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Birds - Blackbird Page 8

Image Taken on 20 May 2007 at 06:39    Image of day on 03 Jun 2007

A Blackbird male looking unusually spruce for the breeding season.

Ref: 20070603_d35_20070520_0639_065 fb2 blackbird male(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 16 Feb 2007 at 16:49    Image of day on 27 Feb 2007

Nice portrait of a blackbird male.

Ref: 20070227_d3e_20070216_1649_048 fb1 blackbird male(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 13 Feb 2007 at 04:44    Image of day on 24 Feb 2007

The blackbirds are also breeding (seen collecting nesting material) but we don't know where. This is the male - the females are brown (typical naming!)

Ref: 20070224_d35_20070213_0444_013 fb2 blackbird male(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 01 Jun 2006 at 17:47    Image of day on 09 Jun 2006

A nicely posed portrait of a Blackbird male. We see him and his mate quite often in real and photographic form but haven't included an image for quite a while.

Ref: 20060609_d35_20060601_1747_057 fb2 blackbird male(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 19 Feb 2014 at 14:43    Image of day on 30 Mar 2014

At this new site (primarily placed to attract hunting owls) this Male and female Blackbird quickly found the site, but as usual rarely show nicely as a pair. So here is an accurate montage half an hour apart.

Ref: 20140330_e62_20140219_1443_179+1409_164_fb5 blackbird male & female (montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 18 Feb 2018 at 08:45    Image of day on 22 Mar 2018

At about 1 hourly intervals blackbirds photographed themselves at this site. At first we thought the males (top and bottom) were the same bird, but closer examination shows the primary feather tips of the top bird show a white outlining not present on the bottom bird, and there are differences in the shape of the eye-ring.

Ref: 20180322_e62_20180218_0845_207+0924_208+1022_209_fb5 blackbird male + female + different male about 1hr apart (montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image of day on 05 Jan 2006

Our male blackbird showing a rear view.

Ref: 20060105_d3c_26599 fb2 blackbird male 2005dec30_08-02-16(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image of day on 30 Jan 2006

Blackbird male in nice pose showing speckled chest.

Ref: 20060130_d3c_26723 fb2 blackbird male 2006jan26_08-17-26(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 31 Jul 2024 at 17:38    Image of day on 14 Sep 2024

Probably the same male Blackbird spends 3 minutes panting in the hot sun at the top of the Meadow Post.

Ref: 20240914_d01_20240731_1738_170+171+1739_173_fb6 blackbird male 3 minute visit to meadow post 1-3 of 3 (montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 21 Jan 2015 at 07:27    Image of day on 01 Mar 2015

No - we haven't picked up the male Blackbird and tilted it's image a bit! This really was the landing - or an attempted landing.

Ref: 20150301_d36_20150121_0727_081_fb4 blackbird male aerobraking to land on tree-stump(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 17 Jul 2015 at 17:46    Image of day on 21 Sep 2015

This image of Mr and Mrs Blackbird is a genuine unadjusted frame. Parental duties finished for the year, they spend some time feeding together.

Ref: 20150921_e63_20150717_1746_106_fb1 blackbird male and female at the site simultaneously (crop)(r+mb id@1024).jpg

Image Taken on 09 Feb 2017 at 15:57    Image of day on 27 Mar 2017

The male Blackbird (above) seems to be attacking the female reacting on the ground. But we may be mistaking this for some sort of 'look how well I'll defend you' from the male.

Ref: 20170327_e62_20170209_1557_054_fb5 blackbird male and female squabbling (crop)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 11 Oct 2024 at 09:27    Image of day on 21 Nov 2024

One of our several male Blackbirds with glowing yellow eye ring and beak.

Ref: 20241121_e63_20241011_0927_058_fb1 blackbird male at hedge bottom(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 22 Jan 2024 at 09:20    Image of day on 17 Feb 2024

A lively male Blackbird takes his selfie.
The bright yellow beak matches the resident male who has not apparently lost his territory to the influx of immigrant Blackbirds.

Ref: 20240217_e63_20240122_0920_030_fb1 blackbird male at hedge bottom(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 31 May 2023 at 05:19    Image of day on 26 Jul 2023

We have not seen much of Blackbirds, so its nice to see this male in apparently good condition.

Ref: 20230726_e63_20230531_0519_138_fb1 blackbird male at hedge bottom(r+mb id@1024).jpg

Image Taken on 09 Jan 2023 at 11:09    Image of day on 04 Feb 2023

A perky male Blackbird

Ref: 20230204_e63_20230109_1109_052_fb1 blackbird male at hedge bottom(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 01 Dec 2022 at 07:51    Image of day on 29 Dec 2022

This immaculate male Blackbird has selected some sort of seed now in his beak. His shadow shows the partly open beak.

Ref: 20221229_e63_20221201_0751_003_fb1 blackbird male at hedge bottom with fresh grass growing behind(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 22 Jul 2015 at 16:38    Image of day on 21 Sep 2015

This sunbathing male Blackbird wasn't pleased to see us, and soon disappeared into the hedge behind.

Ref: 20150921_df3_20150722_1638_018 blackbird male basking in vegetable garden(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 31 May 2016 at 13:12    Image of day on 07 Jul 2016

Several days with no sign of the sun and endless rain and drizzle doesn't seem to have been enjoyed any more by the wildlife than by us. This drenched Blackbird had arrived too early for the hoped for offering.

Ref: 20160707_d36_20160531_1312_027_fb4 blackbird male bedraggled in rain(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 05 Dec 2012 at 08:20    Image of day on 30 Dec 2012

A startling yellow tongue makes us wonder whether black-beaked blackbirds have black tongues? We will keep our eyes open.

Ref: 20121230_d45_20121205_0820_127_fb1 blackbird male by snow with yellow beak and yellow tongue (crop)(r+mb id@576).jpg




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