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Mammals - Fieldmice (also known as Wood Mice) Page 31

Image Taken on 24 Oct 2010 at 18:40    Image of day on 27 Dec 2010

More from the twee mouse competition folio.

Ref: 20101227_d45_20101024_1840_235_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on hind legs with apples and sloe(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 14 Nov 2010 at 19:24    Image of day on 09 Jan 2011

Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) with paws so clean you can see them shadowed against the white fur.

Ref: 20110109_d45_20101114_1924_236_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on hind legs with front claws shadowed on body(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 25 Sep 2010 at 03:55    Image of day on 22 Nov 2010

"Mr. DeMille - do you prefer my front or profile views?"
Consecutive frames of a ludicrously twee mouse.

Ref: 20101122_d45_20100925_0355_131+0356_132_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on hind legs with front paws together (montage)(r+mb id@1024).jpg

Image Taken on 21 Jan 2011 at 18:36    Image of day on 10 Mar 2011

Some of these mice really know how to look twee!

Ref: 20110310_d45_20110121_1836_109_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on hind legs with tail spread out behind(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 19 Nov 2012 at 16:31    Image of day on 18 Dec 2012

Here we can see that the Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) tail is longer than the body, at least when the mouse is comfortably settled for a feed as we see here.

Ref: 20121218_d5c_20121119_1631_028_fb2 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on log(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 16 Oct 2013 at 04:58    Image of day on 11 Dec 2013

Happenings in the Night: Whee!

Ref: 20131211_d5c_20131016_0458_039_fb2 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on log and another leaping(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 03 Jun 2007 at 21:21    Image of day on 16 Jun 2007

Can I swim? Of course fieldmice (wood mice) can swim but dry is better. A storm on 3 June delivered 31mm of rain, most of it in the 2 hours before this photo. Water is streaming through the site. The vignetting blur is a fun side effect of a drenched camera window.

Ref: 20070616_d36_20070603_2121_018 fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on log surrounded by storm water (crop)(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 01 Nov 2010 at 19:11    Image of day on 30 Dec 2010

A bumper apple crop this year means plenty of windfalls left for all comers night and day.

Ref: 20101230_d45_20101101_1911_057_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on red apple(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 07 Nov 2010 at 17:31    Image of day on 02 Jan 2011

.... until you see what it picks to eat!

Ref: 20110102_d45_20101107_1731_038_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on rotten apple (crop)(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 14 Oct 2010 at 19:29    Image of day on 17 Dec 2010

Some Night visitors to the Hedge bottom
Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) practicing the splits with artistic paw movements?

Ref: 20101217_d45_20101014_1929_055_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on spread hind legs & front paws crossed (@432)(r+mb id@432).jpg

Image Taken on 21 Jan 2010 at 22:32    Image of day on 24 Feb 2010

These two successive frames were taken about 5 hours apart, but appearing consecutively in the 1000's of images we review each week, suggested this 'fun' (for us, not the mouse) lineup.

Ref: 20100224_d3b_20100121_2232_121+20100122_0331_122_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on stone & (next frame 5hrs on) cat sniffing stone (montage)(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 20 Aug 2018 at 04:51    Image of day on 12 Oct 2018

3 fieldmice (wood mice) on the stone on 2 nights, 3 days apart, re-arranged to make a little sequence. The Owl arrived 3 days later - we don't think that this is purely chance.

Ref: 20181012_e63_20180820_0451_368+20180817_0334_079+20180820_0109_352_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on stone (montage)(r+mb id@1024).jpg

Image Taken on 15 Feb 2016 at 18:11    Image of day on 19 Mar 2016

These two creatures were photographed just 4 minutes apart, and we often see Rabbits and Fieldmice (Wood Mice) coexisting in peace. So here is a fun but accurate montage that also contrasts the difference in size.

Ref: 20160319_e63_20160215_1811_032+1807_031_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on stone + rabbit with pear stalk in mouth (montage)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 07 Nov 2024 at 05:12    Image of day on 12 Dec 2024

Fieldmice (Wood Mice) in the right place are really adorable.

Ref: 20241212_e63_20241107_0512_023_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on stone at hedge bottom(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 11 Jan 2016 at 19:23    Image of day on 14 Feb 2016

A Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) at the hedge bottom suddenly raised our interest because it shows a nictitating membrane over the corner of the lit eye. We often see these on birds where they are fully active transparent eye protection but we didn't know anything but birds had them.
A little web-search discovered that they are more widespread, but that in Mice they are vestigial - they have them but no longer have the muscles needed to actually use them.
More info at
We love the instructions on looking at the membrane on a sleeping dog - it does not mention losing fingers as a potential hazard!

Ref: 20160214_e63_20160111_1923_105_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on stone showing vestigial nictitating membrane on eye(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 12 Feb 2016 at 18:16    Image of day on 19 Mar 2016

A little Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) soon after Sunset.
The camera flash (mounted separately and off to one side and higher than the camera) is casting a shadow of the Mouse's tail, which is sticking out towards the camera, on the mouse's body.

Ref: 20160319_e63_20160212_1816_058_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on stone with shadow of tail on body(r+mb id@576).jpg

Image Taken on 30 May 2013 at 23:01    Image of day on 11 Jul 2013

A fieldmouse (wood mouse) in the dark near midnight may have had some moonlight with which to survey the surroundings.

Ref: 20130711_d5c_20130530_2301_065_fb2 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on tip of raised end of log(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 05 Sep 2013 at 22:24    Image of day on 11 Nov 2013

What we think is a single Fieldmouse (Wood Mouse) visiting the tree-stump top 5 times (skipping the first here) in 4 hours through midnight. Notice the peanut butter left front gradually disappearing. In the final (bottom right) frame the apple has been pushed out of frame but is still on the top.

Ref: 20131111_d36_20130905_2224_039+20130906_0217_040+0226_041+0231_042_fb4 fieldmouse (wood mouse) on tree-stump top among food items for 4 hours 2-5 of 5 (montage)(r+mb id@1024).jpg

Image Taken on 06 Dec 2023 at 17:52    Image of day on 10 Jan 2024

We don't understand why we see these mouse jamborees for short periods at most every few days, and this one is the first at the Rabbit (hopefully soon Fox Earth) hole. This camera is set to take 4 pics per trigger, so this is about a quarter of the mouse appearances - apparently a single mouse - there are no frames with two sets of eyes! All in 9 minutes!

Ref: 20240110_sp1_20231206_1752_090-1801_120_sp1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) or fieldmice (wood mice) around rabbit hole (approx montage over 9 mins)(r+mb id@768).jpg

Image Taken on 28 Sep 2010 at 19:31    Image of day on 21 Nov 2010

This field mouse (we think the same one each time but not sure) came visiting this rotten apple for hours. Here is a confection of 3 visits.

Ref: 20101121_d45_20100928_1931_183+1915_177+20100929_0007_205_fb1 fieldmouse (wood mouse) or mice inspecting rotten apple (montage over 5 hours)(r+mb id@768).jpg




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