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Birds, Insects & Bats in flight (outdoors) Page 62
Image Taken on 31 Mar 2017
at 13:32 Image of day on 18 May 2017
The male Skylarks have been putting on an enjoyable show.
Ref: 20170518_df3_20170331_1332_123-125 skylark in flight 1-3 of 6 (montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 26 Mar 2017
at 12:51 Image of day on 09 May 2017
The arrival of Arable farming brings it's own set of disappointments,
but for us a great plus in an explosion of the number of Skylarks.
Ref: 20170509_df3_20170326_1251_089-092 skylark in flight 1-4 of 4 (montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 26 Mar 2017
at 13:01 Image of day on 09 May 2017
This Skylark started a traverse before gaining much height, singing all the way.
Ref: 20170509_df3_20170326_1301_123-126 skylark in flight 1-4 of 4 (montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 13 Apr 2017
at 07:13 Image of day on 31 May 2017
The sweet sound of Skylarks help you find them in the sky as
they rise up to defend their territory with music.
Ref: 20170531_df3_20170413_0713_128-132 skylark in flight 1-5 of 5 (close spaceed montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 26 Mar 2017
at 13:04 Image of day on 09 May 2017
This is an accurate montage of a Skylark flight over a bit over 1 second.
The turning of head, slowing down and dropping at the end seems to be genuine.
Ref: 20170509_df3_20170326_1304_143-150 skylark in flight 1-8 of 8 (accurate montage @ 7fps)(r+mb id@1024).jpg
Image Taken on 16 Apr 2017
at 08:14 Image of day on 03 Jun 2017
Birds don't make facial expressions, but we can only see 'Joy' in this Skylark.
Ref: 20170603_df3_20170416_0814_336 skylark in flight 3 of 3 (crop)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 31 Mar 2017
at 13:33 Image of day on 18 May 2017
This is a fairly accurate montage of this Skylark initially dropping down and then using the
speed gained to climb up again.
Ref: 20170518_df3_20170331_1333_136-145 skylark in flight against clouds 01-10 of 10 (aprox montage)(r+mb id@1024).jpg
Image Taken on 31 Mar 2017
at 13:33 Image of day on 18 May 2017
The male Skylarks have been putting on an enjoyable show.
Ref: 20170518_df3_20170331_1333_130-135 skylark in flight approaching clouds 1-6 of 6 (montage slightly stretched)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 17 Jun 2008
at 16:29 Image of day on 30 Jun 2008
Skylarks seem to spend some their time in flight with
wings closed. Do wish we could include the liquid song, but even
if we recorded it the noise from the camera would drown it out.
Ref: 20080630_dc1_20080617_1629_442 skylark in flight with wings almost closed(r+mb id@576).jpg
Image Taken on 09 Apr 2017
at 10:22 Image of day on 31 May 2017
Skylarks ascending are reasonably predictable, but descents are erratic,
very hard to follow, and the focus changes very fast. So here we were lucky
(= lots of tries) to get this bird aerobraking to land in the corn crop.
Ref: 20170531_df3_20170409_1022_061-063 skylark landing in corn crop 1-3 of 4 (accurate montage @ 7fps)(r+mb id@432).jpg
Image Taken on 07 Jun 2011
at 10:22 Image of day on 10 Jul 2011
This skylark seem to have a nest about 300m away in the (still uncut but very
sparse) meadow to our east and we got an atypically good view of the top of the wing.
Try to imagine the liquid silver song pouring from that open beak.
Ref: 20110710_df1_20110607_1022_039 skylark singing in flight (selected) 01 of 16 (crop)(r+mb id@432).jpg
Image Taken on 07 Jun 2011
at 10:22 Image of day on 10 Jul 2011
About 1 second of 'The Lark Ascending'.
The spacing and slope is reconstructed from memory and probably
too close - see later.
Ref: 20110710_df1_20110607_1022_060-065 skylark singing in flight (selected) 09-14 of 16 (sequential impression montage @ 7fps)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 16 Mar 2014
at 09:57 Image of day on 24 Apr 2014
This Skylark was starting his ascent, singing his little heart out.
This is an accurate montage at about 4fps (so this is less than a second).
Ref: 20140424_df2_20140316_0957_346-349 skylark singing in flight 1-4 of 4 (accurate montage @ about 4fps)(r+mb id@1024).jpg
Image Taken on 08 Jun 2011
at 16:33 Image of day on 10 Jul 2011
And then he briefly got quite close to us overhead.
Ref: 20110710_df1_20110608_1633_602 skylark singing in flight 3 of 7 (crop @432)(r+mb id@432).jpg
Image Taken on 08 Jun 2011
at 15:13 Image of day on 10 Jul 2011
Next day some soft cumulus clouds gave us reference points to
accurately space the images but were sparse enough not to flare
out the images. So this is about half a second of 'flight' -
skylarks seem to spend about half their time singing with wings
firmly closed.
Ref: 20110710_df1_20110608_1513_296-298+1414_299 skylark singing in flight 3-6 of 8 (accurate montage @ 7fps)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 17 Apr 2012
at 10:13 Image of day on 11 May 2012
Over a corn crop in an adjacent field, this Skylark waves it's head about to direct the sound,
creating the characteristic rise and fall in volume. Read left to right moving down -
bottom right he stopped singing and started his dive to ground.
Ref: 20120511_df1_20120417_1013_055-118 skylark singing in flight turning head to direct sound (selected) 1-9 of 9 (montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg
Image Taken on 09 Mar 2014
at 09:04 Image of day on 18 Apr 2014
One pair of Skylarks spent a minute or two fluttering round each
other over the hedge. It was all so quick and random we can't
find a suitable montage to express it, so here is a moment of the
birds facing each other.
The 'adjusted' aspect was 'raising' the hedge a bit to provide some context.
Ref: 20140418_df2_20140309_0904_387 2 skylarks fluttering around each other over hedge 07 of 33 (adjusted crop)(r+mb id@576).jpg
Image Taken on 05 Aug 2014
at 05:58 Image of day on 16 Oct 2014
There are now many sites where we find scattered remains of snail
shells broken on slabs of stone, drain covers and corrugated
iron. We must have quite a few young Song Thrushes - and possibly
now not so many slugs and snails!
Ref: 20141016_e64_20140805_0558_052_fb2 song thrush juvenile landing on log(r+mb id@576).jpg
Image Taken on 05 Sep 2018
at 14:17 Image of day on 29 Oct 2018
4 images of a female Southern Hawker Dragonfly in this pic, if you
can only find them spread across the confusing ground flying right to left.
Ref: 20181029_df3_20180905_1417_113-116 southern hawker dragonfly female in flight 1-4 of 4 (accurate montage @7fps)(r+mb id@1024).jpg
Image Taken on 05 Sep 2018
at 14:17 Image of day on 29 Oct 2018
This is a detail of the last image in the montage (far left).
The male of the Southern Hawker Dragonfly is our most commonly seen
large Hawker, but we don't often see the females like this one except when
depositing eggs at the edge of a pond, so a pleasing moment.
Ref: 20181029_df3_20180905_1417_116 southern hawker dragonfly female in flight 4 of 4 (crop)(r+mb id@576).jpg
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