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Birds - Robin Page 5

Image of day on 27 Oct 2005

The robin surveying the feeding area.

Ref: 20051027_d3e_26061 fb1 robin 2005oct21_07-20-14(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image of day on 17 Sep 2005

Robin using the rock as a morning lookout post.

Ref: 20050917_d3e_24747 fb1 robin 2005sep11_06-04-32(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image of day on 27 Sep 2005

A sleek Robin delicately picking over the corn for breakfast.

Ref: 20050927_d3e_25326 fb1 robin 2005sep24_06-14-14(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image of day on 07 Feb 2006

A robin singing but out of our earshot. What a pity.

Ref: 20060207_d3e_28914 fb1 robin 2006feb03_07-18-40(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image of day on 11 Feb 2006

The robin at the remote feeding log.

Ref: 20060211_d3c_26668 fb2 robin 2006feb05_17-10-24(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image of day on 22 Jan 2006

A robin nicely poised on the small log. Warmer weather now so not as plumped out as the image for 17 Jan 2006 (taken on the 12th)

Ref: 20060122_d3c_26622 fb2 robin 2006jan17_16-16-16(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image of day on 03 Feb 2006

A Robin nicely poised on the log.

Ref: 20060203_d3c_26623 fb2 robin 2006jan27_16-47-32(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 27 Dec 2007 at 07:35    Image of day on 27 Jan 2008

A bit near the right edge of the field of view for artistic crop, but this robin, about to land with claws outstretched and legs bent ready to absorb the impact of landing, catches our fancy.

Ref: 20080127_d3b_20071227_0735_072 fb1 robin about to land(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 22 Feb 2015 at 07:11    Image of day on 07 Apr 2015

The Tree sparrow doesn't seem pleased to see the Robin arriving in this pre-dawn encounter.

Ref: 20150407_e63_20150222_0711_143_fb1 robin about to land by or on tree sparrow standing on stone (crop)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 31 Jul 2018 at 06:58    Image of day on 19 Sep 2018

An early morning Robin 'drops in' next to a juvenile Tree Sparrow that doesn't seem particularly concerned - it may not know that some Robin are 'bully boys'.

Ref: 20180919_e62_20180731_0658_083_fb5 robin about to land by tree sparrow(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 24 Feb 2009 at 07:08    Image of day on 17 Mar 2009

A robin coming in to land on the log at site 2

Ref: 20090317_d3a_20090224_0708_135 fb2 robin about to land on log(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 06 Mar 2009 at 08:02    Image of day on 25 Mar 2009

A new 'breed' of camera (Casio EX-F1) can store good quality pictures at high speed until you tell it to stop. Just right for catching action you know will happen but don't know when.

Ref: 20090325_cf1_20090306_0802_372 robin about to land on post top(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 11 Jun 2015 at 07:07    Image of day on 18 Aug 2015

Whiffling down though the air to the peanut feeder a little to the right, this Robin is maneuvering itself and starting to lower the landing gear.

Ref: 20150818_e60_20150611_0707_100_fb3 robin adjusting flight to land at peanut feeder (crop 2)(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 29 Jul 2017 at 18:28    Image of day on 13 Sep 2017

A Robin on the ground threatens another flying over, while ignoring the female Chaffinches on either side.
Robins look lovely but are aggressive little birds.

Ref: 20170913_e63_20170729_1828_283_fb1 robin adult on ground threatening juvenile overhead with 2 chaffinches(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 27 May 2020 at 17:49    Image of day on 28 Jun 2020

Things don't always go according to plan.
We have seen this Robin a few times, with what looks like down feathers sticking out of his back. He sings well and flies fine and seems likely to be holding this territory.

Ref: 20200628_d73_20200527_1749_137 robin adult with abnormal feathers over back (sings and flies fine)(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 06 Nov 2023 at 13:29    Image of day on 11 Dec 2023

The Great Tit (bottom left) is barely landing and already the Robin is launching a territorial attack

Ref: 20231211_e63_20231106_1329_041_fb1 robin aerial attack on just landing great tit(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 27 Feb 2006 at 17:20    Image of day on 10 Mar 2006

This robin is probably about to land on the stone The wing position indicates that it is aerobraking - reducing forward speed prior to landing.

Ref: 20060310_d3e_20060227_1720_051 fb1 robin aerobraking(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image of day on 06 Jan 2006

NASA didn't invent aerobraking as this robin demonstrates, though they do it on a grander scale! While regularly seen on waterfowl (ducks, geese and swans) it is so quick on a robin you only see it in slow motion or in a fortuitous still.

Ref: 20060106_d3e_28463 fb1 robin aerobraking 2005dec29_14-54-44(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 17 Nov 2015 at 07:32    Image of day on 27 Dec 2015

A Robin preparing to land. We like the shadow of the legs on the underside of the wing.

Ref: 20151227_e60_20151117_0732_044_fb3 robin aerobraking over perch (adjusted crop)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 26 Nov 2008 at 15:35    Image of day on 18 Dec 2008

As the robin takes off some corn grains and a fallen leaf go flying as well.

Ref: 20081218_d3a_20081126_1535_038 fb2 robin after take-off with wing blown debris(r+mb id@576).jpg




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