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Birds - Woodpeckers Page 18

Image Taken on 01 Feb 2024 at 10:47    Image of day on 24 Feb 2024

Here is the hole in the 1 metre section we find this interesting hole in the lower half. Visually aligning the broken pieces (without transporting a ladder to get to the top of the standing piece) suggests that the hole faced approximately north.

Ref: 20240224_d71_20240201_1047_015 silver birch trunk broken as 3 pieces with 1m section hollowed out by woodpecker 2 of 3(r+mb id@432).jpg

Image Taken on 01 Feb 2024 at 10:48    Image of day on 24 Feb 2024

Inside the short section we find the trunk hollowed out to right up to the bark, suggesting that, unnoticed at the time, a Woodpecker chiselled out a nest hole in this inadequately sized tree. The tree then broke at the weakened section. It would seem the events are not recent - the white coating of Fungi inside the hole is quite thick. Yes - we have searched all of the other birches but can't find any other signs of hole nesting birds using them.

Ref: 20240224_d71_20240201_1048_018 silver birch trunk broken as 3 pieces with 1m section hollowed out by woodpecker 3 of 3(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 14 Dec 2011 at 15:49    Image of day on 14 Jan 2012

A few days later another raptor, a Sparrowhawk with a more smash-and-grab technique, triggered the camera at a peanut feeder. We have no idea of the outcome - the Great Spotted Woodpecker is banking hard with head at the left and already wings folded so probably had enough speed to escape.

Ref: 20120114_d3b_20111214_1549_069_fb3 sparrowhawk attacking great spotted woodpecker (crop 2)(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 21 Feb 2012 at 08:01    Image of day on 24 Mar 2012

20 minutes later the female woodpecker is being rather more assertive?

Ref: 20120324_d3b_20120221_0801_055_fb3 starling and great spotted woodpecker female squabbling as male chaffinch flies in (crop)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 12 Aug 2010 at 18:55    Image of day on 18 Sep 2010

On the left of the original frame was a starling on the nut feeder squawking back, but this seems to be the most satisfying crop from the frame.

Ref: 20100918_d3b_20100812_1855_015_fb3 starling and great spotted woodpecker juvenile squawking at each other (crop 2)(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 27 Apr 2009 at 19:57    Image of day on 22 May 2009

Our new camera position at a horizontal branch fixed to the peanut feeder post produces some interesting top and bottom moments of conflict - this one at dusk. The Woodpecker wing tips were lost off the bottom of the frame - deciding what to cover in the camera field really is a quality compromise and guessing game.

Ref: 20090522_d50_20090427_1957_029 fb3 starling on perch with great spotted woodpecker female hanging beneath(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 16 Feb 2012 at 08:50    Image of day on 24 Mar 2012

The starlings and woodpeckers really don't get on - here the female woodpecker.

Ref: 20120324_d3b_20120216_0850_010_fb3 starling on top of perch and great spotted woodpecker female hanging underneath (crop)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 21 Feb 2012 at 07:42    Image of day on 24 Mar 2012

5 days later we have an almost identical situation but with the male woodpecker and a starling.

Ref: 20120324_d3b_20120221_0742_054_fb3 starling on top of perch and great spotted woodpecker male hanging underneath (crop)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 07 Jun 2009 at 17:30    Image of day on 09 Jul 2009

Montage of 2 successive frames in the rain, first on the RIGHT. From the lack of intervening frames we deduce that the sodden bird sat for 25 minutes preening, and all the better for it!

Ref: 20090709_d36_20090607_1730_088+1754_089 fb3 successive frame montage (24 mins right to left) of great spotted woodpecker in rain(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 13 Jun 2019 at 11:13    Image of day on 27 Jul 2019

The Tree Sparrows have produced their first round of youngsters, and are getting down to the business of making the next batch.
The juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker stayed throughout, more interested in looking for the next feed.

Ref: 20190727_d5c_20190613_1113_003-011 tree sparrows mating in rain twice & great spotted woodpecker juv 02+05-07+10 of 10 (montage)(r+mb id@1024).jpg

Image Taken on 17 May 2024 at 18:39    Image of day on 14 Jun 2024

Woodpeckers have started occasional visits to the Meadow Post. Here you see 4 separate visits. The species and sexes are listed in the filename - the noticeably Larger male Green Woodpecker being third from the left of the otherwise mixed pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Ref: 20240614_d01_20240517_1839_125-20240518_1703_208_fb6 woodpeckers - great spotted female + male + green male + gs female (montage)(r+mb id@1024).jpg




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