadow post with a most
disgusting set of claws in their beak. In the third pic in the sequence, taken a
minute later, there is still a Magpie on the post but with empty beak.
What this foot belonged to, and what happened to it, is anybodies guess.
Date: 24 Sep 2023
View: BU7_20230721_1458_046-047 Muntjac Reeves Deer male enters south hedge gap & rubs antler velvet (part accurate montage).jpg
Description: We see this male Reeves' Muntjac Deer most nights at one or more Trail cameras.
Here, unusually in mid-afternoon, he enters at the south hedge gap and soon starts
rubbing his most likely itchy 'velvet' over his antlers on the ground.
View: BU7_20230803_0551_099 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with small Antlers exposed & tusk visible.jpg
Description: 2 weeks later the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer ambles towards the south hedge gap as the
day starts to lighten. It looks like he has at last shed the 'velvet' on the Antlers.
The antlers are mostly hidden by his ears.
View: BU8_20230802_2111_045+2112_046+049+050 Muntjac Reeves Deer female leaves after drink from Duck Pond (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Meanwhile the female Reeves' Muntjac Deer climbs down into the Duck Pond to reach the
water for a drink. Here she is climbing back out before ambling across the adjacent grass.
Date: 23 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230721_0703_117 Sundog to right of sun (none to the left) (crop).jpg
Description: The first sundog we have seen for months. The lens on the camera with us can only just manage the
width between the sun (left) and the dog (right), but in any case the sky to the left of the
sun was both cloud and 'Dog-less'.
The effect was gone inside a minute as the clouds and sun moved out of optimum position.
View: DF3_20230731_0538_003 Sunrise (orig & final).jpg
Description: Red sky in Morning - Shepherd's Warning.
Date: 22 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230729_1557_046-056 Roe Deer male runs to field to south 03+05+07+09+11+13 of 13 (acc montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Dashing from somewhere near or through the south hedge, this male Roe Deer makes
a dash across the grass into the ripening corn, catching us by surprise.
View: DF3_20230729_1557_054 Roe Deer male running from south margin across field to south 11 of 13 (crop).jpg
Description: This is a moment that shows that while Horses may not run like they are shown in
Victorian paintings, the spread out leap is perfectly accurate for Roe deer.
View: DF3_20230729_1557_070-072 Roe Deer male running across field to south 14-16 of 16 (impression montage @7fps).jpg
View: DF3_20230729_1557_084-091 Roe Deer male running across field to south 05+08+10+12 of 12 (approx montage @7fps).jpg
Date: 21 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230729_1004_041 Peacock Butterfly perched on ground level thistle leaf.jpg
Description: A Peacock Butterfly perched on a ground-level thistle leaf.
When you are small enough, all those sharp spines become just a bit of 'texture'.
View: DF3_20230801_0758_023 Red Admiral Butterfly warming themselves on corrugated iron sheet + Shadow.jpg
Description: This Red Admiral Butterfly suns themselves on a corrugated iron sheet.
The shadow just adds to the majesty.
Date: 20 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230728_1621_018 Fungus along several year old fallen branch (orig & final).jpg
Description: Behind 'Round Mound' some fallen branches are now growing an interesting
and rather attractive bracket fungi.
View: DF3_20230728_1622_022 Fungus along several year old fallen branch (orig & final).jpg
View: D71_20230803_0726_011 Fungus growing from log in woodpile (crop + insect detail).jpg
Description: Fungi on cut and fallen branches normally seem to be of the 'bracket fungus'
type, so this one is an unusual sighting.
The insert shows an insect on the right slope of the main fungus cap.
Date: 19 Sep 2023
View: E63_20230727_1708_037_FB1 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile (prob female) with right leg ringed (crop).jpg
Description: This juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker has a ring on this right leg - a nice
shiny new one at that - but even though the ring is 'sharp' it is too restricted
a view to read it reliably. We have passed the image and an enlargement of the
ring to our local RSPB recorder.
Date: 18 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230725_0844_011+0845_017 Migrant Hawker Dragonfly female perched in hedge - side and top views (montage).jpg
Description: This female Migrant Hawker Dragonfly is the first confirmed sighting this year.
Here perched on a rolled up leaf photographed from 2 angles while warming in the sunshine.
A few days later 3 of this annual visitors where in flight over the same stretch of concrete
track, but moving so fast that in-flight pics have so far all failed :-(
View: DF3_20230726_1256_113 Southern Hawker Dragonfly female.jpg
Description: Another sighting of a female Southern Hawker Dragonfly warming quietly in the sunshine.
Date: 17 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230725_1313_054 Holly Blue Butterfly (2nd brood) feeding on Blackberry flowers.jpg
Description: The second brood of Holly Blue Butterflies has emerged.
View: DF3_20230725_1546_079 Brimstone Butterfly female feeding of Thistle flower.jpg
Description: This years brood of Brimstone Butterflies has emerged, this female is feeding on a thistle flower.
With luck she will spend the summer building up her strength, hibernate for the winter
and emerge next Spring to mate and lay her eggs. They do not have a second brood.
Date: 16 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230726_1256_108 2 Peacock Butterflies on single thistle head.jpg
Description: We had begun to think that this year was a disaster for our normally healthy
population of Peacock Butterflies, but suddenly there a 'a few' about.
The early start of the season seems to have had quite the opposite effect
here on this species.
View: DF3_20230725_0850_029 2 Red Admiral Butterflies feeding on Teasel head with 2 rings of flowers.jpg
Description: We are delightfully 'awash' with Red Admiral Butterflies in numbers we don't ever remember seeing
before. Here are two feasting on a Teasel flower with the two rings of flowers now working their
way up and down.
View: DF3_20230725_1301_039 7 Teasel heads flowering in various stages of rings of flowers.jpg
Description: This clump of Teasel flower heads catches the development of the heads in
just a single moment. The initial single ring of flowers splits into rising and
falling rings as the days go by.
Date: 15 Sep 2023
View: D01_20230725_0718_085_FB6 Wood Pigeon landing on Meadow Post backlit by morning sunshine.jpg
Description: The early morning sun backlights this Wood Pigeon and makes the
mass of Teasel heads positively glow.
View: D01_20230726_0642_131_FB6 Wood Pigeon landing on Meadow Post backlit by morning sunshine.jpg
Description: Half an hour earlier the next day the Teasels are still in shade, and the
wind is now Easterly (towards the camera) so we get a rather different image.
View: DF3_20230707_1618_042 Pigeon Egg very neatly opened.jpg
Description: We find dozens of 'opened' Wood Pigeon eggs around the sites, but they are
usually partly chipped open and then broken open by the incumbents exit.
When you think about the balled up chick opening the egg its amazing that
the chips accurate arrived back at the starting point.
Date: 14 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230721_0711_153-163 Hare running down Farm Road grass verge (approx montage @7fps alternate frames).jpg
Description: Accurate positioned alternate frames from this Hare's 'run-by'
So this sequence covers about 1.5 seconds.
View: BUA_20230725_0632_094_SC8 Hare running towards east hedge gap with front leg behind rear.jpg
Description: A Hare 'caught' in an amazing position with 3 legs on the ground, but
the one front leg behind the rear legs.
View: BU8_20230725_2024_074+075 Hare standing vertical (grass near Duck Pond) (montage moved for overlap).jpg
Description: On the grass by the Duck Pond the trail cam catches this moment of a Hare
rearing upwards. The interval between the images is probably 2 or 3 seconds -
much longer than the moment we photographed a few days earlier (Shown on 11 Sep 2023)
Date: 13 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230720_1248_050 Buzzard makes complete circle in Thermal @7fps every 5 frame 06 of 19 (crop).jpg
Description: Here we have a Buzzard spiralling across the sky.
View: DF3_20230720_1248_055-115 Buzzard makes complete circle in Thermal @7fps every 5 frames 07(top)-19 of 19 (montage).jpg
Description: The real size of the circles is many times as big as this, but a spiral of 'brown dots' is
not very satisfying. So here we offer an 'impression' made from a genuine sequence
from an original over 100 frames.
Date: 12 Sep 2023
View: BU7_20230720_1347_006 Grey Squirrel walking down tree trunk with seed head in mouth as another climbs.jpg
Description: The centre Grey Squirrel is 'walking' down the tree trunk by
turning round his rear claws - a wonderfully evolved trick.
They seems to have collected a seed head they are carrying in their mouth.
At the left another is climbing upward - there is food to be had!
NOT a montage.
View: E60_20230717_1647_013+018+1648_025_FB3 Grey Squirrel grooming on Bird Table (montage).jpg
Description: "Hunt the Flea?"
View: E64_20230723_1931_040_FB2 Green Squirrel with head of wheat crop from 30m away.jpg
Description: 100 acres of ripe corn around us keeps many of the wild omnivores well fed.
Even after harvest they will be able to find dropped seeds for weeks.
Date: 11 Sep 2023
View: D71_20230717_0709_043+049 2 Hares chasing about off and on Farm Road (accurate montage over about 1 second).jpg
Description: A pair of Hares, more interested in each other than humans about 100m away down the Farm Road,
were having a little low-key chase - two on the right and the same pair on the left about a
second later. You have to keep really still not to frighten them away.
View: D71_20230717_0709_082-087 Hare off edge of Farm Road suddenly rears upwards 1-6 of 7 (montage @8fps).jpg
Description: One of the Hares stayed well back, while the other approached along the edge
of the Farm Road, suddenly reaching upwards before dropping down again.
All over in less than 1 second.
View: D71_20230717_0709_083-085 Hare off edge of Farm Road suddenly rears upwards 2-4 of 7 (montage @8fps).jpg
View: D71_20230717_0711_110 Hare crouching on Farm Road with another in distance.jpg
Description: The nearby Hare then wandered back down the concrete road.
Here is a moment when you can again see both of them.
If you follow Japanese Anime from studio Hayao Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli you
may know of director Kondo Yoshifumi's sweet film 'Whisper of the Heart' where a
rendering of 'Country Road' as a humorous 'Concrete Road' has a special resonance.
Date: 10 Sep 2023
View: D72_20230715_1249_026 Red Admiral Butterfly feeding from Blackberry flower.jpg
Description: A Red Admiral, here NOT showing their vivid top of wing colours,
has their proboscis deep into the nectary of this blackberry flower
View: DF3_20230717_1322_009 Red Admiral Butterfly feeding on Purple Loosestrife in main pond (crop + insert).jpg
Description: A Red Admiral Butterfly tucking into the nectar from a Purple Loosestrife flower
growing in a patch in the main pond. The insert shows their figure-of-eight
proboscis tucking into the flower.
View: DF3_20230718_1028_072 Red Admiral Butterfly hanging from grass stem.jpg
Description: Another Red Admiral Butterfly, this time hanging from a grass stem.
The Proboscis is rolled up and hidden away.
Date: 09 Sep 2023
View: D01_20230714_0947_101+0948_104+1018_114_FB6 Green Woodpecker male visits to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: Green Woodpeckers are active birds, flying about looking for their small invertebrates.
They most like ants, but unfortunately we don't have any suitable to auto-photograph.
And Green woodpecker flee at the first hint of a human.
View: E6A_20230714_1031_044_FB5 Green Woodpecker male juvenile + adult male at Meadow site.jpg
Description: Here we catch the adult male Green Woodpecker (right) with a juvenile male -
undoubtedly 'his' youngster.
View: D01_20230716_0643_335_FB6 Green Woodpecker adult male (left) with juvenile male.jpg
Description: 2 days later probably the same adult and juvenile male Green Woodpecker are sharing the meadow post.
Date: 08 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230713_1352_006 Gatekeeper Butterfly on leaf with shadow of antennae on leaf below.jpg
Description: The Gatekeeper Butterfly is smaller than the larger Red Admiral (lots of these this year)
and Peacock (only one seen this year on 18July2023).
Their antennae are shadowed on the leaf below.
View: D72_20230715_1116_012 Gatekeeper Butterfly pair mating on grass leaf (crop).jpg
Description: A couple of days later this pair of Gatekeeper Butterflies are mating on a grass blade.
View: DF3_20230719_1430_175 Brimstone Butterfly female on newly flowering Teasel.jpg
Description: Both male and female Brimstone Butterflies are on the wing.
This female is on a newly flowering Teasel head.
The first Teasel flowers appear as a ring near the 'equator'. Then the ring splits
into 2 rings that 'move' upwards and downwards to reach the 'poles'.
Date: 07 Sep 2023
View: BU8_20230707_2236_120+121+2237_127+135 Muntjac Reeves Deer female enters Duck Pond to drink (approx montage).jpg
Description: This female Reeves' Muntjac Deer has to walk right down into the duck pond
to reach the water for a drink.
View: D72_20230705_0813_015 Moth caught in surface tension makes ripple pattern before rescue.jpg
Description: Ponds are an important feature of our wildlife sanctuary, but inevitably there are misfortunes
with the water. This incredibly symmetrical rings of ripples in the Round Pond turned out to
be a poor little moth struggling to get free of the water. Freeing him with a long piece of
fallen branch was a most frustrating endeavour, eventually accomplished.
Date: 06 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230712_0809_008-0810_038 Hare runs across south grass margin up onto Farm Road @7fps 08-38 of 38 (impression montage).jpg
Description: We hadn't spotted this Hare before they took exception to our approach and set
off in the not particularly panicked run away across the hedge margin and up onto
the Farm Road. They paused by the tree before setting off again for the concrete road.
Date: 05 Sep 2023
View: D01_20230711_1758_126_FB6 Sparrowhawk female or juvenile on meadow post in rain 2 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: For the first time in 4 months we get a good sighting of a Sparrowhawk.
This is a female or well a developed juvenile, out in the rain on the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20230708_1552_200-1554_204_FB6 Magpie adult brings food to juvenile on Meadow Post for 3 min visit 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: On the left of each pair of magpies is an adult, first bringing some food for the
youngster on the right, and then staying for a rest.
Yes - the youngster looks plumper than the adult, as we have seen every year!
Date: 04 Sep 2023
View: D01_20230711_1046_090_FB6 Green Woodpecker male landing on Meadow post with disheveled feathers.jpg
Description: It is clear that we have regular visits from a family of Green Woodpeckers - Mum, Dad
and now at least one sprog.
Here is the male landing in an extremely poor state - probably still wet from a bath.
View: d01_20230711_1214_095_fb6 Green Woodpecker male on Meadow post joined by juvenile below 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: Here we see the male at the top, with a juvenile clambering up the post.
View: D01_20230711_1224_098-1226_102_FB6 Green Woodpecker male 3 minute visit to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: Dad Green Woodpecker on the post top ...
View: D01_20230711_1232_104-1235_110_FB6 Green Woodpecker juvenile 4 minute visit to Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: .. and a few minutes later the young Green Woodpecker takes over the position.
Date: 03 Sep 2023
View: BUA_20230708_2040_142+2041_145+147_SC8 Hare inside East hedge gap at twilight 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Lots of activity takes place in the hours of darkness
On the evening of the same day we first see this lovely Hare inside our east hedge
just as it is getting dark.
View: BUA_20230708_2103_156_SC8 Fox looking back at east entrance.jpg
Description: Lots of activity takes place in the hours of darkness
This fox is probably looking back at another fox we witnessed following them a few minutes earlier.
View: BU2_20230708_2107_197_SC7 Badger on Round Mound ar dusk.jpg
Description: Lots of activity takes place in the hours of darkness
Quite a lot of Badgers pass through the site even in winter, but the pics
are normally so poor that we don't keep them.
But this one took our fancy as much clearer than usual.
Date: 02 Sep 2023
View: DF3_20230707_0827_019 Small Skipper Butterfly female perched on grass seed head.jpg
Description: A female Small Skipper Butterfly perched delicately on the delicate grass seed head.
View: D72_20230711_1621_036 Comma Butterfly on leaf on Duck Pond island.jpg
Description: Comma Butterfly, named for the white mark on the bottom of the wings that
you only see when the wings are closed, can be seen all over the sunny areas.
View: DF3_20230712_1730_052 Comma Butterfly on teasel stem.jpg
View: DF3_20230712_1731_054 Comma Butterfly on almost hidden nettle leaves.jpg
Description: Here we rather like the contrast of the scalloped edges of both Butterfly and plant leaf.
Date: 01 Sep 2023
View: D01_20230706_0927_028-0940_052_FB6 Green Woodpecker male preening on meadow post for 14 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: The male Green Woodpecker arrives on the Meadow post looking appallingly dishevelled,
probably fresh from a bath somewhere. 15 minutes later, as good as he will get during
his moult, he looks much more like his old self.
View: D01_20230706_1024_057_FB6 Green Woodpecker adult + juvenile together on Meadow Post 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: An hour later we delightfully see parent (back to camera - sex uncertain) and juvenile
Green Woodpeckers together on the meadow post.
We have been so hoping to see a successful nesting - wherever they chose to nest.
View: D01_20230707_0700_114_FB6 Green Woodpecker juvenile on Meadow Post (crop).jpg
Description: Next morning, with the sun originally flaring out the camera, we see just a juvenile
Green Woodpecker on their own, the sun outlining head and shoulders.
Image Archive arch 2023 aug.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Aug 2023
View: E6A_20230703_2004_181_FB5 Green Woodpecker female looking upwards at Meadow Site.jpg
Description: A female Green Woodpecker stands at the log at the Meadow site and gazes upwards.
View: D01_20230704_1236_144+1239_146+1245_150_FB6 Green Woodpecker male visits to meadow post (montage over 10 minutes).jpg
Description: Green Woodpeckers seem to be very active when on the top of the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20230704_1335_160+1441_164+1444_166_FB6 Green Woodpecker male + female + Great Spotted juvenile (montage).jpg
Description: A little size comparison exercise. Green Woodpeckers are quite a bit bigger than the
more common (in general - just not this year here) Great Spotted
Left to Right:- Male Green, Female Green, Juvenile Great Spotted (which is a similar size to the adult).
View: D01_20230705_1508_203+1509_206_FB6 Green Woodpecker male on Meadow Post (montage 1 minute apart).jpg
Description: Two rather different aspects of the same male Green Woodpecker.
Date: 30 Aug 2023
View: BU5_20230702_1518_027+1519_028+035_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male browsing at edge of Round Pond (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The male Reeves' Muntjac Deer with antlers in velvet spend a few minutes
foraging by the now much water-depleted Round Pond.
View: BU8_20230702_1541_017+021+1544_023 Muntjac Reeves Deer male pauses at Duck Pond for a drink (accurate montage).jpg
Description: 20 minutes later the Deer has arrived at the Duck Pond where he walks down the
bank for a drink. This pond doesn't leak but evaporation takes it's toll.
It is topped up by water pumped from a water-butt with a catchment area
about a third of the roof, but we will need a long wet period to really raise the level.
Date: 29 Aug 2023
View: D01_20230628_0918_338_FB6 Green Woodpecker male perched on side of Meadow Post.jpg
Description: The fluffed up male Green Woodpecker is using his tail as a 'third leg'
View: D01_20230702_0937_004+_0924_002_FB6 Green Woodpecker male visits to Meadow Post (montage over 13 minutes).jpg
Description: A male Green Woodpecker on the meadow post.
Probably 2 different visits 15 minutes apart (right then left).
Date: 28 Aug 2023
View: DF3_20230703_0708_066-0715_114 Hare grooming on edge of Farm Road for 8 minutes 1-6 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: The Hare then set about an 8 minute long wash-and-brush-up session.
View: DF3_20230703_0713_091 Hare grooming on edge of Farm Road for 8 minutes.jpg
Description: Another moment from the 8 minute groom
View: DF3_20230703_0716_125+126+128+130+133 Hare running across Farm Road @7fps (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Finally deciding to depart, the hare lolloped across the concrete towards the
grass outside our east hedge.
View: DF3_20230703_0717_140 Hare against our east hedge.jpg
Description: The Hare decided to go through the hedge into our patch, but surprisingly reappeared
at the same place, only to scamper away, mostly hidden by the uncut grass, to
vanish around the North East corner into the crop or a 'proper' entrance to our
Young hares can undoubtedly walk straight through uncut pig-net, and this
hare may remember when it didn't matter where you walked through!
Date: 27 Aug 2023
View: DF3_20230703_0708_021 Hare sitting on Farm Road with speed limit sign.jpg
Description: An early Monday morning walk came across this Hare standing on
the Farm Road aligned with a 10 mph speed limit sign.
We stopped still to watch from about 50 metres away.
View: DF3_20230703_0708_032+035+038+040 Hare running towards camera (approx montage @7fps).jpg
Description: The Hare left the concrete road and started an amble towards the camera ...
View: DF3_20230703_0708_040+043+050+052+055 Hare running towards camera (impression montage).jpg
Description: ... this montage continuing with a repeat of the same image Right and here left.
View: DF3_20230703_0708_058+063 Hare stepping up onto Farm Road (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The land by the Farm Road has shrunk so that the step up is now about 30cm (a foot) high.
Date: 26 Aug 2023
View: DF3_20230629_1544_059 Rose of Sharon flower fully open.jpg
Description: A reliable patch of Rose of Sharon appears again this year.
We love the generous sized (perhaps 8cm across) and busily
stamened flowers.
View: DF3_20230702_1219_010 Convolvulus white flowers (1st of 2023) with Marmalade Hover-fly.jpg
Description: White Convolvulus flower appear each year along one side of the east-west
path across the centre of the meadow. This photo also caught a Marmalade Hover-fly
making the most of the nectar.
View: DF3_20230702_1220_016 Ragwort flowers (1st of 2023).jpg
Description: Patches of Ragwort pop up at random over the meadow.
We expect the Cinnabar Caterpillars to soon appear, and then
the vivid red and black moths that emerge.
Date: 25 Aug 2023
View: DF3_20230703_0718_181+0719_185 Grey Squirrel (small youngster) eats Wheat seeds under Lombard Poplar 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: A few times we have come across this distinctly under-sized Grey squirrel at the
base of a young Lombardy Poplar. Here they are systematically stripping unripe
Wheat heads of their seeds The Squirrel left as we walked down the concrete
track, and the insert shows the remains of their efforts.
View: DF3_20230703_0718_181 Grey Squirrel (small youngster) eats Wheat seeds at base of Lombard Poplar 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
View: E63_20230628_1639_037_FB1 2 Grey Squirrel juveniles.jpg
Description: These two young Grey Squirrels already have one food supply sorted - always check this hedge bottom.
View: DF3_20230629_0939_009 Grey Squirrel sprawled in tree branch in south hedge.jpg
Description: An adult Grey Squirrel spread-eagled on a sunny branch in the south hedge couldn't
care less about the 2 humans 10 metres away. "This is the life!".
If this is a 'mum' squirrel, we completely understand her point of view.
Date: 24 Aug 2023
View: DF3_20230627_0954_019-034 Red Kite gliding overhead (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: This Red Kite glided lazily overhead.
These 16 images are accurately montaged at about 7 frames per second,
so about 2 and a half seconds of flight.
View: DF3_20230627_0954_025-027 Red Kite gliding overhead (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: A detail from the centre of the above.
Date: 23 Aug 2023
View: DF3_20230625_1251_222-224 Emperor Dragonfly female in flight (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: This is our first sighting of an Emperor Dragonfly for 3 years.
Positioning is accurate at about 7 fps.
View: DF3_20230625_1251_223 Emperor Dragonfly female in flight 2 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: The middle pic in the montage at a more easily identifiable scale.
View: D71_20230625_1611_071-075 Brown Hawker Dragonfly in flight @8fps (accurate montage).jpg
Description: A Brown Hawker Dragonfly veering upwards to avoid the cap wearer
This camera-lens pairing is a little faster at 8 fps.
The black at the bottom left isn't a privacy thing - following the insect just didn't
catch the cap-wearers head!
View: D71_20230625_1613_181 Brown Hawker Dragonfly female - 1st of 2023 (ID only).jpg
Description: Brown Hawker Dragonflies really live up to their name - brown bodies and brown wings
really do look 'brown' in flight even at a glimpse.
Date: 22 Aug 2023
View: D01_20230623_1835_115+1837_120_FB6 Green Woodpecker female landing on Meadow Post & later preening (montage).jpg
Description: We have both male and female Green Woodpeckers visiting the Meadow Post.
This is the female with a black stripe under her eye.
View: D01_20230624_0911_156+0933_158_FB6 Green Woodpecker male (left) and female (montage 22 minutes apart).jpg
Description: This is the male with Red outlined with black under the eye.
View: D01_20230624_1324_171+172_FB6 Green Woodpecker female lands on meadow Post and starts calling 1+2 of 2 (montage over 500mS).jpg
Description: Here the female landed and within half a second was already calling.
View: D01_20230624_1324_171_FB6 Green Woodpecker female lands on meadow Post and immediately calls 1+2 of 2 (animation).gif
Description: The above pair of images were recorded about half a second apart and
we couldn't resist making this silly animated GIF to show the effect.
Date: 21 Aug 2023
View: BUA_20230624_0726_132_SC8 Hare near East hedge gap biting top of weed 2 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: This Hare just inside the East hedge gap seems to be biting off the leafy part
of this solo weed on the otherwise barren ground.
View: DF3_20230626_1619_007-010 Hare jumping from south grass border onto Farm Road (slightly stretched montage @7fps).jpg
Description: This Hare about 100m away from us across the south margin decides to depart
and gave a nice little illustration of 'high jump' as they left.
Date: 20 Aug 2023
View: BU7_20230623_1701_020 Fox near south hedge gap early evening.jpg
Description: An adult Fox near the south hedge gap, very much on the hunt.
View: E63_20230626_0036_332_FB1 Fox adult at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: Three days later the same or another adult Fox inspects the leavings at
the hedge bottom site.
Date: 19 Aug 2023
View: E60_20230622_1743_017_FB3 Wood Pigeon pair watching something.jpg
Description: "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
View: E6A_20230627_1621_167_FB5 3 Wood Pigeons at Meadow site.jpg
Description: 3 immaculate Wood Pigeons check over the Meadow feeding site.
Date: 18 Aug 2023
View: D72_20230619_1218_013 Oxeye Daisies covering about 20 sq m east of Meadow photo site (orig & final).jpg
Description: This year we have two major patches of Oxeye daisies - this one by the
Meadow camera (far end in this pic) and another near the north edge of the meadow.
View: DF3_20230622_1015_010 Thistle in bud and flower on same stem.jpg
Description: The wonderful intricacies of a Thistle Flower-head.
View: DF3_20230625_1237_079 Blackberry blossom with pink petals.jpg
Description: The Blackberry plants are all starting to flower.
Flower petals range from white to the deep pink we see here.
Date: 17 Aug 2023
View: E63_20230621_0913_096+0916_097_FB1 Grey Squirrel picks up Fir Cone and start to eat it (montage).jpg
Description: This Fir Cone appeared a few days earlier, and finally this Grey Squirrel has
decided that it is worth the trouble to rip apart for the seeds within.
View: PK1_20230621_0947_954+968+956 Grey Squirrel repeated dozes in warm sunshine on kitchen bird table (montage).jpg
Description: The hot sun beats down on the bird table in the summer months.
This Squirrel spent at least 10 minutes hanging over the bird table soaking
in the warmth and falling in and out of a drowse.
View: PK1_20230621_1629_025 5 Great Tit juveniles on Kitchen Peanut feeder.jpg
Description: From not having seen any Great Tits for months, we now have at least 5
Great Tit youngsters feeding around the Kitchen Window.
Where's the fifth? Just the tail appears below.
Date: 16 Aug 2023
View: D01_20230618_0909_240+0911_242_FB6 Green Woodpecker female on side of Meadow Post 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: Both female and male Green Woodpeckers are visiting the site - most usually caught on
camera on the Meadow Post. This is the female - no red stripe under the eye.
View: D01_20230619_0601_362+0602_363_FB6 Green Woodpecker male on side of Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: Here the male Green Woodpecker with red stripe under the eye.
View: D01_20230617_0850_157+0939_161_FB6 Green Woodpecker male & Blackbird male size comparison (montage).jpg
Description: Giving an indication impression of the actual size of creatures in photographs is something
that doesn't seem to have been solved.
Here are a Green Woodpecker and a Blackbird at the same scale.
Date: 15 Aug 2023
View: BU8_20230618_0903_151+153+0905_154-155 Fox stops at Duck Pond for a drink (approx montage).jpg
Description: An adult Fox stops by the Duck Pond for a drink.
The image nearest the centre looks particularly fierce.
View: BU5_20230619_2247_041_SC1+BU8_20230619_2249_043 Fox at Round Pond seen with prey item at Duck Pond 2 mins later (montage).jpg
Description: Two trail cameras catch a Fox time-stamped 2 minutes apart (we try to keep them
accurate to a minute) we have to assume that between a visit to the Round Pond (left)
and passing the Duck Pond the Fox captured an unwary bird, from it's size we
guess a Rook or Jackdaw.
View: BUA_20230621_2201_157_SC8 Fox staring at trail camera.jpg
Description: A pristine fox, we think a growing cub from our first earth,
stares suspiciously at the low-glow infrared lamp.
Date: 14 Aug 2023
View: BU7_20230616_2042_030-2122_034 Roe Deer female enters at south + visits ponds + exits at south (montage over 40m).jpg
Description: This female Roe Deer spent about 40 minutes wandering around the site before exiting
at the same point she arrived
View: BU5_20230617_0445_145-0455_052_SC1 Road Deer female visits Round + Duck Ponds + Orchard + tree at south (montage over 10m).jpg
Description: After midnight on the same night we see the female Roe Deer for 10 minutes.
The final shot looks amazingly similar to the start of the sequence above - while building
the montage we initially thought we had made a mistake - but it is a genuine second moment.
View: BU3_20230617_0507_063_SC6 Roe Deer female exits hedge onto access track.jpg
Description: 20 minutes later the female Roe Deer is on the concrete access track exiting the hedge at
the left. There is an animal-worn trail through the hedge here, but the barbed wire
and Pig-net fence may be passable for smaller creatures but not for a Roe deer without the space
to make a running leap. So she has probably entered the ditch out of sight of the camera,
and chosen to cross back to the track at this conveniently sparse point.
Date: 13 Aug 2023
View: DA1_20230616_1319_065+20230614_1526_044_FT1 Meadow Brown Butterfly in flight with Red Campion (montage).jpg
Description: A second day photographing flying insects starts with this Meadow Brown Butterfly.
View: DA1_20230617_1349_180+1435_430_FT1 Eyed Hawk-moth perched on box with eye-spots hidden and then exposed (montage).jpg
Description: Our 'won't fly for us' Poplar Hawk Moths have been supplemented by 2 or 3 Eyed Hawk-moths.
Here you see the trick appearance of the 'eyes' used to frighten off an attacker.
View: DA1_20230617_1359_236+1433_401_FT1 Eyed Hawk-moth in flight - both sides of eye spots (montage in inverted & normal flight.jpg
Description: The Eyed Hawk-moth was a bit reluctant to fly for us, but we got a few
frames which actually had a moth in them.
Here is a montage of two flights, the right image shows the underside of the moth,
and the left the top of the moth (with the eyes) because the moth is flying inverted.
View: DA1_20230617_1413_301+300_FT1 Small Elephant Hawk-moth in 2 flights (montage).jpg
Description: The catch also included a few Small Elephant Hawk-moths.
Here is a montage of this colourful not-so-little delight.
Date: 12 Aug 2023
View: DA1_20230615_1408_164+1331_044_FT1 Burnished Brass Moth with Blackberry buds (montage).jpg
Description: The Burnished Brass Moth has patches of iridescent scales that really do shine
brightly when the light and viewer angles are appropriate. Here we got lucky in-flight.
View: DA1_20230615_1410_176+1331_046_FT1 Burnished Brass Moth in inverted flight with Blackberry leaf (montage).jpg
Description: Here the Burnished Brass Moth is flying upside down - we often see images
of insects flying inverted.
To small insects the viscosity of air must be a bit like Humans in water -
the sense of up and down becomes blurred.
View: D71_20230616_0730_011 Burnished Brass Moth in box.jpg
Description: Here is a Burnished Brass Moth sitting quietly in the standard insect 'Pill-box'
The camera was angled to catch the 'brass' iridescence at its maximum, but
without any 'photo fiddling'.
View: D71_20230616_0731_013 Burnished Brass Moth on ground detritus.jpg
Description: Upon release the Burnished Brass Moth chose a bit of stem
lying of the ground. Here the shiny areas are just a dull green,
the same appearance as seen in many ID books.
Why would anybody call it 'Burnished Brass'?
Date: 11 Aug 2023
View: DA1_20230615_1350_110+1352_119+1518+329_FT1 Scorched Wind Moth two flights with Cranesbill (montage).jpg
Description: The Moth trap catch this time was something between 200 and 300 moths - a more
typical number than the thousand or so a few days earlier.
This is a Scorched Wing Moth caught in two moments of flight.
View: DA1_20230615_1355_127_FT1 Brimstone Moth with Field Mouse-ear Chickweed (montage).jpg
Description: A Brimstone MOTH - in its own way just as beautiful as it's namesake Butterfly.
View: DA1_20230615_1430_218+1433_239+1517_321_FT1 Peppered Moth in flight with Grass seed head (montage.jpg
Description: The Peppered Moth (on the large side for 'ordinary' moths) has this wonderful
intricate pattern of black spots on white background.
View: D71_20230615_1451_002 Peppered Moth chooses withered blackberry leaf to hide after release (crop 1).jpg
Description: After we released one of the Peppered moths he chose a desiccated Blackberry leaf
to hide on. The camouflage really works rather well.
Date: 10 Aug 2023
View: DA1_20230615_1304_008_FT1 Banded Demoiselle Damselfly male in Flight (crop).jpg
Description: After the finish of the Beautiful Demoiselle Damselflies season we didn't expect to see any
Banded Demoiselles, but unexpectedly came across the single individual male.
He obliged with several elegant flights across our little photo-stage for us
before we put him back where we found him.
View: DA1_20230615_1305_010+1306_013+016_FT1 Banded Demoiselle Damselfly male in Flight (montage).jpg
Description: 3 moments of flight constructed into an attractive montage.
Date: 09 Aug 2023
View: DA1_20230614_1521_039+1526_049_FT1 Speckled Wood Butterfly in flight with Red Campion Flower (montage).jpg
Description: This Spring's dearth of Butterflies since the glut of Orange-tip Butterflies is rather alarming.
The only butterfly we see in more than one per hour is the Speckled Wood.
Here are a couple of photos taken in our refurbished insects-in-flight camera kit
View: DA1_20230614_1526_043+1526_043_FT1 Speckled Wood Butterfly with Red Campion flowers (montage).jpg
Date: 08 Aug 2023
View: E63_20230613_1747_188_FB1 Grey Squirrel youngster chasing off (probably) Rook.jpg
Description: A young Grey Squirrel already practising leaping at some corvid just out of frame.
View: E63_20230613_1907_208_FB1 2 Grey Squirrel youngsters at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: And its not just one - here we have Double Trouble.
View: E64_20230613_1757_061+1822_069_FB2 Pheasant male (1st recent sighting) + attack by Grey Squirrel 25m later (montage).jpg
Description: After months of absence a male Pheasant returns.
It doesn't take long for a Grey Squirrel to attack.
Date: 07 Aug 2023
View: E6A_20230613_1639_053_FB5 Rook juvenile begging from parent (crop 3).jpg
Description: This young Rook makes it very clear to the rather depressed looking parent
that it wants F O O D !
Date: 06 Aug 2023
View: E60_20230612_0940_010+014+015+0943_034_FB3 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile on Kitchen perch (stretched montage).jpg
Description: We don't know where they nested, but a family (well so far one youngster and
'Dad) of Great Spotted Woodpeckers has appeared. This juvenile spent several
minutes at the kitchen perch and bird-table making so many moves that we used
separate cameras to try to catch the action.
This first is the automatic camera at the kitchen window being manually fired ...
View: PK1_20230612_0941_750+758+0942_786+807 Great Spotted Woodpecker juvenile on Kitchen bird table (montage).jpg
Description: ... and this the Kitchen 'grab camera.
View: D01_20230612_1008_021_FB6 Great Spotted Woodpecker male lands on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: Here, within 20 minutes, is most probably Dad on the Meadow post some 30 metres away.
Date: 05 Aug 2023
View: DF3_20230608_1036_010 Field Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium arvense) flowers (crop 1).jpg
Description: Chickweed is just a 'weed'.
But that doesn't mean it can't have beautiful flowers.
View: DF3_20230608_1036_010 Field Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium arvense) flower (crop 2).jpg
View: DF3_20230608_1036_014 Fox-and-Cubs (Pilosella autantiaca) head of flowers.jpg
Description: The Fox-and-Cubs are now starting their flowering in earnest.
Gorgeous little blobs of sunshine.
View: DF3_20230610_0932_106 Dog Roses - left fresh & right sun bleached.jpg
Description: This pair of Dog Roses on the same branch show very different conditions -
one freshly open and the other sun-bleached. We think that the lack of fertilising
insects means the flowers stay open for longer, giving the UV from the sun time to
do it's damage.
Date: 04 Aug 2023
View: E64_20230607_2258_183_FB2 Fox Cub hunting at woodland site (crop).jpg
Description: An hour after dark - what's for 'breakfast'.
The naming of meals for nocturnal animals / night-working humans seems to quite a muddle!
View: SP1_20230612_2053_608_SP1 Fox adult hunting behind main pond - still except head for at least 9 seconds.jpg
Description: A new Trail Cam at the back of the main pond catches this Fox on the hunt
as darkness descends
View: E64_20230614_0336_114_FB2 Fox Cub at woodland site.jpg
Description: One of the Fox Cubs alone at the Woodland site.
Date: 03 Aug 2023
View: P10_20230611_0724_486 Poplar Hawk Moth perched on human hand face to camera (crop).jpg
Description: Poplar hawk moths are big and take a while to warm up for flight, providing
a chance to get this portrait 'in the hand' 'on the thumb'.
View: P10_20230611_0727_495+498 Small Elephant Hawk Moth + Elephant Hawk Moth (montage).jpg
Description: These two pink apparitions are respectively a Small Elephant Hawk-moth (big by
average moth standards) and the 'normal (bigger)' Elephant Hawk-moth.
Although they share the same strange mix of drab green and purple pink their
markings are distinct.
We wanted to know whether these two species were separately evolved (convergent evolution)
or one evolved from the other. A hopeful paper at
contains lots of detail, but without technical background in genomics
the various charts don't divulge much. There is no 'summary' to help.
If any expert finds this and can help, we would be delighted to
update this entry.
Date: 02 Aug 2023
View: D72_20230602_1300_025 Woodland Canopy from edge of Meadow (orig & final).jpg
Description: Trying to get a pic of the Caterpillar damage caught this pic of one of the more
open areas of leaf canopy that just catches our fancy.
View: DF3_20230528_0826_356 Morning sunlight streaming into woodland (orig & final).jpg
Description: Morning light streams about 50 metres into the woodland.
View: BUA_20230613_0834_030_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer male at east hedge shaded from morning sunlight.jpg
Description: What's going to happen on this new day?
Date: 01 Aug 2023
View: D01_20230607_1015_150-1025_191_FB6 Green Woodpecker male spends 12 minutes on Meadow Post 01-04+06-07 of 15 (montage).jpg
Description: First glimpsed probing soil in a recently mowed grass path, the male Green
Woodpecker spent several minutes on the top of the Meadow Post. Spotting him on
the CCTV caused a stampede to the room with the camera covering this post to
fire off lots more pics (well over 100) of this event. Here are an assortment of
pics taken in the 12 minutes of the birds vigorous activity.
View: D01_20230607_1025_192_FB6 Green Woodpecker male spends 12 minutes on Meadow Post 08 of 15 (crop).jpg
View: D01_20230607_1025_198-1027_247_FB6 Green Woodpecker male spends 12 minutes on Meadow Post 09-11+13-15 of 15 (montage).jpg
Image Archive arch 2023 jul.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Jul 2023
View: BU7_20230604_0716_173 Roe Deer male in dappled sunlight with grass stem hanging from antlers (adjusted crop).jpg
Description: This male Roe Deer makes a majestic entry at the south hedge gap.
We are not impressed by his 'choice' of necklace.
View: DF5_20230606_0618_002 Muntjac Reeves Deer male at front of main Pond.jpg
Description: Breakfast was enhanced on this morning by the male Reeves' Muntjac Deer
having his 'breakfast' along the edge of the main pond viewed from the kitchen.
View: D71_20230605_1308_010 Toad found in vegetable bed released on bank of Duck Pond.jpg
Description: At a different scale, work in the vegetable bed came to an instant halt on
discovering this Toad under a weed. We released it onto the bank of Duck pond.
It could have stayed in the long grass, but chose to dive into the water.
Date: 30 Jul 2023
View: E63_20230604_1838_378+2332_385_FB1 Fox Cub visits in evening light (left) and darkness (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The highly photogenic Fox Cubs photographed themselves at least 30 times over
4 days. Here is an assortment
View: E64_20230604_2108_258+20230603_0300_134+20230604_2110_259_FB2 Fox Cub visits to Woodland site (montage).jpg
Description: A montage - whether the same or different cubs is hard to judge.
View: BU7_20230604_2211_202+204 Fox enters south hedge with 2 Cubs - one of which runs off to right (montage).jpg
Description: Foxes following an adult suggests that this is the 'new' fox family.
Mum or Dad has entered through the hedge gap showing 3 pairs of glowing eyes.
After crossing the ditch the adult stopped along with one of the cubs, while
another Cub goes dashing off to the right.
View: E63_20230605_1816_087+20230607_2219_229_FB1 Fox Cubs showing day (left) & night eye irises 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: This montage of Fox cub visits in evening light (18:15 - left) and early night
time (22:20 - right) gives us a good look at the Foxes Iris changing to suit
the lighting - vertical slit while light and wide open circle in the dark
Date: 29 Jul 2023
View: D72_20230602_1301_036 Stems of Dock flowers (crop 2).jpg
Description: Dock plants (to most people just weeds!) don't get much appreciation.
Their thin flower spikes include hundreds of tiny florets
View: DF3_20230603_1344_015 Bee feeding on Oxeye Daisy flower head (crop 2).jpg
Description: The Oxeye Daisies are starting to flower, and along come a few insects to feast.
What appears to be a Bee is in fact a hoverfly - an Eristalis.
Oxeye daisy flowers are actually a multiple flower head - the yellow section
containing hundred of tiny flowers, while the white petals are another form of
flower, the whole assembly making a visually attractive magnet for insects.
View: DF3_20230603_1345_016 Greenbottle Blowfly feeding on Oxeye daisy flower head (crop 2).jpg
Description: This appears to be a Greenbottle enjoying a similar Oxeye Daisy flower.
View: D72_20230602_1547_061 Wasp Beetle about 15mm body (Clytus arietis).jpg
Description: A new insect for us, lurking on a twig, is a 1.5 cm (half inch) Wasp Beetle.
It is a Wasp Mimic as a form of defence.
Date: 28 Jul 2023
View: D72_20230602_1300_024 Spindle Ermine Moth caterpillar infests whole tree (crop with insert).jpg
Description: The Spindle Ermine Moth infestation this year is not as bad as last year (we estimate
about 30% of last years) , but some of the trees are very badly smothered.
View: D72_20230602_1300_028 Spindle Ermine Moth Caterpillar infestation (ID only).jpg
Description: Illustrating the damage Spindle Ermine Moths do, here is a silky bagful of soon to
leave caterpillar along with half a leaf completely stripped.
Date: 27 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230604_1505_057 Long-tail Tit juvenile in willow tree at Duck Pond.jpg
Description: A family (of we guess 8) of the usually reticent Long-tailed Tits spent several minutes
feeding in the Willow trees at the back of the Duck Pond while we stood still at the front.
The fast moving little birds. and all those willow leaves and twigs, made it difficult to get
a decent pic, but here are a couple of this delightful little bird.
Both of these are 'new' this Spring. The red rim of the eye is normal.
View: DF3_20230604_1509_069 Long-tail Tit juvenile in willow tree at Duck Pond.jpg
Date: 26 Jul 2023
View: E6C_20230530_1653_054_FB4 Chaffinch female with cranefly in beak.jpg
Description: The female Chaffinch has an unfortunate Crane-fly in her beak.
We have thousands of crane-flies - almost anywhere you look you can find one.
View: E63_20230531_0519_138_FB1 Blackbird male at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: We have not seen much of Blackbirds, so its nice to see this male in apparently good condition.
Date: 25 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230528_1333_451 Common Blue Damselfly female blue form perched on leaf.jpg
Description: A female common Blue Damselfly perched in hazy sunshine.
View: DF3_20230521_1751_509 Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly female 4 of 4 (crop).jpg
Description: A female Broad-bodied chaser in the evening sunlight gave us a few minutes to enjoy her
- albeit some 4 metres away over impenetrable brambles.
The male has similar body form but the body is powder (literally) blue.
Date: 24 Jul 2023
View: E64_20230527_0014_197+20230526_2353_196_FB2 Fox Cub(s) visits to Woodland site over midnight (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Fox Cub(s) over midnight. Their fur is now turning into the classic Foxy Red and
their faces taking on the fiercer more pointed look of the adult fox.
Taken 20 minutes apart the different tints of the fur suggest that this is two individuals.
View: E63_20230528_0333_157+20230527_2251_247_FB2 Fox cub(s) visits to Woodland site over midnight (montage).jpg
Description: These two Fox Cub visits are 4 hours apart over midnight.
View: E63_20230530_0124_076_FB1 Fox juvenile at hedge bottom (crop 2).jpg
Description: Another Fox cub learning his craft - we wouldn't want to be at the end of that stare.
View: DF3_20230528_1015_362+365+360 Fox adult hunting along back of main pond (montage)jpg.jpg
Description: A glimpse of a brown shape at the back of the pond induces a stampede to an
upper floor window to see this adult fox stalking the back margin of the pond.
We didn't see him catch anything, but he was out of sight before and after these
moments, so may have.
A new Fox family with obviously younger cubs has been glimpsed around the
sites - this adult may be from either family.
Date: 23 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230526_0858_017 Burnet Roses in East hedge (orig & final).jpg
Description: The outside of the East hedge smothered in Burnet Rose flowers.
Downwind of this patch is like walking into a perfume shop!
View: DF3_20230526_0858_021 Burnet Roses in East hedge - flower and stamens detail.jpg
Description: A Burnet Rose flower with petals fallen make an interesting abstract shape.
The stamens are shadowed on the leaf to it's right.
Date: 22 Jul 2023
View: E64_20230523_0553_078_FB2 Moorhen (Vee-beak) turning at Woodland site.jpg
Description: This Moorhen (Vee-beak) is one of the Moorhen we think may have a nest
on Round Pond island. Here they are caught in a rather awkward looking twist
one way while looking the other way.
View: E64_20230524_0556_138_FB2 Moorhen Vee-beak) catches worm at Woodland site 2 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: Next early morning the same Moorhen has caught and is carrying a worm for a chick.
If the Moorhen was going to eat it themselves it would have gone 'straight-down-the-hatch'
View: DF3_20230524_1248_053 Moorhen chick paddling in Round Pond.jpg
Description: A few of this years first brood of Moorhen chicks are occasionally spotted
at the back of Round pond where is a gently shelving mudbank. The little
chick makes ripples in the water.
View: DF3_20230524_1249_071 Moorhen Chick on North bank of Round Pond with reflection.jpg
Description: A few of this years first brood of Moorhen chicks are occasionally spotted
at the back of Round pond where is a gently shelving mudbank. Keeping
still in the mud allows the still water to catch their reflection.
Date: 21 Jul 2023
View: BU5_20230522_0826_010_SC1 Moorhen adult followed by 5 chicks by Round Pond (crop).jpg
Description: We lost track of the Moorhen family after the second adult joined in to help
the single parent. Here see one adult followed by 5 chicks of about the right age.
View: E64_20230526_2007_190_FB2 Moorhen visits with up to 3 chicks at Meadow Site 3 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: The 'replacement' adult was feeding 3 of the 8 chicks a week ago, so it is possible
that there are still all extant and that this is the second group.
Date: 20 Jul 2023
View: BU5_20230524_1910_407_SC1 Chinese Water Deer male visits Round Pond poss for a drink.jpg
Description: The occasional sighting of a distant Chinese Water Deer is here supplemented
by this male visiting Round Pond.
View: BU5_20230522_0123_423_SC1 Roe Deer male by edge of Round Pond.jpg
Description: A third male Roe Deer has appeared, and doesn't he look majestic.
Date: 19 Jul 2023
View: D01_20230525_1209_012_FB6 Green Woodpecker male landing on Meadow post.jpg
Description: Green Woodpeckers are back to frequenting the Meadow Post.
This beautiful male lands on the side - tail acting as a third landing 'leg'.
View: D01_20230525_1920_056_FB6 Green Woodpecker female landed on Meadow post.jpg
Description: Here a female Green Woodpecker pays an evening visit.
If they are nesting here we don't know where, but do hope for the
'patter of tiny claws' in the fullness of time.
Date: 18 Jul 2023
View: E64_20230523_0339_074_FB2 Fox Cub hunting at Woodland site.jpg
Description: Another 'sweet' little Fox Cub - learning how to kill to survive.
View: BU7_20230523_2216_076 Fox Cub carrying small prey item towards south hedge gap.jpg
Description: Many hours later this Fox Cub heads for the South hedge gap with a
sizeable looking prey item in the obviously not-so-tiny mouth.
View: E64_20230526_0403_093_FB2 Fox Cub at Woodland site presumably wet from dew-soaked grass.jpg
Description: It hasn't rained here since the coronation (3 weeks), but this
Fox's fur is sodden. No-mow May means that even the grass paths
become dew-drenched each morning.
Date: 17 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230528_0811_278-289 Roe Deer male bounds across Farm Road into crop 11+13+15+17+19+22 of 22 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: Concluding the 4 day Saga of the Roe Deer
Here is the second half of his final run across the Farm Road.
View: DF3_20230528_0811_280 Roe Deer male bounds across Farm Road into crop 13 of 22 (crop).jpg
Description: A detail from the above
View: DF3_20230528_0811_297 Roe Deer male checks on photographer from inside farm crop.jpg
Description: The male Roe Deer stuck his head above the crop for a last look - perhaps to
check that we were not chasing him, and he then 'disappeared'.
Date: 16 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230528_0811_268-289 Roe Deer male bounds across Farm Road 01+03+05+07+09+11+13+15+17+19+22 of 22 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Day 3 of the 4 day Saga of the Roe Deer
Having taken a few steps toward us the male Roe Deer obviously decided that
discretion was better than valour, and streaked back to the farm crop to
disappear within. This is the odd-numbered frames at 7 fps, except for skipping
one frame as he slowed.
View: DF3_20230528_0811_268-276 Roe Deer male bounds across Farm Road into crop 01+03+05+07+09 of 22 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Here are bits of the montage in shorter sections (for more detail) and some stills from the even numbered frames.
View: DF3_20230528_0811_277 Roe Deer male bounds across Farm Road into crop 10 of 22 (crop).jpg
Date: 15 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230528_0810_132 Roe Deer male bounding over Farm Road by speed limit sign 7 of 8 (crop).jpg
Description: Day 2 of the 4 day Saga of the Roe Deer
Undeniable evidence: Caught speeding!
View: DF3_20230528_0810_153 Roe Deer male stops to stare at cameraman.jpg
Description: Instead on continuing into the crop, the Male Roe Deer stopped and stared
at us as if he didn't know what to do.
View: DF3_20230528_0810_174-196 Roe Deer male bounding over Farm Road to East Hedge 13+16+18+19 of 19 (slightly stretch montage).jpg
Description: To our surprise he decides to cross back over the Farm Road,
before another session staring at us.
View: DF3_20230528_0811_246 Roe Deer male edges toward cameraman along East hedge 6 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: Even more surprising was that he then started to walk tentatively towards us.
Date: 14 Jul 2023
View: BU8_20230528_0625_153 Roe Deer female followed by male.jpg
Description: Here starts the 4 day Saga of the Roe Deer on Sunday 28 May.
A quiet day sandwiched in before a UK bank holiday, so very little traffic or other
disturbances. Here at about 05:30 (early morning) the trail cam catches a glimpse of a
pair (not a montage) of Roe Deer browsing on the long grass inside our patch
View: DF3_20230528_0810_106+108+110 Roe Deer male trotting towards Farm Road 1+3+5 of 5 (spread montage).jpg
Description: An 8 a.m. walk around the perimeter of our 2 acre 'paradise' surprised us with
seeing the female Roe Deer leap into the crop. Never spotted again & no photo.
But the male appears right by our east hedge (left here) and to set off in the
same direction as the female into the crop over the Farm Road on the right.
View: DF3_20230528_0810_126-133 Roe Deer male bounding over Farm Road by speed limit sign 1+3+5+8 of 8 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: First having to cross the concrete Farm Road.
View: DF3_20230528_0810_126 Roe Deer male bounding over Farm Road by speed limit sign 1 of 8 (crop).jpg
Description: More detail of the image on the left.
When we see such pics we are always amazed that Roe Deer don't get their legs tangled up.
Date: 13 Jul 2023
View: BU7_20230525_1455_012+005 Muntjac Deer male growing new antlers grooming near South hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: This male Muntjac Deer stops in front of the trail cam for a groom.
His new Antlers are growing apace.
View: BU7_20230525_1501_045 Muntjac Reeves Deer male (behind) and female near South Hedge Gap (crop).jpg
Description: Five minutes after his groom, we catch the male and female Reeves' Muntjac Deer
aligned in a way your couldn't get even if you planned for it.
The female is nearest the camera.
Date: 12 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230521_0832_242-252 Red Kite pursued by Rook who grab a Kite feather 02+04+06+10+12 of 14 (impression montage @7fps).jpg
Description: After a few minutes circling in a weak thermal the Red Kite started to depart.
But the Rooks started to take exception to Kites presence. Most of these in-air
pursuits are more 'threat' than substance, but on this occasion (the first time
close enough to us to see, let alone photograph) the Rook managed to grab one of
the tail feathers of the Red Kite who really obviously took exception and twisted
round to see off the annoyance with his fearsome claws.
We don't have anything static to accurately align the images, so the pairs of bird images are
arranged mainly for clarity and to fit them into a single image by horizontal overlapping.
We have all 14 original frames should anybody be interested.
View: DF3_20230521_0832_245 Red Kite pursued by Rook who grab a Kite feather 05 of 14 (crop).jpg
Description: This image (5 of 14) would fit between the second and third pair of birds in the montage.
View: DF3_20230521_0829_043+045+047 Red Kite gliding 1+3+5 of 5 (approx montage @7fps).jpg
Description: A few minutes earlier the Kite glided by perhaps 50 metres away, underside lit by the morning sun.
View: DF3_20230521_0829_074-078 Red Kite turning in flapping flight 1-5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: Here undisturbed by the 'pesky' Rooks, we see a few moments of powered flapping flight.
Date: 11 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230520_1245_060+1246_064 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly female perched on leaf flutter down to lower leaf (montage).jpg
Description: Our now (and hopefully continuing) annual appearance of Beautiful Demoiselle Damselflies
(the common name of the species) is underway. Their usual appearance on the sunny
side of the inner hedge near the South east corner is this year limited to just a couple of
insects, but they are also appearing at various sunny patches on warm days.
View: DF3_20230522_1550_013 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly occasionally fluttering wings.jpg
Description: Perched Demoiselle Damselflies normally perch with all four wings
aligned to produce a rather dark effect. This female Beautiful
was repeatedly flicking her wings providing an opportunity to
appreciate the subtle colour of mixed overlaps.
View: DF3_20230522_1552_021+1557_022 Beautiful Demoiselle Damselflies male (top) + female (montage).jpg
Description: In this montage we see male (top) and female Beautiful Demoiselle Damselflies.
This is a montage of the two about half a metre apart on the same bush.
Date: 10 Jul 2023
View: D72_20230519_1017_010 May bush in blossom climbing 11kV power pole (orig & final).jpg
Description: Installing utility poles in the centre of hedges is great for avoiding them
cluttering up agricultural fields where they slow down the seemingly endless
series of sprays, but as you see here the tractor flails can't cut right up to
the poles.
Don't despise tractor flails - they are the only practical method of hedge
management open to farmers - a flailed hedge is a lot better than no hedge. Even
a previous eco-friendly owner of the Farm was going to get the hedges hand laid
and cut, but it never happened.
View: DF3_20230522_1526_002 Hawthorn Hedge 200m metres in bloom (crop).jpg
Description: To the north runs a 200 metres long Hawthorn hedge that apparently wasn't cut
at the end of last year. Lovely!
View: D72_20230519_1248_410 May trees in blossom at north of meadow (orig & final).jpg
Description: The Hawthorn blossom has been really spectacular this year.
This mass is growing over our east hedge from a few metres inside.
View: DF3_20230521_0846_372 Field covered in Buttercups far to NW (orig & final).jpg
Description: Over the pastures to the North west, the Buttercups are having a great time!
Date: 09 Jul 2023
View: E64_20230519_0118_052_FB2 Fox Cub at Woodland site (crop 2).jpg
Description: Some of the Fox Cubs seems to have become quite independent, and can be seen
on their own at various sites. Some visit the high resolution sites despite
the camera noise and flash.
View: BU7_20230519_2134_128 Fox Cub follows mother entering at south hedge gap.jpg
Description: As well as Fox cubs on there own, we also see single Cubs following
one of Mum or Dad.
View: DF3_20230521_1048_419+413+410+403 Fox Cub exploring field Margin to South (approx montage).jpg
Description: This sequence is a Fox cub on the crop margin along the north-south hedge to our south.
View: E64_20230522_0255_214_FB2 Fox Cub at Woodland site.jpg
Description: A Fox Cub apparently on his own at the Woodland site.
Date: 08 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230518_1634_043 Blue Tit with 2 grubs in beak about to to feed chick in Main Pond Nest Box.jpg
Description: The 'ugly woodcrete' nestbox on main pond island is successfully housing a
family of Blue Tits. The Blue Tits seem to tolerate us at the edge of the pond
so we can snatch a few pics of the parents industrious activities. Here we see
one of the parents with 2 green 'grubs' ready to be delivered to the box.
View: D72_20230519_1034_171-173 Blue Tit flies to nest box with food for chicks (accurate montage @8fps).jpg
Description: The entrance hole to the Blue Tit box is unintentionally smothered in Hazel tree
leaves, and completely invisible from the house. There is only one viewpoint
where we can snatch a pic of their doings from around the 'back' of the pond.
Fortunately at about 8 metres away we don't seem to bother the busy birds in the
slightest so we can get a little record of the events. First a an accurate
montage of an adults arrival at 8 fps (about .125 Seconds between images)
View: D72_20230519_1240_264 Blue Tit leaving nest box with Fecal Sac.jpg
Description: The parents keep the nest (relatively) clean by taken away Fecal Sacs
that the youngster produce.
View: D72_20230519_1240_279 Blue Tit at nest box hole with grub in beak.jpg
Description: The Next mouthfuls arrives
Date: 07 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230518_1044_022 Brimstone Butterfly male feeds on Red Campion flower.jpg
Description: Red Campion is flowering in many locations.
This pristine male Brimstone Butterfly makes the most of the nectar.
View: D72_20230519_1302_412 Small White Butterfly feeding on Red Campion flower.jpg
Description: Another visitor to Red Campion is this Small White Butterfly.
View: DF3_20230520_1259_089 Green-veined White Butterfly (1st of 2023).jpg
Description: This Green-veined White Butterfly is basking on a leaf.
View: D72_20230519_1302_415+DF3_20230521_1615_458 Orange-=tip Butterfly male (left) and female feeding on Red Campion (montage).jpg
Description: At last we get to see a female Orange-tip Butterfly, here on the right of the male.
They share the wonderful intricate green tracery on the underside of the wing.
Date: 06 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230510_0754_018 Spider on dew soaked web with very close rings (cop + 4 x insert).jpg
Description: In the 'flower' bed east of the conservatory the light catches this near perfect
spider's web accented by fine dew. The circular strands seem very closely spaced,
but when you see the size of the builder in the middle it more that the web is
a huge construction for such a tiny creature.
View: DF3_20230520_1312_308 Aquilegia flowers.jpg
Description: Aquilegia are delightful flowers that insects adore.
Although most samples are now cultivated, they are native in most of Europe.
Date: 05 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230517_0912_012 Moorhen Chicks in Brood platform built in new Hop sedge clump in Duck Pond (crop + insert).jpg
Description: We celebrate the return of Breeding Moorhens
Moorhen rarely return to their incubation nest, and instead build a series of
'Brood nests' to keep the youngsters dry and safe at night.
Normally the 2 parents make different brood nest for their group of charges,
but our single parent is just building one big one for the whole contingent.
View: BU8_20230517_1042_355 Moorhen investigates Camcorder recording Duck Pond.jpg
Description: Wanting to see what is going on, we set up a Camcorder to watch for a few hours.
After about an hours adult came for a look at the kit, decided it was 'mostly
harmless', and then proceeded to frantically collect morsels from the water
surface. The chicks remained hidden in the Hop-sedge throughout.
View: PC2_20230517_13XX_001 Moorhen (line-beak) on Duck Pond taking food to hidden chicks at left (video capture).jpg
Description: This single bird made about dozen passages across the water in the remaining 20
minutes, sometimes avidly pecking at the water to pick up food items invisible
to the camera.
This is a cropped screen dump from the 4K image.
Here is a 10 second video of one pass collecting food - at the actual speed it happens:-
17 May 2023 Moorhen nest on Duck Pond - Adult hurridly collecting food for chicks (12MB)
View: PC2_20230520_xxxx_002 Moorhen nest on Duck pond - new adult joins feeding.jpg
Description: Three days later we discover that a 'new' Moorhen has joined our single parent and
is helping with the brood. Both sexes know how to Brood and feed youngsters
(normally sharing the duties) and second broods are often assisted by juveniles
from the first brood, so a bird coming to help, and possibly hope for a second
brood in due course, is not particularly surprising.
Here is a 36 second video of one pass collecting food:-
20 May 2023 Moorhen nest on Duck pond - new adult joins feeding 36s.mp4 (64MB)
Date: 04 Jul 2023
View: D73_20230513_1249_047 Moorhen nest on Duck pond - 2 Chicks hatched (crop).jpg
Description: We celebrate the return of Breeding Moorhens
Next day we see the first 2 hatched chicks.
Normal Moorhen behaviour is for incubation to start after the first 2 or 3 eggs
and then continue, causing the first few chicks to appear on the same day,
and the rest to follow piecemeal.
'Mum' normally takes the initial hatchlings off to start feeding making an overnight
'brood' nest, leaving the male to brood and raise the rest.
But it seems that this is now a 'one-parent' family, because all of the chicks stayed
around the nest until all were hatched. We haven't recently seen two adults around
at the same time. Both sexes (visually indistinguishable) can incubate, feed and
defend their charges, so we don't know whether it was Mum or Dad that survived
A litter of 4 Fox Cubs about 60 metres away could catch Hares, and may well have
also taken one of the Moorhen.
View: DF3_20230514_0928_012 Moorhen nest on Duck pond - 5 Chicks visible (crop).jpg
Description: Next day we see 5 little heads looking out of the nest.
View: D71_20230514_1007_007 Moorhen nest on Duck pond - 5 Chicks visible one climbing out of nest (crop).jpg
Description: Half an hour on one of them has decided that it is time to climb out of the
nest to investigate 'water'.
View: DF3_20230514_1210_007+20230515_1244_019 Moorhen nest on Duck pond - 1 Chick + Egg - next day last chick (montage).jpg
Description: All but one chick left the nest in the next two hours, leaving one plus
an egg. About the same time next day there is just one chick in the nest
and the egg has gone. The last to hatch gets known as the 'Runt'.
More tomorrow ...
Date: 03 Jul 2023
View: BU8_20230418_1611_187+188+1612_189 Moorhen chasing away Grey Squirrel at Duck Pond 1-3 of 3 (approx montage republish).jpg
Description: We celebrate the return of Breeding Moorhens
This year Moorhen successfully nested on the 'Duck Pond'.
The first hint of such activity was seeing the heightened aggression
of the Moorhen towards any other creature near the water.
Here we see one of the adults chasing away a Grey Squirrel.
View: DF3_20230429_1117_081 Moorhen nest at Duck Pond - 4 eggs (crop republish).jpg
Description: The nest turned out to be built in a clump of badly anchored Hop Sedge - the
dominant plant in the Duck-shaped Pond
Here we see the nest with 4 eggs - probably 4 days in to clutch laying.
The nest is tilting alarmingly away from this viewpoint with the extra weight
on top. We expected an imminent collapse into the water, but a seeming
endless supply of new nesting material was ferried in and kept the nest viable.
View: BU8_20230501_1139_028+030 Moorhen carrying nesting material to nest on Duck Pond - chance Grey squirrel (montage republish).jpg
Description: Another piece of vegetation arrived to build up the nest.
At the top of the montage a Grey Squirrel decides on a quick exit.
View: D72_20230512_1002_033 Moorhen nest on Duck pond - 7+ eggs (crop).jpg
Description: 14 Days after seeing the nest with 4 eggs, it now has 7 eggs visible
(we believe 8 altogether). The incubating bird always detects the humans
before we can see them, and quietly slides off into the water and 'vanishes'.
We only bother the bird long enough for a quick picture before leaving them
in peace for the day.
More tomorrow ...
Date: 02 Jul 2023
View: DF3_20230517_1238_077 2 Bee-flies stationary on concrete spend a minute vibrating wings 2 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: These two Bee-flies spent about a minute perched on concrete near the house buzzing
their wings like mad but going nowhere. Suddenly they flew off and we lost site of them.
We have to assume that this is some sort of courtship ritual, but attempts to find
more information on-line found only research papers from Australia which have an
obviously different species with the same name.
View: DF3_20230518_1040_012 Spindle Ermine Moth caterpillars Infesting a few metres of south face of south hedge (crop + insert).jpg
Description: First seen 4 days earlier (14 May 2023) as a single infested stem of a Spindle tree,
we now see that this years infestation of Spindle Ermine Moth caterpillars has
moved to several Spindle trees and the sunny side of the south hedge.
The Caterpillars appear identical to last years.
View: D72_20230504_1320_050 Green Shieldbug.jpg
Description: The Green Shieldbugs are doing well this year.
Here is one on a damaged leaf showing some lovely colours at the damage.
What this inherited spiky leafed shrub is called we have never tried to find out!
Date: 01 Jul 2023
View: E63_20230516_2105_159+0306_097+20230517_0059_162_FB1 Fox Cubs at hedge bottom (montage).jpg
Description: Getting bolder every night here are three moments of Fox Cubs at the hedge bottom.
The 'perfection of these young creatures means we can't even try to tell the 4 apart.
View: E6A_20230516_2329_151_FB5 Fox Cub at Meadow site.jpg
Description: Just this one visit to the Meadow Site.
View: E64_20230516_2334_144-20230517_2352_217_FB2 Fox cub(s) visit to Woodland site on 2 nights around midnight (montage).jpg
Description: A selection of a dozen moments at the Woodland site.
That's Fox cubs visiting all three ground level high-resolution cameras.
Image Archive arch 2023 jun.htm (view it Here)
Date: 30 Jun 2023
View: E64_20230516_0338_096_FB2 Fox cub carrying food across Woodland site (incidental rodent at left edge) (crop).jpg
Description: The Fox cubs are now seen mostly singly and they don't seem to be troubled by
the flash and noise of the high resolution cameras. We are unable to identify
the 'horror' that this Cub is carrying.
View: B20_20230516_0946_290 Fox Cub exiting Fox Hole (no longer resident).jpg
Description: All of the visits to the Fox hole by Foxes have been very short (typically
less than a minute) as they check out their old home.
View: B20_20230515_0712_105+_0806_139 Fox earth no longer in regular use as Rabbit visits (montage).jpg
Description: The Foxes seem to have stopped occupation in the Mound, and the hole
seems to becoming safe to access again.
Date: 29 Jun 2023
View: BU7_20230515_1515_054+056+1516_061 Muntjac Deer male with both antlers shed 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Our last sighting of the regular male Muntjac Deer had lost just one Antler.
Here he is now Antler free with the stubs flat-topped ready to grow a new set.
View: BU7_20230516_0954_127 Muntjac Deer male with both antlers shed chewing cud.jpg
Description: Next day we see him contemplating the camera as he chews the cud.
Date: 28 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230514_1212_012 Burnet Rose with one open flower and 3 buds.jpg
Description: Wild Rose flowers are arriving all over the sunny bits of the site.
We normally see these (white) Burnet Roses a week or two before the
(pink) Dog Roses, but this year were barely a day or two apart.
The smell of the Burnet Rose is sweet and incredibly strong -
down wind you notice them 20 metres away - far more intense
than the Dog Rose, though a similar fragrance.
View: DF3_20230514_1212_017 Burnet Rose with 3 open flowers.jpg
View: DF3_20230528_1059_396 Dog Rose flower.jpg
Description: A Dog-Rose flower - the classic 'Spring wild Rose'.
Date: 27 Jun 2023
View: E63_20230514_0851_178_FB1 Moorhen (Vee-beak) at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: One of our regular moorhen takes a quite exquisite selfie.
View: E63_20230507_1223_278+1313_282_FB1 Blackbird female collecting nesting material at hedge bottom (montage over 1 hour).jpg
Description: At the smaller end of the bird spectrum, Blackbirds are still nest building.
These two pics an hour apart.
Date: 26 Jun 2023
View: D73_20230512_1609_009 Bracket Fungus on small dead tree trunk (poss Polyporus squamosus).jpg
Description: Lurking in a dark patch near Duck Pond this bracket fungus (we have had a go
at an ID - see the image Ref) almost shines in the gloom. About 15cm across.
View: D73_20230513_0914_026 Fungus on dead part of Willow pollard (poss Funghi Radioattivi) (crop).jpg
Description: Here in a sunny patch these hemispheric fungi fruiting bodies look most
incongruous. We can't find them in our huge fungus ID book, and only
find this reference on an Italian site which may be accurate or not.
Date: 25 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230429_0824_045 Dandelion Clock spangled with dew.jpg
Description: A Sparkling Dandelion clock.
View: DF3_20230507_0845_045+041 Dandelion clocks after heavy rain (montage).jpg
Description: The day of the King Charles III Coronation produced more daily rain than any
single day so far this year. We do feel sorry for the thousands getting soaked
for a glimpse of some people going by in a nice dry coach!
The next day we had a fair proportion of pea-sized hail mixed in. These two
downpours gave a lot of the blossoming flowers a thorough beating.
Dandelion clocks had shed most of their parachuting seed.
View: DF3_20230507_0845_045 Dandelion clock after heavy rain (centre detail crop).jpg
Description: Intact Dandelion heads are difficult to see into, but here this partly
stripped head shows how the seeds grow from the white base attached
by a tiny weak speck that breaks when the parachute catches a gust.
View: DF3_20230507_0846_055 Snail lying on its side to eat Dandelion flowers 2 of 4 (crop 1).jpg
Description: We don't see much of snails here, and after the rains were surprised to come
across this large snail lying on its side to eat a closed Dandelion flower.
Date: 24 Jun 2023
View: E63_20230509_2321_151_FB1 Fox Cub in rain at hedge bottom (70m from Mound - no banana or slugs taken) 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: About 70 metres from 'Home' in the Round Mound we catch this Cub, apparently
unaccompanied, investigating the hedge bottom site. The cub may be 'tasting' the
banana peel, and or the various slugs, but the next frame (without Cub) includes
all of the food and slugs we see here, albeit the slugs rushing over the stone
at about 10cm per minute (0.004 m.p.h :-) )
View: B20_20230509_2044_327 4 Fox Cubs on East of Round Mound (crop IR with selective exposure correction).jpg
Description: Here all (we are now fairly sure) 4 cubs out to 'play' as darkness descends.
View: B20_20230509_2048_349 3 Fox Cubs by Fox hole (another Cub up mound out of crop) (crop).jpg
Description: A fourth Cub is cropped out near the top of the frame.
View: BUA_20230510_0107_085-087_SC8 Fox Cub carrying small prey (q) joined by another at east hedge (montage over a few seconds).jpg
Description: At the Eastern hedge gap over a few seconds, we see one Fox Cub with something
dark in his mouth. The arriving Cub seems to want a piece of the action, but the
original cub makes a prompt exit.
The black 'prey' is about Blackbird sized, but may be just a wet piece of wood.
Date: 23 Jun 2023
View: E64_20230507_2324_296+297+2336_298+0354_303_FB2 Fox Cub(s) at Woodland site 1-4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: A 3 frame visit of this Fox Cub at the Woodland site half and hour before midnight,
and a single visit at about 4 a.m. (same or different Cub - we can't tell).
No signs of an adult at this site which is some 30m from the Fox Earth.
View: E64_20230507_2324_296_FB2 Fox Cub(s) at Woodland site 1 of 4 (crop).jpg
Description: A detail from the top left of the above montage.
Date: 22 Jun 2023
View: BUA_20230507_1704_162-1705_164_SC8 Hare near East hedge gap (montage TR+BL+BR).jpg
Description: A Hare spends a couple of minutes wandering around near the East Hedge gap. We
have seen at least one Hare being carried back to the Fox earth to feed the four
hungry cubs, and it is a relief to see that there are enough Hares to tolerate
the predation.
View: B20_20230503_xxxx_xxx Fox Cubs around Round Mound Fox hole (montage - date+times not recorded).jpg
Description: Over a couple of days and night the camera on the east of the mound caught
several visits by 1 to 3 Fox Cubs.
Timestamps & frame count were lost by a camera fault, so it's just 'on or around 03 May 2023'.
Date: 21 Jun 2023
View: DF4_20230425_1818_002 Long-tailed Tit outside living room window.jpg
Description: Long-tailed Tits appear in small groups, spend a minute of two feeding on bushes,
visible through windows, before departing. A couple of the regulars delightfully hover
in front of the bushes - a behaviour not yet satisfactorily captured on camera.
View: BU8_20230504_0742_004 Heron.jpg
Description: At the other end of the size scale, we get another visit by a Heron to the Duck
Pond - this time only this one frame contains the whole bird.
Date: 20 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230429_1106_059 Bee-fly hovering.jpg
Description: A Bee-fly in flight.
View: D72_20230501_1640_044+071 Bee-fly hovering over and landing on Corrugated Iron sheet (accurate montage).jpg
Description: A bee-fly hovered over the corrugated Iron sheet for several seconds before landing.
That's 27 frames at 7 fps skipped to get this pair 4 seconds apart.
Date: 19 Jun 2023
View: BU2_20230502_2308_281_SC7 Roe Deer male (new individual) on Round Mound.jpg
Description: This male Roe Deer is a new individual - the Antlers more developed than
the previous male, and once free of 'velvet' they do not continue to grow.
View: BU7_20230509_1501_031 Muntjac Reeves Deer female at camera followed by male (with both Antlers).jpg
Description: The female Reeves' Muntjac Deer approached the camera as 'her' male
dutifully follows. Here he clearly has both of his Antlers ...
View: BUA_20230511_0457_148_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer male with left antler shed.jpg
Description: ... but 2 days later we catch this image of probably the same male Reeves' Muntjac Deer
having shed his left antler.
Date: 18 Jun 2023
View: D72_20230504_1318_028-030+036 Holly Blue Butterfly male flying to feed from Green Alkanet 1-4 of 4 (spread montage).jpg
Description: Several of these male Holly Blue butterflies come out on warn early afternoons.
Here we catch one flying to a Green Alkanet flower (which are blue!) where he
landed on the less obvious flower to the left of the full-face, turning over to feed.
View: D72_20230504_1320_055 Holly Blue Butterfly male feeding on Green Alkanet.jpg
Description: 2 minutes later this male Holly Blue butterfly shows us a better view of the
top of his wings.
View: D72_20230501_1632_017 Orange-tip Butterfly male perched on Blackberry leaf.jpg
Description: A male Orange-tip Butterfly perched on a three-leafed 'hand' of Blackberry Leaves.
Date: 17 Jun 2023
View: D01_20230503_2157_167+2158_169+E60_2332_049_FB6 Tawny Owl 2 minute visit to Meadow Post + Landing at Kitchen (montage).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl spent a couple of minutes on the Meadow post, only to arrive 90 minutes
later at the perch by the kitchen window. Facial features strongly suggest that it the same bird.
There are many good hunting perches around our patch, so Owls may spend many hours
moving around out of site of cameras.
Date: 16 Jun 2023
View: BU2_20230502_0127_148+150+0128_151+152_SC7 Fox carries Corvid up Mound but carries it back from rear (accurate montage).jpg
Description: An hour after midnight this adult Fox arrives with what must be a Corvid (Rook
or Jackdaw). The Fox carries it up the mound, probably over the top, and a
minute later reappears going the other way.
"Where are those cubs this is for?"
View: B20_20230501_2147_069+2148_083 3 Fox Cubs moving over east of Round Mound (accurate montage).jpg
Description: About a minute apart this group of 3 Fox cubs wandered up the mound near to the Fox hole.
The cubs range all over the mound through the night, now occasionally joining
a parent in a more distant outing.
View: BU7_20230430_1547_052 Fox slinking out of south ditch before sunset.jpg
Description: The adult Foxes face growing pressure to find food for their ever
growing and more hungry cubs. This one entering through the South
hedge looks to already be in hunting mode in the middle of the afternoon.
Date: 15 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230503_1311_094 Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) female fulvipes form (1st of 2023) (crop).jpg
Description: Last seen in 2020 (and then after a 5 year gap) we again see a female Large Red Damselfly.
Here on some desiccated foliage ...
View: DF3_20230503_1313_109 Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) female fulvipes form (1st of 2023) (crop).jpg
Description: ... and she then moved onto a fresh Blackberry leaf.
She is a hunter - all the foliage does is provide a lookout perch.
Date: 14 Jun 2023
View: B20_20230430_0525_368 Fox Cub in Fox hole looking east (crop IR without illuminator).jpg
Description: A Fox cub confirming that the Fox hole really IS a Fox hole. Taken while the
camera light thinks its light enough not to turn on, but dark enough that the
camera is still working in 'dark' (monochrome) mode.
So much for electronic intelligence.
View: B20_20230430_0543_376 Fox Cub by Fox hole (crop 1).jpg
Description: Still out as the day begins we catch this Fox cub in all natural, if shade-muted, colours.
View: B20_20230502_2022_272 Fox Cub at Fox Hole (crop).jpg
Description: A Fox cub out early in the evening as the nights get shorter.
View: BUA_20230504_0552_124_SC8+B20_0556_452 Fox adult carries prey item and gives it to Cub 1+2 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: A couple of nights later sees Mum or Dad Fox homeward bound with breakfast in
the mouth. Just 4 minutes later we see one of the cubs most likely carrying the
same prey item into the Fox hole.
Date: 13 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230429_1613_095+1613_095 Green Shieldbug walking along steel gate (montage showing top and bottom of insect).jpg
Description: What has become a regular Spring visitor - this Green Shieldbug, here using
the conservatory's security gate instead of a branch.
View: DF3_20230503_1634_119 Green Shieldbug.jpg
Description: Another Green Shieldbug in a more friendly setting.
View: D72_20230501_1747_122 Pair Sloe Bugs (Dolycoris baccarum) mating on opening Lilac Blossom (crop).jpg
Description: In a photo of Lilac in flower we find these two Sloe Bugs mating amid the blossom.
Date: 12 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230429_0815_004 Crab-Apple blossom.jpg
Description: Crab-Apple blossom is a delightful mix of white to deep red.
View: DF3_20230503_1259_074 Fruit Tree Blossom.jpg
Description: One of our anonymous fruit tree blossoms.
View: D72_20230501_1633_020 Red Crab Apple tree in blossom (orig & final).jpg
Description: One inherited tree in the orchard is this Red Crab-apple tree.
Everything is red - the wood, sap, leaf tinge, flowers, apple skin and
After a few years of almost no yield this year the tree is smothered in
Red apple crumble, Red apple sauce ... slightly sharp but tasty compared
to most supermarket varieties.
View: D72_20230501_1633_023 Red Crab Apple tree in blossom (flowerhead detail).jpg
Description: Details of one of the Red crab apple flower-heads.
Date: 11 Jun 2023
View: BU9_20230420_1459_080-1503_093_SC2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male foraging in brambles in orchard (approx montage over 5 minutes).jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac deer spent 5 minutes foraging at the end of the orchard.
To left his is pushing his way into a Bramble (Blackberry) bush to reach some
attractive morsel.
View: DF3_20230429_0817_029-034 Muntjac Reeves Deer fleeing through crop north of hedge (spread montage).jpg
Description: Here the female Deer gets surprised by the humans, and a speedy exit
demonstrates her athletic abilities.
Date: 10 Jun 2023
View: PK1_20230429_0735_505+527 Goldfinch with face splattered with pollen (montage).jpg
Description: The Goldfinch has his red face splattered with pollen.
That's what the plant wants!
View: E6C_20230430_1808_099_FB4 Chaffinch pair mating on Tree-stump (crop).jpg
Description: A male Chaffinch having his way with 'his' female on the tree-stump!
Date: 09 Jun 2023
View: D72_20230428_1255_079+082 Orange-tip Butterfly male on Garlic Mustard flower - wings open and closed (montage).jpg
Description: Garlic Mustard has just started flowering, and here at least it is the favourite
food of Orange tip butterflies. Here we catch a male (only males have the orange
tips) with wings both open and closed, showing the entirely different appearances
View: DF3_20230503_1308_088 Holly Blue Butterfly male (1st seen 01May2023).jpg
Description: Seen transiently 2 days before, at last we get a photo of a male Holly Blue Butterfly.
The 'top' of the wing of the male is this light blue - the females look similar on the multi-dotted
underwing, but has a much darker top wing. We haven't photographed a female yet this year
Date: 08 Jun 2023
View: BU7_20230423_0806_049+051 Hare approaches south hedge gap but stops (montage).jpg
Description: Hares have become regular visitors at the south hedge gap.
View: BU8_20230425_0544_097-099 Fox carrying large prey slowly across grass by Duck Pond 1-3 of 3 (approx montage).jpg
Description: Just before dawn 2 days later we see this adult Fox carrying a quite large prey item
rather laboriously across the grass by the Duck Pond. Other images suggest that this
is most likely a Hare. Regular visits by prey animals get noticed by their hunters.
View: DF3_20230503_0619_031 Hare Carcass north of Round Mound.jpg
Description: A week later on the back (North side) of the mound we find this sad front end of a hare,
body mostly eaten but head and ears still very recognisable bottom left of the ribs.
View: B20_20230503_2110_410 Fox Cub carrying remains of Hare down Fox Hole (crop).jpg
Description: By the next morning the dead Hare was gone, and on downloading images from the
trail cam at the Fox Hole we see a cub carrying the now light carcass into the Fox hole.
Running a wildlife sanctuary frees the inhabitants from some of the Human pressures,
but the carnivores do tend to eat their neighbours :-(
Date: 07 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230420_1046_024 Garlic Mustard Flower (1st of 2023).jpg
Description: Our first Garlic Mustard flowers - favourite of the Orange-tip butterfly
View: DF3_20230429_1251_091 Dandelion flowers and clocks near access track entrance.jpg
Description: Please don't mow away Dandelions in your lawn. They are becoming an important
food resource for Bees now that there is so little flowering meadow, and are
really rather pretty viewed with the right perspective.
Date: 06 Jun 2023
View: BUA_20230422_0624_144-0627_166_SC8 Roe Deer male browsing near East hedge gap 2+4+6+7 of 7 (montage over 4 minutes).jpg
Description: Another 3 days on we again see what seems to be the same male Roe Deer.
His back shows several patches of missing fur in similar pattern (though viewed
from the other side) to the individual seen previously.
At Bottom left we see him giving the Trail cam the eye!
View: BU8_20230422_1006_241 Roe Deer male walking across meadow.jpg
Description: 4 hours later he walks past the Round Pond in the general direction of ...
View: DF3_20230425_0738_074 Roe Deer Hoof prints on path SW of Duck pond made over several days.jpg
Description: ... a narrow bit of path between the south hedge and the Duck pond has been
eroded to bare mud by thousands of our and creatures winter footsteps.
Roe Deer obviously pass this way as well - multiple overlapping hoof-prints
would be all we know of them if not for the trail-cams.
Date: 05 Jun 2023
View: D72_20230421_1552_013+1621_068 Grey Squirrel takes Fir cone to breeze block to eat seeds 1+2 of 2 (montage insert).jpg
Description: Through the conservatory window we see this Grey Squirrel spending several
minutes ripping this fir cone apart for the seeds.
The insert taken at the site 30 minutes later shows the debris.
Date: 04 Jun 2023
View: E6A_20230418_1517_127_FB5 Green Woodpecker male.jpg
Description: A male Green Woodpecker on the grass at the Meadow photo site.
View: D01_20230419_1415_111_FB6 Green Woodpecker male short visit to Meadow Post 2 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: A male Green Woodpecker visits again this time at the Meadow Post ...
View: BU8_20230419_1448_250 Green Woodpecker flies over Duck Pond.jpg
Description: ... and half-an-hour later is seen flying over the Duck Pond
Date: 03 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230418_1230_087+091+088 Goldfinch singing in all directions (impression montage).jpg
Description: A Goldfinch broadcasting his song to all and sundry.
The bird moved a little (you can see the feet in different positions)
but the montage is spread so that it makes sense.
Date: 02 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230418_1059_052 Bee-fly feeding on Ladys Smock (Cuckoo Flower) flower.jpg
Description: A Bee-fly enjoying a Lady's Smock (Cuckoo Flower) flower.
The insect is hovering as well as touching the flower with their legs.
It was quite windy and probable hard to maintain position without a little 'help'.
View: DF3_20230418_1059_082 Bee-fly feeding on Ladys Smock (Cuckoo Flower) flower.jpg
Description: A Bee-fly enjoying a Lady's Smock (Cuckoo Flower) flower.
The insect is hovering as well as touching the flower with their legs.
It was quite windy and probable hard to maintain position without a little 'help'.
Date: 01 Jun 2023
View: DF3_20230418_1053_032 Orange-tip Butterfly male feeding on Ladys Smock (Cuckoo Flower) 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: An Orange-tip butterfly feeding on Lady's Smock (Cuckoo Flower) flowers. Only the male has the
orange tip to the white top of the wing. Both sexes share the intricate green
and white pattern on the underside of all 4 wings. An absolute delight!
View: DF3_20230418_1058_050 Speckled Wood Butterfly (1st of 2023).jpg
Description: An apparently pristine Speckled Wood Butterfly (1st appearance in 2023).
Image Archive arch 2023 may.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 May 2023
View: BU8_20230417_1720_076 Moorhen leaving Duck Pond to chase away Mallard Duck Pair.jpg
Description: At this time there was no Moorhen nest visible at the Duck Pond, but this Moorhen
sure considers it 'his' and will see off anything short of a 'Parliament' of Rooks.
View: BU8_20230418_1611_187+188+1612_189 Moorhen chasing away Grey Squirrel at Duck Pond 1-3 of 3 (approx montage).jpg
Description: A Grey Squirrel gets the same treatment!
View: BU8_20230421_0929_169 Moorhen chases away 2 Mallard Duck males from grass by Duck Pond.jpg
Description: This Moorhen just won't tolerate birds on the banks of HIS pond!
Here he tackles two male Mallard Ducks.
We have also seen him attack 4 Rooks, but 9 Rooks was a challenge too far!
Date: 30 May 2023
View: BU9_20230416_2209_007_SC2 Roe Deer female at end of Orchard 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: After many months Roe Deer have returned to grace our little site.
First a Trail-cam sees this female Roe Deer at the end of the orchard.
View: BU5_20230416_2239_035_SC1 Roe Deer at Round Pond 2 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: The inevitable male appears at the Round Pond only half-an-hour later.
This male's antlers are still 'in-velvet' - covered in skin and fur.
According the various web sites Roe Deer don't Rut until mid-July.
View: BU8_20230419_0735_208-210 Roe Deer male walking past Duck Pond 1-3 of 3 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: 3 days later we see this male Roe Deer walking past the Duck Pond.
This one's antlers have shed their velvet to expose the special bone they are
made of. It seems likely that the same Deer has shed his velvet in the intervening 3 days.
View: BU5_20230419_0956_249_SC1 Roe Deer male at Round Pond 3 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: Presumably the same individual Roe Deer 2 hours later at the Round pond
shows his fur has sustained several patches of damage.
Date: 29 May 2023
View: E63_20230416_1726_018_FB1 Moorhen (Line-beak) reaching down by stone.jpg
Description: One of the at least 3 Moorhen around the site digs around in the eroded clay
washed out around the hedge-bottom stone.
Date: 28 May 2023
View: E63_20230411_1442_200_FB1 Moorhen (Line-beak) at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: One of the at least 3 Moorhens now frequenting the plot. The feet are
partially hidden by the eroded soil around the stone.
View: BU8_20230413_1533_058 13 Corvids feeding by Duck Pond watched by Moorhen.jpg
Description: Our brave little Moorhen may see off single Squirrels and the like, but it seems that 13 Corvids
(mostly Rooks) is better watched from the distance of the middle of the pond.
Date: 27 May 2023
View: D72_20230415_0920_010 Blackthorn Blossom after rain has removed most of the petals (crop 1).jpg
Description: A heavy rain removed any of the blossom petals that we 'thinking' about falling, leaving
this intricate pattern of stamens and large water drops supported but also misshapen
by the stamens within.
View: D72_20230415_0920_010 Blackthorn Blossom after rain has removed most of the petals (crop 2).jpg
Description: A detail from the above, complete with magnified stamens and an inverted image of the world behind in
the water drop at the bottom.
Date: 26 May 2023
View: E6C_20230408_1216_037_FB4 Chaffinch male in breeding condition.jpg
Description: A pristine male Chaffinch in full breeding colours, including the blue coating
over his beak. No sign yet of Bumblefoot on his legs or feet so probably a
first-year breeder.
View: E63_20230415_0703_110_FB1 Dunnock youngster at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: 7 a.m. sees the arrival of a start-of-life Dunnock at the hedge bottom.
The 15 April is really early to see a fledged small bird.
View: D72_20230415_1043_024 Dunnock fledgeling struggling to fly in top of hedge.jpg
Description: 4 hours later, with no knowledge of the photo taken at the hedge bottom 100 metres away,
We see that Young Dunnock doing some very wobbly attempts at flight at the top of the
hedge along the south end of the access track.
Date: 25 May 2023
View: BU7_20230413_1858_018 Muntjac Reeves Deer male rubbing top of head on grass.jpg
Description: It surprising how often these automatic camera catch a male Reeves' Muntjac deer
rubbing his 'forehead' on the grass or other soft vegetation.
View: DF3_20230416_1418_065 Muntjac Reeves Deer male hiding behind overgrown ant-hill.jpg
Description: 3 days later it is the Humans that spot a male Reeves' Muntjac Deer
partly hidden behind a huge overgrown ant's nest.
View: DF3_20230416_1418_068 Muntjac Reeves Deer male licking muzzle.jpg
Description: He didn't seem particularly phased by the humans, but kept foliage
between him and us. Here we see his impressive tongue doing 'wet-wipe' duty.
Date: 24 May 2023
View: DF3_20230413_1524_016+017 Mallard Duck male vertical take-off from Main Pond 1+2 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: The cameraman arrives near the pond to find a male Mallard Duck quietly floating
on the water. A handful of seconds as the photographer aims and focusses before
the bird decides on a prompt departure - 'Discretion is the better part of Valour' -
the ducks here are not 'tame' like you find at the local park.
The camera was too zoomed in (and the cameraman too surprised) to catch the bird
in their vertical rise, but the water does make an interesting 'frozen in action' including
an airborne swirl at the right edge.
View: E6A_20230413_1758_076_FB5 Mallard Duck pair at Meadow site.jpg
Description: Togetherness, Mallard Duck style.
Date: 23 May 2023
View: BUA_20230413_0554_105+0557_106+107+0602_110_SC8 Hare spends 7 minutes working toward East hedge gap (impression montage).jpg
Description: As Dawn arrives this Hare spent 7 minutes making the 3 metres journey across the
path toward the east hedge gap. What animals find in this, to us barren, bit of ground
we just don't know, but an awful lot of creatures pause here to feed.
Date: 22 May 2023
View: DF3_20230411_1237_019+033+036 Heron flying overhead (montage from exposure bracketing sequence).jpg
Description: This Heron flies by at about tree-stop height.
Here 3 moments illustrate the passage.
View: DF3_20230411_1237_028 Heron flying overhead.jpg
Description: A closer look at the Heron as it flew almost overhead.
Date: 21 May 2023
View: D01_20230410_1238_056_FB6 Jackdaw aerobraking to land on Meadow Post.jpg
Description: A Jackdaw caught a little earlier in the landing sequence than normal.
View: D01_20230413_0733_003_FB6 Jackdaw landing on Meadow Post backlit.jpg
Description: A Jackdaw making a head-on landing on the Meadow Post.
View: D01_20230410_1557_072_FB6 Rook landing on meadow post already folding wings.jpg
Description: A Rook showing an attractive 'fan' of feathers as they close their wings.
Date: 20 May 2023
View: E63_20230407_2051_191_FB1 2 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) at hedge bottom (adjusted crop 2).jpg
Description: An unexpected moment at the hedge bottom where these two Fieldmice (Wood Mice) suddenly
appeared. The soil around the stone has been washed away, and food collects at
the bottom of the now sunken stone.
We expect that the Tawny Owl may soon find this bonanza.
View: D01_20230408_2335_125-20230409_0358_133_FB6 Tawny Owl makes 3 visits to Meadow Post over 4 hours 1-3+5 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: In one night the Meadow Post sees 3 Tawny Owl visits spread over 4 hours.
The bird probably spent the whole night feeding from the variety of posts and
branches around the meadow.
Tawny Owls are known to prefer Voles to Mice, but anything that squeaks seems to
be fair game
Date: 19 May 2023
View: DF3_20230403_1549_145 Bee-fly resting on fallen Oak leaf (1st of 2013).jpg
Description: We didn't even know Bee-flies existed until we started seeing them here.
This one is resting on one of last years fallen Oak Leaves.
The proboscis at the front is clearly visible, and the structure of
the wings is best seen in the shadow cast by the left wing.
View: DF3_20230407_1033_120 Bee-fly resting on ground level leaf with natural water drops on grass tips.jpg
Description: Bee-flies don't stay around for long, so we tend to photograph them whenever we see one.
The water drops on the tips of two grass stems are as yet un-dried dew.
View: DF3_20230408_1247_170 Bee-fly hovering to feed on Blackthorn blossom (crop).jpg
Description: This Bee-fly is feeding by hovering in front of a blackthorn flower.
The 'sharp' wing is just changing the direction of movement - the rest of the 20 or so
pics of this moment have wings a blurry mess even at 1/1000th second exposure.
View: DF3_20230408_1252_187 Bee-fly resting on Nettle leaf.jpg
Description: Finally a Bee-fly on a nettle.
Some patches of sheltered nettle just didn't die back in the frosts this year,
giving it a head-start this year.
Date: 18 May 2023
View: BU3_20230407_0113_033+0122_036_SC6 2 Foxes together on concrete track 9m later just one watches Muntjac Deer (montage).JPG
Description: The Trail-cam along the access track caught this moment as one Fox quietly
nuzzles another that is sitting on the track facing north. The arriving Fox
(left) is a bit smaller than the sitting Fox. Nine minutes later we see the
smaller Fox lying on the track facing south, as one of the Reeves' Muntjac Deer
stops a few metres away. Our assumption is that this is a juvenile Fox that one
of their parents is showing around the area.
View: BUA_20230407_0525_160_SC8 Fox trotting towards east hedge gap with Pigeon (q) in mouth.jpg
Description: Four hours later a Fox passes the camera at the East hedge gap carrying
what appears to a Pigeon in the mouth.
View: BU8_20230407_1957_193-195 Fox walks past Duck Pond with Rabbit in mouth 1-3 of 3 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: The same day (next night) as we see the Fox with a Pigeon near the east hedge
gap, a Fox here carries what looks like a Rabbit past Duck Pond - probably also
making for an exit to the east. There are 3 such, only the 'busiest' has a
We judge 'busiest' by the depth of the track in the grass outside worn by the endless feet.
Date: 17 May 2023
View: DF3_20230406_1326_004 Peacock Butterfly on mud.jpg
Description: A Peacock Butterfly lands on a patch of bare mud.
Butterflies need water and minerals, and find it where they may.
View: DF3_20230408_1257_195 Peacock Butterfly on blossom.jpg
Description: The more usual place to find a Peacock Butterfly is feeding on Blossom.
Unlike the bird-pecked individual above, this one is hardly damaged.
View: DF3_20230408_1247_169 Comma Butterfly on Blackthorn blossom (1st of 2023).jpg
Description: First sighting this year of a Comma Butterfly, out from Hibernation to start a
new generation this year. This individual is in remarkably good condition after
spending 6 months 'asleep'.
Date: 16 May 2023
View: BU7_20230406_1925_026 Hare near south hedge gap.jpg
Description: On the patch of grass near the south hedge gap is this exquisite Hare.
View: BU7_20230406_1237_009 Rabbit (Three Ears) near South hedge gap.jpg
Description: Sharing the same patch of grass as the Hare, an easily recognisable Rabbit is
this 'three-eared' individual. Now fully healed, and not apparently a problem,
we can only assume a tear from the barbed wire surround some of the fields.
View: DF3_20230325_1449_006 Rabbit youngster in salad bed.jpg
Description: The twee-est pic of the week - Baby Bunny eating the weeds in the vegetable bed.
The soil is so sodden that we don't want to compact it by walking on it.
Cultivation is currently along one edge accessible from the already ruined grass.
Everything we grow gets covered in bits of old dishwasher baskets to keep off
this Rabbits, Squirrels, and more recently Reeves' Muntjac Deer.
Date: 15 May 2023
View: DF3_20230403_1247_118+121+122 Rook launching downwards from top of conifer (impression montage).jpg
Description: A Rook high in a straggly Conifer launches itself by basically falling off the
top while stretching out the wings.
An 'impression' - don't read too much into the timing or exact positions.
View: E64_20230407_0755_047_FB2 Rook flipping over piece of broken branch at woodland site.jpg
Description: We had assumed that this bit of broken branch was being moved around by Squirrels,
but it seems that Rooks may be the main 'culprit'.
The wood is now desiccated, and not as heavy as you might expect.
Date: 14 May 2023
View: E6A_20230401_1415_192_FB5 Grey Squirrel carrying short stick over Meadow site.jpg
Description: What the Grey Squirrel wants this short thick stick for only the Squirrel really knows.
Perhaps the Drey is suffering from subsidence - like our old House :-(
View: E6A_20230508_1249_035_FB5 Grey Squirrel runs off with stick from Vegan Choc-ice.jpg
Description: A month later this Squirrel is showing the same behaviour, this time with
the stick from a Vegan Choc-ice.
View: E63_20230407_1043_138_FB1 Grey Squirrel leaping towards intruder out of frame.jpg
Description: "Get out of MY patch!"
View: E63_20230409_1550_314_FB1 Grey Squirrel at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: "Aren't I a stunner?
Date: 13 May 2023
View: BU5_20230330_1539_046-048_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male walks along edge of Round Pond (montage).jpg
Description: Male Reeves' Muntjac Deer have made several visits to the various sites.
Here is one of the visits, walking quietly along the edge of Round Pond.
View: DF3_20230408_1735_244 Muntjac Reeves Deer male browser margin grass tries Wheat crop but prefers the grass.jpg
Description: This male Reeves' Muntjac Deer saw us perhaps 50 metres away while browsing the
grass along the field margin to our south. Over several minutes, as we watched
each other, he wanders left to the edge of the wheat crop, takes a bite, but
obviously is not impressed and quietly walked back to the grass by the hedge.
Date: 12 May 2023
View: DF3_20230403_1246_111 Blackthorn blossom detail.jpg
Description: Blackthorn Blossom is wonderfully delicate.
Blackthorn blossoms before the appearance of any leaves, while Hawthorn
leafs before flower appear.
View: DF3_20230403_1554_155 Daffodil clump reflected in Round Pond.jpg
Description: We planted Daffodils in around 1992, in swirling patterns. But the patterns soon
broke up into now perhaps 50 clumps over the whole site.
They really bring some 'Zing to Spring'.
View: DF3_20230322_1314_060 wild violets in soil over crack in disused farm track.jpg
Description: Soil wells up through the cracks in the disused part of the old farm track,
and this patch of wild violets are thriving nicely in the mud.
Plant life (and undoubtedly insects we never see) take advantage of all of
these patches of unmanaged soil.
Date: 11 May 2023
View: DF3_20230324_1102_045-069 Rooks changing incubation duties with some reluctance 1+3+4+6 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: In one of the 5 nests on a single Black Poplar tree along the access track
we first spot the tail of the bird incubating the eggs. Their mate arrives,
the sitting bird leaves the nest and starts chivvying the arrived bird before
flying off. The new arrival spends a few seconds on the branch before giving
into the inevitable, and taking their place on the nest.
We suspect that Rooks must have a way of saying
"OK - I'll get on the nest in a minute - off you go".
Why some humans expect creatures to understand English or some other of the
thousands of Human languages when Humans can't even work out what
a Rook has to say, is beyond us.
View: DF3_20230403_1106_078 Rook pair changing nest incubation duties.jpg
Description: A week later Rook nesting change-overs continue to be slightly fractious affairs!
View: E6A_20230404_1757_128_FB5 2 Rooks at Meadow site.jpg
Description: A pair of Rooks at the Meadow site.
We have no idea what is going on.
Date: 10 May 2023
View: DF5_20230401_1009_056+057+061 Long-tail Tit collecting feathers for nest 01-03 of 20 (impression montage).jpg
Description: This Long-tailed Tit spent some minutes moving through the branches with what looks like
two feathers already held in the beak.
View: DF5_20230401_1010_087 Long-tail Tit collecting feathers for nest 13 of 20 (crop).jpg
Date: 09 May 2023
View: E64_20230331_1732_186_FB2 Moorhen.jpg
Description: One of the resident Moorhen stepping over the branch at the Woodland site.
View: E64_20230404_0625_048_FB2 2 Moorhen at Woodland site (single frame).jpg
Description: 2 Moorhen sharing the Woodland site.
We are sure that they must be nesting somewhere - we can't find the nest
and hope that predators can't either.
View: E63_20230405_1023_176_FB1 Moorhen at Hedge bottom.jpg
Description: One of the Moorhens takes a rather well 'posed' selfie at the hedge bottom.
Note how the toes are a compromise for walking on land, walking on floating
vegetation, and just plain swimming.
View: BU8_20230405_1443_248+249 Moorhen chases away Pheasant male (montage).jpg
Description: Male Pheasant (Goliath) vs. Moorhen (David).
It seems that the Moorhen wins.
Date: 08 May 2023
View: D01_20230330_0355_031+0140_029_FB6 Tawny Owl visits to Meadow Post lasting a few minutes (montage).jpg
Description: This Tawny Owl spends a few minutes on the Meadow post.
View: BU7_20230404_2048_032+031 Tawny Owl near South hedge gap 2+1 of 3 (spread montage).jpg
Description: Without any other Owl sightings this night around the site, this Tawny Owl stops off near the ditch
by the south hedge gap.
Right at the bottom of the camera frame as ever :-(
Date: 07 May 2023
View: DF3_20230327_1054_084 Moth (Poss Powdered Quaker) - 1 of several trapped in water surface & ripples from struggle to escape.jpg
Description: Circumnavigating our patch takes us by the Round Pond which is showing several
unexplained ripples. They turn out to be moths trapped in the water's surface
tension, making remarkably deep ripples for such a small insect's struggle.
So some fallen branches provides us with the tools to 'fish' them out and leave
them to dry out.
View: BU5_20230327_1145_103_SC1 Roy & Marie Rescuing more Moths trapped in water surface.jpg
Description: An hour later there were some more to rescue - here we are caught in action
by the trail-cam that 'watches' the pond.
View: DF3_20230327_1145_097 Moth (poss Powdered Quaker) rescued from pond surface (crop).jpg
Description: Here is one of the rescued Moths - we think a Powdered Quaker - looking
lovely on the richly coloured end of his rescue stick.
Date: 06 May 2023
View: BU5_20230327_0027_073_SC1 Fox completely still at edge of Round Pond (orig).jpg
Description: What does this midnight Fox detect that we can't see in the daylight?
Original (reduced) untouched frame.
View: BU5_20230327_0027_074_SC1 Fox completely still at edge of Round Pond (crop as negative).jpg
Description: A lightly cropped version of the above presented as a negative.
It seems weirdly 'natural' as if a backlit misty morning.
Date: 05 May 2023
View: DF3_20230327_1047_066-071 Rook lands on 11kV cable @7fps 1+2+4-6 (spread montage).jpg
Description: A Rook lands on an 11kV cable.
View: DF3_20230327_1046_012 Rook calling repeatedly in Black Poplar Tree.jpg
Description: We don't feel very welcome as we walk under the tree containing 5 Rook nests.
He is one of the objectors to those interfering humans - even through we couldn't
possible reach the nests to do any harm.
View: DF3_20230327_1047_055 Rook in low level flight catching sun reflections (crop without contrast adjustment).jpg
Description: It's not unusual to see a Corvids (Crow, Jackdaw etc.) in the distance, usually in the general
direction of the sun, looking so bright that you momentarily think it must be an Egret
of other white bird. Its just the sun glistening off the shiny feathers, and here you see
the effect as sunlight catches the far wing of this flying Rook
Date: 04 May 2023
View: D01_20230328_0052_109+0550_119+120_FB6 Tawny Owl makes 2 visits to Meadow post 1+3+4 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: The Tawny Owl(s) continue regular visits.
On this night there were two visits to the Meadow Post post an 00:54a.m
and 5:50a.m., neither having obviously had a successful hunt.
What was the Owl doing meanwhile?
View: E63_20230328_0108_149_FB1 Tawny Owl attacking at hedge bottom (crop).jpg
Description: Here at the Hedge Bottom 15 minutes after the first visit to the Meadow Post, but out of
sight from the post, we see another Tawny Owl attack - target unknown.
View: E63_20230328_0125_150_FB1 Tawny Owl attacking slug (q) at hedge bottom (crop).jpg
Description: Another 15 minutes pass and then another attack. This time the Owl seems to have
picked a slug on the stone. Like many genuine images of hunting animals there is
nothing majestic about the attack - more a hungry pounce into the mud.
Date: 03 May 2023
View: BU7_20230327_2200_100-102 Muntjac Reeves Deer female at South hedge leaps over flooded ditch 1-3 of 3 (accurate montage).jpg
Description: Crossing the flooded ditch - Reeves' Muntjac Deer style - leap over.
View: BU7_20230326_2342_046-048 Badger at south hedge gap finds ditch is flooded & detours 1-3 of 3 (montage over a few secs).jpg
Description: Crossing the flooded Ditch - Badger Style - go another way!
View: BU7_20230327_2221_106 Badger walks through flooded ditch.jpg
Description: Crossing the flooded ditch - Badger Style - just get wet!
Date: 02 May 2023
View: E64_20230326_2311_103_FB2 Fox carrying Rabbit (q) in mouth past Woodland Site (crop 1).jpg
Description: A Fox walk past the meadow site with what looks like a young Rabbit clamped in
their jaws.
View: E64_20230326_2311_103_FB2 Fox carrying Rabbit (q) in mouth past Woodland Site (crop 2 - head and prey detail).jpg
Description: More detail of the victim.
View: BU2_20230328_0234_295+296+298_SC7 Fox on Round Mound carrying prey returns 2 minutes later 1-3 of 3 (acc montage + insert).jpg
Description: Next night what is probably the same Fox appears with a different sort of prey.
It's too black for a Rabbit we assume a bird about the size of a Jackdaw grabbed by
this opportunist hunter. The insert shows the return journey only 2 minutes later.
Date: 01 May 2023
View: E60_20230325_1534_008_FB3 Grey Squirrel with leafing willow tig in mouth on Kitchen Birdtable.jpg
Description: This Squirrel has bitten off a bit of twig with some catkins, and has
brought it to the Kitchen bird table to strip off the yummy bits.
View: DF3_20230327_1741_105+106+108 Grey Squirrel bites off Catkin twig in willow tree 15m up (vertically spread montage).jpg
Description: 2 days later, and about 15 metres (50ft) up this even taller willow tree, we see
this Grey Squirrel clambering about to bite off another choice twig, which the
squirrel then runs down the tree to eat in a safer/more convenient place.
Image Archive arch 2023 apr.htm (view it Here)
Date: 30 Apr 2023
View: D01_20230324_2152_039_FB6+E6A_2156_172_FB5+D01_2205_049_FB6 Tawny Owl hunts mouse hole from Meadow Post (montage).jpg
Description: The interesting Tawny Owl visiting saga continues on the fourth day with 3
visits to the post, one of which was followed by the bird attacking at the
meadow site, apparently diving into the collapsed mouse hole. We never got to
see the outcome of the pounce. The return to the post was about 10 minutes later.
View: D01_20230324_2222_067_FB6 Tawny Owl 3 visits to meadow post in 35 minutes 8 of 8 (crop).jpg
Description: The last pic of the Tawny Owl on this night shows them facing the other way
into the rough-cut 'meadow' where we suspect that most of the Fieldmice (Wood Mice)
and voles now live - we see very few in the camera looking at the Meadow site
Date: 29 Apr 2023
View: D72_20230323_0653_016 Dug-out mole tunnel over 2m long by Badger (q) on crop margin south of Farm entrance (orig & final).jpg
Description: In the margin between the farm crop and the main road this over 2 metre long
trench appeared overnight. It doesn't seem to have been touched since.
Our guess is this a mole tunnel has been dug out by a badger hoping to
catch the mole. We doubt that it had any success, and didn't bother to try
Mole nurseries are substantial mounds, so this isn't an attack on youngsters.
View: DF3_20230327_1051_080 Badger footprint in soft mud near house (orig & final).jpg
Description: A few metres from the house a patch of soft mud captures this perfectly formed
paw print as evidence of Brock's night-time passage.
Date: 28 Apr 2023
View: DF3_20230322_1013_005 7-spot Ladybird on Blackberry Leaf (1st of 2023).jpg
Description: All the Ladybirds we have seen so far have been 7-spot Ladybirds - no
signs of Harlequins yet, but that won't last.
View: DF3_20230322_1053_046 Peacock Butterfly (tatty overwintered) feeding on hedge blossom.jpg
Description: An overwintered Peacock Butterfly is enjoying some of the early blossom.
The wings are a bit tatty from what looks like multiple bird pecks, but
that won't stop this butterfly completing their life cycle to make eggs
for the next generation. Its a fragile existence isn't it?
Date: 27 Apr 2023
View: D01_20230322_0132_066_FB6 Tawny Owl makes 5 visits to Meadow Post midnight to Dawn 01 of 14 (crop).jpg
Description: 4 days running now we have seen a Tawny Owl (we think the same individual each time)
landing on the Meadow post for a hunt. Five times on each of the first two visits, once on the
third day, and three on the last including a visit to the meadow site.
The following two nights saw no visit.
We suspect that this is a female in the middle of laying a clutch of eggs, and
badly needed the fuel and protein of a few tasty mice and voles.
View: D01_20230322_0133_068-20230324_0406_021_FB6 Tawny Owl hunting from Meadow Post over 3 days (montage).jpg
View: D01_20230322_2103_175+20230322_0133_069_FB6_FB6 Tawny Owl makes 10 visits to Meadow Post over 2 night (montage).jpg
Date: 26 Apr 2023
View: E6A_20230315_1315_205_FB5 Rook at Meadow site looking backwards.jpg
Description: Rook eyesight seems to be binocular, so like humans they can't see behind them!
View: D72_20230310_1248_002 14 Rooks + 1 Jackdaw attracted to corn on concrete block.jpg
Description: A handful of corn on the top of this concrete road-block attracts a dozen or more
Corvids within a minute even if none are visible as we walk away.
Should we feel 'watched' by something other than the Farm's CCTV?
View: BU2_20230310_1256_034_SC7 14 mixed Jackdaws & Rooks + 1 Pheasant Male on Round Mound.jpg
Description: Similar behaviour at the mound 12 minutes later, though this time about 50-50% Jackdaws
and Rooks. The male Pheasant neither intimidates the Corvids, nor vice-versa despite
desiring the same food.
Date: 25 Apr 2023
View: E6A_20230319_0721_222_FB5 Mallard Duck male visits meadow site around sunrise.jpg
Description: Aren't male Mallards in breeding colours exquisite?
It always seems such a shame that by the time visitors to public parks get to see
them in the summer, their vibrant colours have returned to 'eclipse'.
View: BU5_20230318_0558_055_SC1 Fox walks along bank of Round Pond past Mallard Duck pair.jpg
Description: This Fox walks along the edge of Round pond as the pair of Mallard Ducks keep their
distance on the water.
The gap between predator and prey is rather bigger than it look from this angle.
Date: 24 Apr 2023
View: DF3_20230318_1208_123+121 Muntjac Reeves Deer male on grass path 2+1 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: Male and female Reeves' Muntjac Deer have been making intermittent visits.
This male was walking down one of the grass paths, stopping for a momentary
groom before continuing on his way. We kept still as he passed - him either not noticing
us or just confident that we are 'mostly Harmless'.
Date: 23 Apr 2023
View: E64_20230318_0816_120_FB2 Jay (crop).jpg
Description: We don't see many Jays - so this one-off rather attractive pic is a pleasure to show you.
View: DF3_20230318_0921_078+081+091 Great Tit singing from young Lombardy Poplar tree (montage left to right).jpg
Description: A Great Tit sings from one of the hundred or so young Lombardy Poplars along
the farm road. For once we were close enough for some of his song to just make it
through our now 'cloth ears'.
The bird didn't move along the twig - its just a pleasant montage.
Date: 22 Apr 2023
View: DF3_20230317_1243_047 White violet along front of garage door.jpg
Description: Along the concrete edge by the garage door White Violets appear each year.
View: DF3_20230319_1308_165 Daisy a few metres north of farm entrance.jpg
Description: The first daisy sighted - probably bigger than life size even on a 'phone display.
Date: 21 Apr 2023
View: D5C_20230316_1258_024-1300_031 Grey Squirrel attempting to break into Peanut feeder outside study (montage).jpg
Description: If you watch TV wildlife documentaries you can't have failed to see 'Squirrel intelligence'
tests made of ropes, boxes and other tricks they have to solve for a peanut or similar.
Here is one of our equivalents is by way of a mass of peanuts frustratingly locked away
from the Squirrel but not the birds.
Squirrels mainly use persistence and then memory to solve these problems. In the final
pic you can see that the Squirrel probably remember that the knob on the top of the
lid is sometimes the gateway to food heaven!
Date: 20 Apr 2023
View: E6C_20230311_1507_053_FB4 Grey Squirrel eating tomato with lower tooth visible (crop 2).jpg
Description: A nicely profiled Grey Squirrel eating a slice of tomato. In this detailed crop we can
clearly see the bottom lower tooth.
View: DF3_20230314_1405_016+017+020+1406_025 Grey Squirrel raiding bait bag 1-4 of 4 (montage).jpg
Description: Normally when we arrive back to find a Squirrel at the bait bag, the Squirrel waits
a moment before running off with their prize. But this one had the cheek to dive
back into the bag to grab a bit more before scuttling away.
Date: 19 Apr 2023
View: E63_20230314_0956_130_FB1 Pheasant female on muddy hedge bottom site (orig & final).jpg
Description: "Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud"
View: E63_20230315_1524_236_FB1 Magpie with beak coated in mud.jpg
Description: This Magpie has been making the most of the mud at the hedge bottom to probe
for invertebrates. Their beak might almost have been 'painted' with mud!
Date: 18 Apr 2023
View: E63_20230310_0835_047+1211_054_FB1 Moorhen visits to hedge bottom (accurate montage over 4 hours).jpg
Description: Just this one Moorhen visited the hedge bottom twice during a morning.
View: E64_20230315_0616_083_FB2 Moorhen at Woodland site.jpg
Description: One more Moorhen image this week - passing through the Woodland site.
Date: 17 Apr 2023
View: DF3_20230314_1633_050 Chinese Water Deer secreted in tractor rut of winter Wheat.jpg
Description: A brown shape in the middle of the farm crop at first seems so low that
we thought it must be a Fawn or Hare - but the ears are wrong for either.
View: DF3_20230314_1635_071-076 Chinese Water Deer fleeing over Winter Wheat crop 1-6 of 6 (accurate montage @7fps).jpg
Description: The Deer decided it didn't like our approach and took off into a run out of our sight.
It turns out that this is a Chinese Water Deer who had found a deep tractor rut to
hide in, in the perhaps 15cm high crop.
View: DF3_20230314_1635_075 Chinese Water Deer fleeing over Winter Wheat crop 5 of 6 (crop).jpg
Description: Much more detail of the 5th image of the Chinese Water Deer.
Date: 16 Apr 2023
View: DF3_20230314_1354_002 Cherry blossom in bud + opening + open bloom.jpg
Description: The west face of a Cherry tree in front of the house is erupting with flowers.
Here is a twig hosting the stages from white sphere to open flower.
View: DF3_20230314_1404_008 Primrose clump in full flower.jpg
Description: Can't resist this little clump of Primrose flowers by the garage.
Their cheerful faces always brighten our day.
Date: 15 Apr 2023
View: PK1_20230313_0700_258 Mallard Duck female repeatedly pecking at weed clump at back of main pond.jpg
Description: This female Mallard Duck spends about half a minute pecking furiously at this
clump of pond-edge vegetation. We never discovered what she was after. At this
time of year the females are often feeding frantically - making eggs is an
energy and protein sapping business.
A few days later a Grey Squirrel was standing in the morning half-light
digging into the same clump while standing in the water.
View: PK1_20230313_0701_313-326 Mallard Duck male stretching on main pond 1+2+4+5 of 6 (montage).jpg
Description: Her accompanying male Mallard just stands or floats on watch.
Here he was apparently feeling a bit stiff and had a stretch that makes us want to stretch
in similar manner - rather like Yawning being 'catching' even between species.
View: DF3_20230314_1512_034 2 Mallard Duck males who seem to be friends.jpg
Description: The female Mallard Duck has vanished from the main pond, and now these
two male Mallard Duck are back to frequenting the whole site as a pair.
We don't ever see them fighting even when pursuing the same female.
So 'friends', or more likely brothers.
Date: 14 Apr 2023
View: PK1_20230311_1231_248 Blue Tit _Long-tailed Tit + Great Tit.jpg
Description: Here are the three species of Tits we normally see, as named in the title.
That feeder needs refilling ...
View: DF3_20230311_1313_048 Grey Squirrel eating fruit raided from bait bag.jpg
Description: This old camera bag is a great hit with the Squirrels now they have discovered
that there is food inside. OK, we could do up a clip - but actually its rather fun to
come back and see what been pulled out already.
On the left you see the replacement Peanut feeder for the nearly empty one with
the 3 tits in it. This one still have the original red paint job on the lid.
View: E60_20230311_1419_037+1428_038+1435_040_FB3 Grey Squirrel breaks into top of Peanut Feeder 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: Here about an hour later you see the replacement Peanut feeder being raided by a Grey Squirrel
who managed to get the top off. Back to a cable tie to hold this one on - the spring clips
intended to provide the security rusted away years ago.
Date: 13 Apr 2023
View: BUA_20230310_2131_042_SC8 Fox and Badger face-off at east hedge gap 3 of 3 (crop).jpg
Description: A Fox vs. Badger confrontation.
The Fox is already crouched (bottom left) before the badger becomes more than a
pair of reflecting eyes. As the Badger emerges from behind the tree they too
stop and we have a face-off. Adult Fox - Badger conflicts normally end up the
worse for the Fox. This is the last we see of the encounter - we hope they
avoided a needless fight.
Date: 12 Apr 2023
View: E6A_20230309_0956_024_FB5 Pheasant female with ice spangled back at the moderately snow covered meadow site.jpg
Description: A first of consecutive overnight light snowfalls fortunately didn't hang around to the
ends of the following days.
View: D01_20230310_0751_194_FB6 Wood Pigeon on Meadow Post in snow (full frame).jpg
Description: Next morning sees another fall of snow which quickly melted.
View: DF3_20230310_0900_001 Snow and Ice covered top of weeping Silver Birch.jpg
Description: The venerable weeping Silver Birch in the back garden catches the snow on
the top, but the lower twigs retain their attractive brown.
Date: 11 Apr 2023
View: PK1_20230308_1356_167 2 Wood Pigeons (one hidden behind other) feeding on edge of Main Pond island with reflection.jpg
Description: Two Wood Pigeons, one mostly hidden behind the other, sport a near perfect
reflection in the still water of the main pond.
View: E63_20230310_1347_075_FB1 Robin at hedge bottom reflected in flood water.jpg
Description: A Robin catches their reflection in the flood water resulting from
thawing snow.
The positioning of the camera frame means most of the water is
below the frame, so we try to give an impression of 'more water' in
the paint package. The actual bird reflection is untouched.
Date: 10 Apr 2023
View: D72_20230309_0714_015 Trees with snow shadow & streak of snow down opposite side (crop).jpg
Description: Two nights with snow fortunately didn't hang around for long. The second shower
was accompanied by a strong East wind, and you can see here the snow has stuck
to the east side of these trees, but also left a 'tree snow shadow' on the west
side. The morning was overcast - the dark is not a sunshine shadow.
Date: 09 Apr 2023
View: E63_20230308_1036_189_FB1 Moorhen(s) visits over 20 hours 1 of 8 (crop).jpg
Description: A most welcome return visitor is this Moorhen - or maybe two.
Over 20 hours we got about 12 sightings, of which we kept 8, and
show most of them here.
View: E63_20230308_1424_214+1036_189+1208_198_FB1 Moorhen(s) visits over 20 hours 4+1+3 of 8 (accurate montage).jpg
View: E64_20230308_1750_220+1749_219+20230309_0641_221_FB2 Moorhen(s) visits over 20 hours 7+6+8 of 8 (montage).jpg
Date: 08 Apr 2023
View: bu7_20230307_0151_001+e6a_0154_074_fb5 polecat enters at south hedge & 3 mins later reaches meadow site 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: We glimpsed the first Polecat for months at the end of February 2 weeks, but now
get a couple pics worth showing. On the left they cross the ditch at the south,
and 3 minutes later we assume that same individual takes a selfie about 50m away
at the meadow site.
Date: 07 Apr 2023
View: BU7_20230305_1006_127 Dog leaping over ditch - no other sightings (crop).jpg
Description: This is an amazing pic to get from a cheapish trail camera.
The dog must have been moving fast - the dog is not present on
the previous or next frame.
The dog's owner appears to be the brown directly above the black area
on the dog's back. The dog was photographed nowhere else on the site,
so we assume that the owner called the dog back immediately.
Date: 06 Apr 2023
View: BU5_20230305_0014_042_SC1 Fox drinks from Round Pond as Mallard pair keep away.jpg
Description: A midnight moment - the fox takes a drink as the pair of Mallard Duck
watch from a safe place on the water.
View: BU5_20230307_2010_033_SC1 Badger pair on bank of Round Pond with Mallard Duck pair on water.jpg
Description: 2 nights later we see that the Mallard Duck pair may be regularly spending the
night on Round Pond. They are here keeping their distance from a pair of
Badgers stopping by for a drink.
Date: 05 Apr 2023
View: E60_20230302_1443_008_FB3 Grey Squirrel grooming tail.jpg
Description: Grey Squirrels have a bad reputation as being flea-ridden tree-rats.
But its not from lack of effort in their grooming.
View: E64_20230306_1453_028_FB2 Grey Squirrel Grooming.jpg
View: DF3_20230304_1350_192 Grey Squirrel inside bait bag eating strawberry end.jpg
Description: This Grey Squirrel has found the way into the bait bag (a decades old dilapidated
camera bag!) and could eat anything it wanted.
What did they pick? A piece of strawberry.
Date: 04 Apr 2023
View: BU8_20230302_0744_004-06 Pheasant male displaying to female (montage).jpg
Description: One of the male Pheasants with one of his Harem by the Duck Pond goes
in for a set of exaggerated postures intended to impress the female.
Trampling down the Snowdrops doesn't seem to be an issue.
View: E63_20230306_1613_058_FB1 Pheasant pair at hedge bottom (orig & final).jpg
Description: Here at the hedge bottom a few days later we see (probably the same) male
pheasant courting a different female.
View: E64_20230306_1723_042_FB2 Pheasant male after chasing away Grey Squirrel (orig).jpg
Description: An hour later this male Pheasant has just seen off a Grey Squirrel,
and isn't he proud of himself!
Date: 03 Apr 2023
View: BUA_20230224_0502_057_SC8 Badger with snout deep under leaves.jpg
Description: This Badger spent several minutes with muzzle deep in the leaf litter.
View: E63_20230308_0008_167_FB1 Badger (crop).jpg
Description: This Badger visits the Hedge bottom site.
There hasn't been a single week this winter when we haven't seen a badger.
Date: 02 Apr 2023
View: E63_20230224_1457_128_FB1 2 Wood Pigeons in elegant positions at hedge bottom (crop).jpg
Description: These two beautiful Wood Pigeons remind us of a Pas de deux.
Actually ballet seems very artificial compared to the elegance of these two.
View: DF3_20230302_1019_013 Wood Pigeon sunning themselves on branch.jpg
Description: Wood Pigeons may be a scourge, but their beautiful matt feathers
seem to set Pigeons apart from most common birds.
Date: 01 Apr 2023
View: BU2_20230302_0310_168_SC7 2 Badgers romping at bottom of Round Mound.jpg
Description: This pair of Badgers continue to spend a lot of time romping, or whatever, at
the Round Mound and near the east hedge gap
View: BU7_20230302_0432_058+060 Badger clambering up tree before crossing dried out ditch (accurate montage).jpg
Description: This Badger seems to be climbing the tree near the South hedge, but thinks
better of it and crosses the dry ditch into our patch.
Looking through our 30 years of rainfall records for Februaries we see
5.8cm this year, the lowest since 5.4cm in 1993. The average is about 40cm,
peaking at 66.8 in 2001 - a quite different expectation.
Image Archive arch 2023 mar.htm (view it Here)
Date: 31 Mar 2023
View: DF3_20230227_1402_013 Hazel tree corkscrew outside conservatory mass of Catkins.jpg
Description: A decades old Corkscrew Hazel near the house has exploded with Catkins.
View: DF3_20230227_1401_010 Hazel tree corkscrew outside conservatory mass of Catkins (detail crop of Catkins & flowers).jpg
Description: A more detailed pic also shows the tiny red flowers that 'hope' to catch the Pollen
from another Hazel.
View: DF3_20230227_1403_019 Wild Violet (1st of 2023).jpg
Description: Deep in the 'weeds' beneath the Hazel tree grows another 'weed' - a Wild Violet.
Date: 30 Mar 2023
View: E60_20230227_1220_008_FB3 Sparrowhawk male on kitchen bird table (crop).jpg
Description: The male Sparrowhawk lands on the kitchen bird table.
We haven't seen the female for a few weeks - this may be good or bad.
View: DF3_20230226_0944_109+114 Bird window impact powder image 80cm Wingspan (montage as insert).jpg
Description: We missed the sound of this bird strike on an east facing window of the conservatory.
The wing span is about 80cm - the most likely source is a Wood Pigeon, but it could
also be the male Sparrowhawk.
No telltale scatter of feathers to examine - good - at worst a bad headache.
Date: 29 Mar 2023
View: E63_20230226_1256_254_FB1 Rook with corn grain in tip of beak.jpg
Description: Enormous bill, Tiny seed.
View: E63_20230226_1501_295_FB1 Pheasant male walking through hedge bottom as Dunnock flees.jpg
Description: The biggest risk for the Dunnock is being stepped on, but why take the chance.
Date: 28 Mar 2023
View: D01_20230225_0151_017-0152_019_FB6 Barn Owl 2 minute visit to Meadow Post (Montage @400mS+60S).jpg
Description: A short visit from a Barn Owl to the Meadow Post.
View: E63_20230224_1938_163+1853_159+1942_165_FB1 Mouse visits at Hedge bottom (accurate montage over 1hr).jpg
Description: What may be just the one individual Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) spends an hour feeding at the woodland site.
View: E63_20230226_1819_310_FB1 Tawny Owl hunting at Hedge Bottom (crop).jpg
Description: Without visiting the Meadow Post on the same night we see this Tawny Owl diving
into the hedge bottom site, possible targeting that Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) we saw a couple of days before.
Date: 27 Mar 2023
View: DF3_20230224_1603_002 Snowdrops on NW bank of main pond (orig & final).jpg
Description: The Snowdrops have been a real delight this year.
View: DF3_20230226_0744_076 Snowdrops on bank of Duck Pond.jpg
Description: A much smaller clump at Duck Pond is better lit and easier to get close-up photos.
Date: 26 Mar 2023
View: BU5_20230219_1218_007_SC1 Muntjac Reeves Deer male crosses pond to follow female onto island 1 of 2 (crop).jpg
Description: This is something we have not seen before - a Reeves' Muntjac Deer splashing
through a pond. On the right edge a female Reeves' Muntjac Deer is already on
the Round Pond island, as the male, dutifully following, splashes his way
across the water. 2 further pics in the sequence (typically 3 seconds later) show
no signs of either Deer, but are clearly properly timed from the ripples still
spreading. We wondered whether the Fawn has been secreted on the island, but a
check next day with a small Thermal imager didn't show any unexplained 'hot
View: BU8_20230220_1146_049-051 Muntjac Reeves Deer pair walking by Duck Pond (montage).jpg
Description: Next day we again see the male dutifully following the female, this time in a less
spectacular setting past the Duck shaped pond.
Date: 25 Mar 2023
View: E6A_20230222_2054_406+2150_405+2057_407_FB5 Rat visiting Meadow site over 8 minutes (montage).jpg
Description: First a not very welcome night-time visitor at the meadow site - our first Rat for months.
Once we have seen Rats we make sure we don't leave out food near the house
that they could find.
View: D01_20230223_2115_053-2119_061_FB6 Tawny Owl 5+ minute visit to Meadow Post 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: But now a visitor missed for several weeks, this Tawny Owl makes an at least 5 minute visit.
We didn't get to see the bird hunting at the nearby Meadow site.
GO GET THAT RAT! But a Rat is too big for any UK Owl.
Date: 24 Mar 2023
View: D5C_20230221_1037_029+1036_013+1028_002 Long-tailed Tits waiting in hedge to access peanut feeder (montage).jpg
Description: Outside the study window Long-tailed Tits visited the peanut feeder in relays,
stopping in this tangle of bramble and other hedging plants to wait their turn.
This montage over about 10 minutes is probably different individuals.
Date: 23 Mar 2023
View: E63_20230220_1421_105_FB1 Grey Squirrel feeding with Robin very close to head.jpg
Description: One Squirrel will attack anything that gets near.
Another quietly ignores arrivals even when they are so close they could easily attack.
How can the bird be sure the Squirrel isn't in an attacking mood. 'Theory of Mind?'
View: E63_20230220_1426_106_FB1 Robin flying from Hedge bottom with seed as Grey Squirrel continues to feed.jpg
Description: A few minutes later the brave Robin flies off with his prize.
Date: 22 Mar 2023
View: E63_20230220_0648_065_FB1 Robin pair at stone with shadows (crop).jpg
Description: The Robin over the stone is actually in the air without the bird on the ground (back to us)
apparently being concerned.
View: E6A_20230222_1440_366_FB5 Robin pair at Meadow site.jpg
Description: Two days later we see what is probably another pair of Robins not fighting, this
time at the Meadow site.
Robin territories here seem to be about a 20-30m radius
here, about the distance between these two sites.
Date: 21 Mar 2023
View: DF3_20230221_0848_072-0849_103 Muntjac Deer male walking across south grass margin (montage).jpg
Description: We spotted this male Reeves' Muntjac Deer in our orchard as we left for a walk,
but he quickly departed. We find him on the grass outside our south hedge. He
gave us a look, but just decided to ignore us and continues his foraging, at one
point starting to walk closer to us.
View: DF3_20230221_0849_116 Muntjac Deer male walking onto crop margin.jpg
Description: After crossing the concrete track he makes a bee-line for the farmers crop ...
View: DF3_20230221_0851_139 Muntjac Deer male eating a little of the crop.jpg
Description: ... where he took only a couple of mouthfuls before wandering on.
Reeves' Muntjac Deer here rarely seem to eat much of any one thing, much preferring
to eat a wide mix of grass, leaves and twigs.
View: DF3_20230221_0851_145+142+146 Muntjac Reeves Deer male arrived at hedge & decides to go through (spread montage).jpg
Description: The Deer finally makes it to the west boundary hedge, gives us a withering stare,
before disappearing into the hedge.
Date: 20 Mar 2023
View: E64_20230219_0852_377_FB2 Grey Squirrel carrying away small apple.jpg
Description: Our stock of small apples continues to be a favourite of anything that can carry them off.
View: E64_20230222_1448_244_FB2 Grey Squirrel nibbling tip of Pear.jpg
Description: The stalk end of pear makes a decent meal for this Grey squirrel.
Date: 19 Mar 2023
View: D72_20230218_0939_004+DF3_20230219_0858_013 Rook nest construction over 24 hours 1+2 of 2 (montage).jpg
Description: We sometimes mention that some birds can build nests incredibly quickly.
Here in just 24 hours the nest just up and left of centre changes from
a few twigs to big enough for the female to 'try it out'.
View: DF3_20230220_0950_017 Rook perched longways along 11kV cable.jpg
Description: This Rook was watching us suspiciously, unusually lined up ALONG the wire.
View: DF3_20230220_1341_020 3 Rook over and 1 in Rooks nest.jpg
Description: A genuine single frame of three Rooks lined up over a nest with a fourth trying it out.
Date: 18 Mar 2023
View: BU9_20230216_1441_024_SC2 Muntjac Reeves Deer male eating Blackberry leaves at end of orchard.jpg
Description: The regular male Reeves' Muntjac Deer eats some Blackberry leaves, somehow
avoiding, or resistant to, the thorns.
View: BU7_20230218_0706_023+022 Muntjac Reeves Deer male at south hedge (montage).jpg
Description: Two moments of our male Reeves' Muntjac Deer at the South hedge.
The males little tusks look rather more robust when viewed from 'underneath' as
we see on the right.
Date: 17 Mar 2023
View: BU7_20230212_2000_058-060 Badger entering over ditch at south hedge gap (montage).jpg
Description: A couple of hours after dark this Badger makes their way into our patch at
the south hedge. More usually Badgers are first seen entering at the east hedge.
View: BUA_20230222_1930_151+154-156_SC8 2 Badgers near east hedge gap romping or mating (montage).jpg
Description: Near the East hedge we catch this pair of Badgers 'Romping, play fighting or
A web search indicates that February is the peak mating time, but the females typically
delay implantation until December. for a 7 week gestation.
View: BU2_20230222_2001_326_SC7 2 Badgers at Round Mound.jpg
Description: Half an hour later what we assume is the same pair still 'mucking about',
this time at the bottom of the Round Mound.
Date: 16 Mar 2023
View: D72_20230213_1240_013 Viburnum burkwoodii flower head.jpg
Description: Two of the Viburnum Burkwoodii bushes are in full flower.
The range of colours in each flower-head varies from dark red to almost white.
View: D72_20230213_1052_005 Snowdrops (mixed species) at bottom of Apple tree in Orchard.jpg
Description: This year there seem to be clumps of Snowdrops to be found hiding all over the
meadow area and orchard. Here it seems that we have two species in separate groups.
View: D72_20230213_1255_026 Snowdrops at base of Willow tree south of meadow (crop 2).jpg
Description: A little detail from an untidy clump hiding at the bottom of a willow Tree
currently overwhelmed by Blackberry bushes
View: DF3_20230211_0955_181 Snowdrops along NW bank of main pond with reflection.jpg
Description: The newly cleared pond now sports several metres of Snowdrops in flower
along the North East bank. This patch has gradually expanded from a
single clump over a couple of decades - a slow but sure progress
Date: 15 Mar 2023
View: BU7_20230212_1203_046-048 Fox hunting by south ditch (montage over a few seconds).jpg
Description: An unusual time for 'our' Fox to visit - bang on Noon, so
possibly a female with lots of cubs to grow or feed.
View: BU7_20230212_1638_053 Fox.jpg
Description: Four hours later what may be the same Fox makes their way towards
the south exit.
Date: 14 Mar 2023
View: BU7_20230209_1850_012 Badger near east hedge gap.jpg
Description: We think the same Badger visiting first the South ditch ...
View: E63_20230209_2004_128-2009_131_FB1 Badger visits hedge bottom for 8 mins 4+5+2 of 5 (montage).jpg
Description: ... spending several minutes rummaging around at the hedge bottom ...
View: E64_20230209_2047_109_FB2 Badger at Woodland site.jpg
Description: ... and then making a visit to the Woodland site.
Date: 13 Mar 2023
View: DF3_20230210_0950_145 Muntjac Reeves Deer newborn Fawn with mother & father 46 of 65 (crop).jpg
Description: New Fawn Continued ...
Once the Fawn has apparently exhausted the current supply of milk, the pair
wander off in the direction the male went.
View: DF3_20230210_0952_162 Muntjac Reeves Deer newborn Fawn with mother & father 53 of 65 (crop).jpg
Description: Here is a detail of the wobbly Fawn.
View: BUA_20230210_0956_041_SC8 Muntjac Reeves Deer newborn Fawn with mother & father 57 of 65 (crop 2).jpg
Description: Mum and Fawn arrive at the east hedge and the automatic trail-cam
catches another image of the Fawn.
View: BU3_20230210_1001_059_SC6 Muntjac Reeves Deer newborn Fawn with mother & father 60 of 65 (crop).jpg
Description: The last we saw of the pair is of them, without the male, walking down the
access track on the West side only about 5 minutes later. Since then we have
seen the female a few times, but not with the Fawn - we hope that she has just
'parked' the Fawn somewhere for safety in the daytime as deer do.
Date: 12 Mar 2023
View: DF3_20230210_0946_033 Muntjac Reeves Deer newborn Fawn with mother & father 11 of 65 (crop).jpg
Description: At 09:45 in the morning we come across this sight - a very wobbly and wet Fawn
sucking on Mums teats. The bottom of the fawn shows a red patch we assume to be
the bitten through umbilical cord. Mum spends a lot of effort licking over the
fawn who is wet all over despite their having been no rain - we have to assume
amniotic fluid.
View: DF3_20230210_0946_049 Muntjac Reeves Deer newborn Fawn with mother & father 18 of 65 (crop).jpg
Description: The Fawn seems already adept at sucking the milk, and at times got quite
vigorous to get out the 'last drop'. Mum has noticed us standing still perhaps
10 metres away, but seemed to consider our presence 'harmless'.
View: DF3_20230210_0948_073 Muntjac Reeves Deer newborn Fawn with mother & father 29 of 65 (crop).jpg
Description: Dad (presumably) strolls in and we can only describe his viewing of the
Fawn as 'proud Dad' sharing for a moment in the licking duties.
The male (with antlers) is on the left.
View: DF3_20230210_0949_114 Muntjac Reeves Deer newborn Fawn with mother & father 41 of 65 (crop).jpg
Description: Dad wanders off 40m towards the east hedge gap while the Fawn gets really
busy moving from teat to teat. You can see 2 of the teats against the white fur
above the Fawn's muzzle.
More tomorrow ...
Date: 11 Mar 2023
View: E63_20230207_2001_174_FB1 Badger at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: Two rather nice portraits of probably the same Badger on visits 2 nights apart.
Here they are at the hedge bottom.
View: E64_20230209_0143_219_FB2 Badger at Woodland site - then knocks over IR sensor for FB4 at Tree Stump 1 of 2.jpg
Description: Two nights on after midnight this second visit turned into a minor disaster when they
knocked over and smashed some equipment at another site.
Enjoy seeing Badgers - just accept what they blunder into!
Date: 10 Mar 2023
View: DF3_20230205_1233_080 Chaffinch female in budding cherry blossom.jpg
Description: Perched among the budding Cherry this female Chaffinch is probably
protected by the surrounding wood from one of the many Sparrowhawk
attacks we see many times a day.
Date: 09 Mar 2023
View: E63_20230204_1820_343_FB1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) holding opened sunflower seed (crop).jpg
Description: Here is a first for us - a Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) has opened a sunflower seed and is just
about to eat the Kernel from the 'opened' case held in their paws.
View: E6A_20230206_1841_148+1829_146_FB5 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) - 2 original pairs left and right - one with white fur patches (acc montage).jpg
Description: The left pair of Field Mice and the right pair are accurately montaged about
10 minutes apart. The mouse second from the left has a patch of white fur
on their rump that is also not as sleek as the remaining fur.
View: E6A_20230207_1837_301_FB5 2 Fieldmice (Wood Mice) - one with white fur patches.jpg
Description: Next night another appearance of the white furred Mouse.
View: d3e_11444 fb1 Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) with white patch on back 2005feb28_22-41-00 (crop).jpg
Description: Remembering something like about a patch of white fur on a mouse, we trawled our
archive, and from our early photos we found some unpublished pics from February & Mar 2005.
So here is the clearest of the set resurrected from 18 years ago - 28 Feb 2005!
The filename doesn't match our current date and time style.
Date: 08 Mar 2023
View: BU5_20230204_1306_350-352_SC1 Grey Squirrel fails in attack on Pheasant male (montage).jpg
Description: One sort of assumes that a Grey Squirrel leaping at you would make anything move.
But apparently not - we suspect that the Pheasant did a quick turn and
kick back with a spur that the Squirrel didn't expect!
View: E64_20230208_1648_205+1652_206+1653_207_FB2 Grey Squirrel attacks Pheasant female 3 times in 5 minutes 1-3 of 3 (montage).jpg
Description: In 5 minutes we catch 3 instances of presumably the same Grey Squirrel and
female Pheasant disagreeing about who can have the food. The action moves in
pairs from left to right, the last including the last sighting of the Pheasant
until the next day.
Date: 07 Mar 2023
View: DF3_20230204_1249_026 Muntjac Reeves Deer male (healing tops of rear legs) looking back at camera.jpg
Description: Some of the meadow is a brush of dead grass in which we surprise this
male Reeves' Muntjac Deer.
View: BU7_20230128_1327_088-090 Muntjac Reeves Deer male approaching south hedge gap with scraped back legs (approx montage).jpg
Description: Over the wet ditch and out onto the farm land.
Date: 06 Mar 2023
View: E6A_20230203_1535_197_FB5 Green Woodpecker male (crop).jpg
Description: This gorgeous male Green Woodpecker stops for a look around the Meadow Site.
The missing tail is off the left of the original frame.
Date: 05 Mar 2023
View: PK1_20230203_1111_333 Sparrowhawk bathing at SW side of main pond 01 of 18 including reflection (crop).jpg
Description: If you enjoyed the Sparrowhawk bathing from a few days earlier, here is the
sequel from a few days later.
A lovely reflection from the almost still bird - the moment the bathing starts
the water is too rippled to make a coherent reflection.
View: DF4_20230203_1112_016+113_053+055+068 Sparrowhawk bathing at SW side of main pond 03+08+09+13 of 18 (montage).jpg
View: DF4_20230203_1113_069-072 Sparrowhawk bathing at SW side of main pond 14-17 of 18 Takeoff (montage @7fps).jpg
Description: This time the take-off was from just in the shallow water a bit further along the bank.
Right to left - crouch down and spring into flight!
Date: 04 Mar 2023
View: E63_20230202_0754_011_FB1 Great Tit on stone at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: A Great Tit standing expectantly on the hedge bottom stone.
View: E6A_20230202_1306_073_FB5 Blackbird female showing detail of underside of tail.jpg
Description: A female Blackbird at the meadow site unusually gives us a look at the
underside of her tail - more contrasty than the whole of the rest of her.
View: E63_20230203_1356_168_FB1 Robin + Blackbird male + Dunnock fracas.jpg
Description: A little Fracas at the hedge bottom - Robin + male Blackbird + Dunnock.
View: E63_20230206_1639_072_FB1 Pheasant female + Wood Pigeon + Magpie at hedge bottom.jpg
Description: We just enjoy mixes of our visiting species NOT fighting!
Date: 03 Mar 2023
View: DF3_20230201_0909_110 Sheep and Rooks in field over road to west inc 3 sheep moving as one (orig & final).jpg
Description: A flock of about 100 sheep has been systematically moved from field to field to
our SW and South to eat the untidy crop obviously grown for them and as a green
mulch. They have here arrived in the field across the main road. Rooks are
equally enjoying the recently exposed ground. These 3 Sheep were strangely
moving about pushing together to make a sort of 12 legged 3 headed creature.
They could move apart but most of the time seemed to enjoy the comfort of each
others presence.
Date: 02 Mar 2023
View: D01_20230130_1524_009+010+1528_013+014+1529_015+016_FB6 Rook + Jackdaw + Rook landing over 6 mins (montage).jpg
Description: In just 6 minutes we get three Corvid landings - a Rook. then a Jackdaw and
then a different Rook. Between each first-second, third-fourth, and fifth-sixths
images 400mS has elapsed.
View: DF3_20230131_1532_091+095+098 Red Kite turning in flight changing light of low sun over underbody (montage).jpg
Description: Red Kites have, in our 30 year tenure, become a delight to watch, thanks to
an army of enthusiasts working on their re-introduction.
When the sun is low in the sky, as here, the underside of the birds are
struck by an ever changing pattern of light and shadow.
Date: 01 Mar 2023
View: E6A_20230129_1029_453_FB5 Great Tit with Sunflower seed in beak.jpg
Description: Great Tit with a sunflower seed in the beak tip.
View: DF5_20230130_1357_004 Long-tailed Tit on Willow twig.jpg
Description: At last a decent pic of a Long-tail Tit, here perched on a sloping Willow twig.
Image Archive arch 2023 feb.htm (view it Here)
Date: 28 Feb 2023
View: DF4_20230129_0933_050 Sparrowhawk bathing in main pond 24 of 82 (crop).jpg
Description: ... Continued.
A Sparrowhawk stopped for a bathe in the main pond, visible from the house window.
View: DF4_20230129_0935_178-0936_206 Sparrowhawk bathing in main pond 66+76+78-80 of 82 (impression montage).jpg
Description: Finally the bird clambered on to the bank, had a shake, and flew off
into the Woodland obscurity.
View: DF4_20230129_0936_204 Sparrowhawk bathing in main pond 78 of 82 (crop).jpg
Description: Finally a portrait of him on the bank.
This turned out not to be an isolated instance. A major effort to clear the pond
of being choked by Irises roots has opened up a line-of-sight to this end of the
pond. A few days after these photos we had a 'repeat performance', so these
sessions might be a regular feature of these images.
Date: 27 Feb 2023
View: PK1_20230129_0935_252 Sparrowhawk bathing in main pond 75 of 82 (crop).jpg
Description: A Sparrowhawk stopped for a bathe in the main pond, visible from the kitchen window
despite some obstructions.
View: DF4_20230129_0933_022-0935_178 Sparrowhawk bathing in main pond 09+21+66+36+58+55 of 82 (montage).jpg